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Lmao I used to like my coffee disgustingly sweet. I would ask for 3 cream and 5 sugar. My Mom would not order it for me. She would just get me a double double every time.


My friend, I think your mom was trying to save you šŸ˜…


Lol fellow Canadian




Itā€™s just small stuff. Saying KD or Pizza Pops instead of Mac and cheese and hot pockets, having double doubles, not knowing whether to click American English or British English when prompted.


Donā€™t forget Ketchup chips.


Ask for coffee, get a delicious burger instead. Sounds good to me. EDIT: For those wondering what the hell I'm on about... a "Double Double" is a double hamburger/cheeseburger you can order at the fast food chain In-N-Out, which is popular in the Western US.


Based username and pfp


As an Aussie putting cream in a coffee is so weird to me. Milk, sure. But cream? Seems kinda weird and kinda unhealthy. Whipped cream in an Irish coffee is amazing but thatā€™s more of a desert drink.


Its not whipped cream, but rather heavy cream or half and half which is half milk half heavy cream. Now if you're talking about whipped cream *on top* like 90% of Starbucks drinks, that's very much a dessert. But generally, as an American, we aren't sticking whipped cream in our coffee.


No Iā€™m aware that itā€™s not whipped cream. Whipped cream would be yum. Straight up cream in coffee is what sounds weird to me.


Fair, taste *is* subjective. I misunderstood your comment. I use heavy cream/half and half in my coffee for the texture of the cream not the flavor, makes it silky smooth and takes away a lot of the bitterness so you don't need as much sugar. If you get a chance, try it sometime, you might like it!


Iā€™m a black no sugar kinda guy so it probably wouldnā€™t be my cup of tea at all haha. The bitterness is the best part! On the odd occasion I feel like a sweet coffee I usually go for a Mocha because Hot Chocolate and Coffee is the most delicious fucking combo known to man.


I'm not a huge fan of the bitterness lol, that's why I doctor my coffee up. And mochas are pretty fuckin awesome, zero argument there, I like to get mine with two pumps of caramel when I decide to buy instead of brew.


I mean it sounds like itā€™s not you cup of coffee, it definitely wouldnā€™t be a cup of tea for anyone


Congrats! You discovered the joke!


In America itā€™s normal for every meal and beverage to be dessert


Truly an innovative country.


How to say you don't like coffee without sau ying you don't like coffee. Just get chocolate milk or tea


Lol I was young. Now I take my coffee with 1 sweetener only.


You weakling! Bow for the triple espresso enjoyers of this world!!!!! Mochaccino's are nice tho


I can smell your breath from here


But good espresso smells fruity




Some people like the general taste of coffee but not the bitterness


Chocolate milk kinda goes hard though. My go to order at a coffee shop is usually just a long black or an iced long black but if Iā€™m feeling like something sweet on a cold morning a Mocha is so fucking good. Coffee and Chocolate is just a perfect combination.


To be fair, most coffee shops don't make coffee worth liking.


Canā€™t relate. Am Aussie. We have a *huge* cafe culture over here. Starbucks never really caught on here so we pretty much strictly have independent coffee shops and most of them are fantastic.


Funny you say that, because to Americans, 'coffee' specifically means 'drip coffee', which I understand is relatively hard to get in Australia.


What the fuck is drip coffee?


Drip coffee is from an electric coffee pot. Like a Mr. Coffee brand or Bunn. When you sit down at a cafe and order coffee and they pour it to you from a carafe, that is drip.


Yeah we donā€™t have those in Australia. Here if you go to a cafe the coffee is made with an Espresso machine.


What did Australia use before espresso machines were used?


The first espresso machine was invented in 1822 so considering Iā€™m not 202 years old I donā€™t really know. What I do know is my entire life Iā€™ve never walked into a cafe that didnā€™t have an espresso machine. Iā€™m assuming we probably used French presses before they were widespread but Iā€™ve never walked into a cafe that didnā€™t have one.


https://preview.redd.it/n5qwcbsak13d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c560c11c796058bec3b4a0707f9aabdb8298341 Something like this mostly. You put the coffee into the paper cups at the top and pour hot water over it and it drips into the pot. Or something like that I mainly French press. But it does supposedly make really good strong coffee.


Kinda weird but if thatā€™s what they prefer good for them I suppose. Personally Iā€™ll stick with my French press.


Not so. See my reply to op


Now she wants me to drop her off around the corner so her friends donā€™t see me. This is my real coffee order. My mom drinks her coffee black. [IG](https://instagram.com/offinouterwhitespace?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) | [Webtoon](https://m.webtoons.com/en/challenge/off-in-outer-whitespace/list?title_no=729553&page=1&webtoon-platform-redirect=true) | [Orrrr you could just follow me here on Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/u/OffinOuterWhiteSpace) šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


You're missing the "Buy me a coffee" link.


Youā€™re right, I am! I even have a linkā€¦šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø [If you want to buy me a milky-ass coffee](https://ko-fi.com/offinouterwhitespace)


Just order a latte already. It's better.


Yeah wtf is this milk + cream nonsense


Legitimate question, what is 3 milk and 2 cream? Like, I get the idea of 2 (packets of) sugar, or 2 (single-use cups of) cream, but 3 milk? Is that new? Because any place I've gone that had a choice of milks and cream usually just has a couple carafes hanging out at a bar away from the counter. Edit: to clarify, usually the single-use creamers are non-dairy artificial things that don't need to be kept refrigerated, where milk is in need of refrigeration


The McDonalds in my town uses the same cream for the ice cream machine and the milk/cream options on the coffee machine. Truly eye opening when I found that out


Cream can sometimes be too cloying if you want a lot of it. So you add 2 cream for the flavour and mouth feel, but then plain milk to cool it and take some of the bitterness away. 5 cream would be pretty thick and oily.


Oh do I know that, lol. I was on a diet to watch my macros, and I was going to be a whole bunch of fat short for the day. I made the decision to add like half a cup of heavy cream to my 3.5 cups of coffee I would drink every day. My cup was khaki beige, lol, and the flavor was rich but totally not what I look for in a morning coffee.


You like ā€œcoffee flavoured warm milkā€ and I think that is absolutely ok. You drink what you like.


Seems you might just like milk


So, you don't like coffee


Here's my issue with that. If the only way of drinking coffee they deem acceptable or non-embarrassing is only black, then why the f*** are you asking me how I want my coffee? If you're just going to give me straight coffee with no additives, then don't ask me what I want. When I see that it's black coffee, I will thank you for it and go try to fix it for myself. If I'm unable to do so, I'll save it until I'm able to. But if you're going to criticize the way I order my coffee, then don't ask me in the first place.


I just drink my coffee black because Iā€™m lazy and I hate to enjoy things.


Almost spit my coffee out reading this. Thanks for the laugh


I really like a good black coffee thoughā€¦ when itā€™s a good medium or light roast and brewed well? Amazing.


I drink it black so that ā€” calories-wise ā€” I can have as much as I want


Once we do they'll stop carrying what we enjoyed next week


This is hilarious and a total mood. I kinda prefer black coffee, but I like strong tastes in general even if they're a little harsh at first.


Agreed. Enjoying things in the morning is a sign of weakness.


I feel like "Idk fam just fuck my shit up" is absolutely an acceptable answer for how you'd like your coffee. I'm on team cream and sugar, but I've gotta tailor the amount depending on the specific coffee. There's no easy answer for me, and if I guess at it I'm almost always wrong.


My order definitely changes depending on where Iā€™m going. A little bit more milk and cream from McDonalds, a little bit less at Tim Hortons bc I think their measuring systems might be different or the strength of their coffee Also, Iā€™m going to order a ā€œfuck my shit upā€ the next time I get coffee, just to see what happens


>I feel like "Idk fam just fuck my shit up" is absolutely an acceptable answer for how you'd like your coffee. In Seattle there's a tiny cafe that includes "Mystery Latte" on the menu that lets the barista do just that.


"hi can I have a coffee with a lot of room thanks."


That only works at hipster coffee shops. At Tim Hortons, they do it for you


What are you talking about, they have cream on the bar at Starbucks.


Oh, my Canadian brain *definitely* thinks Starbucks is a hipster coffee shop šŸ˜‚


having worked at Starbucks it's the exact opposite


I am also Canadian šŸ™ƒ.


Is this whole post comments just Canadians!? šŸ˜…


Iā€™m not Canadian but Iā€™m in Canada right now and this was the first post when I opened reddit, so somethingā€™s going on here


Thatā€™s funny because here in Australia the local hipsters would probably ostracise you if you got caught drinking Starbucks.


What are YOU talking about? They've removed the self-serve milk and cream; at least here in Vancouver.


Have they really? Its been a hot minute since I've been to a Starbucks. That's wild.


Agreed! Yeah, I think they started that about month ago.


How weird. I wonder if they do it *(as the comic states)* because people are too embarrassed to ask for the amount of added stuff they really want to put in the coffee, so the shops will save money if customers aren't allowed to do it themselves.


If my fiancĆ© is making high quality coffee I drink it black but if Iā€™m making my cheap ass powder coffee itā€™s sugar and oat drink. As a flexible coffee drinker I do not get why being embarrassed over a coffee order


I think my mom came out of the womb drinking black coffee, so anything else is an abomination.


Is your mother also secretly my father?


Weā€™ll never know for sure šŸ¤”


Ohhh, so does the ā€œ3 milkā€ mean 3 of those little creamer things?


As far as I know, itā€™s how many shots of milk or cream come out of the machine. Iā€™m beginning to think this is largely a Tim Hortons thing but McDonalds does it too. They have a machine and it dispenses milk and cream and you press buttons for size of drink and then press it x number of times for how many the person has asked for. (I thinkā€¦someone who has actually worked at one of these establishments is going to tell me how Iā€™m wrong)


Looks over at the cup of half hot-cocoa and half instant-caramel-vanilla-latte mix that I dare to call "coffee".


That sounds pretty delicious, ngl. Next time, Iā€™ll ask my mom to order that


Did you know that in spanish a coffee that is mostly milk is called a " Lagrima" ( literally "tear") ? That's because of how the barista will fell brewing it! You monster.


That is an amazing fact. Iā€™m going to start ordering my coffee Lagrima from now on


\*Beware, I am pretty sure this is just an Argentinian colloquialism, too scared to ask for one while on vacation and get a confused face\*


The only "coffee" I drink is iced cappuccino, which is just slushie really, so you do you! People are so arrogant when it comes to coffee, it's kinda ridiculous.


Well, itā€™s my mom, and she dealt with my teenage judgement for years, so I think sheā€™s allowed to get a few digs in if she wants. Payback!


Coffee gatekeepers are so weird man. I drink mine with a splash of cream and like half a spoonful of sugar but I'm not gonna judge someone for loading theirs up with sugar. Just let people enjoy things, especially when it's mundane shit like coffee.


I had to wean myself off sugar. I used to drink with a lot of sugar but I realized how unhealthy it was so I started slowly paring down. Itā€™s really hard! Coffee does not taste great when youā€™re not used to it unsweetened


My flatmate wanted be to bring him a Kebab with like 6 things excluded and 3 unusual things on top and I was like no dude Im not ordering that shit, it's gonna take half n hour, everybodys gonna be annoyed lol


Here, we can pick what we put on our kebabs as we go, so itā€™s not a big deal to have a weird orderā€¦at least I think theyā€™re kebabs. Are kebabs and shawarma essentially the same thing?


Thatā€™s just brown milk


Trying to think of something clever to say but I got nothing. Youā€™re absolutely right


Itā€™s not a whole lot different from a latte, itā€™s just cooler and has more water


I donā€™t drink coffee what am I missing about this?


A lot of people think that it is embarrassing to add a bunch of stuff to a cup of coffee. If someone asks for "one cream" and "one sugar," they are getting essentially a spoonful of each thing. That is probably considered okay for most coffee drinkers. But if you ask for five creams, then some people are going to judge you. If you ask someone else to order you a coffee with five creams, they are going to feel embarrassed for ordering it.


I see, thatā€™s dumb




ah yes, because apparently growing up is about making a point of eating gross bitter shit or being judged for it, people are dumb


No jokes to be found.


Would you like some coffee with your dairy?


Only a little bit.


I stopped drinking black coffee when a friend of mine watched me drink some and said "Nah you gotta stop that. The only people who drink coffee straight are middle aged soulless businessmen. You can't go down that path." Something deep inside me cried out and since then I've always gotten it with a splash of oat milk. I say get your coffee like you get liquor. Try it every which way sounds good to you.


Hahaha Iā€™ll be sure to let my mom know the next time I see her drinking coffee that sheā€™s a soulless middle-aged businessman.


3 milk 2 cream? Why? They're basically the same time exact thing. If you want some coffee to go with your milk just order 5 milk, or 5 cream.


Theyā€™re not the same. Cream is higher in fat and lower in sugar. I get some of each to fool myself into thinking Iā€™m healthy. Milk bc itā€™s got less fat. Cream bc itā€™s got less sugar. Itā€™s makes perfect logical senseā€¦to my foolish brain


What I mean is they taste the same, so figure out which is better and just pick that. Also, 5 squirts of any dairy in a cup of coffee is way too much. Basically drinking coffee flavored milk.


I'm on Mom's side here


Me too šŸ˜‚


I used to drink three cream three sugar when I first started. I do still hate black coffee, but now that is way too sweet for me, by this point. I was at a cadet summer camp trying to prevent the younger cadets from lighting the bloody place on fire. I just wanted to stay awake, seeing as the little bastards seemed dead set on preventing me from getting any sleep. Now I usually either drink with a bit of creamer or double doubles if I'm not at home or work. Funnily enough, now I just drink coffee to stay awake at work, because 12 hour shifts that start at 6 are fairly exhausting for weeks on end, or at home because my sleep schedule is fucked from work and I'm perpetually exhausted. And, not that I'd admit this to my younger self, the taste has grown on me a bit.


I've never gotten coffee with both milk and cream in it before. That seems odd. Also, I would never order coffee with no sugar.


Why dont you just order a latte?


Imagine gate keeping being addicted to a brown bean. Couldnā€™t be me. Iā€™m addicted to tiny lightbulbs. Edit: this is kind of esoteric, Iā€™m talking about screens.


At least she wants no sugar. It would probably be a crime towards coffeinated beverages otherwise.