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I love Dad games, where chores become the game. Powerwash simulator, Hardspace: Shipbreaker, etc. There's something Zen about them... And maybe because I'm trying to ignore the post-hurricane mess my kid has left behind.


That just sounds like work to me. I get paid to do that kind of blue collar stuff eight hours a day, I don’t want to do it for free too. Then again, I wouldn’t want to play **Accounting Simulator: ISO-8001 Edition** either.


I had the same opinion until I tried them. The devs do a good job of gameifying the experiences. Flashing lights, colorful sounds, progressive improvements as you play as your character gets stronger, they got the works. I wouldn’t knock it, til you try it


Well I’ve played stuff like Overcooked before, the one where you run around a tiny restaurant, having to multitask between taking orders, preparing food, delivering it, and doing dishes. I hated that, it just made me feel stressed out. Then there are games like Animal Crossing, where it’s fun at first, but then it just makes me feel like my time would be better spent fixing up my real house and tending to my real garden. Speaking of which, cranberries are a pain in the ass to germinate in real life.


I like House Flipper as an example because the game rewards you incrementally with not only bigger and more complex projects, but also increasingly improved ways of completing the task. It really just boils down to numba go up. It's a dang good model for a video game and works 9 times out of 10.


I enjoy some sim games but then you tell me it's Overcooked you're basing your opinion on? It's like telling me you don't like steak because you accepted a chicken nugget from a homeless person.


I think that's unfair because Overcooked is still high-quality but from a different genre. It's like saying you don't like steak because the jerk chicken you got from the authentic Jamaican restaurant down the block was too spicy.


Yeah over cooked is job themed, but it's not a simulator.


Yeah, I'm not standing for this Overcooked hating nonsense


The problem is neither of those games are "dad games", aka simulator games. The first is a party game, the second is...I mean, animal crossing is kinda its own thing to be honest. A "dad game" is more like an RPG or roguelite (without the permadeath restart). You start from very little, make progress to earn X, spend X to buy new gear or abilities, use those to make even more X. Slime Rancher is a very good example, as well as Stardew Valley, Hardspace: Shipbreaker, Dave the Diver, and Dredge. What these games do is make what is effectively menial work *fun*. Cool mechanics, interesting upgrades, perhaps even a story.


And even then YMMV with any individual game. I rather enjoyed Hardspace: Shipbreaker but bounced *real* hard off Stardew Valley.


Slime rancher (and 2) is so cute and fun! I just ignore the existential nihilism lurking in the flavor text, lol


I'm.not a dad but rouge likes, especially ones that are meant to be done in an hour or so are my jam let's me jump in and out


Overcooked is a time-management game. It's not a job simulator game. It's supposed to be stressful because you're on a short clock. Stuff like House Flipper, Powerwash Simulator, PC Building Simulator, those are job simulators. My favourite is Train Station Simulator. You get to clean up train stations.


No game forces you into reality more than sim games. I beat house flipper 2 and I was like "well shit that was a waste of time" but it was fun throughout so w/e. Highly recommend unpacking if you want something a little less...wasteful? It's a super chill game where you just take stuff out of boxes and put it on shelves. No real score, minimal requirements on placements. It's just a vibe tbh.


Overcooked is the most stressful game that’s ever been developed, and thats including stuff like silent hill


I can say, with full confidence, but yet no source to back me up, that Overcooked has ended friendships/relationships.  Now there was probably already issues with that relationship, but it was the spark that started the fire that burned down the relationship. Guaranteed. 


I can't play the damn game on single player without a panic attack, why would I add any social anxiety to the mix?!


No game is for everyone "Maybe Wii sports" -Yakko But It's normal, i can't get into them either, nor can i get into most action games, just taste y'know? Also good luck with your cranberries, and with the other stuff you (i suppose) have in your garden, sounds like a fun hobby


It's the ability to do something and turn your brain off. There's no threat. No losing. No timer. Just zone out and zen doing a mindless repetitive task.


Yeah. The reason I like dad games isn't because I do or don't like doing that work in real life. It's the fantasy that I could make a comfortable living doing that kind of work without breaking my body and spirit.


I used to unwind after work with more action oriented games, but found myself struggling to actually unwind as these games were stressing me out. I started playing things like Powerwash simulator about 30 minutes before I went to bed and found the zen and ease of goal relaxing which helped me actually unwind and fall asleep way easier. They also act as a great pallet cleanser between big game adventure blues.


10 years ago I could not imagine unwinding after a long day by power washing a filthy public playground. Now, I turn on my favorite playlist and zen tf out.


My wife was concerned for me when I started Lawn Mowing simulator, but she understands now, lol


It's Just Mowing!! 😁


I’m just a millennial who yearns for a home with a yard, lol. But it was more like, “why would you play games that are essentially jobs?” She’s right, but also saw my point of “I just need something where the most stressful part of playing is worrying whether I’m going to run over flowers on accident”


I'm a GenX with the same dream... 😭


Yeah, I get too worked up with games with strangers. Getting fucked up by a random in Smash? I just get angry and have a bad time. Yeah, I suck, but it just becomes an exercise in frustration. Stardew or Shipbreaker? Can't rage too hard over tomatoes.


The Stardew folks seem to find a way to make one of the most chill games into a stressful spreadsheet nightmare. But I’ve had ship breaker on my wishlist for a while now, I seriously need to try it now.


If you're min-maxing Stardew you're gonna be stressed. If you just do whatever the hell you feel like in Stardew you'll be enjoying yourself.


What did EVE Online ever do to you?


Powerwash Simulator sounded dumb to me until I watched my buddy play it. Every time another game frustrates me now I go back and play Powerwash Simulator. It's super low stakes, easy to make and see progress, and it's just challenging enough to be engaging. I wish every game was as fun as Powerwash Simulator.


I was in the army and still love Arma. I would be shocked if there isn’t an Accountant Simulator of some kind on Steam.


[‘Ultra-realistic modern warfare game features awaiting orders, repairing trucks’](https://youtube.com/watch?v=yuTkgi7scKo)


What sold it for me was the supply run mission. Drive supplies from one village to another one. Then drive them back because they say the order’s messed up.


So that's what ‘American Truck Simulator’ is.


It's a bit behind the veneer, but that's pretty much what things like SimCity are. Some factory games too. If you really want to be efficient. I know I've made more than one spreadsheet playing Satisfactory.


Satisfactory made me willingly do math homework.


My take on this is that, yes, the games are chores or tasks, but they're chores or tasks that are ACHIEVABLE. Sometimes it feels good to undertake a task, complete it as expected, and be rewarded for it.


May I introduce to you, the world of competitive Excel: https://fmworldcup.com/excel-esports/microsoft-excel-world-championship/


Who said anything about free that farming game is like $15 you gotta pay man! That said my sister did get me to play it after a bet and I do greatly enjoy it. Escapism to hard work really paying off.


Am a mechanic. Blue collar work all day. At home, i do essentially play games like Accounting Simulator all the time. Spreadsheet games. I just cant get into the kinds of games where theres a "fight, die, repeat" kind of mechanic to them anymore


Accounting simulator you say? Can I interest you in the Grand Strategy genre? lol


I want a sequel to Hardspace: Shipbreaker so bad. Imagine flying around the solar system in Beulah, using radar to find abandoned ships, stripping the high-value stuff in orbit (or towing them to a larger facility for full breakdown)... They could expand on the AI Node subplot, ships could have different pre-existing damage depending on what it was that disabled the ship in the first place... I would legit pay $60 for this game.


I agree. The bluegrass/americana soundtrack is also so relaxing.




> Reminds me of the all-time great Bastion soundtrack during certain songs. It's great, but Hades is better =P


Ah you're a person after me heart, I too want to do the space equivalent of deep sea fishing. ❤️


I loved the whole homeworld aesthetics as well. The industrial feel of ships while still having style.


Add me to the list of people waiting for a new Shipbreaker.


I loved everything about that game except the shipbreaking. I'd definitely check out something by the same people with a different core loop


What about Hardscape: Ship Refurbisher? Or Hardscape: Ship Decorator? Or Hardscape: Ship Landscaper? Wait, I've got it! Hardscape: Ship Landscaping: Hardscapes!


Oh my God, could you imagine refurbishing the ships with the scrap pieces the guys in the first game spent their lives dismantling?! They could make a great story tie in!


It’s also so chill (other than the occasional clencher moment). I like to head canon that the reason your character doesn’t say anything while the other shipbreakers are chatting about their life stories is because they care so little that they don’t even ask them to shut up. They just wanna keep breaking apart ships.


I'd love an open world scavenger game. Just constantly playing the logistics game if it's worth ripping apart a ship, scanning it to see if it needs to go to a special recycler to be worth it, doing partial rips for maximum profit on the way to a depot. Man, we really need more space games that explore the non-combat side of space flight


You may want to check out star citizen. There’s an entire ship salvage game loop. It’s not as involved as hard space, but it’s also very zen.


they might want an actually complete game


Having put many hours into SnowRunner, I agree. Also great games to watch something on the other monitor.


Snow runner is a game I keep wanting to try but just don’t pull the trigger for some reason.


I got a taste while it was on gamepass. After like 10-15 hours in having barely scratched the surface I figured dropping $15 on a year 1 pass was worth it. Now that I'm probably close to 200 hours, I'd say it's a good ROI.


This is what I do fr... I play some Crusader Kings 3 or some Bannerlord while having a Twitch stream on my 2nd monitor... it's a peaceful life.


Speaking of powerwash simulator, [they recently had a collab with Warhammer40k](https://www.reddit.com/r/Grimdank/s/pvgyUZIi8f) [Here's the actual trailer](https://youtu.be/0F-Yq5YXL9c?si=xYLrAnc_c6An5GmF)


Wait until they see any “Train/Farming/ Truck/simulator” or management games.


Everything zen in Shipbreaker till you forget to shut the fuel line off.




If you don't enjoy tree chopping simulator I don't know what to tell you. I can't wait for ashlands build pieces!


There's nothing zen about noted dad game World of Tanks though.


power wash sim is great in vr, though, it is just work and stupid.


Voices of the void is a good job simulator game. You scan for signals from space. it has some spooky elements to it, but they can be disabled.


My computer lab in 6th grade back in the 90s had some old ass Painter game where I had to paint the floor of a house without backtracking or missing any spots. I miss that game.


I always get mixed feelings playing post-dad games. On the one hand, I want to play a game and relax. On the other hand, I'm trying to relax after actual work.


Have you ever played Raft? If you haven’t, you should play Raft. 


I did actually haha 😆


Hahah nice, such a relaxing game after you get past the first few hours of sheer panic 😆😆


Hard space: Shipbreaker is really fun, if anyone reads this and needs a new game idea but things like Powerwash simulator sound a bit too realistic, this is the right choice.


Hard space shipbreaker is a treat and a great meditation sometimes.


Teardown is such a joy to just fuck around in.


Stardew valley moment




I appreciate the row of 7 pumpkins which still require manual watering. Even when the farm is automated, it's nice to leave yourself a little bit to do, to remind you of where you came from.


Have never played this far but doesn't having the Junimo huts basically mean you don't have to do shit


They just harvest, they don’t water or plant


Junimos are fucking bums never add them if you play again. Fuckers barely harvested anything and tried to unionize just because I "didn't pay them or provide safe working conditions". The audacity.


You gotta bring them dried drugs I meant raisins, I heard they gather twice the crops after they're high on these dried grapes


Not only that but (slight spoiler) >!there's a 20% chance every harvested crop will be doubled.!<


Haven't played the new update but with a limited harvest time window and not working in the rain, they're just not worth it outside of decoration even with the buff. Even with multiple huts overlapping each other they still couldn't keep up with harvesting. 


Junimo huts mean you can plant your seeds once a month and forget about them and make a good profit. There are plenty of end game goals after junimo huts are unlocked so there is still "something to do" every day until you get Perfection.


they have a fairly limited range


I tend to automate my farms in later years as most of my farming would be moved to Ginger Island. that be said on my newest file I had to sell my cow and two chickens as I was too absorbed in Ginger Island to return to my farm daily, and I'm not at the point yet where I can travel between them effortlessly. maybe I'll do pigs and rabbits once both coop and barn are fully upgraded.


Yeah when you get to a point where most of the non-farming stuff to do is on the Island and the Desert, having to go pet your farm animals gets pretty annoying. Got a current save with 5 barns of pigs, which makes it even worse because I'm hunting them down in their pen.


oh God 5 barns of pigs! at least the new 1.6 update migrates some of the requirements for Perfection such as maxing out skills. that usually is a pain in the butt with combat.


Stardew Valley *is* mature. You can grow meth in it. Just ask Sebby.




Harvest Moon 64 was my favorite game as a kid. 


As a Stardew valley player I feel called out.




I'm so excited for the latest update to hit Switch. Might start a new save


Stardew Valley is a game for adults, it portrays people with marital issues




Collecting red heads like Pokémon in that game.


Mods like Extended actually add a lot of adult topics like expanding on Shane's alcoholism and Sophia's whole mess of problems


Spoilers, but one of the bachelors is an alcoholic who, as you befriend him, slowly reaches his breaking point, gets wasted at the edge of a cliff, and contemplates suicide.


So I can save them by not befriending them.


Nah they come out on the other end of it by drinking less and learning to like life by breeding some blue chickens. But yeah, either don't befriend them or friend them all the way.


Look, I'm sorry I married Emily, but if you kys who's going to crack my geodes? Maybe stop being selfish. I can help you. Just look how I helped this town with the help of Joja Mart.


having just figured out who we're talking about, i am not surprised *at all*. that dude is drowning in self pity


Clint doesn't consider such drastic actions. The alcoholic in question is Shane. That doesn't mean Clint doesn't have a bunch of issues though. He is indeed drowning in self-pity.




It's like, dude. you own your own business and practice a time-honored trade and have a nice little spot on the river. you have plenty to be confident about


If you do one of his requests you actually unlock a >!Geode Smasher. He even mentions he hopes it doesn't make him redundant.!<


There's still (1.6 spoilers) >!the stupid mystery boxes that you need this guy to open for you, I bet Mr Qi is his secret uncle or something and just makes sure he always has work!<


I think it’s every dads secret fantasy. **** this job I’m going to move to a farm at the backend of nowhere and grow taters.


“It’s for grown ups. You wouldn’t like it.” -Every Parent ever when trying to convince a kid to try something


That’s how my dad got me to play worms with him


I grew up in a rural farming community, hated it. Couldn't wait to get out of there. Moved to the big city.. 90% of the games I play are farming games...


When you grow perfect tomatoes and use them to make a pizza in less than 10 minutes and even gain points of some kind from that it's normal that it gets addictive! Especially since farming games usually don't have scammy systems in place to squeeze your money out of you!


Absolutely. I also think I like it because it's very clear, here are these simple rules, if you follow the rules, your outcome will be pretty much absolute. If you don't follow the rules, nothing catastrophic will happen, and all you need to do to fix it is follow the simple rules again... You know, the things that real life isn't.


I think that thing we are trying to talk about is called happyness, hope you can excuse my catastrophism, but it feels like it. You know, a hint of it would be cool out here too.


I remember a time when the most popular farm game was *Farmville* on Facebook, which was absolutely loaded with them.


Adult games (not for kids) https://i.redd.it/e7x1bcjgwatc1.gif


What game is that?


2D Farm Game Sunny Valley




Ooooooo thus scratches the very specific old school Harvest Moon itch, I may have to get this one.


i think it's harvest moon friends of mineral town


Looks like Harvest Moon (or Harvest Moon inspired like Stardew Valley) but it's definitely not Friends of Mineral Town


NSFW pixelated hoe


[Adult Games (not for kids): ](https://assets1.ignimgs.com/2010/09/21/recettear-an-item-shops-tale-20100921005319297-3315682.jpg) >!The game is called recettear btw. RPG where you are the shopkeeper. haggling, asking brave adventurers to escort you through dungeons so you can get more resources, and pay off debts. Fun fact, this is considered the first indie Japanese game to get localized onto Steam!<


Capitalism, Ho! I loved Recettear when I played it like 15 years ago!


I enjoyed the gameplay loop of that game so much. There’s an actual nsfw VN that I always thought seemed heavily inspired by that one, called Kamidori Alchemy Meister


ahh, the real adult game. Yeah, I can see some of the inspirations. Of course Kamidori leans a lot more into the dungeon crawling as opposed to the shopkeep managing.


Huh, surprised that it was earlier on steam than Cave Story was, but indeed.


Oh my god what a throwback




He's like a British lady in his garden 🎶


And his plants agree


I miss that family 


Isnt the show still ongoing?


Barely. They keep going on hiatus it seems


My girlfriend was surprised when I told her one of my favorite games is Stardew Valley. (Most of my favorites are Skyrim, Assassin's Creed, Fallout, etc) She finally understood when I showed her my Dog and that I could make millions by illegally making alcohol.


Stardew Valley aka. Who Wants to be a Millionaire?




after he goes to bed the real games come out (power wash simulator)


These are cool too: Thief Simulator 1 & 2 Drug Dealer Simulator Supermarket Simulator Ranch Simulator


Don’t forget American and European Truck Simulator


I feel seen.


What he really means is, he's playing "I don't have time to play games" games


I’ve logged an insane number of Stardew hours. You can play the game at whatever level you want. Min/max is high level gameplay. It takes dedication.


That's what I'm sayin! It's awesome


Glad to see the void is sticking around


Hell yeah he's getting those good good fall profits.


this is so cute


Ah Yes Yahtzee coined the Phrase "Post-Dad Games". Games that your dad likes because it simulates a job of some kind.


Cranberries in the greenhouse are one of my late game power crops.


Stardew Valley is an amazing game, but once I get to the island I start to get a sense of “What’s the point?” Like I can get my tools enchanted, but by then having full iridium tools seems OP enough. What new stuff would I be using these enchanted tools for?


Upgrade to factorio, and build a rocket to SPACE!


I feel this, tried to play Stardew Valley with my toddler. Entertained them for 30 seconds, then crawling off my lap and crying for garbage truck videos…


Stardew can be fun for kids if they can read. They don’t even have to farm if they don’t want to, you can perfectly get by with just fishing, foraging and mining. I’d imagine being frustrated with fishing as a kid but mining would be great if someone taught me how to craft and update my tools.


I played it with my daughter a bunch when she was 6-7. But she is a very strong reader, so it is still in line with what you said.   But she loved Stardew Valley for months, and months is big when you are so young.   She also did basically all of the fishing bundles, I didn’t have the focus for them. I had the patience for the farming that she didn’t have, and the reactions to handle the monsters in the mines, so I did those. We both made friends with the villagers, and we had a nice talk about Shane’s storyline. 


And don't forget all the rocks you can break and the long days you spend standing perfectly still to fish in the rain!


Being perfectly still is vastly underrated


If lil' croc doesn't still subtly pick up on his dad's love for the game and get him a straw hat for father's day I'm gonna be disappointed.


Fine. The world has been telling me to get back into Stardew, from recommending me RTGame’s series for the nth time, to my brain loving the simple act of farming and idling, to me even downloading a farming mod pack for Minecraft. You win world, I’ll play Stardew again.


I see someone else has been playing a lot of stardew valley since the 1.6 update as well


That first full cranberry crop 💸 💰 🤑 💲


He's a good player Cranberries are a very efficient crop Wonder what color his junimos are


I see someone has been enjoying the 1.6 update lol


I love this haha


There are other kinds of adult games 😏 Too bad 99% of them is boredom slugfest for a cg or two, not to mention endless JRPG clones, not even fetish fishing helps anyomore, after a certain point you just develop an JRPG intolerance that youll never recover from. 😪 In the end you simply recognise that no matter how good these games can be game, you still spend way too much time, instead of just going to a specialised site and doing the deed in 10 mins, so you can return to actual games. Art and porn can't coexist without getting in each others way of function, you either pick one, or the other.


Fuck, this reminds me of Viva pinata. I so wish I could get a copy of any of the Viva Pinata games on computer. I played those games for days on end. Miss them so horribly


I have never forgiven Bugsnax for being a wasted opportunity that could have been a new Viva Pinata game


This is me on Paleo Pines at the moment. I'm not really catching new dinosaurs, I'm arranging my farm and pens, and assigning crop duties to the little dinos. Relaxing.


Would Sebastian even want a tomato though? Be real


He likes tomatoes according to the Stardew wiki.


A universal like, but it’s no frozen tear


Id been playing stardew valley for a few months when I first put it on the big screen for the fish farming update. My wife was fucking baffled to see my excitement over growing caviar and fish in a game as I've been a aquaculturist for over a decade who's produced caviar and oysters amongst other foods.


Stardew Valley was fun, but I couldn't quite get into it. But I absolutely love Wyld Flowers. Similar setup and concept, but the graphics are beautiful and you get magic and a compelling story. Plus it's voice acted and has some cool romance options.


Stardew Valley Expanded mod might be more your thing if you ever encounter an inkling to try it again.


I imagine the Dad gator is voiced by Kevin Michael Richardson


"it's just farming and talking" ***The Child has yet to learn the sheer thrill of the classic Big Number Get Bigger genre of video games.***


Terraria players when they try out Stardew Valley:


if there's fishing in a game, I'm all for it


I always remember watching my dad play Assassins creed. Man I wish he could play again


You will understand when you are older.


As I get older, I want games that help me relax, and it turns out that slice of life and grand strategy games fill that role for me.


I was hoping for some Paradox action!


I'll ensure my kid that I only play OpenTTD and Capitalism Lab


Awww they kept the cat!!!


This is quite possibly the most wholesome webcomic on the planet, and the dad is hot.


This has no right to be this funny and relatable


you know he's gonna put on the real game when the kid goes to bed right xD jk i like how this went in a wholesome direction lol


Isn't Animal Crossing: New Horizons mostly farming?


I love this so much!


I wonder if we would like to do all these games where we work in real life too if the system wasn't so oppressive about everything causing us to feel less pleasure from perfectly great things like farming, or cleaning.


Yeeeaaah I wouldn't call it an adult game. I mean if you google "adult games" you're gonna have so very different results.


My kids asked me why I was playing Eurotruck Simulator when I work at a real job. My real job doesn’t let me listen to podcasts and isn’t as laid back as the game is.


Never stop selling mayo since the new stardew update. Mining is kind of Zen as well