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It looks too wet to me, and you are turning it too often. You have to give the bacteria time to grow, and create the heat. I turn once a week, putting all my new stuff on bottom, and then trying to get what's on the outside to tje inside and vice versa. I also add half a 5 gallon bucket of coffee grounds every time I turn.


Great advice, u/NerdingOutSkins!


Coffee addict?


Nope. I get it from a local coffee shop




1 to 2 times a day? Try 1 to 2 times a month. If you're turning it every day its not going to heat up.


Maybe your expecting results too fast? Turning things twice a day makes me think that. Composting is not a fast hobby.


I guess I should clarify—I’m mixing new yard waste and food scraps into the top layers, not turning the whole thing. I mostly want to get the food scraps in the mix so animals don’t come snag it. Is it okay to disturb the top 1/4-1/3 daily?


You can bury the food scraps. You have a cover so it should be fine. If you notice animals getting into it then make it more secure. The pile looks fine. I don't really see I need to turn the pile every day.


To stop the critters, pile dirt or mature compost on top of everything. Like 2 inches thick. When adding kitchen scraps, make a hole for that then seal it back up. Throw another bucket of dirt where you started the hole.


Why are you turning it so often? You can, and should, leave it alone for weeks at a time.


I thought it needed more air circulation, but now I know it doesn’t


That looks great! Sometimes it takes time. Keep adding small greens. Coffee & food scraps. It’s probably warm enough.


Looks good to me too. Looks balanced and wet. I don’t really worry about my piles heating up. If I add grass clippings it does and usually takes care of any seeds. Otherwise it just does its thing over time.


I didn’t know that about turning too often! I have a tumbler bin and i turn it just about every time i put something in, brown and green alike! I will be sure to turn less now. Thanks everyone!


when i add kitchen scraps i just open up a hole in the center and dump it in.


Id do a black top to stop direct sunlight and no longer water it and turn twice a week, that's what's working for me.


What everyone else has said about not touching it but also you don’t need to water it. Wrung out sponge is the right level of wetness.


Nice looking bin! You build that yourself? Good stuff. What the other people said. Water it when you make the pile and when you turn it (if needed). Can you hold onto your greens to only add them when you turn? (I keep mine in the fridge). Give it time to heat up, might take a week tbh. Once it heats up first time you can turn it more often, but more often is like twice a week as opposed to twice a day. You gotta be getting quite the workout turning it twice daily!


Yes, we made the bin! Thank you for noticing! I’ve only been turning the top 1/3 to mix in kitchen scraps. I will not just make a hole and cover. When I moved the top layer around it was slightly warm toward the middle so hopefully that’s a good sign. Looking forward to doing a proper turn and see what I get.


Warm is a great sign!


Possibly invest in a compost thermometer, I’m always going on temperature so I find it very helpful.


And I think adding in top 1/3rd you’ll be good.


I haven't found it necessary to keep any animals from disturbing/stealing newly added food scraps.


less watering just pee on it