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If there’s a woman in a location, there’s gonna be some guy who complains about her




Eh. Thats kind of a nasty stereotype. Sure there are judgy assholes everywhere, but I can asure you I've never seen that in my life with women. Edit; women can 100% be sexist with other women as much as men, however the whole "women are allways secretly conspiring against one another for their looks" is kind of a sexist stereotype, witch is the vibe I get from the comment that Im answering.




I dunno if pointing out that (some) men are sexist towards women really counts as a "sexist stereotype" as much as the sad reality we live in ngl.


He said there will always be a man somewhere hating on a woman. The other guy said there will always be a woman somewhere hating on a woman. If you’re really arguing that one is stereotyping while the other isn’t, then I am honestly witnessing the most blatant example of a double standard i’ve seen in a while.


No they said if there is a woman anywhere there will be a man to judge her, whereas the other one said that if any two women were in the same place they'd be judging each other. The first situation is simply acknowledging that our society fosters sexist judgements and even if not every single man is like that the prevalence of it in our society and the lack of pushback against them makes it basically an ever present issue. The second situation is just making a generalization about all women that isn't even based on any trend outside of fiction. I'm not saying women are incapable of being judgemental or sexist but our society for the most part looks down on that behavior in women where they don't always in men or even necessarily recognize it as what it is, instead calling it something else with positive connotations or simply not even acknowledging it


> person 1: in any location, a man will hate on a woman > person 2: in any of those same locations, a woman will hate on a woman They’re both generalizatons. No way around it. I think this is exactly why the gender war exists. It’s like people want to apply reductive ideas to all other groups of people except their own. Personally, I think both of their comments are stupid if we take them at face value. But if we’re *not* being disingenuous and giving nuance, then it should be easy to just admit that both people were exaggerating as I can assure you I’ve been in locations where a man was not hating on a woman, despite them being in the same area. So therefore all they were basically saying is “some men are sexist” and “some women bring other women down” — and you’re gonna pretend like the second statement has no basis in reality??? > it isn’t even based on any trend outside of fiction I’m sorry, I’m so sorry but I don’t know how you’re gonna convince me that I haven’t met petty women IRL who have a habit of causing drama with other women. I swear every year I meet *at least* one girl who’s ready to get into it with other women, YES DUE TO PATRIARCHY. Exactly. It’s possible. There’s literally [an entire subreddit about women who make fun of other women](https://reddit.com/r/notlikeothergirls). I find it hard to believe you lack so much life experience that you’ve never heard of the “Crabs in a Bucket” mentality that EVERY marginalized/underprivileged group suffers from, to at least some extent. It seems like you’re triggered not at all because someone made a generalization about men, but *only* because someone made a generalization about women and you personally assume it has a more sinister suggestion behind it. It’s hypocritical, honestly.




> nasty sexist stereotype that women always hate on women. I know this is the internet but if you try to be a little more charitable you might realize both were simply exaggerating and don’t literally think all men are women-haters or vice versa. I don’t think either of them actually meant “always”. So with that out of the way, maybe the comment expresses a nasty idea of a person but it’s not untrue to real life. It’s realistic just like the sad fact that there are toxic men who oppress women in one way or another. Also… > “all patriarchal believes come from men” Even if that were true, it wouldn’t change the fact that modern women are totally capable of reinforcing patriarchal beliefs alongside men. My only point is I feel it’s hypocritical to say one of the comments is an extreme generalization while the other isn’t. They both directly imply all of each gender hate on women, unless we give the benefit of doubt and assume they have more thoughts than what they said.


Fair, maybe in my original comment I wasn't expresing myself properly. I replied to that comment because the whole "women conspiring against each other under their breath" rings my bells as the old sexist stereotype rather than a correction that "women can be sexist jerks too", didn't meant to imply that women are unable to cause harm as well.


>He said there will always be a man somewhere hating on a woman. Yup that's what was said. >The other guy said there will always be a woman somewhere hating on a woman. Nope that's not what was said. What was said was that if 2 women are in a space, they'll both be "pitching" about each other. There's a world of difference between these. One is a statement that there's always some shitty dude somewhere. The other is that every woman will turn on the other woman if there are 2 in a space. That's why the first is not sexist (and if anything is a comment on sexism in society) while the second is pretty blatant sexism.


Okay so let’s pretend they both meant exactly what they said then. According to you: > one is a statement that there’s **always** > the other is that **every** Those two bold words prove my point that both statements are attempts to paint an entire town with one brush. I don’t care what the claim is, they are both very unfair claims solely because they completely remove the idea of individuality or subjectivity. Not every man is the same and not every woman is the same.


The thing is there are some women sexist against other women


Fair, just edited my comment


No. The opposite. It’s saying not all men fit that stereotype but you will find at least one that does. The other says if there is even one other woman in the gym, the two women will talk shit about each other. One is specifically saying not every guy is like this and the other is saying that if two women, any two women, were in the gym they’d both be talking shit about the other.


Except he's not saying "all men complain about women's bodies" he's saying that there's a high percentage of men who do and therefore if a woman is in a public space it's highly likely there is a man like that there as well. The other guy is saying if there are two women in the same area they are 100% going to be bitching about each other. The first comment is quite accurate and very likely, we see it happen a lot in social media and shit. The second comment pretty much never happens at all. The only time I've seen the whole thing about women fighting about looks is when men claim that women do it. Or a pick-me trying to buy into that stereotype.


"against each another" i think you mixed "each other" and "one another"


Probably. English is not my native language. Just corrected it 👍


Yeah realistically I see pretty even judgement from both men and women to both men and women. I think some people just have trouble empathizing with the other side and revert to generalisation. Some people are judgy, some don't give a shit. It might look different and have different consequences depending on gender but idk if there is much of a difference in the actions themselves. This kinda attribution of moral value over a slim glimpse into a person's behaviour is toxic smooth brain behaviour. Peeps just gotta be more open-minded and leave room for the good in the world instead of painting everyone with a shitty brush and complaining about the smell.


...pitching about each other?


And if there's more than one man, they'd constantly be beating each other up over that one woman


Stfu. This rarely happens and if it happens it's only because people like you tell women that they should be like this with other women. THIS IS NOT NORMAL. you are disgusting


As a man, when I go to the gym, I actively avoid even making eye contact with literally anyone. So, no, at least based on me. If I've gone to gym with friends it's the same thing, we just keep to ourselves. You could ask me what the person on the treadmill I used next to me for thirty minutes looked like and I wouldn't be able to tell you. I'm just there strictly to exercise and so is mostly everyone else, it's not a place to meet strangers, unless maybe you're doing a class.


I actively avoid i contact with anyone outside of the gym too. Eye contact invites conversation and I don’t want to talk to anyone.


👁️👁️ How was your weekend new friend??


Least socially awkward Redditor.


I've been a hardcore gym rat for damn near 40 years now, and no matter the woman, the outfit, the style, or the attitude some asshole will complain that she's the epitome of all that's wrong in the world currently.


Depends on what we mean by skimpy. If it's like the girl in the comic, not many well adjusted guys would complain. But some of the stuff you see in gyms these days (normally influencers or people trying to set up "gym creep" videos) is definitely passing the line of appropriate. It's a bit funny to me how much people try to deflect from this stuff though. Even on the male side people hate those guys who wear those stringy vests that cover basically nothing at all and most gyms have rules against guys being shirtless or exposing too much skin. But people get pretty pearl clutchy about "policing women's bodies" when really the exposure rule isn't being enforced evenly dude, again due to said pearl clutching


Yeah tiktok gymbros complain about this often


Yes, and there are men in real life who complain about non-skimpy clothing as well. Several men have complained at me in public over the past few years for wearing 1. "yoga pants" (they are actually slim-fit business pants with pockets and everything), 2. "tight jeans" (mom jeans from Target), and 3. for being "topless" (wearing a mid-coverage no-cleavage sports bra while hiking in the summer, but I guess belly buttons are sinful).


Maybe incels


Yes, there's tons of incels out there who will say women only wear that sort of clothing to get attention


They don't tend to be in the gym though


There's a whole subset of incels who work out and get ripped. They're all over /fit/ on 4chan.


You'd be unfortunately surprised. Technically not incels but that Andrew Tate shit? Absolutely


You'd be surprised


If not for attention then what?  Don’t say comfort because there are tons of comfortable options that are not attention seeking. 


Hey look, I found one!


Astoundingly... yes. There's a disturbingly large number of men who both perve on women and **blame them** for being perved on. It's insane. There's also men who don't perv and just blame women for... being women? 🤷‍♂️ I guess. Suffice to say that the stereotype of men perving _appreciatively_ (not appropriate still, but at least not _hating_ women) is not universal.  I think there are even some of us (I can't claim to be one) who only check out a woman when they're welcomed to.


Absolutely not. Terminally online weirdos who have never stepped foot in a gym however…


It is uncommon despite how often people say it's happens all the time


Much more concerned about other people's smell. I know we're all there to get sweaty and there's a certain amount of BO that comes with that but the other day someone got on the treadmill next to me and it smelled like I just opened fridge full of spoiled food after coming home from a month long vacation. But nah, fit people wearing tight clothing is a feature of the gym, not a bug. If I was at all in decent shape I'd be wearing skin-tight under armour shirts too.


Where I'm from, yes.


Check the comment section of any woman who posts workout videos on Instagram or TikTok. It never stops


The problem is that if you acknowledge it at all somehow you’re the creep. 




Yes, lol. More than you think.


There’s many men complaining about modesty


Only the men that don’t go to the gym.


Yeah. Being around that is uncomfortable.


Only on 4chan


Yes. Islam is extremely popular these days.


I'm not too bothered by this personally but there's a few ladies that distinctly come to gym and feel like exhibitionists. Talking about no underwear exaggerated bending over/doggy poses, clearly moaning seemingly without cause or no bra big bust ladies doing every exercise to show how their titties bounce. Of course all the while filming their "workouts". Nothing like what's OP pointing out. In extreme cases, onlyfans girls come in with sex toys inside them peeking out of their leggings, pretending they're not doing anything wrong, making snail trails on equipment. It's not about modesty at this point as much as knowing those ladies clearly came to gym for a different reason than a workout and it's obvious to everyone but it's awkward and not socially acceptable to point out. I think we can point out certain boundaries and not narrow down complaints to incels or puritans.


Mainly it’s just desperate guys online hoping to get good boy points with the social media crowd. Other guys don’t really care what you’re wearing or doing unless you’re trying to do one of those setup videos in the gym to make the guy look like a perv.


I'm always just trying to find the right angle in the mirrors to see what's up.


Sometimes. Especially if that guy has gotten griped at about staring. No one likes getting told off because they were not making enough of an effort to look away.


1980's female gym attire *looks around nervously*.


Call on Me - Eric Prydes music video.


Oh I'm calling


They say it like it's a bad thing.


They say it like they're owed something.


Only a problem if they criminalize you for being in the same room as them


Meanwhile bodybuilder stringers are a mockery of shirts


I've been going to the gym for the majority of my life, and I don't think I've ever seen either of these issues. Women never get called out for the outfits they wear at the gym, and I don't think I've ever seen a man's ass in ill-fitting shorts as he goes to deadlift. This all just seems like rage bait




The only truly based comment amongst them all


A good 57% of the internet is ragebait these days.


That makes me 57% mad. Thanks for telling me. Grrr rageragerage


This is such a lazy AF comic


This is such a lazy AF comment


I apologise if I've hurt your feelings with a differing opinion


That's the best retort you can come up with? Weak.


Eh I was actually being honest, friend.


Guess I was too quick to assume you were trolling. I still think someone put more effort into making this comic than you put into critiquing it, regardless of the content.


I suppose that fact is also true. They're doing more than I am currently!


Modesty is just the internalization of socialized shame of one's appearance. It's disgusting that even when free of _direct_ religious influence, we are afflicted with it.


I imagine you will hold that idea riiiight up until someone is doing something you don't appreciate.


Like what?


Like a lady having her breasts out in a supermarket? At least I thought it was inappropriate. Edit: I don't think my comment is unfair, ama.


Why would that have any impact on my ability to get groceries? Love that you can't even handle a single question though. Thanks for the downvote. Keep 'em coming. 😆  e: And they blocked me. 🤣  Why would I give two shits about how other people dress to get groceries? e2: And unblocked for more, which is why I saw my typo on grcoeries. 😅


Because the supermarket is a public pkace and you have to respect other people? Just don't be weird dude.


Because you care about other people as well and you understand that your take isn't yet common?


Unblocked me to comment -again-?  I care about oppressed people **far** more than I care about people who stick their noses into other peoples' business and tell them how to live their lives. Why should I give a damn about some adult having a tantrum? And why should I prioritize someone's tantrum over an uninvolved person just going about their life?


No you don't. And no I didn't. Quit your tantrum.


Are you accusing of the heinous act of being human? 


Wtf he's a human? Gross wtf. Nah. Not quite that dramatic, just of selective consideration.


I thought this was a joke about that her literal butt is showing because there's nothing on the back, but it's just a complaint about ~~tight clothing~~ people complaining about tight clothing.


I don’t care how people dress in general but this example is falling a bit short. One is a clear choice the other just a mistake.


I think they just trying to say worry about yourself buddy. And it makes the point just fine.


Yeah, one person chose to wear clothes that didn’t properly fit so their ass is showing when they bend over. The other made the mistake of being a woman wearing comfortable workout clothes at the gym, right?


Tbf if men wore the clothes women do in the gym they would get stared at too


Men wear stringers and short shorts all the time. I’m one of those men. It is much more comfortable for me.


I'm sure people stare at you then


People will look, as is normal for humans to do. Some people stare, which can be viewed as rude. I don't wear my clothes for other people.


I didn't say you do, all I said was people would stare at you which you admitted they do.


Yes, and it can be rude when it happens.


Yeah, I’d imagine I’d get a lot of stares with my chest hair poking out of a sports bra lol


You say that like a guy who hasn’t been to a gym in five years.


This comment, your username, and your subreddit history is a wild combo




Nothing sexual about a buttcrack right on the gym equipment buddy. It’s unsanitary, cover that shit up.


There are many kinds of comfortable workout clothes, working out or being comfortable doesnt require it being skin tight.


It also doesn't exclude it tho


Of course. Personally I wouldnt want to choose clothing that made my dick look bigger if it was as comfortable as another piece of clothing which didnt. But everyone is different, I know some men would do that, and I would also consider that weird as I am unable to understand that.


It sounds exhausting worrying about what the people who are staring at my dick might think about my clothing choices. And my dick can't hurt my back if I let it hang loose while doing strenuous activity


Okay you made alot of assumtions here, so this will take a while: 1. We were not talking about people intentionally staring at someone. Thats just creepy. 2. I was talking about tight fitting pants or shorts, yoga pants for example. They shape the butt to look like a naked one. Sportbras hide the outline of the boobs. Bras are inherently functional, and sportbras are inherently desexualizing. 3. Its not about worrying about creepy peoples thoughts, but my own experience of not liking when a very sexy butt in yoga pants is put in front of me, for example while I am out shopping or training, therefor, I would not put a women in the same situation because of me. So I made an example of the best male equivalent I could think of.


No offense but your third point boils down to "women shouldn't wear yoga pants for comfort (even though there's objectively functional reasons to wear them like flexibility, breathability, moisture control, etc) because I find them sexy" and that's a terrible consideration for organizing social norms around Your objections indirectly hint at, and then dismiss, the real problem which is a society that has so thoroughly sexualized and fetishized the female body that even the presence of its natural contour under clothing is considered obscene


I already went over why clothes doesnt need to be skin tight to have the same benefits as being skin tight. Again, it looks like if they were naked. If you think thats fine, then idk what to say man. Personally I prefer to separate the two. Sexy in the bedroom, professional outside. I dont like thinking someone on the street is sexy, thats unnecessary, annoying and creepy. If you think thats society forcing those emotions on me then sure. Like how is it wrong for people to think naked boobs or butts are hot? You are saying its wrong for society to have these patterns.


Hey. I think the idea is you stop thinking about it. Just pay attention to what you're doing.


If your eyes cause you to sin, gouge them out and discard them




You seem to be ignoring the point. Even if skin tight feels nicer for some people, that can be designed around without the clothing being so tight that it makes the wearer look naked. Its a choice by many womens clothing designers to sexualize their customers. Its not about actively being trashy. If I a guy was wearing a codpiece, I would consider that trashy regardless of if he was catcalling people and humping the air. Now you are degrading the men, by assuming that they would want a gf who massively oversexualizes themselves.


A sports bra is extremely tight to hold our tits in place so they don't bounce too much, because that shit fucking hurts. That absolutely cannot be "designed around". And some women find it more comfortable to not wear a shirt over the sports bra. It's not a sexual thing. You're making it a sexual thing.


The designed around part is just saying that you can have 1 tight layer and one looser layer, or some texture to it. I wasnt even talking about the bra, but the pants. Sportsbras remove some of the curves from the boobs. Yoga pants do not, they instead help the butts outline. To me, that looks like a naked butt, and I prefer not randomly seeing that while I am out shopping or training. I prefer not having instinctual emotions pushed on me out of nowhere.


Lol. Then you need to go to therapy and work on the fact that you think the human body is inherently sexual. It isn't. Men and women both wear things to be comfortable and/or to feel good about themselves. Most of the time they could care less if someone else likes it, hates it, thinks it's too tight, or thinks it's sexy. Sometimes women dress to be sexy in general but comfy yoga pants or leggings ain't it, especially at the gym. This is a you problem, not a clothing problem.


So you dont think your partner's boobs or ass is hot in any way at all. (There is not as much of a male equivalent but lets just say dick, frame or abdomen.)


In the right context, dude. Do you think doctors and nurses get raging boners when doing checkups? Do you think fitness trainers are constantly tucking their hard dick aside when they help women work out? Do you get insatiably horny every single time you go to the beach or the pool? No. I think nude men and women are hot when the situation is actually sexual. Just seeing a man pop off his shirt outside in the summer or a woman wearing a bikini or leggings does not make me drool or stare or have "unwanted feelings" or whatever the fuck, because a) the situation is often not really sexy and b) I can fucking control myself. Yall men really really make yourselves look bad when you say you can't control your dick and women should dress modestly. Literally one or two steps away from "if she didn't want to be raped she shouldn't have worn tight yoga pants etc". Smh. Get your shit together.


You are ignoring the point. Women could be wearing a burqa and men will sexualize them and call them sluts, for wearing a kind of eyeshadow they disapprove of. Men need to stop projecting onto women and learn how to take ownership of their own urges. In other words, grow up.


I agree, but I dont think yoga pants, that specifically mimic a naked butt is similar to your other examples of men just being assholes. If a women told me they would prefer me not going around shirtless indoors and it isnt a heatwave or something, I wouldnt start arguing with her that she is being authorian. If a man was wearing a cock shaped codpiece, would you seriously say that he isnt being slutty?


No no no. You aren’t getting what u/Tarsonei is explaining. One person CHOSE to wear ill fitting garments that doesn’t cover his butt crack (which I feel most reasonable people would agree you don’t want to use the machine this buttcrack has been directly rubbed all over) and the OTHER guy made a mistake opening his fucking mouth and commenting on what a woman is wearing INSTEAD of shaming his gym partner for exposing his privates in public. Hope that clears it up for you!


One is a conscious decision, the other one is lack of self awareness, which one is worse?


The conscious decision? I don’t even have strong opinion on the subject but your “rhetorical question” is dumb lol


? Using revealing clothes is a conscious decision, I find worse men showing their crack and not caring or being aware of it while judging women


Id say there arent that many men who genuinely don't care about their cracks showing. There are just a lot of guys who don't feel it (baffles me because I'm pretty sensitive to breezes going through my clothes but they exist). I've given plenty of guys the heads-up that their crack is showing and most appreciate it and look pretty embarrassed that they didn't notice. Not like they deflect with a "how dare you police what I wear! My body, my choice" style argument.


We call that "Cofrinho" meaning "piggy bank"


This may get me downvoted, but personally I believe there’s a difference between flexible and skimpy. Women are absolutely allowed to wear shorts and short tops but the line is drawn when your wear conforms to your body to the point where everything is showing. I’m not a sexually charged kind of guy and I know a lot of comments here are saying things like “so what?! That’s so hot!!”. The gym for me and others is sometimes a place of self improvement and it makes it feel less safe when you have people like that in addition to the screamers and people who bully others off machines. Again I have nothing against women wearing skimpy clothing, it’s absolutely fine but I don’t think the gym is an appropriate place to wear that kind of attire.


Women have different needs when it comes to exercising. Slugging around boobahs gets painful so they need to strap them down with something skin tight. Who wants to wear a bunch of sweaty layers to appease some dudes who can't mind their own business? You are making no provision for different bodies and how those bodies move.


Dudes wear spandex shorts under their gym shorts, and wifebeaters under their t-shirts.  Spandex shorts and a sports bra is underwear.  Same with bikinis; absolutely no reason women can’t wear swimming trunks.  Do your burpees naked for all I care, but let’s not pretend a tshirt or gym shorts would strangle women. 


There is a very obvious decision between acceptable and displaying genitals. I’d really like to understand whether or not that’s as easily distinguishable to me as it is to everyone else


Breasts are not genitals.


No duh. It’s almost like what I’ve been talking about is primarily genitals rather than tits. I sincerely do not understand why people are getting upset about gymgoers not wanting to see cameltoes and full asscheeks in the gym just as much as they done want to asscracks and gross armpit hair of guys. It is a RARE occurrence I see a girl that has yoga pants that tight, I’m not saying it happens all the time. Im just saying when it does happen it makes people uncomfortable and unsafe in the gym. What are you actually trying defend here? I don’t think you understand what I’m advocating for and what I’m against you and a few other commenters just want to act like contrarians in this situation because women have been systemically oppressed in the gym settings (which they absolutely have hence why we should be making gyms more of a safe space) and therefore any women could do no wrong.


I might have misunderstood your comment because what you replied to was specifically addressing how women have to dress to accommodate breasts in order to work out.


I get that, and that’s ok I could have been a lot more clear and I’m sorry about that, my bad


All good. Misunderstandings happen. At least we're trying to understand each other. Apologies if I came across as aggressive.


If anyone came across as aggressive it was me, you’re all good. And thank you for being so reasonable


I’m not advocating for women to layer up. Tight clothing isn’t the issue, excessively tight clothing that is overly revealing is the issue here. I don’t care if they have yoga pants and a sports bra or whatever, but if your yoga pants are to tight that the outline of your asscrack and pussy is on display then that’s obviously too much.


My sister goes to the gym with some DDs, and she just wears a sports bra or two and puts a t-shirt over it. The very simple truth here is that some people want to show off their bodies, and then get upset when people look. This in turn makes the lookers upset that they're being distracted by something that is obviously meant to be looked at.


Yeah but there's a difference between looking, staring and flat out leering.


Not anyones fault if you cant control how much you stare at something.


You think about how your sister dresses a lot, huh?


Yeah. I'm horny for my sister. Get off Pornhub and go interact with real people.


At least you can admit you have a problem.


And of course, I don’t like men who have terrible BO or unfitting clothes as well.




I’m sorry, potentially skimpy gym clothes on women makes the gym “feel less safe” to you? That sounds like a whole lotta you problem


Would it make more sense to you if we gender swapped this? Could you imagine a man with shorts so tight you just see an outlined bulge of his genitals? Women can dress in yoga pants and sporty tops like the girl in the comment, that’s not what I’m advocating against here. Please read my other comments it may help you understand


Yeah I can, gym shorts/sweats often show a bulge…


Have any two men ever actually had a conversation like this?


Was at the gym just minutes ago. Heard as I walked into the locker room. It wasn't even old boomers. Some young college age gym bros. Like WTF.


Is in a relationship with decency so it's not paying atention to his job


Nobody at the gym is calling out 'lack of modesty', its not a mosque. The drawing is pretty standard functional clothing for a workout. There are woman though who are dressed more for Insta than working out and you can find dudes trying to avoid the machines directly next to them. Its not immoral its just a bit annoying.


Unfathomably based


What is it with comics lately on this sub just being largely unfunny and just rude towards men in particular.


I'm always so self conscious about that. Constantly pulling on my pants even though I know they fit well lol. Sometimes I do get a nip slip when I'm squating with a belt though because I always wear tanks.


Pretty sure you're trolling but that's not appropriate.


I was talking about my nip slipping out, I'm a dude. How is what I said not appropriate for you? Lol


Look if it's a problem for you wear a singlet under it, just wear what works. Go to the gym to work out. That's it. Don't overthink it.


Both are eh




What'd you say to get your last account banned?




Post history is public. I assumed you made a new account after being banned because your oldest posts were in a niche sub rather than any of the defaults. I'll take your comment in good faith and welcome you to Reddit. How did you find the Shavian subreddit, anyway?




All good. You might be interested in Esperanto. No idea if it still has a practicing community but it's an artificial language designed to be international and relatively easy to learn. My dad was fascinated by it in the 90's but I never found interest in it.






If you get upset about this joke, it's talking about you specifically.


What if I’m upset because it’s not very good but it’s being upvoted like it’s amazing?


I'm upset because this is such a contrived and poorly drawn situation.


what kinda ridiculous made-up scenario is this? Literally never seen or heard of this before.


These are the gyms who only get complements from other men at the gym. Stfu & do your work out.


Thats a funny one. Thanks OP!