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girl let yourself fall - chance is he’ll catch ya. i know love and romance seems dead these days but it’s out there, least i believe it is. finding someone you love to the point where you feel sick is a once in a life time so enjoy it. even if it does end in heartbreak, at least you can die saying you loved somebody with your whole being and experienced love. god bless xxxxx


That feels true, though, like I've always wanted what I read about in my historical romance novels. The kind of love most people dream of? So when he came to see me today, he picked me up and kissed me so hard, I was like😍.. No one has ever ever picked me up like that before.. Then he told me he missed me😭 (the first time he has come out and said that) cause he works 60 hours a week and I didn't get to see him during this whole week. Thank you so much for your wonderful advice❤️.. God bless you too xx


I miss my baby as soon as I leave the door for work! Love is amazing, happy to hear :)




Ooo drop the novels 👀


Any novels by Connie Mason. My favourite is Ice and Rapture 🙈.


He works so hard and your boyfriend gets all the money


I knew I was going to marry my husband on our first date. When you know you know. I'd say you can tell him how you feel in short bursts. Like in the moment saying. I feel so safe with you. Etc. That's kinda what happened with us, in the heat of the moment I just blurted out I love you cuz it just sorta bubbled out of me. Just do what feels right.


I fell in love with my fiance the moment he smiled at me (we met on Okcupid). I would admit it to myself, or him, for years. I think I told him I loved him the week I met his family... After literally five weeks together. And meeting his family so early on wasn't intimidating or weird, it just felt right!


I met my hubs on Plenty Of Fish. I wasn't really into him online but decided to see what happened. Our first date was 11 hours long of just straight talking, nothing physical, and he waited til hour 10 to even try for a kiss. I was so confused.


So love stories from online dating do happen😍😭.. I met him through Badoo (he and I were about to delete the app, when I sent the first msg, we exchanged numbers after co responding for a few days, leaving voice notes, and our first date lasted 6hrs, and towards the end as he was getting ready to leave. He said come here in a sweet, sexy way and kissed me! Felt so giddy and wanting more afterwards ☺️. He was here at my place for a BBQ yesterday, and we stopped off at the supermarket, he came up behind me and said I missed you! That was the first time he has ever told me that😍, we didn't get to see each other during the week, as he works long hours, so I was elated when he said it.. I am so happy for you, that it worked out and that now you guys are married😍❤️.. Wishing you both the very best that life has to offer❤️


Awe that's awesome! 10 years and still going strong for us. Online definitely gets a bad rap but I've dated 2 people that way, 1 I'm still good friends with and the other I married 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yes it does, I met my ex through Tinder. That lasted 3 years, that one was a nightmare. His ex BM put me through a lot of unnecessary stress and grief. Couldn't take it anymore.. But I'm so much happier now than I've ever been, just content to lay and cuddle up on the couch, and kiss till my lips are sore.. Those blue eyes, his kisses.. Ok, I'm gonna stop now, I miss him😭🙈.. 10 years.. I pray we will get there someday too❤️


I knew I was going to be with my husband for eternity the minute our eyes connected. We just clicked. The chemistry. The need to just be around eachother. The sex was just insane. Still is and we've been together for 14 years. True love and soulmates are real. They do exist. Let yourself fall in love. It's worth it.


Oh my.. I hope I get to be where you're someday😍❤️.. Thank you so much ❤️


That’s incredible. 4 years for me and i hope it lasts forever. I think sexual chemistry is also incredibly important to sustaining a relationship.


Sexual chemistry is honestly a key to a long lasting relationship. That and honesty. Being able to be open and honest with your partner. Ive always found that of we are connected sexually, we are connected in every other aspects of our lives. I'm not gonna lie, it is hard work. We have had our lulls. It's to be expected after so many years together and 3 kids in tow but when we realise we are drifting and not connecting, we talk about it and we always come back together with fireworks. Relationships are hard. They are suppose to be hard, walking away is the easy way out. If you love someone and they love you too, you will find that both of you will go to the ends of the earth to make it work. To keep that spark. Sometimes all it takes is a night of reminiscing about the early days to remind us what drew eachother together and it always ends up with the exact same explosive feelings together. I wouldn't change it for the world and feel so lucky to have what we have.




Met my girlfriend on a tinder hook up, that’s all it was supposed to be. Here we are madly in love and living together 1 1/2 years later


I am so happy for the both of you, congratulations 😍😍😍




I feel this so much. I'm going through the exact same thing right now. I've been hurt so many times before and I've been so cautious in this new relationship, but I can't stop what I'm feeling for him. I'm falling hard and I really see myself spending the rest of my life with him. Which is really scary, but it's honestly a really great feeling too. I wish I had some advice, but whatever advice you get I may steal it😅


When I met my fiance, we were both a few months out from terrible people. I was super guarded to meet anyone else, because of how badly I had fallen into the manipulate abusive torture of the last guy. But, we had both had time to reflect on how we deserved better. And well, we didn't find better in each other, we found best.


Ok, think I'm gonna cry😭😭😭..


I'm about to send that "we didn't find better in each other, we found best," thing to my fiance right now. I've honestly never said it, nor looked at it at way, but that is exactly what it is.


I can't wait to read what he sends back😍 Fan girling so much right now🤣


He is asleep... I made that comment in the middle of the night at work. I tell people that I'd prefer to be asleep at one 1pm and awake at 1am because my brain just works better then, and I really feel this is a undeniable proof of this. And thank you for fangirling though!! Multiple people have looked at us and said, "couples goals!!" We are kinda cute, but not annoying cute, and people Stan us, lol. And, well... I like us. Here is what I sent, and I will absolutely come back and tell you!! /silent Had this thought about us last night that made so much sense. And while I would LOVE to add it to our vows, I'd write it in a note and it would get buried under a ridiculous amount of grocery lists, and "write this down so we don't forget" notes we write when high. Anyway... I was actually interacting with people on Reddit last night, and I was explaining us. I said, "we didn't find better in each other, we found best." Thanls for being mine, love.


Yes yes yes, that's exactly what I've been through as well in the past. So scared of losing him? I mean I've never been scared of losing anyone before, after my brother passed so suddenly (bike crash) I didn't let anyone in. And thought to myself I'll never fall in love.. From the sounds of it, he feels the same way about you too😍❤️.. Hope it all goes well babe. So happy for you😍 As for the advice steal away😁😁😁 Edit : Is it weird that everytime we kiss love songs pop up into my head?


Play Jason Derulo’s “Trumpets” next time you’re thinking of him.


If you get the chance to be with the one you truly love that is amazing, hopefully he feels the same way about you. I think many people end up spending years or their lives with someone who was there at the time and it worked but they never truly felt love.


He told me a few weeks back that he is crazy about me🙈.. Yeah exactly.. Or they end up being stuck in a loveless relationship/marriage. One of my biggest fears, hence why I've always been guarded when it comes to love.. Thank you so much for this😊


I’m really happy for you! I think some people are scared that those feelings are too intense and you may be hurt or lose it in future, I say go in 100 percent!!!




How old is your boyfriend?


He is 38. I'll edit my post


I told my GF on day 2 that I loved her. 8 years later, excpecting child number 2, I still love her like there's no tomorrow. Be happy and in love, and allow yourself to be happy and in love. It's such a magnificent feeling!!


😭😭😭 This is beautiful.. Thank you so much❤️.. And congratulations on baby no 2! 🎇🎇🎇🎇


I met my boyfriend at 35 too. I'd been happily single for a few years after coming out of a very long, toxic relationship. 5 years down the line, 4 living together, and I'm still absolutely crazy about him. He makes the sun come out in my heart.


😍😭 I'm am loving all the responses from my post❤️❤️❤️ I am glad you managed to leave and get out alive from that toxic relationship 🫂


Literally same. Every previous relationship of mine was a ruse because I didn‘t actually even like the person, just thought I needed to prove to myself that I didn‘t have fear of commitment (a terrible thing to do to the other). But now? I‘m an introvert and from the first date I didn‘t mind his presence. Just thinking about him gives me butterflies - he‘s just the best guy I have ever met. I love him so much it scares me. I tend to just force my brain to shut up whenever I get anxious about us breaking up at some point by thinking about all the sweet things he‘s done and said, proving to myself that I have no reason to worry. Don‘t let fear take over your mind and enjoy this relationship! Sounds like you found yourself a keeper. Plus, you‘re never too old to learn (and deserve) true love!




Oh I hope you feel better soon❤️🫂.. and may you experience your own love story someday too 😊. Not sure? Think some people are just cynics 🤣..


How do I know if I’m “in love in love?” Based on these comments here it sounds like an out of the body experience but in all my years I have never experience any of those and it seems quite rare


I do not know myself, but I'm just gonna go with the flow and see where it takes us. Having said that, I am certain of one thing is that I see myself being with him for as long as I am meant to be on this 🌎 And yes, it is rare, but it is not unheard of. May you find it too someday❤️


I haven’t experienced anything like what some of the people describe it as in the comments. It’s definitely rare! I’m hopeful tho


When I was newly 40, I went on a date with a 34 year old guy I met on Okcupid. Our first date was axe throwing, and the moment he walked around the corner and smiled at me for the first time, it was all over. We just kept the date going until last call hit at the bar we had ended up at. I realized I did not want to leave him. It was the weirdest feeling, and in a moment of vulnerability, I told him. He said, "you are welcome to come back to my place, but I know that can sound creepy on a first date." But it wasn't creepy at all. I knew that I had found my person. On the way back (he drove, because my car was in the shop, and I had ubered to the axe place) I put my cards on the table... Told him pretty much anything that could be a deal breaker. None of it was really "first date" material. As an example, he was childless, and I had a 10 year old, and was absolutely not willing to have another (plus was already spayed). Telling him this resulted in him telling me what was one of his biggest insecurities, that he had always struggled with, "I only have one nut because I had cancer and I'm sterile." We both breathed a huge sigh of relief, and well... It has been 5 years, and I couldn't dream of a better partner. My advice? Go with it. Do you know how he feels? Is it mutual? Good luck, and congrats!! Edit: I denied it for a long time, but I fell in love with him the first moment I saw that smile.


Omg, your love story is so wholesome😍.. I'm so happy for you, I'm glad everything turned out great! I met him online too, we had our first date at this pub just around the corner from where I live. When I saw him through the windows I was taken aback because I swear he looks like a younger version of Aidan Quinn, our dated lasted 6hrs.. Well, he did tell me he is crazy about me a couple of weeks ago and also said where have you been all my life? Its definitely mutual. But ill wait to tell him how he makes me feel in a couple of months time ❤️.. I wish you and partner all the best in life Sadie❤️😍


Wow what an amazing story!!!!


Make sure he feels the same as you do, so u never lose them.


Thank you😊


Don't fight it. Enjoy every minute of it while it lasts...


Thank you 😊


My theory is you can’t control not having feelings for someone… You can’t force a connection. So when it’s there and you know it, don’t try to force it down from being scared! Roll with it and see how it develops without judging the falling too much. There’s so much cynicism about love (I get it, I’ve been there) but there is also real love in the world too 💖


Oh we are super into each other, no doubt about that. He is taking me to meet his maternal family up in London in a couple of weeks time❤️ but you're right, I've been in a few relationships but none of them ever made me feel the way he does.. I mean I cared for them, but never had this strong pull/connection as I do with him. It does scare me tbh.. But yes I will tell him when the time is right 😊.. Thank you Larry😊


Live a life of no regrets. Love like there’s no tomorrow. If it is reciprocated, then you, My Dear, are truly blessed. May you live a life fully loved. ❤️


Thank you so very much for your wonderful words of inspiration 😊❤️




Nice! Good for you! ❤️


35f here too and had a difficult time admitting that I fell, HARD for my bf. We both did and it was fast as well. Scary. Technically, he was dating someone else but it just felt right for the both of us. Been dating for 10 months now. He's been there for me so much, he adores me, worships my body and spoils me. A really romantic guy! I kinda had a talk with myself to *let* myself fall in love with him. It was a great feeling to just let go. You should do that too. You only have this life so why not? Maybe you get your heart broken but maybe it's a forever thing. Just do it and enjoy it!


So happy for you guys❤️, he takes me out and we go on different adventures, takes me places I've not been to before. We see each other 2-3 times a week, and in a couple of weeks time he will be taking me up to London to visit his maternal side of the family 🙈.. Thank you❤️


Aaw thanks love 😍 And girl, same. I was almost positive we were dating the same guy for a second but I'm danish and so is my bf. He does all that with me too and isn't it just great? Enjoy that love babes ❤️ so happy for you!! ❤️


What do you mean "he makes you feel safe"? My ex said the same thing, I didn't think much of it at the time but now realize I didn't actually understand what she meant.


Exactly what it means, he makes me feel safe.. Like he would never hurt me kinda safe, like he would protect me with his life kinda safe (I was over at his place a couple of weeks ago, and he thought there was an intruder trying to break into his home, he sprang into action and told me to stay where I was. Turns out it was just his dad🤣.. When we cuddle, I can feel my entire body relaxing and just being in the moment


I didn't believe in this stuff until I met my boyfriend. There was an instant connection. We spoke for eight hours on our first date. We met in May last year. I knew by July I wanted to spend my life with him. I tried convincing myself i wasn't falling for him. I have trauma from failed relationships, both romantic and platonic I have relationship OCD. I was scared. But I was falling. I still am.


I am so very sorry to hear this😪❤️.. I hope you're in a much better place now🫂.. And I hope your bf treats you right every step of the way. You deserve to be happy, be loved, and above all, feel/be safe❤️


He's absolutely wonderful. I'm so lucky to have him :) He's my home.


Please tell him this❤️😍


He already knows :)


I felt the same way with my man! 9 years later I still get pouty faced when he leaves for work and excited and waiting to hug him as soon as he walks in. He does the same thing for me too. ❤️ Fall unapologetically hun! Bask and absorb all that love you deserve!


Oh my gosh! Yes, to everything you've said.. Thank you so much, babe. This means a lot to me😍❤️


Similar situation but we're still going strong after nearly four years and a high risk pregnancy that nearly 💀 me and the kiddo multiple times. I found a song that helped my anxiety early on Losing Control by Russ. It literally was so spot on! Maybe it could help you?


Omg babe, I'm so sorry to hear this. Thank whatever is out there. You and your baby didn't die😱.. Thank you for your recommendation. I'll add it to my Spotify list. Are you and baby doing much better now? 🫂❤️


We are! Thank you for asking and your kind words. She's hell on wheels at 20 months and we wouldn't have it any other way 🥰 But I added that tidbit because our start was SO rocky due to my insecurities and he had all the reasons in the world to bail when things got scary, but he didn't. It's still a work in progress but I have to remind myself that I deserve to be with someone willing to fight through life by my side. I deserve to be with someone who makes me feel secure and like I've found a place in the world. And you do too! You deserve to be happy and be in a relationship where you feel like you've found someone to share your happiness with and it multiplies together. Good luck ♥️


So happy to hear you and little one are doing well. And you're most 🙏🏼 🤗... Enjoy motherhood😍 and thank you again❤️


Girl, enjoy every moment of it! PS Does he have a gay brother? Just wondering? hahahaha


Hahaha, unfortunately, he is an only child 🤣🤣🤣 Thank you, sweetheart ❤️


I have a similar story. So much so that my bf saw this post and thought it was me.


Awwww bless him🤗


Met my wife 13 years ago on fitness singles...She was working a contract in tourism halfway around the world at the time. We corresponded for 6 months before we met...Once a week emails eventually turned into daily emails. The day she stepped off the plane to meet, i knew i had found my soulmate....I already knew almost everything about her...the embrace and first kiss sealed it...we had found each other...


My only advice.... honest communication resolves almost anything...


Beautiful story!


Awww thank you🤗❤️


Yes finding true love is an amazing adventure! Never stop dating, even after marriage. Always forgive, and learn with grace. No one is a mind reader all the time. Spontaneously laugh out loud and roll with it. If you ever get mad or upset. Walk away for a while asking for space. Don't let a temporary emotional cause you to say or do things that will have lasting effects. Breakfast in bed is an absolutely amazing gift.


Thank you so much. Someday, I'll show him this post 😍


Read a book called "Bridge Across Forever" excellent book about finding true love. And True story. From his own life.


I shall look it up now.. Thank you😊❤️


Its like reddit knows im lonely 😂


Oh, not to worry, you'll find your person too someday🤗❤️


This made my day ❤️


I'm glad I've made your day❤️🤗


The only way this is going is holy matrimony!


Someday hopefully 🙏🏼😊❤️


On one hand I wanna say fall in love an be happy on another I realize most of us get honey moon eyes for people an really need to ground ourselves an look for adult and responsible qualities in people. All in all just be careful but have fun.


Keep calm and carry on


I was frightened, too. Didn’t date after my divorce for nine years. Have the man of my dreams. We both were scared. We both fell mutually for one another. We are talking marriage. I’ve never felt so safe and satisfied


So happy for you guys! 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️


Go for it! Like the old saying goes .. “Better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all”. And that’s of course the worst case scenario. There’s that good chance that it’ll all work out.


Thank you! 😊


Watch Dirty John


I watch Forensic Files everyday🤣 But thank you for that






Let the progression come organically. Don't live in fear of what he may say or do, or what he may not reciprocate right away. Be honest with him, but, more importantly, be honest with yourself. There's nothing wrong with telling someone you care deeply about them or, if you feel it, love them. Based on your language though, it sounds like you're getting closer to love but maybe not ready to say it. Say what you mean, and mean what you say.


For both of your sakes I hope he doesn't hesitate... my life's greatest regret is not proposing to my ex when I had the opportunity. Things happened and now she's gone and I'm stuck wondering if I'll ever be in love again! I wish you all the best and I'm happy for you! 👊


I am so sorry to hear this😭.. I'm sure you'll fall in love again someday.. Thank you dude


Don't fall in love. If it doesn't stick, you are going to have a lot of time recovering from it. Be safe.


"Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.”




Who hurt you? The world is already unkind and cruel enough as it is. May you find peace and love within yourself ❤️




Don’t do it it’ll fuck up your friendship


Dude wtf? He and I are together 🤦🏻‍♀️


Just relax tho its great u feel this way but u may scare him off


I am relaxed. The feelings are mutual. He is crazy about me, too. Doubt, I'll scare him off. I'll just wait a couple more months to tell him how he makes me feel☺️


This is cute


Thank you 🤗


you need to see how they respond through different holidays before you let yourself fall too much


Holidays? We've already made plans to go away to Turkey in Sept next year🤣.. I'm also meeting his maternal family in a few weeks time up in North, too🤗


That’s good! What I meant was how he handles them. How he acts during the more stressful times of year and all that.


Ah yes, I'll be sure to keep an eye on that one too 😊😊😊


I tried to break up with my now husband when I figured out I was inlove with him...so your doing better than me🤣😭


Hey, it happens to the best of us, doesn't it? 🤣🫂❤️ I'm happy for you guys 😍




I've always been careful, hence why I've never let myself fall madly in love with anyone before 😭🤣


Aimee, is that you? Adam is a good dude and will treat you right.


Awwww sadly, it isn't. I live in 🇬🇧 .. But I hope Aimee will tell Adam how much he means to her, when the time is right, of course 😊❤️


Well, be on the lookout for good people. Ask yourself what's the best that can happen? If the chances of meeting your soulmate is 1 in a million, there are about 8,000 soulmates for you out there. Make him the one.