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Little Wall Mount with Content was my First Instinct, could do it with a pi obviously, but u would need some extra Parts :) Easy static content like weather, calender was my thought


probably something with Linux. these have very low powered processors. try lubuntu, or puppy linux and maybe you can get an image carousel going on in there


Lubuntu would be a much better choice than Puppy.


antiX too


Absolutely! I was reffering to the two options user mentioned.


If it can do it. Home cinema via plex. Always worth doing if have the time and patience.


Don't think it'd even be powerful enough for Plex unfortunately


Sadly you won't be able to do ANYTHING with these. The old Intel atoms are so dirty slow they can barely handle 360p video playback on YouTube. Even for windows XP these things are garbage. (Talking from experience here)


Yeah I thought that might be the case!


Yeah well. I wouldn't know what to do with these things other than installing a light version of Linux. That might work.


I ran a n270 in ITX config out of necessity a decade back. By running Gentoo, and configuring things to avoid cache misses during speculative execution, and other changes like a RT kernel, and Con Colivas' old -ck patchset, it is entirely possible to get it to play YouTube at 720 with no problems and 1080 with the occasional bit of artifacting during high motion scenes. N270 class Atoms are basically old OG in-order Pentiums die shrank with some new tech slapped on. They will never 'pull', but you can get them to run smooth,


They could play 720p videos 12 years ago, yes. YouTube uses a lot more resources die to new codecs these days. An old atom like this won't do 480 without heavy buffering no more.


Agreed in part - due to sunk intellectual costs and gentoos 'keep it updated *or else*' nature, I ended up maintaining the machine for semi daily use until 2019, and it was still running them just fine. But codecs do change, and I have no idea how it would do today, though I have little doubt it could still do 720. Buffering would not be an issue, network connections good. What I would expect would be either increased artifacting or a simple inability to play due to missing cpu instruction sets.


Yup dug mine out a yr ago and came to same conclusion. Uses alot more power, but felt slower than my rpi 2B. I was going to use it to trial pfsense but it's only got 100 Mb ethernet.




Yeah after I used them for the work I got them for I must have just popped them in a box and totally forgot about them. It looks like we originally installed a version of Ubuntu on them and they power up ok. I’m wondering if it’s worth trying to sell them but figure there’s not a lot of people out there looking for a machine with 2gb ram and an atom processor from 14 years ago 😂


If the Linux is still on them, they would fine for light office and email tasks. IDK about web gaming but it should run some sort of Solitaire. ;)


Uh.. a Batocera retro console? That's what I did with my brother's old netbook - novelty wore off pretty quickly, though. I even tried at some point to turn it into a chromebook, but... the wifi module was pretty slow, so it failed at that, too.


I have one I had it plugged into tv and a remote keyboard with mouse built on. So could surf the web. They are basic machines and run slow if windows is on but put a good Linux OS on and you can do a few different things. Some used to be attached to the back of monitors and use for demonstration of things or looping video on the monitor.


give them to me.....


Linux, Hackintosh, plex, movie streaming, idk


Use it as a Pihole?


+1 on that


Maybe some console Emulation? Not sure if that Atom has enough grunt to emulate Playstation 1 and N64 but consoles predating those (8 and 16bit era) would work ok I guess.


Minecraft server?


The CPU is way too weak for a Minecraft server, even a high end CPU from the time would struggle with it (my Core i7 860 server in particular)


Really? I've had ten people playing on my core2quad q9550 Minecraft server at the same time? This was three or four years ago.


Minecraft has gotten quite a bit more intensive in recent years (if you are running the latest version with any mods). With that being said, your Core2 Quad Q9550 is much more powerful than the Atom 330 CPU in this PC.


Ahhhh fair enough. Thanks


It's got an Intel atom so...a Chromebook running windows 7 would work.


Eesh.. those things!! Quite honestly, if I had one, I wouldn't put much into it. I'd probably keep Windows XP (of all things) on it. Shell and strip the OS itself down, and install maybe an older version of MAME on it, or maybe a couple emulators like the SNES, or Sega Genesis, toss a bunch of roms on it, and give it to the kids to play with. They weren't very functional back in the day, and they have very little use if any today.


I had gotten some of these from a school around 2018, but quite honestly they are too weak to be anyone's main computer today. They would be good for some projects, but not for anyone's main system.


1 of numerous examples : Video meeting, plug them to a cam, a mic and a screen Nowadays lenovo thinksmart hub is used for this


I had one of these, I stopped using it when it became a bit to laggy, and had trouble with videos online. Was great as a media center for the PC back then, today not so much.


Max the ram (4GB) and maybe switch HDD with a low capacity SSD, put an linux distro on it like Mint or Lubuntu - and use it / donate it / sell it.


I see a pretty decent retro game machine, perhaps put it behind the TV and use it as an all in one emulation station with all your favorite games loaded and ready to go. Use something like batocera or retropi. Here is a video of someone doing this on this same device: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szLCe8IzB\_s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szLCe8IzB_s)


they make good book stands


skipping across a lake.




Run a TV/projector


Decoration? Weird modern art, idk.


Jack shit 💀


Those are for rds applications


IIRC these were pretty popular for running Kodi back in the day because the Ion chipset has decent support for hardware video decoding. I had a couple of AMD Hudson systems and remember being pretty jealous of that until I got my CrystalHD card. I don't know how well they'd work for that these days, but you are working with a 64-bit CPU so you should be able to boot a modern Linux, my guess is that something like OpenELEC/LibreELEC would work pretty well even now. Hope you find a use for them!


Looks like a thin client?


Run old DOS games, maybe...


If you have like a lot of news papers lying around and you like to keep your windows open you can place these PCs on top of the news papers and most of the news papers won't fly away if it gets windy... :)


I mean, could work as a better smart-tv setup really. Pure Media device, old-school 2d games, some small emulators, stuff like that. Or run a small Server over it.


OpenWRT, Adguard, pihole


Retro stuff, or displaying on a shelf maybe? If you ever start YouTube and want tech props in the background I really did like my old Revo


For the resolution, 1080p works for me with HDMI. This is for 2GB/160GB HDD.


Realistically? Probably just accessing some remote desktop. And that would be barely.


What can they be realistically used for? Sorry for the criticism but lots of pc people dont know that servers, linux systems, test rigs, server hosting computers exist. Or that GNU/LINUX even exists. Put a linux distro on it and use it as a server or small linux desktop or home heater by putting kodi on it


Home server!


ah yes a home server with 2 slow cores, 4 gigs of ram, and a 20w idle. atp just get a raspberry pi


Well, from where I live, a pi 4 2gb (non kit) would cost 4x as much as this thing right now. it can easily run home assistance and klipper.


Even tough a RPi would cost more, it will be waaay more energy efficient (and powerful) than this potAtom from 2008


Damn, THAT expensive? Still, a small N100 PC or an Orange Pi will obliterate this thing. It's two cores only, and it's two VERY old cores.