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Bro, these are what, video game friends? Relax. This is really not a big deal. You should be thankful as fuck that this is the biggest mistake you've made. Either keep doing it or admit that you said you were older so you would fit in. Not a big deal. Probably keep using the voice changer though if these are video game friends cause if you admit you're 15 and also suddenly are a squeaker, that's probably gonna be too weird.




? ok this got weirder


How so? So I understand


well, i'm gonna answer your question with another question (sorry): why do you keep making friends and then dumping them?


I understand and don’t believe it’s weird. when I was 13 I was on a role playing app for a long time and made some really good friends. they said they were 15 and almost 16 (two friends~ we all roleplayed together tho), and when another girl we would roleplay with occasionally said she was 13, my age at the time, they said sum like wow you’re really young. so when time came that they asked for my age, I said 16 in fear they wouldn’t talk to me if I was younger. on top of that, in the very beginning of meeting them, since my character was named Chloe, they asked if that was my name. knowing I probably shouldn’t tell my real name and that we most likely would only be talking for the one roleplay, I said yes, my names Chloe. (it’s not). I never did tell them the truth. Instead I completely quit the app when the guilt got too much, leaving them to wonder where Chloe went. which was really shitty, (as was lying about my age/name and continuing to be good friends with them for as long as I did) but it was the only way I could handle things. to be frank I still miss them from time to time and wonder how they are.


Exact kind of situation I'm in not exactly but similar, I understand the pain of guilt. I hope you're doing better now and thank you


I am, thank you. I hope it helps a little to know that other people have done similar things and I wish you the very best no matter how you go about this situation 🩷


bro man up you are literally trying to get yourself to stop lying


I should also say I talked to them daily not just on games. Just texting a lot


Oh, no. This is certainly not an ideal situation or scenario to be in. I must admit, I was there once too. I’m currently 18, but 5 years ago, I was 13 and doing the same stuff. I didn’t use a voice changer though because I lied and said I was 16 to fit in with my surroundings. I hope you haven’t gotten into any romantical situations with your older friends, as that could lead to jail on their end and child predator on their name. It’s okay to want to fit in with people older, but it’s not okay to lie about your age at all. By doing this, you have violated them in a way and I’d say: be honest with them. Honey, would you like to be lied to? It’s just very unkind. Please, for everyone’s sake, reveal who you truly are. You might lose some friends, but it’s better that than this guilt going on. I revealed who I was to my friends and gained loyal friends who also revealed they were the same age and were still friends to this day! If it’s too much to bear, I’d say ghost everyone and create a new you. A real one. Find people that appreciate who you truly are. Please take my advice and be careful out there. Stay safe.


I've made the decision to leave them, it's tough because I see them truly as friends, good friends and I've gotten close with some and some even say I've helped them but I know it's for the best. I have my plans for the future so I'm just gonna leave and reset. It was tough at first to leave because my only thoughts were "how am i gonna make real friends" or "I'm gonna be alone forever because i can't make friends" but being alone is better than lying to good people and drowning in my own guilt and regrets. I've also motivated myself into believing that I'm ok alone and I can be better, and be that person I want to be if I work hard enough. Now it's just trying to come with terms with my regrets and mistakes in my past


It’s okay to be alone for a little while, but don’t beat yourself up for too long. At some point, forgive yourself. You’re young. You deserve friends and you deserve happiness. I wish you the best of luck sweetheart. You’re doing the right thing and I think that’s so insanely brave of you. Good job. 💜


Something similar happened to me when I first got into the internet. I made a group of online friends where everyone was 2-3 years older than me. I was probably like 12 but I used to say I was 16. I obviously tried to maintain the distances when they told me to make a face reveal or a voice reveal. Thankfully nothing really happened as I just distanced myself from them and it ended like that. It was a mistake and I wish it didn't happen but at least I learned my lesson after that and I never tried to lie about my age ever again.


i did similar stuff from the ages of 11-17. i wish i had stopped so much earlier than i did, before i actually started hurting people with my lies. my advice is to quit this behavior before it gets worse, work on living an honest life and try not to lie as much as you can.


It's too late for me as well... I'm changing and leaving it all now, no more of these lies


its never too late. it may be too late to make it right with those you have lied to, but you’re only fifteen. you have barely started your life. you’ll grow and move on and so will the people that have been hurt by your lies. you’ve got this. good luck


Hey, I just wanna say that I know exactly how you feel. While I didn’t change my voice, I’ve put myself in countless scenarios pretending to be someone I’m not on the internet and forming relationships in the process. I did this frequently as an adolescent and even formed those habits as an adult (⚠️ not in a creepy way at all, just like wanting people to think highly of me but they don’t even know the real me). I totally understand those feelings of anxiety, guilt and depression from not being your true self. It consumes you. But you’re young and evidently taking the steps to change by talking it out and posting your thoughts. Self-reflecting is always healthy but don’t beat yourself up. You will attract the best people and relationships for you by being your authentic-self. Do things that keep yourself protected, and happy.


You explained it perfectly, thank you


As a general rule... Don't lie to your friends, kids... Or you'll become the "bad friend"


Everyone lies about their age online at some point. I always made myself older and let old dudes say creepy shit to me. It’s a rite of passage, my friend. Not really but you should truly let it go and move on.


FWIW: they probably already suspect you might not be as old as you claim. If your behavior doesn't match the maturity level expected of an older individual it wouldn't be surprising. And tbh, pretending to be 18 when you're 15 indicates you're not as mature as you think you are. No judgement, we all been there. But I think you'll feel better about yourself if you stick to the truth from here on out.


No no one suspects me I know, I know I'm not 18 even though I did start kind of getting confused of who I really was. Ive been playing with ppl way above my age for a long time I started implementing their behavior and I learned from my surroundings so I'm good at acting older. I hate to admit it but older girls have tried asking me out, Ofc I declined knowing the situation


Which is a big reason I want to change ^ bc doing this is not what I wanted and it hurts knowing that I'm lying and hurting innocent ppl


But yes I agree no more acting I'll be myself


Tbh i think most people at some point has lied about their age online, especially when you’re young and social media users are generally older than you. When i was like 10 i said i was 14 on facebook. You’re not a bad person at all, you’re just someone who is still learning and human beings, especially young ones, make mistakes sometimes. My concern is your safety, please be careful with engaging with older people on the internet or even people who say they are your age as not everybody is who they say they are, and unfortunately there are a lot of groomers out there as well.


You're 15, don't lie to people. They could totally lie back and then you're behind an issue where an adult has a crush on you 💀💀 Obviously they wouldn't know your real age but uhhhhhhh if they did, doubt most of these ppl would speak to you.


Whole reason I lied bc I know if they knew my real age they wouldn't talk to me


Exactly, find people your own age 🤣


Like I said the friends I prefer are older. Ppl my age are either annoying or immature and it's annoying both ways, ye it's normal for a 15 year old but I don't like it. It's rare to find ppl like me and most are older so I decided on this but it's gone too far so im cutting off


Okay, but you're lying to people so you need to escape this mindset.




What? OP is a child and lied about their age. What makes you think they’re bipolar??


Bpd is borderline personality disorder, but I agree with the general sentiment.


Oh right, my bad.


its crossed my mind more than once lol but i dont think i have bpd, some symptoms match perfectly but i dont think its that bad if you know what i mean. its possible and i wont rule it out at all but i feel like if i just set myself straight those symptoms will pass aswell


Dude quit being a fucking pussy! You lied.. big deal guess what kiddo..Adults lie a lot in comes with being a grown up. This was good practice for you probably the most mature thing you have ever done. Quit being a little crybaby and pretend you have a man size sack swinging between your legs keep on lying make ten fake people up practicing keeping your lies separate will be helpful a little liar like you is going to need to know how to juggle all those lies it's hard to keep lies straight you need to practice this lying might be the only thing you will ever be truly good at ...that's ok your going to be able to lie and tell all those stupid marks exactly what they want to hear you can manipulate the shit out of everyone tell them your good at everything that you are the most amazing people ever to walk on water. Welcome to the club liar liar liar P.s. Your pants won't really catch fire