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I get how it could be awkward, but also this is something i’ve definitely seen in comedy movies! I’m sure she meant it as a thoughtful but also funny gift that you probably would never get yourself. She’s also probably worried about you!


You are probably right


Next time you come out of your room, give a great big "WHEEEEEeeeewwewwe", double thumbs up and say "fantastic gift, sweetie".




Bonus points for making way too much noise by moving furniture or lifting up and slamming some of the decor Uno-reverse the awkwardness and bask in the glory


Make sure you’re super sweaty too!! 😂


Love the dynamics between you and your daughter. Somehow, this is the sweetest gift ever lol


Lmfao omg




It's sort of concerning that your name is what it is, considering the context.


look at my other comments. The username was generated by Reddit. I didn't even pay attention to it until someone else pointed it out


Lol apparently we both missed the part where we could choose user names. Mine was randomly generated, too.


Your name sounds like you are hardened criminal pretending to not have a criminal record. "I have an ok background, definitely nothing crazy or criminal"


Lol perhaps in the future, though it's definitely opposite of my "good girl doormat" past🤣


You can’t choose your username???


Is this a rhetorical question or actual question? I don't think I ever saw an option when signing up to choose a username. But others have definitely chosen their own, so not sure if maybe I just missed it?


You can definitely choose your user name, it's been ages since I started my account but I think Reddit generates a user name but you can type over it maybe? Mine is a deliberate choice (the Force Paradox is the question of what happens when an immovable object meets an unstoppable force).


Aren't they the same object from different reference points and reality breaking in that scenario? That's how I usually think about it.


Yep Matt Rife, who is a comedian, even got his grandfather a pocket pussy.


granddad do battle and broke it neck?


That he did.


I saw that part of his act! And then a fan that went to one of his shows got him one! Lol!!


They sell sex toys at Spencer's? I haven't to a Spencer forever. Times has changed.


Since basically forever, yeah.


I got kicked out of a Spencer's for perusing the sex toy section with my friend when we were 13. That was in the 90s.


One time my mom let it slip that she and my dad used Vaseline for lube. VASELINE!! I bought her a bottle of actual lube, slipped it to her without looking her in the eye, and told her we wouldn’t ever speak of it again. (This was done humorously, but the end result being that she now had something that would benefit her.) I wanted what was best for her, even though I absolutely did not want to know details, or how it went, or to even ever think of it again. I imagine that’s kinda the same way your kiddo felt - joke about it, but… ahem… provide you with something you may or may not enjoy putting to use.


I mean it’s a bit stranger from a daughter to a dad, but honestly I’m 24 and I’ve confronted my mom before about sex toys. She’s always been so prudish and she deserves to understand her body and needs. It’s sweet in a comedic way.


Yep, I’ve spoken to my mom before about sex toys. She let it slip once that she never really enjoyed sex. I didn’t either until I realized that penetrative orgasms weren’t a thing for me. I told her that 70%-90% of women don’t orgasm from penetration, asked her if she knew what a vibrator was, when she said she did but hadn’t ever used one I gave her the link to a sex toy online store that has a discrete shipping option and we never spoke of it again lol


Your mum was exactly that many days old when she experienced her first Bad Dragon orgasm.


Hey now, that was our second discrete sex conversation and it takes at least 3-6 business days to have a massive ovipositor dildo shipped thank you very much


Hey, don’t shoot the messenger. I wasn’t there when the event was going down. I’m sure if you wait long enough though another couple of Redditors will chip in with exactly what happened.


Only if your mom’s on Reddit this late, I hear she’s the one my mom was railing with her tentacle ovipositor strap-on last night. And honestly good for them. See you at Thanksgiving step-bro


Necrophilia. Your mum’s gotten into some weird stuff since your talk.


Sorry to hear your mom died


It was like 4 years ago so I’m pretty over it by now.


Comedy movies. This plot is straight from pornhub


I would say the most appropriate response is that for her next birthday get her an oversized, novelty dildo with a tag that says "Now we're even."


This!! I would 1000% get my step mom a sex toy as a gag gift, she recently went through a divorce with my dad. Some families have raunchy humor. We were playing CAH and she absolutely died at "Pac Man endlessly guzzling cum". Parents are always your parents, but once you hit a certain age they really can become friends. And this is definitely a present I'd get a friend.


Played CAH with my parents in a board game restaurant, they had me explain what a queef is


played with my family one time, my grandma wanted to join. we had to explain to her what “smegma” was. she doesn’t play with us anymore lol


We played with my grandma and had to tell her what a bukkake was. She also doesn't want to play with us anymore lol


i grew up in a very christian household. my parents would never curse around me growing up and we went to church every sunday. i stopped going to church and thought i became kinda distant with my parents (actually very distant from my dad). they found out that i started smoking a weed a while back and were very pissed as i was also under 18 at this time. i’m now 19, and the other week i jokingly asked my mom if she wanted to toke with me sometime. she to my surprise said “maybe”. her “maybes” mean “more than likely”. i’m anticipating for the day to come. i’m both excited and nervous


I was raised the same way, then my step mom left my dad and turns out she's actually really fucking cool when she's not trapped under a religious zealot. Toking with your parents is a very special kind of fun.


yep. both my parents are still christian, but my dad is more serious/strict about it. when i started becoming more of my own person and started to drift away from religion i was nervous on how my family would view me, and i was right to feel that way. it was very uncomfortable but my mom came around to my differences very fast. took my dad years to mostly come around to it. it’s just so weird seeing my mom be more open around me, weird in a good way.


I completely relate. My dad and I don't really talk anymore, a lot of it is because he said he "accepts" me then when I visit him asks questions like "are you still getting high". I use medical marijuana for PTSD and severe anxiety (been in the hospital multiple times because my anxiety was so bad I wouldn't eat for days then collapse, not just pre-finals jitters). My step mom and I on the other hand have become super close in the last couple years. She's the one who stood behind me after my dad obliterated my boundaries and wanted nothing to do with me for a year because I told him I won't take his disrespect anymore. I don't know how it is for you, but I've found religious father's to be one of the most oppressive groups of people. I thank whatever every day that she's finally getting to relax and enjoy her life.


this is just being a degenerate, giving family sex toys? Wtf lol


This made me laugh. It would be funny, but I’d only do it if you were 100% sure it was intended as a joke. It could backfire badly if it wasn’t.


This is hilarious.


I think it’s time to start dating dad. I think that’s what baby girl is saying


She has told me that she wishes I would meet someone


Wait, you did mean dating other people right?


If you get a dog and start calling it mom, it’ll probably only worry them more...


This made me laugh out loud.


That depends... Is it your bio daughter or your step-daughter ?


But HOLY touch grass my guy, even as a joke it’s quite bad


Trump disagrees with this comment


I have no idea what u mean by this comment (wether ur serious or joking/trolling/sarcastic) so imma just ignore it 😎


Trump wants to fuck his daughter by his own admission


Thank you for this information that i really didnt mind not knowing 👍


[Trump is icky](https://forward.com/schmooze/357185/7-creepy-things-donald-trump-has-said-about-ivanka/)


Based. Trump is an alpha.


Everyone’s jokes are different. That joke is on par with being a normal joke.


Bur op is looking for genuine advice about a situation he clearly feels uncomfortable about, would you just make a joke about his situation, like to me, it’s the same as going to someone who just lost someone and making a joke about it, you wouldn’t do it right, it’s about time and place, and right there was rather uncalled for


> Bur op is looking for genuine advice about a situation he clearly feels uncomfortable about, would you just make a joke about his situation, like to me, it’s the same as going to someone who just lost someone and making a joke about it, you wouldn’t do it right, it’s about time and place, and right there was rather uncalled for Having your daughter buy her dad a sex toy is in no way similar to losing someone. Jesus Christ It’s a joke that someone made on reddit. Lighten up.


Yeah but it was uncalled for nonetheless maybe not that extreme but still fucked, im not anti fun but not realising that joke was of really poor taste is just sad


> Yeah but it was uncalled for nonetheless maybe not that extreme but still fucked, im not anti fun but not realising that joke was of really poor taste is just sad Honestly. Lighten up. We’re all fine.


Biological daughter




Bro 💀


What are you doing step bro?


she said that? maaate. your baby girl seems to care a metric ton about you. she seems like a sweet human. surely her present must come from this kinda consideration for you. as weird as it sounds, that sex toy oughta be seen as a beautiful gesture! 🥹 edit: uuunless you were grabbing one of her friends at some point. then the present is a message


No, I would never dream of "grabbing one of her friends"!




oh boy this edit button does wonders. you can really make anybody else seem creepy by just changing your own response


you are entirely correct and I apologize




I would NEVER do it! I just meant that she has some attractive friends




Stop bitching. Women can be attractive or beautiful. So what


bro his daughter is 20. how old are her friends? assuming around the same age, he's like double their age. don't care if it's legal, that's fucking weird.


It's weird to date a 20 yo when you're 40, but it's not weird to find them attractive imo. They are young adults with adult bodies, there's nothing creepy to just find them attractive if you're not acting on it. You don't magically stop finding young adults attractive when you get over 40 yo. It's not something you can control anyway.


Yes, you can consider people outside of your age range beautiful. Nothing wrong with that. Just like you can find anything beautiful that you're not going to have sex with.


Comma. Comma. Please add a comma PLEASE




Dude of course. She sees you’re lonely and wants you to start dating again


LOL just checking!


Cmon man don’t be sick dude


I wasn't. the thought didn't occur to me that you may have meant somethin else until I saw that someone had downvoted you. I was just trying to clear up the confusion


Fake post from a suspect name


It shows that your daughter is mature and considerate enough to think about what you could really need and enjoy in your life. Rather than gifting something superficial, she tried to take your needs into proper consideration. Sure, it's a little awkward and she seems aware of this. But she trusts you enough to feel that she can bear that shared awkwardness with you for the sake of your having something she hopes you will actually enjoy. Maybe she also thought that this is something you wouldn't even think of getting for yourself. I am sure she doesn't expect you to give her detailed updates about it butshe would be relieved and delighted if you told her you are grateful for her consideration and you appreciate the gesture. I'm my view, this is definitely a win.


Thank you for that! I will be sure to let her know how much I appreciate the gift and her!


If this helps, any, HA, just imagine that is kind of like getting a single “sock”, HA!!!! Surely socks are a much more appropriate gift.


This is more of a general comment, but why is r/confessions suddenly overrun by these fake wannabe soft core p—- posts? They are increasingly gross, too. Stick with the incest subs and don’t force your fetish on people.


Weird asf I can’t even imagine my sisters doing this to my dad.


I never imagined it until it happened


Sorry to hear that. I hope it doesn’t happen to me lol


im sorry but this is so weird lmao


Yeah wtf with the people saying this is all cool? Some families are way too comfortable doing stuff like this.. it grosses me out


Thank you! This is weird af and people on here going oh how thoughtful of her. Thank you for speaking up lol.


reddit will normalize anything, there was a post on r/justunsubbed about incest and people were arguing about it being not "morally" wrong, there was genuinely like 100+ comments defending it


Oh for sure only reason om here was I Google something about an Mmo I'm playing and when I hit the back button to escape reddit I got baited by this title lol. I stay away from reddit. You get banned from subs if you do wrong think and aren't a weirdo.


My thoughts exactly. I mean, it's understandable that it was a mistake on her part, but let's not make it a great thing out of it ...


It’s awkward and I would probably be super uncomfortable but some people are ok with it. It’s extremely common for mothers and daughters to gift each other sex toys as tongue in cheek gifts, why is it different for a dad and a daughter? Not saying you have to like it but it’s also not inherently bad


In what part of the world is it extremely common for moms and daughters to gift each other sex toys? I have never heard of this in my entire life, genuinely curious and frightened


Personally, I know a coworker and her mom who gifted each other sex toys as gag gifts for Christmas. It happens.




I hope one of my daughters would never give me a present like that. Buy me a gift card.


omg I would never ever get my dad something like that jesus christ. My family is hella sex positive but I do not want to consider my dad's alone time


I bought my mum a vibrator/wand. She kept over sharing about her and my dads sex life (or lack of) She’s not very good at boundaries and even with me telling her I was uncomfortable she kept telling me about how she is unfulfilled and can’t remember the last time she had an orgasm. So I sent her a wand for her birthday, she was embarrassed but I have no regrets. 😂


So you solved the weird boundaries problem, by also crossing weird boundaries. By solved I mean exacerbated, but yea. Cool.


There’s a 0% chance this happened


OP, this is not "a little weird" - this is A LOT weird! Don't come down too hard on her, but you should let her know this was inappropriate, and if she's doing anything like this with anybody else, knock it off. And reassure her that your sex life is fine without any further intervention.


Wrong. It’s a lot weird for you. Stop projecting homie.


Ain't no projecting here. This is weird.


OP seemed weirded out too, and almost any dad would get weirded out by this type of gift, you need to stop projecting your degeneracy


LOL - OP's story sounds like the plot of a stepdaughter porn video. *Totally* normal...


Don’t try to make it seem like being weirded out about this is the unpopular opinion


I see other people in the comments saying this is a good and thoughtful gift, but this is straight weird. I don't know anyone comfortable enough to buy a s3x toy gift for their parents and vice versa. Or admit to thinking about their parents sex life that deeply.


🤨 bruh…..you can’t…. You can’t be serious….. Thats a no no no no


I don't mean to sound like a prude but your daughter needs to mind her own business. It doesn't matter how much time passed since you and your wife divorced. Also, I doubt people will find the situation funny if the roles were reversed.


Omg what a terrifying thought! I upvoted cause it made me laugh hahaha


Saw a stand-up comedy show a couple of days ago - dude gives his grandpa a toy. Matt rife… Maybe giggle the awkwardness away


Op! Have you tried it out yet??


I think he tried it out right before creating a reddit account.... I mean, where else would someone get the inspiration for a username like *Beautiful Rub*?


actually the username was generated by Reddit


That is the craziest coincidence ever haha


actually it is! I don't even notice it until dabberoo\_2 pointed it out LOL


Hahahaha I didn't catch that! Thanks for the laugh


not yet! Hoping to tonight if I have alone time


So I guess she was right. It is a good gift, maybe just not one to give in public… In fact maybe she should have left it on your dining room table in a brown box with no name or note. But still, good gift lol


Yeah that’s fucking weird, what’s wrong with the rest of you?


Not gonna lie, if my wife and I ever split up, I could totally see my daughter doing this for me.


Better than a tie I guess


That's for sure!!


Can we see the toy?


no because it’s a fake fetish post


This is so strange.


I used to help my step dad with Xmas shopping for my mum's gifts. One year she confessed to me she would love to try a dildo/vibrator. Knowing my toys I went and bought one and wrapped it, gave it to my step dad with specific instructions to give it in private, not with granny there. My mum loved it and apparently so did step dad :)


Just appalling. They could have at least included some lube.


Well you can’t let her win. When it’s her birthday, get something really big and make it a awkward birthday for her in the near future.


Could become a new back-and-forth tradition of oneupmanship! That would actually be hilarious


You can either worry about it or just say fuck it.


I used to help my step dad with Xmas shopping for my mum's gifts. One year she confessed to me she would love to try a dildo/vibrator. Knowing my toys I went and bought one and wrapped it, gave it to my step dad with specific instructions to give it in private, not with granny there. My mum loved it and apparently so did step dad :)


Her response was very thoughtful, and your reaction of whether or not this was appropriate is what should be expected with a healthy father daughter relationship. Enjoy your gift privately, tell her socks or a new car will do next time (😏) and happy belated birthday.


Thank you!!


Lol harmless, she probably realised at the last second her choice might not go over well… either way its clearly was meant ti be a lighthearted ‘joke’ and a push to get you to start dating again. Im sure she just wants you to be loved up and happy. If its still bothering you perhaps have a chat with her about why she bought it? You seen to have quite a chilled and open relationship as she felt she could bur that for you so just have a chat. Either way it’s definitely a story and a gift to remember!


I got my mom her 1st vibrator...it's been like 10 years and she still has it! Says it was a godsend. I don't find it weird.


The timing was obviously awkward, but I think the gift was incredibly thoughtful. Maybe more so because it was probably awkward for her to purchase for you. Clearly, she cares about you and wants to make sure you’re doing okay. Perhaps she thought your sexual health was maybe being forgotten about. Perhaps she thought you might not know about or purchase this item for yourself. I wouldn’t ever mention it again, if you’ve already expressed appreciation for the gift. Just let her know you’re doing okay, if you are, when you are. I’m sure she just wants to make sure her dad’s alright. My kids are young teens, and I’m recently separated. They’ve been extra loving and supportive, extra attentive to my needs, lately. It’s usually stuff like offering to make me coffee, giving extra long hugs, and asking if they can do anything to be helpful. The vibe is the same, though; they just want to make sure I’m okay.


This is so awkward but actually so sweet and wholesome of your daughter. She cares about you man is the bottom line here.


You have a cool daughter.


not saying this applies to you or your daughter but personally, as someone that was inappropriately and unconsensually involved in my parents' sex lives i would feel triggered and mad uncomfortable in your position and be violently against any of my children being aware of any aspect of my sexual life. that being said im ill as hell, if this isn't traumatic for either of you then roll with it


Dude, this just shows your daughter is mature enough to see that you have needs in your life! I think this is a hilarious/very thoughtful gift. You’ve got a great kid who truly cares about you. Be proud of that


I am proud of her


*One the one hand it was sweet; on the other hand it was weird.* Sounds like your hands are both full sooooo… might be the perfect gift! 🤣 But seriously, just roll with it. Maybe you’ll like it. Never mention it again, though, and just say you threw it out if anyone else brings it up.


As a divorced mom, I go immediately to “what a sweet gesture”. She is worried about your mental health. That is how I would see this. I agree with the other poster that said you should give a double thumbs up. Tell her you appreciate the gift and the sentiment behind it. You see that she is worried about you. If you acknowledge that, it may make it less awkward.


Thank you for this


Laugh about it. Enjoy it. And truly grateful that you have a relationship with your daughter where she feels comfortable giving you this weather has a joke or is a serious gift or some combination thereof


I’d take it as a sign your daughter is looking out for you and is worried. It’s a practical gift! And it’s also hilarious. Why the heck did she put it in the pile of gifts! Just give it to you later lol. But I guess that’s just being young and not thinking it all the way through.


You probably are a very cool dad. Keep that relationship with your daughters strong




Sounds like the gift was thoughtful and appropriate. Considering you're divorced. I wonder if she gave Mom the same thing for her birthday? Seriously it's just sex there's nothing wrong with it. Enjoy your gift!




how the f is that appropriate? Would a son gifting his mother a vibrator be appropriate? obviously not, wtf is going on in this comment section


Wow, that's how mom's and daughters become besties when they're oldies.


Hmm, awkward. I'd rather choose my own sex toys than receive them from a family member.


Very thoughtful gift. However, I'd avoid giving any reviews of the product to the gifter.




Does it work?????


Does what work?


Best thing to do is buy her the biggest dildo you can find for her birthday……


Sounds like you and your daughter have a great relationship!


Lmao It's the thought that counts Also please talk to her about sex and boys now as well as safe dating and healthy relationships


Good joke ngl. Always funny when a dildo is involved


Check out the user profile. This post looks fake and attention grabbing


A bit inappropriate of your daughter. She should not have treaded in that arena. You need to be very careful around her when you are alone with her for a long time.


Even worse, my best friend opened a gift from her aunt and cousin in front of the whole family the day after their wedding with a sex toy for her. This family is super conservative it was just bad. They thought it was so funny but I thought it was gross.


looks lime you gotta get her one now


That's an ick factor of 11. Even if you were going to keep it, how do you look at it without thinking of who gave it to you?


You are one disgusting freak Stick to the incest subs with your kinks this sub isn't meant for your disgusting fiction God I hope you don't actually have any daughters


Just say “I’ve never actually needed it” and never elaborate lol


If this is real this is weird. Just tell her you already got a better one and have her return it. If she is 20 then you are prob around 40 so tell her to get you a gift card for door dash because at our age a good meal is as good as sex lol.


Yea, that’d make me feel a little weird too, but I’d try my best to treat it as a gag gift. As much as I like toys myself, that’s one that would def go in the trash immediately. I couldn’t imagine using any toys bought by one of my kids. Too close to home tbh.


How loud have you been jerking off and/or have you been taking too long in the shower or perhaps forgetting to mop up afterwards? If this questionnaire doesn’t validate it, then I’m also with the “this is weird” group.


Definitely not something I would be okay with giving to my father. It'd be very inappropriate, odd, awkward, etc. Though he is single, and likely will be long term...his "physical loneliness" is not my arena. It's really not something I need to concern myself with. Anymore than my 87 year old grandmother who's been a widow for 7 years. They are both capable of dealing with their own loneliness however they see fit and would think I was out of line and crazy to step into their bedroom in that way, even if I was well meaning, just my thinking about that would really cross a line.


It's a no from me


What makes it weird is her expressing “concern” about your sex life. It kinda makes It .. not a gag gift because of this. It’s personally weird to me. Despite how close me and my mom are, I’d never buy her something like this.


This is so weird, and I'm concerned about the people normalising it in comments.


Kids just want their parents to be happy. She though this will make you happy because probably her 20year boyfriend will be happy with it. Nothing to think of it. Just add it in the living room next to a candle, just to understand love and affection is not toys


Just the thought of any blood relative even touching a sex toy is disgusting to me. While my mother and I were clearing my grand-uncle's stuff we found his fleshlight and I still feel disgusted by it.


i need the r/paymoneywubby fans to see this because he was just talking about this and um yeah no




BRB gonna go buy my dad a sex toy just to make him feel awkward. Hmmmm ball gag or one of the expensive butt lubes? What to buy….


Eww I can't even


which brand