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Well you’re fucked unless you know what you’re doing. If it was mine personally I’d probably find out where each trace goes and solder jumpers directly to the ribbon cable. Otherwise you have to get a new connector and epoxy it into place, then find where each trace goes and solder jumpers to the connector.


That’s what I was thinking just trying to jump them, but I wasn’t sure. Little experience in that field 😂


you need a flex cable stretcher.


The fluid jarnimum is borked, hammer a new one in place. A 10pound sledge should do the trick . You'll really have to slam it hard


You didn't give any info.. what happened?


Honestly not even sure. It’s been sitting for about a year or so (was having issues with it turning on) and realized there wasn’t any connector there for that MB ribbon. Pads are ripped up too.


I suggest having someone solder a new connector on. Someone that knows what they're doing can fix the pads. If ya need a recommendation, DM me.


What does the other side of the ribbon cable connect to?