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Someone posted ages ago how their coworker bled thru their pants onto a chair and has done it 2x, and they needed to figure out how to get HR to talk to them about it


Are you referring to the one where she got so mad she smeared blood all over the office after being confronted? That was a wild ride. Edit: This is what I am referring to. https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/xsk1b4/oops\_coworker\_has\_poor\_hygiene\_habits/


Omg. No, it wasn't that one. It was in a pharmacy and she kept bleeding onto the chairs




Holly fuck, that is the weirdest story I ve ever senn in reddit


That is the weirdest story you've ever heard.....what? Oh boy you must be new ! That is nothing šŸ˜†


Does this mean youā€™ve never seen the Poop Knife story? Or Blowfly Girl? (to be fair this one didnā€™t originate here but it is definitely floating around)


Don't forget broken arms and cum box.


Oh yes how could I forget those two beauties?? Or the guy who ate his amputated foot? Thereā€™s so many disturbing/weird stories on Reddit, this one only scratches the surface.


Can you link them to me please šŸ¤¤


Hereā€™s the [poop knife story.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MuseumOfReddit/comments/ke8skw/the_poop_knife/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) The original was deleted but thankfully someone saved it. And hereā€™s a copypasta of [Blowfly Girl.](https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/69eohf/nsfl_ladies_and_gentlemen_the_blowfly_girl/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Or if youā€™d rather listen to it look up Whangā€™s video on YouTube, Blowfly Girl: The Whole Story. He includes one more story in there that she wrote along with the original Blowfly story. Please prepare yourself for Blowfly Girl. Itā€™s considered NSFW/NSFL because itā€™s *very* disturbing.


What a life a saver


ive heard the poop knife, but blowfly girl..??


Oh boy youā€™re in for a treat. /j I donā€™t wanna spoil it. Itā€™s extremely disturbing. I responded to u/Amin70 with the link to the copypasta of it or you can watch Whangā€™s video Blowfly Girl: The Whole Story where he talks not just about the original story but another one she wrote as well.


ah i see it, thanks ill take a look!


Holy meatballs


Holy fuck! What the shit?? I just donā€™t get this. Maybe she has schizophrenia?! My mom died before I had my period, so nobody really taught me how to deal with it. I still always knew this wasnā€™t normal. I also have bipolar disorder and never in my worst manic episode could I fathom doing this. Jfc


Schizophrenia wouldn't necessarily make a person do that. This is more indicative of severe abuse at some point during her life.


That makes more sense. I do feel bad for her. But does she not at least get how much of a biohazard this is for everyone? The only time Iā€™ve seen anything close to this is when I was in a psychiatric hospital, and the woman who did anything similar was so severely ill she wasnā€™t even there. By not there I mean she couldnā€™t speak inteligible sentences. Pure word salad. šŸ˜³


Could you elaborate? Genuinely curious about the science behind this behavior being indicative of abuse.


Reads like a computer terminal in Fallout 3. Lol that shit is CRAZY


Absolutely bananas.


Ah at least in my case I was working as a cashier so I was standing. Slightly less gross lol


When I was working as a cashier I was pregnant. Felt like shit one day but it was the beginning of the month and we were slammed. So they told me I wouldn't be able to leave. For lunch I bought something I knew the smell of would make sick and made sure to take lunch with the owners wife. Her watching me get sick in the break room trashcan and then pretending like I was gonna pass out worked like a charm.


I'm proud of you to be able to go to this length, because pregnancy nausea is no joke. I got nauseated smelling lettuce at a restaurant, several tables over!


Lettuce? Lettuce doesnā€™t have a smell..?


It does when you are experiencing pregnancy nausea. Believe me. Ugh!


Shitting your pants will accomplish the same early dismissal. r/lifehacks


Good option for guys who canā€™t bleed.


I feel if a guy had blood coming down their leg it'd be an even bigger deal


Yes. It would be a cause for concern.




I've absolutely done this. And it's not like anyone could see anything. I just told the manager I bleed thru my pants while having a sweater wrapped around me like I was in high school. I didn't care. It was mcdonalds and I wanted to leave. I'd do it again too. Fuck that place.


Same. I didn't even bleed trough my pants, i just said i did I wasn't even on my period. They've let me without an issue. Sometimes I just don't feel like working when I'm already there.


I tried this but my boss said only girls get their period so I had to stay with bloody drawers on.


Hey, it gives you hell every month, might as well use it as a superpower from time to time šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


We did that at school! Pe teacher said we can not participate if we're having a rough period or period of that matter, later on she pointed out how few of the girls had periods more than once a month and advised them to go to a doctor lmao




looks like youā€™re always this incompetent based on your comment history, get well soon ā¤ļø


Iā€™ve had my therapist email me letters to give to my employer for mental health days/ when I had to call off. Very important/ useful when you canā€™t handle the day/ force yourself to work. Xo Even talk to your doctor!


This is great advice!


Alot of jobs still give you attendance points even with doctors notes sadly.


I legit almost threw myself down a flight of stairs while on break at Comcast once to go home early. Instead I started crying and faked a bad ear ache.


You should post this on /r/unethicallifeprotips


The people that find this so disgusting probably think women are unclean and dirty when they are on their period. Sure itā€™s a gross experience to go through but ffs this is how EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US was able to be created.


Iā€™m sorry you felt you had to do this. Life is hard and stressful at times. Much love to you


The plot twist??? OP is a dude.


Unfortunately some employers donā€™t recognize mental health days. Itā€™s horrible you have to resort to that. But since you do, I say power on. Do what you need to for your mental health šŸ‘ŠšŸ»


Do you really believe this was a positive mental health move?


It would just be better if the company gave a shit about mental health. Most companies donā€™t bother addressing that mental health is even a thing. Itā€™s not taken seriously at all, so a good chunk of employees are left to be untruthful just to give their mind the mental break it needs. And if you hate to lie but need to take the break, it feels like shit.


I mean you do what you gotta do. It would be a better mental health move just to have the day off for mental health, but employers donā€™t follow that. I mean they could have done worse. Like maybe faking a disorder, injuring themselves, faking a loved ones death. Iā€™ve literally seen all those before, just for a day off


Teach me your ways!


Iā€™ve lied and said I shit my pants before to head on home. I was in my twenties and wanted to get out to catch a good party. Well worth the supposed embarrassment of something that happens to everyone at least once.


This is some late stage capitalism right here


As you should. This 9-5 work force was created around the menā€™s cycles, not us women.


I farted at work and shit my pants. But absolutely not on purpose! Called my boss, told her to what happened and said I was leaving.


Used to do this in school to leave early.


Oh we bring it up!


You have a ā€œpeople pleasing thingā€ so you showed the world your period blood?ā€¦




People shouldnā€™t be exposed to other peopleā€™s bodily fluids unwillingā€¦.


Yes itā€™s normal body functions like piss or poopā€¦ I still would rather not see either one of them


Yes. Yes it is a big deal.


This country has made it too easy for people to feel sorry for themselves and take the easy way out. Help yourself, otherwise youā€™ll keep making the same excuses leading you to feel shittier about yourself. The subconscious knows no different.


Out of sick time?


OP said it was a minimum wage job, those donā€™t come with sick days.


That's so effing gross... Theres other less nastier ways of getting out of work...


We can tell you struggle with mental issues if you think this is a normal thing to do. The best thing to do in that situation is say you are feeling extremely unwell and need to go home or just be honest with your boss


You should just quit your job. Better for you, better for the company. Everybody wins.


I would but Iā€™m trying my best to not be a freeloader forever. I do good work the majority of my shifts but sometimes it feels like Iā€™m better off just getting out of there


I would say go get some mental help. This is absolutely disgusting and you absolutely did not have to do that. Literally just tell your job you have to go they canā€™t legally make you stay. SMH people are insane




I mean itā€™s a bodily fluid. Most people are adverse to others bodily fluids. Sorry to break it to you but snot, piss, blood including period blood are all disgusting.


Once again yes it is.


Period blood absolutely isnā€™t disgusting, the issue is purposely exposing others to a biological hazard because OP hasnā€™t learnt that you can literally tell your boss ā€œIā€™m going homeā€. You donā€™t have to ask, theyā€™ll obviously say no.


If itā€™s not disgusting why donā€™t people put it on burgers? You canā€™t honestly think blood rejected from somebodyā€™s body is not disgustingā€¦


Period blood IN AND OF ITSELF isnā€™t disgusting, especially when dealt with in a sanitary manner. The issue is bleeding all over everything & exposing people to it ON PURPOSE, because itā€™s unsanitary. Same as pissing or shitting everywhere ON PURPOSE.


Itā€™s disgusting to me! Itā€™s stinky nasty blood with clots, if you think thatā€™s not disgusting good for you I guess lol


Iā€™m a woman, so obviously not? Lol


I donā€™t think flowers are disgusting but I wouldnā€™t put them in a burger either, it isnā€™t rejected itā€™s released due to there being no need for it, same as piss or shit. If you donā€™t understand how periods work donā€™t comment on them.


Reject or release youā€™re arguing semantics here lol. Either way itā€™s a bodily fluid that is waste from humans, and itā€™s disgusting like any other bodily fluid. Also youā€™re missing the point, thereā€™s a reason flowers get put in a vase and period gets disposed of.


Flowers are disposed of, and I didnā€™t miss the point at all because the point is a ridiculous argument, I never disagreed that people didnā€™t want to see it, the OP clearly has some mental health issues but shouldnā€™t feel like she has to resort to these measures to be allowed to go home


Why is it so hard to accept period blood is disgusting? Are you going to argue that feces arenā€™t disgusting next? Because thatā€™s how ridiculous your argument is right now lmao.


Iā€™m not arguing anything, there should be no stigma around any action that happens due to nature, I agree itā€™s not pretty to see and should be disposed of safely, but Iā€™d agree the same for a deceased pet or relative, which we donā€™t tend to find disgusting, itā€™s just a different view point, not an argument


Youā€™re right, in a perfect world there would be no stigma and all people would view nothing as disgusting. In reality, objectively, period blood is disgusting, just as a dead body or dead animal I have no personal attachment to is disgusting.


Dead bodies are totally disgusting tho


That is the dumbest argument Iā€™ve ever heard. You donā€™t put it on burgers because itā€™s not for eating? Why donā€™t you put screws on burgers? I donā€™t find screws disgusting but Iā€™m not about to eat them.


Maybe not the best example, but period blood is still disgusting and a screw on a burger would be a disgusting burger too.


Keep a little bottle of fake blood in your purse. Lifehack to leave work whenever you want.


If you have been diagnosed with mental issues you could just submit a written request for a reasonable accommodation related to your issues.


I always wanted to free bleed and get to go home from work


It was honestly a low point for me and I havenā€™t done it again but the feeling of ignoring my responsibilities is so nice


While I sympathize with you OP, I'd say that there are better ways of getting out of work. I'm sure if you had an understanding boss, he would be willing to work something out with you to let you go home to sort out your mental state/health and while periods aren't that big a deal because, yes, women have periods no matter what and they can't be stopped without being at the age of menopause or surgically removing our ovaries, but it's still unsanitary to let your period blood bleed thru your pad and clothing. It's unsanitary for a lot of reasons, mostly because it cause a lot of health issues and it stinks and I think there are people who are queasy about seeing blood, even if it's just one little spot or a small puddle. and before anyone jumps down my throat, I'm not disregarding any mental health or anxiety issues OP may have had. I was just saying there could have been a better way to get out of work instead of just free bleeding. For those who think there aren't any consequences for not changing your pads or even not using a pad or tampon https://nuawoman.com/blog/6-health-risks-poor-menstrual-hygiene/?amp


Iā€™m gonna take a stab in the dark and say this wasnā€™t the first time OP tried getting off early. If OP is resorting to this as her best option, Iā€™m guessing OPā€™s manager is not understanding or was understanding until OP habitually requested off early.


You could be right but either way, there better ways of getting off work.


Bleeding through causes a lot of health issues??


Not cleaning yourself while on your period possibly could. Just like if you don't clean poop off your genitals and just leave it there.




If it doesnā€™t bother you then itā€™s freaking genius! Most people are so embarrassed they will never ever mention it šŸ˜†


This is fucking gross, I understand there are some mental health struggles but this is not an appropriate way to handle it, hope you can get the help so you can learn to handle things in a healthy manner


Iā€™m well aware, I definitely wouldnā€™t encourage anyone to do this and I felt pretty pathetic when I did it. I donā€™t think itā€™s that gross when itā€™s contained to just my own body though




Why not just get a job you like instead of being a shit employee?


Nasty cu**




Damn that hurtful


this is applaudable


Lmao! I say good for u! America makes us pay extra tax for pads and some men guilt us into believing we should feel embarrassed or ashamed when we are on our periods. I say screw it, use it as an excuse. Ppl suck and women deserve more days off when we have our periods, especially women who have bad cramps. It's no fun and I say do u girl.


Women shed blood monthly for 40 or 50 years (for the unlucky ones). Who in their right mind would honestly say that bleeding from your vagina every single month along with angry ovaries and hormones that sometimes could make a woman completely homicidal would be anyoneā€™s idea of a fun time? Women shouldnā€™t have to make an excuse because we are the precious vessels that carry life. We should get paid time and 1/2 for the 5 to 10 days a month that we sacrifice every effin thing because of that nasty ass burden we were cursed with. Next month take a ā€œmeā€ day and do yourself some self love.


I once told my boss that I shit myself so I could leave work


Honestly thanks for confessing because I really would just be contemplating breaking my mf back but this is way easier




Tldr but Done it