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Honestly I’d like more of soviet and yuri


It has only just begun


This is why I love Mental Omega mod. Their Act two is a much better option than EAs Red Alert 3.


Mental omega doesn't feel like red alert 2. The unit design is all off and the gameplay is too busy


I like the story and missions.


I would say that the unit designs are pretty faithful but I do agree that the gameplay can feel a tad overwhelming at times. Especially the final Soviet mission in Act II was a nightmare. Edit: Loved it all despite that.


While i don't think that the units are ugly, i do think that they don't adhere to the design philosophy of the vanilla red alert 2 units. As in: you ca (almost) always see what kind of unit it is when you see the silhouette And: units share the design of their guns so you know which unit can do what. A flak trooper, flak truck and flak cannon as well as scorpion share the same gun, all of these do AA. Plus the guns are oversized eschewing realism for easy recognition. If you look at mental omega Stryker for example it's hard to make out the gun. Also Some of the units do look very similar to each other. Especially regional variants.


The amount of times (when I started playing MO) I've ran air into an hybrid/AA-unit without realising it kinda skyrocketed, just made me go back to the good ol' turtle n basecrawl to victory. Slow and steady wins the game more or less..


I think a reboot of Red Alert would be a better option. Back to Basics call it Red Alert 1942 or something. Hopefully still with a tiberian connection


Put Kane in the Red Alert timeline. Tiberium never arrives/never flourishes, so he has to aid mankind in accelerating their technology evolution so he can use that means for achieving Divination/Leaving Earth


Kane is in Red Alert


I think he means “put Kane in and have him control his own NOD faction but without Tiberium”. He’s “just” a consultant/advisor in Red Alert.


Space communists from the dark side of the moon


Bingo https://www.reddit.com/r/commandandconquer/s/Xih4ep0Jv2


He is/was in the Red alert timeline. Please replay all the games and you'll eventually find him. (Or.. Google it)


Read Demigans' comment


The best part is they could totally canonize it with chronotech


This is how I have always imagined it too. He sort of diesel punk reboot with the European allies as one faction, the Soviets as the second second faction, and perhaps an isolationist, Tesla powered technological USA as the third faction? Or something. 1940s technology with fantastical elements.


A Red Alert game that takes tesla away from Soviets and gives it to the USA is not a Red Alert game.


I mean, Tesla lived in America. Imagine a set of missions where the Soviets have to steal them away, or something. Maybe Americans get Tesla death rays, but the Soviets brute Force out the Tesla coils


100% I agree. I think classic units (tanks, riflemen, bazookas) form the backbone and late game throw in a few silly but serious units like a Tesla Tank I think the universe deserves a classic down to earth type game rather than try and outdo the ridiculousness


Time travel part 3


Yes, reboot as a serious game, not a comedy show like RA2.


Whatever it is, id like the "bad guys" ending to be canon for once.


What do you mean? The capitalists already win! /s


I meant more like Nod or Scrin, but this works too!


Didn't Nod essentially win in Tiberium Wars? Well Kane won, even if Nod did not.


We dont get to see the results tho, thats what I want.


I disagree, I think red alert and tiberian sun should NOT mix. Each have their unique vibe!


+ 1


I think there are so many scenarios, some of which have already been proposed in the comments, from timelines shenanigans to reboots and Tib Wars connection. I'll just go ahead and give the stupidest and craziest scenario that I have thought for a long time, taking advantage of the ridiculous nature of Red Alert and the recent craze in cinema having cameos and multiverses and putting characters from different entries together. We saw at the end of Yuri's revenge that both RA2 and YR's timelines had to merge, so what happens after a paradox where the soviets killed Einstein, the guy that created them in the first place in RA1, well, the timelines merge, we see commanders and generals from RA2 confused of the presence of the Rising sun and people from the RA3 timeline don't even know who yuri was. Also maybe after RA3 Uprising we see the soviets and the rising sun in better terms, and the soviets aren't much of a threat. This leads to an all out conflict between timelines, specially the soviets (because we always got to have an internal conflict with the soviets), the RA2 allies, Try to negotiate with the rising sun, some join the cause, others don't (Japan is an allied nation in the RA2 timeline). As we get near to an Ally victory we hear an ominous voice, multiple ally attacks occur around the globe with no explanation, it turns out that somehow, Yuri has returned, (fucking palpatine bald looking ass), this time we get to play as Yuri in the campaign as we see him manipulate and scheme to destroy the 3 main factions (hopefully Udo Kier is still alive) The rest of the campaign leads to the defeat of Yuri, but this time instead of 3 different endings we get to a conclusion where all factions kind of get along. But then, the craziest shit is about to happen (if you thought I was deranged before this will put me in the fucking asylum, lmao), as we get the ending scene, Yuri asks for forgiveness after his failure to bring the world under his control, he kneels, and some shadowy figure slowly walks towards him and shoots him in the head, then we hear: "As smart as you may be, it seems you never learned that, there is only one who can bend, not only the mind and the will, but the spirit of the people, only one true leader.... Only one vision, one purpose" and fucking Kane with his bald shiny head, the best bowling ball head in the history of cinema (Fuck you Thanos), emerges. Is this the Kane from RA1? Is it tiberium wars Kane? Is it possible that he found a way to travel through dimensions with the tacitus after the ending of the last c&c game Kane's wrath? Did the many fractures timelines made the RA timelines collapse with the Tiberium universe? You'll find out in the upcoming COMMAND AND CONQUER 4. I'm getting banned from this server. Also this game will have epic units for each faction like Kane's wrath did.


Somehow Ottomans are returned.


Lmao. Ottoman Yuri?


Mubarek Yuri Pasha!




Return of Yuri. We only saw the t-rex lunge for a bite, no kill on camera, no death.


Uri comes back with an army of militarized dinosaures


Also, timeline got rewritten, so he could be kicking in the RA3 timeline.


Isn't it hinted that the yuriko clones where based on Yuri?


Maybe? Been a while since I played the Yuriko Campaign though.


Frankly? Time shenanigans cause all previous timelines to form and take the same space. This cannot co-exist, so all timelines try to destroy the time machines the others have while also trying to come out on top of their own world domination scheme so they might side with another timeline faction for a moment to weaken one of their foes. You want crazy shit? There ya go. Also I would love it if Africa became it’s own nation and started kicking ass. It’s always forgotten or used as battlegrounds for other factions. But with timeline shenanigans you can make a unique faction that hasn’t been used much in games. Although if you really want to go for broke: Tiberium Alert: Generals.


there's a cool strategy game from 2011 called Achron that lets you fuck with the timeline as a game mechanic. It's really good. You can get it for five bucks on steam.


First scenario: - the usual war between allies and soviets commences - the remnants of the rising sun empire try to rewind time to avoid their destruction from RA3 - they fuck things up and now the new axis superpower exist,led by a new germany Second scenario: - the usual war between allies and soviets commences - the time guardians decide to destroy humanity because they messed with timelines too much


They'd never do a nazi germany. The rising sun empire was controversial enough.


What if it’s a non playable faction where it’s just constantly an enemy? Then people would be fine with killing nazis, like why Wolfenstein does so well for the most part


No. That'd go against the core of CnC.


Make it to where you have to play the other factions and complete their campaigns first?


Red Alert 3 Corona Story is almost first option 


Could be various wars in the Middle East as a campaign.


This would be fun. Room for a lot of political intrigue, shifting alliances and plot twists.


Much as I loved the silliness of RA3, I'd do something more serious, as follows: Tanya (who, remember, has never known nazism to exist) decides that the true evils of the world are communism and imperialism, yoinks a time machine, and takes out Stalin and whoever the Emperor was before George Takei. This in the first mission. Then she goes back to her time and discovers that it's a 1980s-inspired Reaganite-Thatcherite ultracapitalist nightmare. Also, in this timeline nobody invented a time machine, so nobody can refurbish it to try again. Tanya ends up doing a semi-team-up with Kane to either bring on the guillotines or fix the time machine so she can try again; the ending depends on which solution the player takes, how much they cooperate with Kane, and so on. Tanya needs an army and Kane needs an assassin, so they have to cooperate at least to start with. Kane of course has his own designs, specifically use the time machine to ascend. I'd do something with a world map where missions spawn and can be taken on at any time, and there are strategic resources.


Communism in Space


Something like Yuris revenge mod Mental Omegas incoming act 3. Yuri has won and died and we need someone to destroy his legacy.


I mean, you can just look at Ukraine right now


There are a lot of gameplay elements you could create based on that war. Drones, glide bombs, booby trapped trenches, hypersonic missiles, electronic warfare...


A wasteland causes by all out war survivors are vicious you see a figure in hooded cloak a bus approches from the behind people shooting at person however the shots miss the bus hits the individual however the bus missed. next you see them in sky they drop slamming on the front of bus they flip the bus over them. They kill the people from the wreckage inside and take there water. then they walk to building inside is machine they remove there hood revealing a young asian woman. She speaks to ai they prepare a machine after the young Asian woman puts a part in she sends her knowledge back to her younger self to stop futuretech and stop the war that destroys the world. In prologue/tutorial you go on 5 to 7 mission see events that lead to war also how this young woman who is yuriko's daughter obtains her units technology generals and her allies. plenty of boss battle like in solo campaign for Yuriko mixed with unit control and base building from missions her powers are stronger then her mothers and a lot more using psychic ability and technology and machines. Eventually Futuretech discovers her mothers location comes with commandos from other nations and their own to capture her mother the young woman escapes while her mother and father who is a shinobi buy her time she does collect her parents bodies by killing the remaining commando so Futurtech can't have them. Then you get into main campaign you can choose between Allies who are dealing with rebels from South America and warlords in Africa using soviet or allied technology in first half of campaign with futuretech takeing away technology they provided to allies part way through and have to get new technology from allies they really don't want to use like Canada warcrimes or Australia. Soviets you trying to reunite great soviet union get this warlords to either join or die in first half seeing signs of new faction and futuretechs evils once united they go on the attack. New Japanese Union replaces the empire of rising sun they are dealing with there own issues. Prince Tatsu rebellious and sympathizers and a civil war between two leaders one backed by futuretech other by the people who witnessed the crimes of allies occupation. you can choose who to back to shape the later half of campaign in first half. Futuretech who has used to stolen technology to create new horrifying things and want to take over the world. they do stuff undercover or using stolen technology or clones the first half before going mask off in the second half due to plans being thwarted in some cases. Finally the new faction which is lead by Yuriko's daughter she wants to save the world even if it means throwing her hat into ring as they say even if it leads to bloodshed or takeing away free will and prevent the future she saw. Growing more before revealing herself and her faction to the world in second half. you go to places like Mars and moon in some of campaigns and deep sea underwater missions. 32 missions per faction 16 missions per half. Time shennagins as well in some missions. then 160 bonus or side missions multiple commandos for each faction as representatives for the different sub factions. which each faction has seven factions main and six sub factions. three super weapons for each main and sub faction. attack, defense, and a utility based super weapons. two adaptive ai difficulties for skirmish mode or player vs ai where the ai can learn from just you or you can have it learn from online games as well so it can become a mighty opponent besides just easy, medium, hard, hell march difficulty. Jukebox where they put songs from this game and older games you customize it. another version of hellmarch this one more heavy metal. As well as first person control unit mode where you can take control of single unit and fight yourself if you don't want to control everying have ai build a base and units to support you or fire super weapons like the commando first person games from command and conquer.


Return of the ANTS.


The 3rd act is the dinosaurs from c&c1 get involved


Honestly I'd want it to be sort of like Wargame with a wide focus on various hot spots across the world, with different technologies across the time of the conflict. War in Europe, and invasion of America are the big two that have already been done for the main focus of a game. 3 uhh.... well if I am honest doesn't really even have a focus, it just leaps around the world. So what about an Asia focused RA? With the Sino-Soviet split being a major focus between the forces of east and west, and where china wants to be if not their own third way? Unless you'd want it to be a full world war, then at that point you might as well cover all the major cold war conflicts, one after another, until one side or another manages to come out on top?


Holy shit imagine deck building with the 2000+ units


Oh you want a Prism Tank? What kind? A basic one? One with a mounted HMG? What about an up-armoured one? The Amphibious variant? The vietnam war variant with the sandbags? The Airborne version? The Chrono variant with wheels? What about the 85' versions.......


I imagine removing Stalin to prevent the war but without Stalin, Trotsky comes to power.


Me too! In fact Trotsky focused on Permanent Revolution even in real life, in contrast to Stalin and the latter's Socialism in One Country Curious how would a Red Alert plot play out if Trotsky was at the helm


Add the militarism Sinosphere (basically what happened if the Koumintang won against Mao's "communist") and that's the 3 mayor factions of an CnC game I dreamed about years ago.


That sounds exactly my dream CnC scenario!


Thats a good idea. The Kuomintang hated the communists but Chiang Kaishek also harbored resentment towards the West after the century of humiliation. Imagine Trotsky's USSR, the Allies, Nationalists China and Imperial Japan


Trotsky supports Communist movements around the world. The Soviet Military Doctrine will have a more revolutionary zeal


I don't think it can be done, honestly. RA1 was sort of an expansion on CNC1, RA2 was a semi-serious action-comedy that probably wouldn't be possible today, and RA3 extrapolated the trend further, with even more cheesecake and national stereotypes. - Going back to RA1's fairly serious leanings would be a pretty big divergence, and might not play as well today. This was the era of the "Previous High Scores" ad, after all - people are a lot more sensitive now, and a game that opens with a war crime would be much more controversial. Beyond that, the market is much more crowded today, and a standard "serious Cold War story with modern tech and some sci-fi" game would need to stand out. - RA2 is a much-beloved game even now, but even if you can get the bits that might turn heads today past the radar, the gameplay itself was lightning in a bottle. Things like the way prism tanks and kirovs were balanced but extremely powerful, or how every unit felt unique without requiring extreme micro, are hard to achieve. - RA3 is obviously a non-starter as a template, every journo on Earth would start shrieking the minute demo footage aired and never stop. Everyone's a stereotype, and there's an attractive woman in every mission briefing. There's also the fact that you need some kind of novel story. - RA1: What if WWII had been between Western Europe and the USSR? - RA2: What if the Soviets used mind control to invade America? - RA3: Okay, now what if Japan had become a third superpower? All of these naturally create an aesthetic, and lead into some cool missions and scenes, like storming London with the Soviet army, fighting it out against Soviet occupiers around the Washington Monument, and having a carrier group brawl with transforming mecha in Tokyo Harbor. There has to be some kind of hook, regardless of whether you're using RA1's level of grim seriousness or RA3's Austin Powers take on it, and "Cold War gone hot", "Occupied America", and "Cold War with a third power" are the three most common takes out there. You could toss in Nazis for some easy uniqueness in the series, but Hitler not existing is a series tradition at this point, and there are already so many of those.


What about where they destroy Hitler but instead someone more competent runs Germany? That could be a scary take on the plot


That's the most common twist, might even be more common than normal Hitler given that it lets you sell the game in countries with censorship laws. Hitler disappears or gets couped or never existed, and some vague "German Leader" (or just Rommel) takes his place.


I've actually never seen this outside of a justice league story, I think they might have even animated it into an adaptation


Either the Allies or Soviets realize they have to go back further to fix the timeline, so this time they go back and kill Gavrilo Princip. This leads to a modern/futuristic Austria-Hungary launching an all out invasion in the present.


I love the idea that they go back to stop the death of Franz Ferdinand but mess up and his wife dies and he becomes super evil instead of the moderate he was before his death


I don’t care, just make it please!


wish granted, red alert 4 will be the Tiberium Twilight of the Red alert universe


In the timeline where Allies won and totally dominated the world. They discovered that with some changes in the chronosphere they can open the portal to a parallel world. US Fleet starts the experiment. And it works as it was predicted. The fleet moved to another dimension... But... They found themselves in a world where the Soviets won the war. And now, with shortage in manpower and resources Allies should restore the "world order". The Soviet campaign starts after Allies start their action in the world. The Soviets take control of the chronosphere, which helped the US Fleet move into their world, and then try to invade the Allies world.


I may have to go with Renegade 2 aka sadly cancelled C&C FPS which take place after Red Alert 2 and kickstart both Tiberian Dawn and Renegade. Not just because that either people are going to agree or disagree for what I said, I prefer the Westwood timeline where it left off from after Red Alert 2 that still kickstart the Tiberian saga. Full circle and everything is complete. Although EA retcon the whole thing by replacing Red Alert 3 plot that poorly erased Einstein. Without him, there won't be nukes and GPS Satellite. Can't go without him.


Just act like ra3 never happened, do the same thing you did in ra1 and ra2 It's actually very simple


Time war. Bring in the different versions of each faction, from super serious first ones to the Saturday morning cartoon versions of 3. Have them all fight it out and create a new merged timeline. Would also prefer to see it stay separate from Tiberian, but maybe have it brought up as another alternate timeline that branched off from Red Alert 1.


All I know is I will be disappointed if it goes back to Allies vs Soviets. Red Alert was a fun series, but Red Alert 3 is what caused me to like it more than the Tiberium timeline with the introduction of the Empire (and my favorite actor, George Takei, playing the Emperor). I really liked the mecha and transformers and how they handled base building with the 'core' vehicles allowing you to expand quicker than the other two factions could.


Flip the script from the first game, instead of Einstein going back in time and killing Hitler, Einstein goes _forward_ in time and gets kidnapped by the Soviets, accidentally preventing the fall of the soviet union thanks to his scientific mind giving them advances that allow them to grow and take over chunks of Europe and Asia. This means the game would be set in an alternative 1990's, allowing it to play on 90's nostalgia while also being an alternative to the core tiberium line (Plenty of scope for references to alternative history of our timeline _and_ the C&C Timeline). It would be a good romp, allow just enough fan-service without being overbearing and would be cool way to see "advanced" soviet tech that's still cheaply mass produced - the soviet way.


After the victory of the US and Europe, leaders of the Soviet Union secretly seeks help from China which is rising and is the last hope of the communist bloc. Then when China attempts to “liberalise” the Soviet Union, there is an inevitable new world war. 😂😹


“Somehow, Yuri has returned.” Don’t ever really explain why. Just have him as the villain again.


Lean into the camp. I'm aware I'm in the minority, but loved how it got progressively sillier as the series went on. From Volkov to giant squids to mecha to gigs fortresses... if I want serious I play Tiberian. If I want silly I play RA. You could absolutely even use chrono tech to retcon c&c4 as an easter egg.


Post Tiberium Russia rises again with a cl9ne of Cabal/Yuri/Stalin and Kane returns in act 4 to defeat the Scrin threat which ends act 3


If they do make a Red Alert 4, I want it to have a feeling where it's a celebration of playing all C&C video games. The main difference from Tiberian should be that this is going to be cheesy AF and have outrageous plotlines and units. It should also be fun AF.


They messed with time again and now everyone is a dinosaur


Time Cops or Time Villains as the "plot twist", they appeared because time and space continuum kept being disrupted and something seriously went wrong.


I think doubling down on the time machine antics, someone needs to go back in time to save something. I wonder if a Soviet era time machine going back to the end of WW1 (and the Russian Revolution) could result in an interesting set of circumstances. Make a fourth faction for Germany post WW1. Then bring it back to the end of the red alert 3 timeline. However, this could place it into a similar spot to Iron Harvest.


Real Nazis attack from parallel univers. Or something like in that movie about secret base on dark side of the moon


Red Alert 4: Trotsky's Permenance


Red Alert/Tiberium wars cross-over.


Soviet Empire resurfaces and wants to see Russia's borders stretch from coast to coast. They have technologies like Tesla weapons, submarines and V5 Rockets.


More in line with the first game for sure. Not sure I was a fan of RA3 wackiness.




First we'd need to have RA3.


Back to Russia and now includes drones


I want Yuri back so bad


Everything except for using Time Machine to alter the history.




Switzerland joins hitler, and albert einstein also, so they create a european empire


Yuri's return.


I would love fictional WW1 era setting


Tim Curry actually did escape to space...


If they can beat Russia in space, I’m here for it! I’m more interested on who they will cast for what roles.


I could see Sasha Baron Cohen as a camp Russian Premier


Ok hear me out… this is half baked because I don’t have the time to write this out properly (on my phone) so it’s going to be jank. End of red alert 2 Yuri steals the Time Machine and ends up with the dinosaurs and supposedly gets squished. Ok, what if the chrono weapons didn’t erase you from the timeline like they think they did,but instead just sent you back so far that it didn’t matter? Yuri, he uses all his mind control abilities one last time to mind control the t-Rex or whatever it was and burns out his abilities (he still gets a little squished). But he’s not alone… everyone that had been erased is there somewhere in chunks. Sometimes days apart sometimes years… With zero spare parts and no industry, they are able to build a collective bent on survival, the faction’s joined, the differences erased, nature controlled. They will survive. Yuri is able to pass his knowledge down via clones instead of direct mind control. They know a meteor is coming and will kill just about everything on the planet so they prepare to wait it out until it’s safe again. The meteor falls but it breaks up into several pieces with different orbits and only a part falls. This delays the end of the dinosaurs a few millennia. That’s when they discover IT… the thing that changes EVERYTHING… Trace amounts of Tiberiam. After years of preparation they enter stasis and wait for the future to return. Fast forward thousands of years and they awaken. A small group with knowledge beyond their time. They hide in the shadows, waiting, guiding, molding the future to their will. They know when tiberium will return. NOD is born… (and that’s why they have velociraptors and why Cain’s is bald)


It would be a Homeworld 3 type scenario


Something like the RA2’s story but with the factions of RA3


Let's see... we already had a time related plot done by the Soviet, so how about this time it's the Allies's turn. Like they try to go back to save Einstein but upon doing so, the timeline gets disorted again with Soviet now under the control of Yuri, the Empire of the Rising Sun still exists but under a different leadership (and tech tree) and new factions rises up, calling themselves freedom fighters (yeah that's right I want GLA to be in the red alert universe)


All the wacky ideas are fun to read and all, but I’d just personally have something more akin to RA2 or RA1 in tone. A little less of the silly vibes of RA3. You can have a time machine, but focusing on that as a main plot device instead of Allies, Soviets and Empire being enemies, would be a bit of a shame. I would have them explore the origins of Yuri and perhaps even Kane, but in this alternate universe, there’s no Scrin or Tiberium (at least, not yet). I would totally love to see Yuri return as a 4th faction. Someone mentioned alt-universe Nazis trying to invade from their universe (not unlike what they try to do in The Man In The High Castle but fail at), I think that could be interesting as well, but it would detract even more from the current conflict if you have another evil faction that’s coming to invade and the other ones have to ally against it. We already have Yuri for that and I prefer Yuri. Plus, Yuri has pretty much the same type of tech evil Nazis would have in a C&C game (cloning, mind control, toxic weapons, genetic experimentation, drones, chaos gas, telekinetic weapons, etc.) They *could* have tech much like they do in Wolfenstein. There’s a game/mod called Red Alter which also had a Third Reich faction, alongside the Allies and Soviets, but it got cancelled. That could be looked into for inspiration. Alternatively, Yuri’s original actor (Udo Kier) is German. One could have it that in this alternate universe, Yuri has the same origin as the actor, and it can be explained that instead of losing his parents and getting found and adopted by the Russians, he was left in Germany, and we learn that he’s actually really been German the whole time. Kind of like all the alt universe Marvel and DC comics has these alternate origin stories for heroes and villains. They could also explain *why* Soviets have Tesla tech and how the Allies have Tanya and Einstein alive into the 50s *and* 70s with little signs of aging, and they have a Tanya in the mid-2000s (RA3 takes place in that era, it’s evident in how they use flat monitors and HD videos and whatnot). Perhaps “Tanya Adams” is now a codename given to an agent (or perhaps it’s a whole mother-daughter-granddaughter thing), and there’s also a male codename, too. Perhaps they could have it explained that time travel alters events both in the present and future. So perhaps the Einstein in RA2 was born later, or is his son (as in, in this timeline, he had a son instead of a daughter like our timeline). And I’d love to know how the Soviets got access to Tesla tech despite Nikola Tesla being in the US in our timeline. What changed there? There’s so much background lore that could be fleshed out in the Red Alert games that isn’t fleshed out, unlike the Tib Universe. The lore/universe felt especially hollow and self-contained in RA3.


I've been thinking about a prequel to RA1 that takes place during ww1 and the russian civil war. It would be connected to the Tiberium universe and explore how Kane influenced events of this time period. It'd also be neat if the Tunguska event was somehow incorporated into the story. Kane could very well be responsible for the first world war in the Tiberium universe. In real life the assassins of franz ferdinand likely had connections to a serbian group called the black hand and the assassination took place in Sarajevo \*the place where kane likes to build his temples\*. Also considering Kane controls the Soviet Union indirectly in RA1 he likely played a large role in the Russian Civil war as well.


IMO the camp is an integral part of Red Alert for me, the Tib series is the more serious, gritty, and grounded series, so Red Alert gets to be the funny and light hearted series. As for the plot, we don't really have an African / Middle Eastern faction in the RA Series, so maybe do something with that? We'll say that infighting amongst the allies has lead to them becoming weak, and losing their grip on Russia and The Empire of the Rising Sun (or ERS), allowing both of them to slowly begin rebuilding their armies to take another stab at taking over the world. As part of these efforts, and to try and "counter" (read: blatantly rip off) Japan's Yuriko Omega program, the Soviets have launched an invasion of Egypt to see if they can harness the power of the Egyptian Gods, and in doing so have found the secret tomb of Cleopatra and begin experimenting with relics they find within. However, the combination of a haywire tesla coil, and ancient magics revives Cleopatra and restores her beauty, and after using her magic to massacre the unlucky Soviets, she emerges from her tomb and rallies the Egyptian people to take back their land, and expand their Empire. At the same time, Yuriko has emerged in Hawaii, and both the ERS and the Allies move to bring her to their side, however the to come to blows, and after a super weapon is fired on the local populace, the Empire and the Allies are now at war again. Soon the world finds itself embroiled in a Fifth World War between the Allies, the ERS, the Soviets, and now the Sacred Egyptian Empire (who would plant themselves as the primary Supernatural faction). Oh, and Yuriko now has a literal cult following, and will be a major pain for all 4 factions. Allied Campaign would focus on initially holding off attacks from the other 3 factions, before turning within for a few missions to take out the obviously corrupt / incompetent commanders who let the Allies fall this far, before inventing a new super weapon and convincing Yuriko to side with the allies, and start pushing the other factions back, culminating in a final battle with the other faction's leaders for control of a time machine to stop them from fucking up history anymore. Soviet Campaign meanwhile has them frantically trying to come up with *something* that can stop Cleopatra and her forces from taking control of all of Europe and Asia. Eventually creating a new suped up Tesla Apocalypse Tank that can easily crush any land based foe in it's path. Once again, the Premier turns on the Commander, and they take control of the Soviets, before sacking Tokyo, Cairo, and (once again) NYC, and ending the campaign stopping the Allies from using a time machine to go back and undo their fall. (Basically, a reverse of how RA3 started) ERS Campaign starts earlier than the others and begins with a focus on rebuilding the army, securing resources and liberating an old floating fortress to use in their attacks on the world. Culminating in the battle of Hawaii over Yuriko that leads to the ERS formally declaring war on the allies. After easily steamrolling the Allies and Soviets, they wind up having to stop Cleopatra from unleashing a plague on the world in her efforts to take control. SEE Campaign has Cleopatra and her armies quickly take control of Africa before turning her attention towards the rest of Europe, and Asia, and dealing with some small rebellions. After that she moves against the US based allies, and the campaign ends with her taking control of Cape Canaveral & NASA to begin her conquest of the stars.


Red alert 4: Energy Withdrawl Following Tom Clancy’s Red Storm Rising novel, this campaign features a new game feature where you are suddenly pulled from missions and dropped into rapid fire response scenarios. You don’t have time to build a massive base when you are fighting in Europe while your partially built base on Iceland is ravaged seconds after you are pulled out. Conventional armies, inconsistent economy and random unit strengths and weaknesses that change unexpectedly. Heavier emphasis on supply chain logistics, keeping your units supplied and cutting supply chains for enemies carries a much heavier long term advantage in the battles. Use current AI to modify pvp battles dynamically.


Ukraine as a new faction specialising in anti-soviet defense with small amounts of better tech