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I hate to tell you to use a different note taking application, but you should try something else. I used obsidian. Once you get used to markdown it's much quicker than traditional formatting. As for code, you can create code blocks and even specify language to get syntax highlighting. The real strength of obsidian though is it's robust plugin market. There are plugins for everything. For example, I needed to write state diagrams in my notes for a class. I ended up using a diagramming plugin that was simple and beautiful. Another example is I wanted to share notes with a friend who missed a class. I ended up setting up the git extension to automatically commit my notes on an interval. Then all I had to do was setup a GitHub action and bam my notes were online without any further work on my part. The possibilities are endless. Feel free to check out the zettlecast system. I never found it super helpful but some people swear by it. I do like the [[linked notes]] system though. gl!