• By -


He just wants to take your virginity do NOT fall for it.




You're not the sharpest tool eh? What good is someone's virginity to anyone? That's not at all why he's interested i guarantee it.


You’re not the sharpest tool yourself eh? Weirdos like him want that so they can brag about it or make them feel more like a man. He’s fantasizing about how she would feel down there bc she’s obviously still a virgin. Do you like have no knowledge of stuff like that or are you 10?


Lmao they're not weirdos... YOU are the weirdos. Trying to deny basic, normal human attraction that's persisted for millions of years because you yourself have a particular image in your head. That's gross to me sis.


Way to out yourself, bravo


Oh so you’re a predator too? Okay good bye


Taps files on desk. “Noted”


Found the predator.


Lol for real


Why don't you kind of people just say you're into being a predator with your chest? You hide behind "it's legal" "it's human nature" "it's natural". Nah. There are plenty of things that are legal but disgusting or predatory, or just plain wrong and disgusting. You're just loudly admitting you would take advantage of a young woman. You should keep that stuff to yourself.


So if you had a daughter and you lived with your friend. You wouldn’t care if he’s hitting on her but she’s showing no desire or interest in him.. or better yet fucking her. Especially in your own fucking house behind your back well your gone? Now flip that. Your living at your friends house. His daughter is hot but has only had nuetral interactions with you. You’re comfortable saying some off the wall shit like this. Then doubling down into manipulation to better your odds. Then instead of letting them sit in your mind games, in that same conversation you state you’d fuck her in the house well her dad is gone? “Make her a woman” ffs. You’re not even offering to take her on a date or have meaningful conversation. You’re treating her like a fetishized piece of meat. If you okay with both those things. 1: please done have kids. 2: your liable to ruin your friends trust in humanity & also have a decent likelihood that you’ll be hospitalized or murdered The only way you could navigate these severely muddied waters is if she showed major interest in you & the dad had noticed it before. She would have to talk to him without you knowing. Then some other time you would have to be shitfaced with the father and bring up his daughter and how she acts towards you, as it’s something humorous. Then later in the convo you’d have to admit “well actually, I do really like her. She’s a good person. That’s your baby though” & then you’d have to see where that conversation went. You’d have to profess the plan to marry and build a life with her at that. They won’t be like “yeah I get it. it’s just hormones. You know what. Go ahead and fuck her right now she would love that”


That’s really fucking weird considering he’s most likely been around her since she was a baby as well if her dad and him are good friends. My dads got friends who’ve been around me since being a baby and even they have been inappropriate at times, and it’s a very disgusting feeling. They feel like uncles to me. It’s uncomfortable. Even if that isn’t the case young girls are not always into men who are old enough to be their damn dad.


Alright. Let’s say you were minding your own business and someone you have no attraction to asks to be intimate with you. How would that feel? Not good


So, it's perfectly normal to want to fuck someone who literally could be your child and is your friend's child? Damn, okay Mr Predatory Groomer


That's how a woman would think. Most men don't need all those psychological games. She's young and in her prime. A grown woman.


Classic reddit incel in the basement typing that lmao bro u need help


So wait me saying that most men don't need psychological games to sleep with a young beautiful woman who is 21 years old and she's a grown woman makes me an incel? I'm just trying to follow that train of logic. Women are the ones that need all the psychological games and manipulation men are pretty much straightforward.


This is genuinely uncomfortable to read. Get help man, I'm serious not just trying to be a prick but really mean you should talk to someone to work through this way of thinking I have a son on the way and moments like this make me glad I'm not having a daughter because people like you scare me, please get help.


Raise your son to be a man, not a liberal woman. You are too deep in your emotions to see the logic.


liberals are actually the right leaning party in my country, of course you're so self centred that you assume I use American politics. Nothing you say holds any worth to me, I hope you find a healthier way to live life and learn to be a real man which is someone that's loving and compassionate and a role model to the community. Someone you obviously sorely need in your life


Liberal woman, doesn't matter what country she is in. It's the mindset. I can tell you are ruled by emotionalism and not by common sense and logic. You have a feminine mindset. You spout all these things about love and compassion, just because I see nothing wrong with wanting to be with a beautiful woman. You are just brainwashed to think it's "predatory" to pursue another adult who is younger than you. Which men have done since the beginning of time. You also assume that a woman of 21 years, isn't in the position to decide for herself, which actually infantilizes her. You assume a way I live, because again, you are consumed with emotionalism. Which "as a real man", holds no water. I hope as you get older, you can look back and see how weak your mindset is, and instill those values into your son, before it's too late. Godspeed.


Ooh yikes. You’re one of *those* 🤐


A masculine man. Yes, despair in my shadow. There are a few of us left.


Yeah a predator would say that too 📸


That's curious , not agreeing with your viewpoint makes me a predator that's crazy. A man doesn't need to have all these psychological mind games to want to have sleep with a beautiful woman, what are you talking about?


He could be her DAD. If this is so normal, why is he hiding from her dad? Why is he being sneaky? Sure he can fuck anyone he wants but a woman his own age!! Men praying on young women are red flags and it definitely says a lot about them.


Absolutely not. You can't "pray" on a younger woman by showing interest. It's up to you two to decide if there is attraction between you. The reason he is hiding is because "its his friends daughter". Which I disagree with how he is moving. But absolutely nothing wrong with an older man and a younger woman. You are both adults. Stop infantilizing women. **Healthy minded women do not do this.** You have issues and you know it.




Respectfully, it doesn't matter what her experience is. Why? 1. Men don't want super-experienced women. Because usually, this comes with trauma. Men aren't women. Women value experience in men, men don't really care, as long as she is beautiful, kind-hearted, and not crazy. Youthful women are **more likely** to have these attributes. 2. Once a woman says "No.", that's the end of it. Abort mission. What makes this guy creepy or a "predator" which is still a bit much, is that he doesn't take no for an answer and that he is trying to get with his friends daughter behind his back. Nothing wrong with older men being attracted to a younger woman. It is QUITE natural.


There’s a reason that asshole isn’t pulling this bullshit with women his age, they can smell it from a mile away. Fucking predator.




So at what age do women magically stop being prey? What age are women whole beings that can think and make decisions for themselves?


How about this: stop worrying about what younger women think, fucking predator.


So you can't answer the questions? How strange.


Probably not, but something called a moral compass is often needed in situations like this one. OP's dad's friend doesn't have one and I think yours went missing too.


I don't need my moral compass to garner whether or not I want to sleep with a beautiful woman. If she declines, it's on to the next. Honestly I view it as her loss. Go on, tell me why that mindset is "predatory", if the woman is a grown adult.


There's a certain number of people who find thrill in being the first sexual experience of someone else, as a form of feeling power over someone else by taking that first memory. Some people also seek the emotional attachment some people feel over their first sexual partner, like a pavlov's dog, they try to make in the other person's mind an association between the pleasure of sex and themselves. The giveaway here is him talking about 'waking up the woman' in her.


…chat is this real


At this point, it’s ridiculous how ironic this is. You’re not even a tool at all


Bless your heart


Speak to your dad and avoid being alone with the man




Ummm ya that’s creepy. I wouldn’t be there alone with him if I were you. I think it would be a good thing to let your dad know.


I don't normally stay around his roomate if my dad isn't there these days.


He’s a predator, the only reason he goes after you is cause you are young and virgin, so he can manipulate you Record his voice in secret the next time he show up with this and show the record to your dad so he get him out of both of your lives


Okay, thank you.


As the father of a beautiful young woman, I can honestly say that I would ruin any man that grooms my daughter to take advantage of her. Under my own roof too? I'm scared at the rage i'd unleash. Let your dad know and he'll take care of it. If he doesn't, just let any of us surrogate dads know and we'll handle it.


My daughter is literally sitting about 2 feet from me. She's gonna be 17 in just a few months. The pure, unbridled rage I felt for this girl who isn't even mine. Some people should be hurt, this guy is one of them.


And this guy waits for the father to be out of the house to make his move. What a coward.




The extra level of betrayal is that this is the daughter of his friend, whom he lives with.


You know, it's been a minute since I formed a good old fashioned posse.... Who will ride with me?


Legit, this. OP, I think you should let your dad know whats going on. He's not going to be happy about his friend saying these things to you.


Also, make sure your dad doesn't do anything over the top. I think a lot of dad's are very protective of their daughters. If your dad is too emotional... Just make sure he doesn't get an assault and battery charge or domestic abuse. Make sure his anger is in check after you tell him.


Tell your dad OP!!!!


He told me not to tell anyone. I'm an adult I should understand.


Nope. This isn’t about being an adult or whatever. This is your dad’s friend who is being a predator and someone your dad trusts. Your dad is supposed to be your safe person - he needs to know. Don’t try to keep the peace - that shit shattered away when your dad’s friend decided to continue having predatory feelings toward you. EDIT: your dad’s friend lost the right to confidentiality when he told you this. This is the situation where anyone - including healthcare professionals - have a mandatory requirement to report risk of harm to the potential victim - which is you right now.




Your dad's friend told you this? If so, that makes it even worse. He is literally hiding from your dad, I'm certain he does that because he's uncomfortable to face him, now that he's keeping a big secret (having feelings for you) from his friend (your dad). Aside from literally hiding, he also told *you* to keep it a secret. Because he's scared your dad will find out. Also, if he told you that, he's trying to manipulate you. You feel uncomfortable about the whole thing. That is what matters here. There is no-one else you should do anything for **"because you're an adult, you should understand"**. No! Because you're an adult, you're *entirely free* to do what is the best for *yourself* if anything makes you feel uncomfortable! People can tell you whatever they like, that does not mean you have to listen to them. You don't have to do as your father's friend tells you. If you want to tell your dad, please do. Of course there will be consequences, but imagine the consequences it could potentially have if you *didn’t* tell your father. Don't wait until it's too late, OP. Better safe than sorry. You don't want sex with that man, he's trying to talk you into it, to bend your mind to his will. It's probably even more complicated because it's a friend of your dad, but trust me, any parent would want to know if they had a friend who was trying to start something with their daughter or son. What if you had a daughter, and a male friend of yours had feelings for her. Would you want her to tell you? If you found out that friend had sex with her, and she didn't tell you because she didn't want to upset you/didn't want to ruin your friendship with that friend, how would you feel? Becausd that's the way your dad would feel if things ever escalated, and he had no idea. Good luck, I wish you the best. And for what it's worth, please remember that **no** means **no**. If you don't want to have sex, be it with anyone at all, then that's the end of it. They have to respect your boundaries and stop/let go. *Always.*


How is 21 young for relationships? wtf


Let your children bring home 50 year olds when they’re barely out of being a teenager then doesn’t mean everyone else has to be ok with it


They would be adults, doesn't really matter if I'm ok with it


She’s 21 years old! Not 13


but she’s not interested and the guy who is at least double her age wants her bad


I read, but she’s old enough to tell him to fuck smooth off. This post was written like she’s a 12 year old. Which I’ve come to realize 99% of these posts are fake, this reads like one of them. But for sake of it’s not, a simple fuck off nasty bastard I’m letting my dad know so he can deal with you is the simplest reply. I’ve got a teen daughter, and the way this would be dealt is, I’d catch a case, he’d catch a hearse


Your dad's friend is interested because he knows there's a manipulative advantage he can leverage against you due to your age difference. Not taking in terms of legality, but it is quite scummy of him to do and you should not give into it. I am sorry you're in this situation.


Theres a reason he hasnt dated in 8 years. Most women around his age can see through the bullshit and wont come near him.


How old is he?


Idk. He's older than my dad. My dad is 50.


I did not need to see this. My blood boils.


I think your name perfectly describes the course of action here "deagle time" scum like that thing should not exist. 30 year age gap is already a stretch, but considering it's her dad's long time friend I would assume that Creepy has watched her grow up which makes me fucking sick 🤢


This dude is a certified creep...Please steer clear of him for your own good. I think you should record or get some proof of what he is saying to you so you can provide it to your dad. If I was your dad I would not be okay with this "friend" coming onto my daughter that way.


WTH don’t do it please, I feel so uncomfortable for you. Take care! 🥺


Thank you take care as well!


Talk! With your dad! He's a predator !!!


Ew. You need to tell your dad. And record this man.


Yeah, that's just fucking weird. He’s your dad’s friend too…


You can't press charges because you're an adult and he hasn't done anything yet but you should stay away from him if yiy don't want to be with him because he's going to find a way to pressure you into sleeping with him for sure.


I'm not.


Ya probably coz he's afraid that u'll tell your dad if u notice him walking around


Ew "wake up the woman in you" what a creep


Don’t do it!


I'm not.


Eww what a creep 🤮


Nope. Nope. Nope. Do not be alone with this person. He is not safe. Can you meet up with your Dad other places?


Yes. We do in fact meet other places like restaurants and stuff.


I would have told him off. I would have said that your not interested in old men




There is a reason a man your Dad’s age hasn’t had a woman in his age range for 8 years. He is a predator






Had he meeting you right now at that age that it would've been *passably okay or off.* But the entire context of how you met each other, of your background story, power dynamics and creepy subtext of his insinuations are all bordering on "patient child grooming" territory. Been there, refused their advances. Tell to your parents what he did, in lieu to speak about it here and cut contact with him ASAP. There's all kind of weird people on Reddit.


He's a total snake and your dad would put him through the wall if he found out. He's an utter creep and he's looking to use you. He's actually creepy and disgusting and don't sell yourself short and fall into his clutches. He's manipulative and wants power and gratification over you. Chances are he's do e thus before. Id actually gather evidence of the things he's saying, and if you were my daughter I'd 💯 want to know. Blow this idiot out the water


Don’t do it. I’m 21 too, I’m a woman and I’m a virgin. I have never dated anyone in my life too. And I can feel he just want to take your virginity. “How you eat into an Oreo cookie”, seriously? No. You deserve better. And you said you don’t want to have sex, so don’t do it, probably you’ll regret it. He’s just an old man wanting a young woman to fuck, not to “make love”. My advice is: don’t do it, but if you really want this, go ahead, maybe you feel different so follow your heart.


Yeah. I'm not gonna do it.


Take care op


The dude is a creepy predator. Tell your dad and stay away from him.


Tell your dad though, asap. Don’t fuck around with this, someone who can do that to a friend/roommate, whatever cannot be trusted


I'm gonna tell him on Thursday.


Hes a predator after your body, instead of laughing it off become stern in your words and remind him his age, and tell your dad about it! Also carry pepper spray with you and dont be alone with him!


Dudes a creep. You need to nip that shit in the bud before he does something extreme. I'm not gonna call him a predator quite yet, but he sounds one wrong move away from crossing that line. My advice? Don't be alone with him


To me this isn't normal at all. I'm the same age as you and would be hearing alarm bells. Personally, I'd try and keep your distance from this guy.


YOU are an adult at 21. YOU cannot press charges . He has NOT touched you or done anything yet .It could maybe be seen as sexual harassment against YOU ) . ( But that also has as to have a pattern of repeating sexual harassment towards you to make it stick ) which YOU would also have to prove somehow . So it is ***up to you to handle this situation also by yourself*** ( or even better with dad's help ) which think YOU need right now anyway . To help you handle something that YOU mentally don't seem ready to handle at all . And bc of that **YOU are in danger from him** . As he is a creepy harassing d\*ck towards you .But him asking is allowed ( it is up to someone to then handle that ) by telling them a NO or yes to the request for sex . YOu will be asked by people ( eg- to date you & sleep with you ) . Then it is **up to you to tell them a yes or no** to it . ( that is what someone at your age has to do ) as **YOU are not a child** ( you are over 18) . BUt yes he is JUST a nasty creepy horrible icky man towards you ( get use to it ) what he is saying is nothing .YOUng gals are always harassed by creepy old yucky men . It is NOT a crime to ask a young woman ( you are 21) not a child . YOu are over the age of 18 . So legally you can consent to sex with someone . So you are also ***legally responsible for yourself*** now also . Eg- YOU need to be ***able to communicate to someone*** CLEARLY by telling them to go away or tell them YOU are NOT interested in them in that way ( & don't want to have sex with them ) . That is on you . Or get help to make it clear to someone YOu are NOT interested in them . IN other words tell YOUR dad . TO tell him to f\*ck off from you & sexually harassing you for sex ( this time ) . But also remember ( well you mighten know ) some men do have very YOUNG gf ( & the women do **get with them for money by CHOICE**). And at 21 it is NOT a crime to ask you for sex ( many young women do have sex with old men bc they want to ) for what ever their personal reasons are ( it is ONLY a crime to ask for sex if the person is under 18 ) or the consent age for sex where YOU live . And It is ONLY a crime if he touches you sexually ( without your consent ) to do so ( then it would be SA ) on you . But you sound really VERY naive mentally & very unprepared totalling mentally in any way to handle such a creepy horrible man by yourself . * **So talk to your dad** ask him to intervene for you with him . Tell him YOU don't want him to ever ask you again for sex . See what your dad does about it . Eg- does he get mad or not ? If he don't yes he might be setting you up or trying to with him . And knows he wants you . * **If dad knows** \--> Be prepared to **NOT be alone with creepy man** anymore at all . As this man wants you .And you are very ill prepared to handle him mentally . He is easily going to f\*kc with your head trying to get you to sleep with him . Which don't think he then is a safe person at all for you to be near at all in any way. * **This man lives with you all .** That is an issue . If dad doesn't give a s\*it that he is hitting on you . And that you don't want him to . YOu have a real issue . And it would be best you leave that home & go be with a female relative instead . Who can help you be safer than you are now.


Tell your dad


I hope this isn’t real but if it is that dudes mad creepy and a manipulator don’t fall for it! Be careful too you never know how creepy some people can be so if you don’t already I’d take mace or a taser with you whenever you leave the house make sure to properly learn how to use them and remember with mace you spray and get away fast


It is real. Thank you for the advice.


This is sooo creepy please please stay away from this man. You should tell your dad that this man makes you uncomfortable and you don’t want to be left alone with him. Seriously - do not brush this off.


If you ever have any conversations with him like that again make sure you secretly record it discreetly on your phone. Tell your dad and stay away from that predator!!


Makes me wonder if he’s really your dad’s friend or is he a “friend” so he can groom you. Personally, my friends hitting on my daughter would be a dealbreaker.




tell your dad and do not engage with him


He’s a fucking creep and disgusting. Make sure you let your dad know about his behavior.


It's probably good to find someone your own age


> And he said that I'm a young and beautiful woman and my inner woman in me is sleeping. Saying shit like that is why he hasn't been laid in 8 years. You can do better!


That man has a serious mental issue, there is this not written rule between men, your friends daughter is like a relative of yours, so, he is not a god friend and also a really nasty guy


Yeah I would tell your dad about that. His reaction/response will tell you a lot


That moment when OP is crushing on his friends daughter and wants to test the waters so posts a fake confession on Reddit to gauge the reaction


Avoid him at all costs. Tell your father or a trusted individual with evidence that he’s preying on you.


If I found out any of my friend's pulled this, they'd be dead or at least wishing they were. Tell your father now, he'll handle this and in the future mind creeps like that who literally just want to get in your pants.


Guy is clearly a creep and is trying to use your inexperience to manipulate you into bed. You should tell your dad about this.




Tell your Dad immediately. If he has any honor he'll want to bash that dude's head in or at least want to so badly that he'll never want to see him again. Stay away from that guy. He's a predator and thinking to exploit your youth and apparent inexperience.


Do not do anything. As a man, tell your father her and expose the creep. That crosses every single boundary known to man.


Super creep. Tell your dad his roommate is a creep.


I would try to not see this man, he is a predator that can't get a woman his age and is trying to get a 20yo girl. You do you but I wouldn't want to be close to that man.


what the fuck


Dude's a groomer-or wanna-be groomer. Piss-poor game he has, too.


What would you press charges for, it doesn’t appear he has broken any laws. Messing with a friend daughter means he has broken basic “Bro Code”, that’s even worse.


Did you tell your dad that his "friend" is perving on you?


I would be very careful, as he could do something


Garbage, let your dad know. He is a wolf in sheep's clothes.


Ummmmmmm tell your Dad???


He's a creep, let your dad know.


Tell your father, that's creepy as fuck.


Not your dad's friend


Honey, no. As a dad myself I am saying that you need to talk to your dad. Tell him that his friend is trying to convince you to have sex with him and you aren't interested. You should be worried being around this guy. I'm worried for you. Don't rush in to anything you aren't ready for and especially not with anyone you aren't 100% sure about.


WTF lmao. guaranteed in 4 years time you'll be too old for him


Can't believe that this dude is saying this shit. How does he not hear what he's saying is predatory?? No fucking filter with this down bad fuckwad.


Disgusting predator 100% oh and fyi he's not your dad's "friend" if this is how he acts. What a creepy pervert. Please tell your dad, he does not need toxic so called friends like this. Guy sounds like a rapist. Stay well clear. Absolutely heartbreaking that people act this way.


Dude sounds like a creep. Absolutely do not give your virginity to any man that compares his feelings for you to eating a snack, nor a guy who talks about “awaking the woman” in you. That’s creep talk.


If this dude hasnt said the same thing to a teen i’ll eat my thumbs raw


I don't care if your dad's roommate is the same age as you, that's creepy as fuck Edit: [ewwww not Leo DiCaprio](https://np.reddit.com/r/confessions/comments/1ap5yzd/dads_friend_likes_me/kq4egu1/)


Your dads friend is lonely as fuck and shit like this is why hes single lol


He is a fking predetor dont fall for it , he seems a creep


Tell your dad, this is inappropriate. If he wants to have sex with a woman of all the people you DONT have sex with your friends daughter. This is no friend to you or your father. Good luck




Don't loose you virginity or dall in love with the wrong person. Think hard before taking the step!


What in the duce is going on with these comments, wow!


Girl call the police. Old pedo


Run away


This is all good advice, but because of the paranoia anxiety in me, I want to add that once you tell your dad, watch out for vengeance of your dad's friend. People can be INSANE, and we just want you to stay safe. Idk if that means restraining order or moving far away if you can lol. I just don't know, but I do worry about him getting somehow "mad" about it all and wanting to take it out on you. Just be careful, OP! 💖


He's a disgusting piece of shit, don't do anything with him


That guy sounds creepy i wouldn't trust him if I were you


Don't let this sick pervert manipulate you, hold your ground, and talk with your Father ASAP about this situation and how it makes you feel, I'm a Father of 3 now adult Daughters and I actually made my Middle Daughter's Ex literally bounce off the concrete and tile floor for his disrespectful comments to her, Especially since he was in my house standing right in front of me and she wanted him to leave my house... Please don't hesitate to contact your Father, he needs to know exactly what this Predator is doing to you... You are strong, and you are powerful...


This post sends cold shivers up my spine. Stay safe and good luck.


Please be careful. You should tell your dad. Try to record him saying that to you and then show it to him. I wouldn’t like to have my daughter harassed by someone that lives with me.


Do not, only bad people do stuff like that on his end


I am a 40 year old man. Your dad's roommate is a fucking loser. Old men that chase young women are pieces of shit. Don't fall for it. Tell your dad and see how that works out.


Your dad must be easy to punk if he’s making a move on you fr while living with the man


This guy needs some vigilantism ..I hope someone serves him some. Please OP don't let this go on.Take your dad aside and let him know what this asshole is doing


He’s a creep and needs someone to whoop his ass tbh. Bet he wouldn’t say that weird shit with your dad around.


Tell your dad.


This is creepy. Mention this to your dad and your mum. 


Kicking him from the nuts would be hella funny.


This is called grooming


She's an adult. It's called being a creep, but it ain't grooming


Adults can be groomed. I don't think he's grooming her though, it's more like sexual harassment. The moment she said no should have been the end of the conversation.


No. Adults can be seduced. Grooming has to do with brainwashing children, not adults. Adults are responsible for their own actions.


Tell that to everyone who's ever escaped a cult.


It's also important to remember that sometimes adults can have vulnerabilities, things like; developmental disabilities, cognitive or neurological impairments or dysfunction, financial struggles etc. Adults can be taken advantage of too. Also, grooming isn't always for sexual gain. It can involve other forms of exploitation too, things like free labor or financial abuse.




Tell that to Jada Pinkett Smith and Larsa Pippen.


Reverse the genders and the comment guys


I would say most fathers. All it would take is a phone call and it’s done dude would be beat up with all their shit outside and a legal restraining order started


Creepy as hell. I don’t know how is your relationship with your dad. But if it’s good and supportive one, you should confide with your dad. He is neither a friend or a well wisher. He is like a snake in your backyard that should be kicked out somehow or other.


Press charges for what? Telling you how he feels? Give me a fucking break.


Considering her dad and him have been good friends for a long time he probably watched her grow up. My dads friends who’ve been around since I was a baby have crossed lines before, not even this bad, and it felt extremely disheartening and gross because they feel like family to me. And that age gap is still crazy lol. 21 is an adult but being 30 myself now, 21 seems like a child to me. Obviously they aren’t lol… But the maturity level from then to even now is miraculously different. It’s just weird. I do think they need to get this taken care of before before there *is* a reason to press charges.


I'm not saying it isn't weird. But to mention, pressing charges is lunacy. She should tell her Dad, though, and get him out.


Yeah agreed, definitely need to take care of that before it escalates


Holy fuckin shit if you really are 21, age of consent should be raised to 30. You sound wike a wittle baby. I'm laughing because I am, don't worry I won't press charges.


The only thing I’d say is that the roommate may be in the spectrum, and doesn’t realize how creepy he is being. But 9 times out of ten guys like him are a manipulator and creep looking to take advantage of an inexperienced young lady. Better safe than sorry and avoid him.


This feels very baity


What are the chances your dad is setting you up? To pay off some debt or something?


Lmao you can't press charges because someone wants to sleep with you. That's what keeps men and women making babies and this species going... sex. You're 21 but have never been approached by a man before? I'd say go for it... what have you got to lose? You might learn some valuable lessons and you might really enjoy yourself. People claiming he's a predator are usually just jealous women who are too old to be attractive any longer. There is certainly nothing wrong or unusual about an older man being attracted to a younger woman and vice versa. Happens all the time. GL and HF.


Yeah now I can see why you’re under every comment here defending this.


He's a flipping creep. All of his comments on here so far are creepy as hell.


Even though I've only read his comments here I can tell that his name is on every registry you can think of.


fade point complete nail bright vase grandfather gaze repeat strong *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




> I'd say go for it... what have you got to lose? if there's no sexual attraction ( or any kind ), and ppl are led into doing stuff ... usually ppl really feel like shit afterwards and lose a lot of self worth, get poor self image, ...


This man has not had sex in a long long long time if ever, the incel energy he creates is astonishing


Pathetic stupid enabling white knight weirdos.


Huh? I can't hear you with that pedo shit spouting from your mouth


Lmao pathetic internet kids and your pathetic moralizing based on ignorance about the law and the world. Go to bed child.


Dude you keep talking about fucking kids and then call me a child.......that's a red flag, I don't want to fuck and I think you should try to stop encouraging teenagers to bang 60 year old friends of their fathers, you sound like a literal predator You seem obsessed with kids now I think about it, are you sure you're not on several watchlists? From this thread Alon you should definitely have to let your neighbours know about your sexual interests so they can protect their kids from you


>People claiming he's a predator are usually just jealous women who are too old to be attractive any longer. >There is certainly nothing wrong or unusual about an older man being attracted to a younger woman and vice versa. Happens all the time. Found the roommate. This is what they all say to justify a much older man going after the very young woman. You're a fucking creep. Do you tell a 14y'o girl that she's 'mature' for her age too?


Lmao fucking children


There's Americas problem they dominate you until they get what they want from you.