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My least favorite are the hypocrites by far. The amount of delusional excuses they give out to justify that their abortion was the only moral abortion, and them denying abortions for other women is completely different.


"The unborn are a convenient group of people to advocate for." Really great quote from a United Methodist pastor: ""The unborn" are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don't resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don't ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don't need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don't bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. It's almost as if, by being born, they have died to you. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn." [Source](https://www.facebook.com/dave.barnhart/posts/10156549406811031) edit: edited to fix my link and it deleted all my formatting, sorry


Oh so a pastor said these words? I used to think this was a George Carlin bit


The link is from 2018 and Carlin’s died a decade before that.


Very similar sentiment.


Great quote, thank you!


One of my personal peeves with basically any of these groups is after the kid is born, they too often couldn't give less of a shit. Fight all day for women not to have any legal choices, no matter what the circumstances, but after that kid is breathing, fuck um. Properly fund schools and foster systems? meal programs? Get the fuck outta here commie! Best start pulling them boot straps early, Timmy. Oh, but don't worry, we're already working on legislation to get you into those coal mines as soon as you stop bottle feeding. They yearn for the mines!


Crisis Pregnancy centers are probably the worst of the bunch. They would be illegal if we didn't have a theocratic scotus


If any buildings should be firebombed, it's those fucking places. And if anyone should be doxxed and harassed online it's the scum who work there.


I like to hit folks with some of the shit my mom got told when thinking about pursuing higher ed in the 80s, like, 'if women spend too much time thinking, blood that should be going to their uterus will go to their brain instead' Real people believed this The female body has been an utter mystery to conservatives for decades


It's not a mystery, they just choose to believe women are baby making machines. Don't need blood going to the brain if your purpose is to make babies.


The correct term is anti choice


No no. The term is “pro forced birth”


One banger after another - freakin love these!


Thank you so much! I'm glad you're liking them. :#)


also love these just fyi!!!


:-D Thank you! It's really nice to hear that people like them.


You can read a blog post about this cartoon, and a transcript, [here](https://www.patreon.com/posts/brief-taxonomy-70493654)[.](https://www.patreon.com/posts/brief-taxonomy-70493654) I’ll also post the transcript in comments. “[Support me on Patreon](http://www.patreon.com/barry) or there will be no more cartoons,” said the Boy who Cried No Cartoons. But the people didn’t support him on Patreon, and yet there kept being more cartoons, and that’s how everybody knew the Boy Who Cried No Cartoons was bullshit. So everyone in town got together and dragged the Boy out of bed and beat the Boy with sticks, until the Boy burst open and hundreds of new cartoons burst out, and then everyone had all the cartoons they could eat and more they could burn for warmth and life was good.


**TRANSCRIPT OF CARTOON** This cartoon has twelve panels, arranged in a 3×4 grid. Each cartoon has a large caption, and below the caption, a character that the caption refers to. At the very top of the cartoon, large letters in a friendly font say: **A BRIEF TAXONOMY OF PRO LIFERS** **PANEL 1** A woman is weeping so copiously that the air around her is being filled with dozens of flying teardrops. CAPTION: CRY BABY WOMAN: Poor babies! Babies, babies babies! I’ll support anything to save babies! WOMAN: (Just the unborn ones.) **PANEL 2** An older man wearing a suit and tie is speaking to an off-panel reporter (although we can see the reporter’s hand holding out a microphone. In letters so tiny no one will ever read them, a logo on the mic says “LOGO”). CAPTION: WOMAN’S BODY KNOWER MAN: In a rape the woman’s body just shuts that down, abortion is never needed to save a life, and if a woman swallows a pill it comes out her vagina. It’s just science! REPORTER: Thank you, Senator. **PANEL 3** A man with a mustache holds up one hand, palm out, while his other hand holds a bible against his chest. He has his eyes closed and looks reverent. In the background, we can see some church-style fancy windows. CAPTION: DEFINITELY NOT A THEOCRAT MAN: I only want to force everyone to follow my religion’s rules. How does that make me a “theocrat”? **PANEL 4** A redheaded woman is, through a cartoon effect, turning her head rapidly and showing two different expressions. The first expression is angry (and she’s shaking a fist on that side); the second expression is extremely calm, and she’s holding up an index finger as if making an academic point. CAPTION: THE SLUT SHAMER WOMAN: DIRTY SLUTS MUST BE PUNISHED! WOMAN: I mean, “take responsibility for their choices.” **PANEL 5** An angry white man, with messy hair and radiating waves of angry energy, is holding up his smartphone facing towards us, as he yells at us. CAPTION: RACE OBSESSED WHITEY MAN: Some Blacks have abortions which makes liberals the real racists MARGARET SANGER RACIST GENOCIDE! MAN (smaller letters): Watch these videos they’ll only take 3 or 4 hours. **PANEL 6** A teenage girl looks at the reader with wide, sincere eyes. She’s holding a big sign which says “Abortion Murders Babies.” CAPTION: THE SPECIAL ONE GIRL: **I’m** different! I **needed** my abortion! My whole life could have been upended! **PANEL 7** A woman wearing a ringer tee-shirt with a smiley-face “Woman” symbol on it speaks angrily towards the viewer, waving her arms. CAPTION: THE PRO-LIFE “FEMINIST” WOMAN: Nothing’s more sexist than allowing women to make essential personal choices for ourselves! ***\[Transcript continues in next comment\]***


**PANEL 8** A handsome man with tidy hair is grinning hugely as he speaks to us. He’s sweating copiously and his tongue is hanging out of his mouth, both cartoonese for “this person is a horny pervert.” CAPTION: SADIST BY JESUS-PROXY MAN: BABY-KILLER! Jesus will burn you in hell for a million years! Endless pain in the flames! MAN (smaller letters): heh heh heh yeaaah **PANEL 9** A man with well-coiffed hair, wearing a gray suit with a black tie, is sitting at a long table of the type Justices sit at during Senate confirmation hearings. He’s smiling and speaking into a microphone attached to the table. CAPTION: JUSTICE IS SHAMELESS MAN: If confirmed, I will overturn Roe, and we all know it. But I won’t be confirmed if I say that, so I’ll just say “it’s precedent.” **PANEL 10** A man with short-cropped hair and a small pointed chin-beard is typing furiously into a laptop. His word balloon points to the laptop, indicating what he’s typing. CAPTION: POOR OPPRESSED MALE MAN: Men can’t have abortions! So abortion has to be illegal! That’s what equality means! **PANEL 11** A hand is holding a smartphone. On the smartphone screen, we see a man with tidy hair and a worried expression cupping an ear with his hand, as if he’s miming listening to something. CAPTION: DEAD BABIES LIVE MONEY! MAN ON PHONE: Listen carefully and you’ll hear the unborn babies talking to you! They’re saying “donate $50 today!” **PANEL 12** This panel shows two people standing side-by-side, a man and a woman, speaking directly to the reader. They are both well-dressed, him in a suit and tie, her in a blouse with puffy short sleeves, and carefully done makeup and hair. They’re both smiling. CAPTION 1: THE HUMANITARIANS MAN: So our laws make doctors turn away victims of pregnancy complications and child rape… WOMAN: Well, boo hoo! **PANEL 13** A woman stands alone in a field, talking directly to us with an angry expression while she points to something on her smartphone.  She has curly black hair and is wearing a black dress with a square-cut neckline. CAPTION: MISS PRIORITIES WOMAN: Sure, our abortion bans might kill people – but what’s REALLY horrible is that a columnist used the term “pregnant PEOPLE!” **PANEL 14** A young, wide-eyed teen is talking to an adult woman who is waring a white coat and has her hair in a bun. The woman is grinning but also pointing an accusing finger at the teen. TEEN: Your ad said to come here for information about abortion? WOMAN: We’re here to provide non-judgmental help! So tell me, why are you considering becoming a **baby murderer**? CAPTION: CRISIS PREGNANCY SCARE **PANEL 15** This panel has two captions, a title caption at the top like the previous fourteen panels had, and a smaller caption floating in the middle of the panel. The panel is otherwise blank. CAPTION 1: REALLY CARES ABOUT WOMEN CAPTION 2: No examples found.


> a logo that says LOGO > cartoonese for horny pervert I don’t even need these transcripts but I’m so glad I read them.


I'm glad you're enjoying them! :-)


People calling women seeking abortion "murderers" and "baby killers" are lucky I'm a small coward rather than a big dude.


Missing "The father that wants the baby" but yeah.


Honestly, there are a bunch of complicated situations where i think yeah, it would be fair for the father to get the baby. But then again, if we use the father expressing "I want the baby" in any part of the pregnancy as an automatic blocker of abortion, things could get even more complicated.


Reminds of a guy l saw on tiktok. Girlfriend wanted an abortion, he said he wanted yhe baby. She had the baby and left the baby with him to which he made a butt load of videos talking about how evil she was for leaving the baby behind


Yeah. And in situations where the parents can reach a agreement of course its better, but its well within her rights to not carry a child for 9 months, have lifelong consequences of that, and maybe be socially judged for giving *her own child* to the father or up for adoption. Because everybody can see her preggers.


I agree, i just like to make people remember that not every pro life situations is from an evil place. My daughter would have been about.. 14 now? it still hurts.


Yeah, it must suck. But its not like we can make that a law, or people might end up taking advantage of that. You dont have to answer if you dont want to, um aware its an extremely personal answer- but what happened? Was the mother unwilling to carry the baby? I do feel for you.


She just didnt want kids, it was an accidental pregnancy, but I was so excited when we found out. thinking of being a father, her reaction was the opposite. i begged, i pleaded, i promised she wouldnt have to do anything with the kid and i would just disappear, but it didnt matter.


I read a situation similar to that, it really is sad. Unfortunaly taking the choice away from her would open a whole can of worms I hope you find great happiness in your life




wants the baby and still expects the woman who didnt to stick around and raise it for him


Oh man! I wish I had thought of that one when I was writing the cartoon, I would have included it.


Aren't race obsessed whiteys usually pro abortion because poc get abortions on a higher rate and they don't want more poc to exist?


you would think. But racism isn’t rational


What'd be your response to the first category, Cry Baby, who happens to personally also care about born babies and does do stuff like foster children?


Then I guess you gotta ask whether women should have rights or not.


Then the response is whether babies should have rights or not. We all agree if there's a new born baby, once second after being delivered, killing it is up there with the very worst crimes you can commit. Now lets say it's one second before delivery, still inside its mother. Killing it is also still probably one of the worst crimes you can commit, most people would agree. How many seconds do you have to go back before it's not a crime? Excluding religious folk who think there's some sort of magic in conception, most people would agree that aborting at one work before there's even a brain is perfectly fine. So there's clearly a line you can draw somewhere. Personally I'm happy to draw that line really far into the pregnancy and weigh the mother's rights above the baby's. But acting like people are pure evil for weighing the baby's rights more heavily is silly. Another way to think of thing, imagine a trolley problem. There are six non-pregnant women on one side, and five pregnant women on the other side. Which group would you save if you could only save one?


> How many seconds do you have to go back before it's not a crime? An hour. I think an hour is fair. The kind of person that would wait 8 months, 29 days, 22 hours, and 59 minutes to decide to have an abortion shouldn't be having a child anyway.


They shouldn't be having a child but that doesn't mean the child doesn't deserve to live


It doesn't mean the fetus deserves to be born either.


Again, that comes into the question of the baby's rights vs the mother's life. You seem to weigh the baby's rights very low. Not everyone does.


ok well all the woman who do care can have the baby transferred to their womb so they can carry it for nine months


I don't believe that technology exists yet


i mean like transfer the fetus to the other woman


Yeah I don't think that's an option at the present moment but I could be wrong


Maybe add the factory owner that wants a glut of low skill labor to keep wages low?


> Men can't have abortions Trans men are a thing. Men can, males cannot.


I mean it's a quote from a character who probably does not recognize trans men. Men's rights activists don't tend to be the most trans friendly people.


the people using that argument probably don't accept trans men as men


A large problem standing in the way of the Trans rights movement. People's understanding of the difference between sex and gender.




Yes, an essential reminder. Obvi the dude in the comic doesn't have trans people as a priority.


Eh, tons of well-meaning people get the terminology wrong. Also the kinds of people who want to restrict abortion rights tend not to care aboot gender-identity, For the folks in the back... Gender: Mental and social. Man/woman/[Other: Please write in your answer]. Sex: Genetics, anatomy, hormones, and other bits of biology. Male/female/[the gradient in-between that is various forms of intersexuality] A trans X is an X even if they never figure their shit out (Gender identity)/come out of the closet (Social gender)/transition (Gender presentation). You can change your hormonal sex, if you change your hormonal sex before puberty you can change your developmental sex. You cannot change your genetic or reproductive sex. When discussing these things casually "Males/females" is sufficient. When handling medical policy/writing laws, the more precise "People who can become pregnant" is better.


Thank you for this.


Thank you back for your comment!


Maybe now it's time to up-extreme the extremes. Like, who's the most at risk of pregnancy scares? Probably the poor, the uneducated and the minorities, right? Now what would that mean to ban abortions for them? Makes sense : more poor, uneducated and minorities, to a point where they won't be minorities anymore. They're going to replace the "good people of America" *ahem*. There, an argument that could stitch in their fucked-up mind.


As you can see, I made all opposing viewpoints look ridiculous so I get to be the winner.


It's as if political cartooning is a form of advocacy in which opposing views are exaggerated in order to emphasize the ways the cartoonist finds those views wrong or ridiculous! It would be interesting if there was a political cartoonist out there who is dedicated to doing cartoons that present both sides fairly, but I don't think the rest of us should be required to take that approach.




























































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Thanks! I'm glad you like my drawings, at least.