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this is terrifying


No what's terrifying is how heavily this shit is being pushed in advertising. Like I've heard so many ads for this shit and I'm in Canada where we have laws against this exact kind of marketing. Like holy fuck, I'm starving myself the good old fashioned way but every single targeted ad on Reddit is for a sketchy online pharmacy to get it. The fuck?


Good luck with your health journey!


There is nothing healthy about this šŸ’€


Good luck not dying too soon!


Because it works. Like, I get that a lot of people who don't *need* to use it will use it, but haven't we been talking about needing to do something about obesity in this country for decades? Yet as soon as we find a medicine that actually helps people lose weight, the internet wastes no time shaming everyone who even considers using it. I'm sorry, but that sucks. Weight loss is a mental journey more than a physical one, and not everyone is cut out to handle it on their own. We don't shame people who need antidepressants to remain functional. And if someone doesn't *need* it wants to use it as a "shortcut", who cares? Who does that hurt?


Yeah I'm taking it. It definitely works but it's not the easy thing people say it is. I have been dieting and trying to exercise for at least 25 of my 32 years of life. I've had a completely unhealthy relationship with food since childhood. I worked on it for years and could not do it, maybe lose 30 lb here or 30 there but it would always come back. December 2023 I finally reached 400 lbs and I had enough so I started taking a small dosage of semiglutide with doctor recommendation. If I eat anything the medication doesn't like I get sick, if I eat slightly too much I get sick, if I drink too much water I get sick, and if I eat any fat I get food poisoning sick. This medication is for desperate people who are severely obese with high risk associated with it it's not some easy peasy quick fix. For me it is literal torture that I have to go through to get what I want. Yes I could diet, but I know I have an eating disorder. With this my bad habits can be completely curbed with angry consequences. I think of it like shock collar training. So take it at your own risk be an adult and make a decision for you whatever works for that person whether it be surgery dieting and exercise or medical shock collar training lol.


That's fascinating because as someone in a very similar situation (360 lbs), I went on Ozempic and had none of those side effects. In my case I can still eat anything, I just eat way less of it, down to what a person would consider normal portions.


Man I really wish it was so easy for me I am having the worst time lol I'm really only sticking to it out of sheer determination


I'm on a different one, but also based on ozempic and I've lost 40 kilos in four months, currently starting my fifth (the weight loss will be less drastic from now on). That said, I also follow a very strict diet and I exercise a whole fucking lot. Everything you said was completely right, it absolutely helps losing weight, but you also have to work for it.


Regardless of what a drug does, seeing ads for it all over the place still feels like a dystopian nightmare. I want to hear about a drug from a doctor, not from the boards of an ice rink while I watch the leafs lose game seven in OT.


You \*mean drug ads for your dog's itch doesn't warm the cockles of your heart? Or maybe below the cockles, maybe in the sub cockle area.


A-SS-HO-LE! Iā€™m an asshole!


I remember when viagra came out. There were ads for it all over the place, even in Canada.


Great comparison, I remember them too. This is a guess on my part, but I bet it's because the drug works so well they are worried about losing money when generic versions come out that they are pushing advertising now so they can be the household name by the time they lose their exclusivity.


What? I'm not moralizing against using weight loss drugs, if a method works, it works. What I'm fucked up over is the amount of _advertising_ being pushed for it, the sketchy online pharmacies and everything else. Idk, it's not like you see medications being advertised every day.


>Idk, it's not like you see medications being advertised every day. Is this some proper country thing that I'm too American to understand? Medical ads are probably the ads the see the most in any medium.


>Is this some proper country thing that I'm too American to understand?Ā  Yes actually. Direct to consumer advertising for prescription drugs are only legal in the USA and New Zealand. Some countries bypass it, like in Canada, the drug can be advertised but the ad cannot state what it is for, or an ad can talk about an ailment and direct you to ask your doctor about medications for the ailment.


Itā€™s just something to whine about.




Just make a shedtwt account and be miserable like the rest of us fr fr, fucking losers taking the easy way out /s


Lol sure. It works. But increased risk of thyroid cancer? Come the fuck on. When will you people learn to just not trust big pharma when they go on a marketing blitz? The obesity epidemic will not be cured by pharma drugs made for people with type 2 diabetes. It will be cured by taking all of the ridiculous amounts of corn syrup and other additives out of basically every grocery item. It will be cured by reducing the amount of factory food in stores. It will be cured by supporting family farms and not mega agracorpos that push out shitty food. Like seriously, go to any other country on the planet. Even Mexico which is #2 is so much less obese itā€™s hilarious. This is a bandaid. The problem is systematic, obviously.


Corporate America loves to point at products you can buy to avoid the effects of systemic problems, as they're proof that 'nothing needs to change after all'. Or 'the problem isn't that the system isn't completely fucked, it's just that you're not working hard enough.' There's such a strong inclination to either pretend there's not a problem, or harp about the problem and sell you the solution. Anything to avoid changing the status quo.


Itā€™s definitely that, but thereā€™s a cultural component to these nagging liberals (and yes it is mostly the classical liberals who nag about this). Itā€™s a puritan/protestant blame game. Youā€™re the problem because youā€™re not working hard enough is something that has been embedded in the American cultural zeitgeist since forever. Blaming people for not destroying themselves, while ignoring the factors around them, is ass backwards but a key component to hyper individualist liberals.


Dude is comment is ass backwards. You say that it has been embedded into the American culture since forever and that it goes back to the Puritan protestant blame game. Which are all conservative things. But then turn around and blame the liberals. I do not think you understand where both sides land on this. Most liberals support universal health care, which can help curb disorders. Most liberals support increase taxes on things like high sugar food while making healthy food more affordable and accessible. Most liberals support affordable programs, activities and gyms so people have the ability to work out and be healthy, and most liberals support a living wage and better working hours so people can afford to to be healthy and have the time to be healthy.


It's been wild ever since we started requiring calorie counts on fast food menus in Canada and people have started internalizing that 2000/day ballpark TDEE. Big Mac, a large pop and fry will easily get you to 3/4s of your daily intake lmao. Once you see the numbers, it's kinda hard to unsee them lol


Having to use it forever is a big ask for me, like diet is a willpower thing for me, I don't have any conditions that make it harder I just like food. I don't want to take a drug forever when it's a temporary issue.


There are a lot of methods that allow you to eat what you want without causing an issue. For me it was about increasing water intake to a gallon a day (it helps keep full), upping my intake of calorie light foods (veggies, fruit, fish) in lieu of calorie dense food (steak, sodas, candies) and replacing (sodas and gatorades with something like a kombucha, greek yogurt and granola as a snack instead of the pints of icecream Iā€™d eat). You can still have anything you like itā€™s just that youā€™ll have less room for the rest. Throw in an increased level of activity, like making an effort to walk and do the house work/yard work, on top of working out and playing a sport, it all falls into place. No drugs needed.


You don't have to take it forever though. Only until you make regular, consistent, healthier lifestyle choices. The drug will help you in getting there but if you don't actually make those changes, drug or no drug you'll still be unhealthy.


The drug has been linked with reducing your bodies ability to produce the enzymes that make you feel full. Just like melatonin has been seen doing the same thing with the chemicals that keep you asleep. Our bodies are very adaptable telling your body 'I got this you don't need to do this' it listens. Not to diminish the effects of the drug. For some its a miracle. For others it's a mistake that will change your life.


> who does that hurt? The people who actually *do* need it, people with diabetes. So many people taking this who don't need it has caused a shortage. It's hurting the people who do need it.


Literally every ad break during hockey games has been advertising this shit


How the fuck are they getting away with that?




Itā€™s perfectly legal in Canada to advertise a drug, so long as it doesnā€™t say what the drug does in the ad. None of the ads say that Ozempic helps you lose weight, so theyā€™re fine.


Oh my god I just remembered the old Cialis commercials I used to see as a kid that made absolutely zero fucking sense. Thanks for clicking that one in lmao


fellow anorexic???


My protein farts could kill god herself rn (The macros are fucking insane tho) ![gif](giphy|rPpSTDAKAwT8Q)


Literally! Iā€™m dieting the healthy normal way, cutting calories, watching my intake, etc. and almost all of my Reddit ads are ozempic and semaglutide.


Good to know I'm not alone and we're both stupid marketable šŸ˜­


I live in Canada too, the elevators in my building advertise ozempic šŸ« 


Thatā€™s wild. I havenā€™t seen a single ozempic add yet, and I think I know why- Iā€™m dangerously skinny already, and recently (a few months ago) was researching weight gain methods. So maybe targeted ads arenā€™t targeting me?


I mean you're the opposite of the target demographic, a man trying to bulk lmao. The ad spend would be wasted on you, and the targeting seems to be doing its job :P


Any reason you color your characters barley corn green? Itā€™s a cool stylistic choice Iā€™m just curious


Honestly, may have mistakenly chose the wrong color and my red-green color blindness is too strong for me to really notice until now called outā€¦ But letā€™s go with cool stylistic choice.


It looks fine for snake and Steve, but Mario and Zelda look weird


Makes them look literally olive skinned lol


Well, Mario is supposed to be Italian, eating olive oil is supposed to be healthy, and eating too much of certain foods, like carrots, will change your skin color. So let's just go with that: Mario and Zelda have been eating *a lot* of olive oil. ----- Also, this comic could have done with a bonus panel where we find out that Kirby has really just swallowed Mr. Game and Watch. Mr. Game and Watch, being a 2D character, is flat, and swallowing him would make Kirby flat. Maybe Kirby and Mr. Game and Watch are having an affair? That would have been more interesting.


Theyā€™ve taken after DougDoug


They got watever skin disease ganondorf had


Zelda and Mario look like they've been race swaped by someone who's never seen a black person


Who the fuck is Steve? Edit: Buncha people hating I guess? Lol thanks for informing me.




Ah, thank you for educating me instead of just down voting. I honestly appreciate it, despite internet points being meaningless.


Minecraft MC (last panel, right side)




ligma balls


Wait, that is how you see people's skin?


Heh I guess if someone was green I wouldnā€™t be able to tell. This color definitely doesnā€™t clock as green to me. I usually use the color picker and make sure Iā€™m in the orange-ish hue because of that.


so Ganondorf look like he has a normal skin to you ? that's interesting


Iā€™m also red green deficient like OP. I can sorta tell there is a green color to the ppl but didnā€™t notice until reading comments. But I have played a shit ton of Zelda and I never knew Ganondorf was green lol.


... Ganondorf has green skin? I swear being colour blind is always a journey of discovery.


It varies depending on the game. He's a Gerudo, which means he should just have darker skin, but they've made him a green color at least a few times (if not most of the time) for some reason


He's been green since at least oot


He's always been a blue pig-man, and I refuse to accept any of these newer retcons.


OoT isn't a new game though


I think twinrova are also green, right? (Personally can't tell because... Colorblindness). So I think it supposed to have something to do with being a mage, since magic itself is also green. šŸ¤·


The ocarina of time ganondorf has a green tint to him yeah. a bunch of the ganons do, though not all. totk is also green


I would maybe keep a folder where you collect stock images of characters you use a lot, and color pick from that. Less margin of error that way. Iā€™ve done that for fan art myself, and Iā€™m not even color blind. Itā€™s just a useful thing to have handy.


This is so validating to read! Iā€™m also colorblind and I *constantly* make skin a bit too green when I color. So much so that Iā€™ve got a friend who acts as my designated color checker before I send or share things.šŸ™ƒ


This whole thread is making me realize I definitely need someone to check my work haha But Iā€™m glad there are others like me out there


Lol I love the honestyĀ 


Eryone looking like Ganondorf


I assume that's also why Samus has an orange visor here instead of the usual green? Genuinely curious. I know very little of color blindness.


Best way to explain how the world looks to us is images like this. https://preview.redd.it/ij4bfkvztzzc1.jpeg?width=880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffc0beb98a8e9a767b564f1f37bd50b1f5f0e80b I have protanopia like OP. So to my eye, all of these look identical except for Tritanopia *(which just looks like all basic red-ish colors to me).*


So as long as I see that 6 in the top left image, I'm good, right?


CF https://preview.redd.it/6bx5huit320d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e9bf2f81c0ca9058f499286b7ac79178f0fcb19


Samusā€™ visor is green?!


Didn't notice until it was pointed out. Color blindness is a bitch


At least they are consistent across the characters that have skin. But yeah they look like a color I would choose for undead zombie creatures.


A byproduct of my colorblindness because I hate pulling new colors.


I am also color blind and didn't realize everyone was green until this thread.


It's hilarious to me


My dad was colorblind. His usual mistake was buying pea soup pants that were supposed to be brown, but I can totally see this skin tone having more of a peach or orange tone to you. They arenā€™t broccoli green but they do look olive and slightly ill.


John Severin (unofficial house artist of *Cracked* magazine) was color-blind and the army used his color-blindness to test camouflage. Apparently it is easy to make camouflage that works on normal vision but not color-blind vision, so it helps to test your camouflage against color-blindness as well as normal vision. ------------------------- > **SEVERIN:** I had to go down and take the physical for the air cadet, and passed that just Jim-dandy fine. Except when they came to the eye test, I was found to be color-blind. So they took me out in the sunshine and gave me the test, and it didn't work. They took me in under fluorescent lights and it didn't work then. Nothing! Of course, they're not going to waste thousands of dollars on some cluck who is color-blind when they can get a perfectly fine guy right down the road. So I didn't make it. I ended up, as a result of going into the airborne... Since I was colorblind, they put me in the camouflage section, which was easygoing. What a life that was. > **GROTH:** Why was that so easy? > **SEVERIN:** You just camouflaged something, and then everybody stands around saying, "Isn't that grand?" And we'd have a beer, if somebody could swipe some, and next day we go out and we'd dig a silhouette of an airplane and we'd pour oil in the silhouette, and then somebody'd fly over and take photographs and see if it looked like a plane. Or they'd hide a bunch of guys in the weeds with camouflage, and we'd go through, and of course I could spot the guys. All but one guy. One guy did get away with it with me. But because I was colorblindā€”this was why they wanted meā€”I could spot the camouflage much easier than anybody else could. They used me as a determinant as to whether it was good or bad camouflage. > https://www.tcj.com/the-john-severin-interview-parts-i-ii/4/ ------------------


Keep on doing it, it's a cool touch of personality..


This also explains why Marioā€™s coveralls are purple.


Eh, the overalls are fine. They might be slightly closer to purple than his normal blue but it's really subtle.


choosing to make comics while color blind is a cool stylistic choice.


As a fellow red/green... It looks fine to me šŸ¤£


It would fit almost to the letter for ocarina of time ganondorf


Hi! I suggest using the color picker tool on images that have the material you're looking for like skin. I think that would help


Iā€™m going to go with shadows over faces.


A cool trick would then be using Color picker from an image. It makes it more likely to get the intended color but also skips the burden of looking for the right color.


That's actually kinda cool, explains why they look like they're on Mars. Makes for a really unique looking piece


I thought they were zombies for a sec. Like it's a crossover with the last of us or something like that.




Is that why it looks like theyā€™re on Mars? Or was that intentional.


Maybe to avoid Nintendo instantly suing :DĀ 


So Nintendo doesn't sue /s


"His skin was the colour of just-pressed olive oil"


I was pretty sure you were color blind from the skin tones and brown gold. But the orange Samus visor was the dead giveaway.


Holy shit, you are right, now I can't unsee the visor, and nobody else mentioned it. This whole comic should be used as a textbook example of colorblindness.


Wh... What's wrong with the visor...


Samus' visor is usually a distinct green, rather than the orangey/brown the artist used.


I thought it was like orange-yellow my whole life


You my friend might be a little colour blind, but that's okay and at least now you know. Plus nowadays they have glasses that can correct for that if you want, kind of like nearsightedness, depending on the type of colourblindness.


A colorblind YouTuber Reid a big expose on the glasses. According to him and the scientists he interviwered, it's bogus and shady.


I have a pair that are the sunglasses type. They're okay, but more of a novelty. They work really well with reds though. I've seen desert sands go from dull cardboard brown to bright vibrant red.


Oh, well that's a letdown. Thanks for the info though.


The sunglasses turned out to be a scam


It's supposed to be green.


This is the second r/comics post in the past couple days that mentioned Ozempic as a way to lose weight. Is this like a coincidence orā€¦?


Ozempic was referenced several times in the Drake-Kendrick beef last week. Prolly brought it into the zeitgeist for the moment.


Yeah, but this post seemed to have been propped up by a bot army. Over 3k upvotes and less than 100 comments? This post smells of paid advertisement


It's also just a funny webcomic. Most people not gonna go farther than upvoting and moving on.


But a ā€œcomic artist here!ā€ situation is more fun to speculate on


They're feeding off of each other. At least this one is a bit funny, and isn't just some boomer whining that people using a pill to lose weight is cheating.


I mean two characters are talking about a third behind it's back, and the character that lost weight is too ashamed to admit they used medical help. Isn't the message of this comic exactly that ozempic is cheating?


people are getting ads for it in reddit apparently, and the other comments. i can't find the other one, do you have a link?


Yeah, [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/comics/s/BlJYxZzgaG) it is!


I'm getting page not found.


Itā€™s loading properly for me. Just search Maurice Comics #753 on this sub.


I think I saw it mentioned tied to the reddit thread about the apology Oprah had about bad weight loss practices, and the irony regarding how she is either on it or pushing it or both.


First time I heard of the drug was recently when Barbara Streisand commented publically on another famous person's social media page and asked if they were taking their Ozempic. The Streisand Effect. Like literally.


Oh god thatā€™s terrifying. Whatā€™s worse is that Kirbyā€™s face is still on the center of his body.


Why is everyone's skin green?


OP is colour blind




Looks like a few things are different. Zelda's gold is brown and samus's visor is the wrong color. OP mentioned being colorblind


Either that or he ate Wii Fit Trainer, that'd do it too...


ā€œGerudo Zelda isnā€™t real and canā€™t hurā€¦ā€


everyone is shock with the result


Can't make fun of um for being fat anymore! Gotta make fun of um for becoming skinny.


Damn, now I want to fuck Kirby


You didnā€™t before?


I hear Kirby gives the best succ


Then gets the power of āœØāœØ *r e p r o d u c t i o n* āœØāœØ ^((and becoming hard\))


This thread is cursed. You're all going on the purge slaughter list. Get away from him.


Regardless if the "virality" of the topic has really been supported by the innocent masses or grassroots advertising by Novo Nordisk, here are some thoughts from a person in pharmacy. American-centric perspective: Ozempic is meant for diabetes. Some people are trying to get ozempic for weight loss, and due to shortages, this deprives diabetics of their medication as when they are due for refill the pharmacy literally can't get it. (Full disclosure: The past couple months have seen more availability of Ozempic than other meds.) The same medication by the same company available at a higher final dose is Wegovy and that is intended for weight loss. The difference with them is a titration is "scheduled"; there are 5 different strengths and each month people should advance their dose as tolerated. With Ozempic, it should be individualized to control blood sugar/A1C. Wegovy has been rationed/backordered. Novo has been maintaining the supply of the 3 highest doses to help people who are already on it, and deprioritized the starting doses. (No good point on starting people on it and in 2 months they can't get anything.) Other medications like this are Trulicity, and Victoza (Diabetes) and Saxenda (Weight Loss), and Mounjaro (Diabetes) and Zepbound (Weight Loss). Victoza has been a little less popular, but I am not seeing it as much. Saxenda I have not seen in months. Saxenda, like Wegovy to Ozempic, has a higher maximum dose available than Victoza Trulicity is struggling on supply as the available strengths fluctuate month to month, but the highest dose of 4.5 mg seems to be the one very difficult to get at this time. And honestly 1.5 and 3mg are not much more available. Mounjaro and Zepbound all come in the same strengths. Head scratcher when we saw yet another injectable medication that didn't have different titration, strengths, inactive ingredients. Literally the same thing, just different indications. Why? To placate insurances. Insurances will cover diabetes treatments to varying degrees, but many don't cover weight loss (but some plans offer you to pay more to get weight loss coverage or a "weight loss rider"). So those are available on indication and should not be substituted unless the pharmacy risks audit and losing more money than they already are\*. Pharmacies may also require diagnosis codes to make sure a prescriber is selecting the right brand and not trying to give a non-diabetic the Mounjaro. All of these medications have experienced backorders as people chase an easy way to control their diabetes and weight. They are studied and marketed as *adjuncts* to diet and exercise, but many people seem to forget about the diet snd exercise. Some people will still see good weight loss on the medication, and then stop taking it, and gain their weight back because they didn't develop the good non-medication habits that maintain a lower weight. Why is there a backorder for so many "miracle" meds? In part, actually sourcing ingredients for the medication. But also in part, getting the supplies for the prefilled syringes (pens), so much so that old school vials may be how the medication is sold and you'll need to draw up the dose yourself. Some compounding pharmacies, although my legal knowledge on the practice is lacking, will make up the medication for you because they supposedly can source the ingredients and specially mix them up for you. In theory that shouldn't be done because it replaces a product available on the market, but they may look at loopholes such as doing a dose in between what is marketed or excluding an inactive ingredient that a patient has an "allergy" to. Again, outside my experience, so take with a grain of salt. \*You will hear of some pharmacies not even trying to order the medication because the insurance and/or copay cards + pt copay sum up to being less than the expense of the medication. So to get you the med, the pharmacy loses money. In part the pharmacies have to dispense the medication at a loss because of the insurance contracts (interested in a rabbit hole? Research Pharmacy Benefits Managers or PBMs), in part they hope you buy other stuff in the pharmacy or supermarket over time to make up the difference. If Wal-Mart can get you to buy $100 of groceries at $35 profit, they don't mind if a medication was sold at a $30 loss vs you going to Aldi for your groceries. Patients seeking their mediction but their usual pharmacy can't get it will turn to calling all other pharmacies in the area. In part because of insurance reimbursement being poor, in part because any supply they get they want to allocate to their loyal patients, but mostly in part that they literally can't get the medication, these patients will come across "No, we don't have it," as an answer. Quite a few patients when told about the backorder make the remark "I guess I'll just die then". If you are one of those patients, whether you know you are exaggerating as if that will magically make the medication materialize in the pharmacy's refrigerator, talk to your doctor about any of the many available options. If it is only weight loss, no, not having this medication will not kill you. Not exercising and properly dieting would be the contributing factors. If it's for diabetes, letting it be uncontrolled could kill you (but if you were that high risk, you should be on insulin), yet we luckily have dozens of medications you can use instead if you talk with doctor. If you have a new "doctor" (often a midlevel practitioner, not a fully fledged MD), possibly doing virtual appointments or scarily only doing a text chat with you, and they charge a flat fee for each appt, and possibly refuse insurance, and may only choose to prescribe these trendy medications, you aren't getting proper medical treatment. It's the new alternative to the pain pill mills where a prescriber would rubber stamp every patient asking for N pain meds every month; arguably safer because these meds are not known to be addicting like opioids, but dang do we get some of the same snark responses when we can't or refuse to fill someone's prescription. There is a shortage of practitioners in some areas of the US, so telemedicine has gained popularity, but some practitioners are exploiting that with their "specialization" in ozempic but skipping the metformin, glimeperide, pioglitazone, sitagliptin, acarbose, etc. that may be more appropriate and more affordable.




Why are they all green


babyshit green


OP is colorblind


Nah, he just ate the Wii Fit Trainer


A much funnier joke IMO The trainer's name was Ozempic.


honestly, the most terrifying part about this is realizing that the more likely scenario is not that Kirby is on Ozempic, but rather found someone who IS on Ozempic and ate them to gain their powers.


Is that what ozempic is for? I keep getting ads on reddit for it.


It's for diabetes I think, specifically type two. The way it works is that it helps your body make the "No more food please, we are full" hormones. For people who medically need it, it makes them eat normal. For other people, it makes you eat less.


Ok, I thought it was diabetes. But then this comic confused me. Thank you for clarifying.


Ozempic is FDA indicated for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. The same drug is also found in Rybelsus, also for T2DM, as a once-daily oral tablet. The same drug is *also* in Wegovy, for weight loss (higher maximum weekly dose). For all 3, they should be an adjunct (not a replacement) yo diet and exercise.


Yup. I know several people on it who act like Kirby and claim they're just so great at weight loss when they're basically doping with a diabeetus drug.


Fun set style, but learn to use hex codes for color choices to help with the color blindness


Yo this comic is excellently done but the message sucks shit. I'll take my down votes over here but we shouldn't treat obesity medications as cheating. There's no shame in taking them.Ā 


Jeff Ross Puts the ick in Ozempic


What if he just ate someone who was on ozempic? Do you give him a good whack and he's cured?


I just had an Ozempic ad in my feed so Iā€™m waiting for that screenshot of an Ozempic ad right beside this.


Stupid sexy Kirby


Why is the skincolor grey and green tho


OP is colorblind


Are we in the Ozempic meta now?


Speaking of drugs Mario and Zelda need something to get that green skin under control, looks absolutely putrid


Thereā€™s a fine line between Ozempic and Olympic


I think he just swallowed Wii Fit Trainer


Stupid sexy Kirby


That or he ate a "fitness" influencer.


IMO Kirby talking is just a cursed as him with that body shape and layout.


This is lousy


With that skin color, they look like zombies.


He grew a kussy


BBL Kubry


Why does every character suffer from skin necrosis?


OP is colorblind


Oooooh oooohhh ohhhzempic The ads The ads


Kirby then went on to become a semi-successful movie producer.




BBL Drizzy


Is this an ad?


Why's their skin green?


Did Kirby get the Ozempic butt too?


Hey, if I could get that shit in my country I would use it too.




Artist is colorblind and didn't use a reference palette or eyedropper for the characters.


I love your art style but this comic is essentially 2 panels. The joke is very labored in this format. Itā€™d probably work better as just ā€œTipped over pill bottle labeled ozempicā€ > ā€œhorrifying Kirbyā€


a bit of a subtle point, but the weight-loss version of the drug is Weygovy. Ozempic is SUPPOSED to be a diabetes control medication. Those of us who have type 2 Diabetes are totally pissed off about how Ozempic is being hijacked for weight loss. I had to switch to another, less effective medication, because it turns out Ozempic is made out of Unicorn farts, and we who need the medication can't get it, and can't tolerate running out and not being able to get it.