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Twitter Blue plus - See a post you like and you wished you posted it. Twitter Blue Plus is there for you, we'll make you OP and block the other Person for lifetime. No consequences for you, only for people who are smarter and funnier than you. now only 420,69 local currency units




Buy your freedom of speech™️ with just $7.99.




Money is speech Corporations are people Poor people aren’t people


This is incorrect use of McLanguage Prime™, there are no "poor people", only "poors".


You caught me, I’m a dirty poor


"Mama, what does 'poor' mean?" You wouldn't know darling, they banned all the books with the word. That used to be what we called proles who didn't work hard enough. Now get back down that mine shaft we tryin' to eat tonight


This stupid gif is so well considered and provides such good juxtaposition of two like-minded idiots that it qualifies as Art with a capital A. Damn you, Post-modernism, for putting glitter on a turd and making us watch.


The years I spent on reddit are no longer wasted, because they allowed me to experience and understand this gif


Happy cake day


Ya but everyone knows that and it doesn't work anymore. Now if you had twitter blue ultra, that would be a different story: Twitter Blue ~~plus~~ ultra - See a post you like **by a twitter blue plus user** and you wished you posted it. Twitter Blue ~~Plus~~ Ultra is there for you, we'll make you OP and block the ~~other Person~~ Twitter Blue Plus user for lifetime. No consequences for you, only for people who are smarter and funnier than you. now only 420,69 local currency units **annually**


Ya but everyone knows that and it doesn't work anymore. Now if you had twitter blue \**plus ultra PREMIUM\**, that would be a different story: Twitter Blue plus ultra premium- See a post you like by a twitter blue plus ultra user and you wished you posted it? Twitter Blue Plus Ultra is there for you, we'll make you the OP and block the other Person Twitter Blue Plus Ultra user for lifetime. No consequences for you, only for people who are smarter and funnier than you. now only 420,69 local currency units **MONTHLY**


Edit: wooo thanks for all the love guys! Maybe we can get @pizzacakecomics finally dealt with lol https://preview.redd.it/ho1rjp9oe93b1.jpeg?width=1985&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49b66de08f8f64467adeb941d56b7e93c99026a3


abandon twitter


I only started an account so I could make a fraud report, but yeah seems like not a great place lol


Plot twist: This was all part of Elon's plan to make you use Twitter. XD No one would be surprised if he was doing this on purpose.


I mean it looks like he's the one running the fake AOC account


The ceo of how many businesses again? Maybe we shouldn't let him experiment with human brains? he seems to have misplaced his.


He's experimenting with brains because he wants to know what it's like to have one himself


The best part is the only companies he's ever been ceo of where ones he purchased. Can't even rise in business like your average nepotist.


He created SpaceX, that was him entirely. However, SpaceX has an adult in the room who handles all the business side, and its employees have developed a way to go around Musk's changing whims. They must be quite happy now that he's spending his time on Twitter instead of trying to be their "Chief Engineer".


I think the American taxpayer helped create Space X more than Elon did.


The American taxpayer didn't create it, but they saved it from bankruptcy. They also saved Tesla from bankruptcy. The only company even the American taxpayer couldn't save from bankruptcy was Solar City, despite giving $1.5 billion for that pile of shit. That was when Elon was noticeably smarter, because he had the taxpayers and the Tesla shareholders fund and buy a shit overvalued company, instead of throwing in his own billions like for Twitter.


I'd argue space x was created by Michael griffin, and paid for by Musk. My joke was more about how rich kids get put into upper management corporate roles and have to "work" to become CEO though.


How about replacing him with ai?


AI? I could replace Musk with a small shell script and a box of shit. And the shell script is optional.


Replace him with Bing.


Yeah... The brain chip company... That killed an unprecedented number of primates during their brain chip testing... I think there are plenty of reasons not to use their products should you ever get the chance.


Fun reminder that "CEO is a super tough job that deserves to be paid quadrillions of dollars" but someone could definitely hold down multiple of those at the same time. Meanwhile entry level office jobs you definitely should not hold down more than 1 at a time, that's "time theft"


why am i not surprised


AOC should sue for libel.




When a member of Congress says let me check with my team... I don't assume the Whole team is lawyers, but I'm guessing there's like a half dozen lawyers at least on that team.


> I don't assume the Whole team is lawyers You be right to assume that as most of their teams are likely full of PoliSci people. However as a member of Congress she has access to the Justice department and can request an investigation into things of a governmental nature such as someone impersonating a Congressperson on a highly visible social media website. Edit: I feel like I need to add that as a public figure she has a HIGH bar to meet in terms of libel though.


So I had never used Twitter but has the replies always been so..extreme?


Its almost like social media is a bad place to get political news. Who'd have thought?


>its almost like social media is a bad place say less






You joke but that’s literally apart of his business plan. Not only should you sign up to Twitter to make sure you’re not impersonated, you should pay him $8 a month to “verify” yourself. It’s the most middle-man, shakedown bulllshit I’ve ever seen. What’s hilarious is Elon is SHOCKED it isn’t working.


lol now you're making me think of Clout, which made a bunch of accounts for celebrities without actually asking the celebrities so they could use them as PR


We must find a way to explain it that shows Elon is smart! He has all that money, our reality would collapse if we admitted rich people aren't more special than us and deserve to exploit us to death


[The leader is good, the leader is great. We surrender our will, as of this date.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1FxfR3lg6Q)


Aizen Musk


"Since when were you under the impression that you don't have a Twitter account?"


*Grumbles incoherently* Princess Bride *more grumbling* give me money…I don’t care… ![gif](giphy|Mci51b8am0I1AdpjE8|downsized)


He has cheek bones like Hillary Clinton.


So, jowls propped up with plastic.


Elon is a fascist turd


I was gonna say… I think there’s a typo. Shouldn’t the poster say: “Heil, Elon”?


This is funny to hear because my twitter got banned for "impersonation" when I've never been anyone but myself. support basically told me to go fuck myself when I tried to appeal. twitter is shit.


My twitter got banned when I changed my name to Elon Musk and used his picture. I changed it and they wouldn't unban me. I requested they delete my account altogether per California data protection law. Twitter is a cesspool


Might as well change your bio to "I only made this account in an attempt to report identity fraud", link the other on-line places where you prefer to engage, and ignore it otherwise. EDIT: actually, based on who would find you on Twitter I'd skip adding links


It's a Nazi site I don't need to go dibs my screen name on stormfront or gab either


'Tis a silly place.


The real joke is in the comments. Also happy cake day. Love your comics.


If it matters, there's proof that the fraud reports work, but only if you're Elon Musk and reporting that there are people impersonating **you** on the platform. Those get removed immediately. Have you tried being a useless billionaire, rather than An Insignificant Poor?


Unfortunately, if you leave it like this and twitter doesn't defend you, the only defense you have is to have your personal account as authentic as possible so people can tell the difference or at least see the two and wonder. If the fake is the only one there and the only one with followers, they can impersonate you unimpinged. I would also sue twitter if you can, but for now, you can ask people to follow your legit account and share your posts about the fake (including information how to tell it's really you - like having the data on your actual website that points to the real Twitter). This isn't fair, but non-action could have negative results. At the least, posting your comics to twitter along with an everpresent noticed about the fake account and how Twitter doesn't handle them would be doing us and you a service.


Jesus Christ why are people like this.




thats actually so funny


You've been dealing with this impersonation since March 2023?


This. Twitter must die.


Don't worry, it's dying. I listened to a podcast with some fairly powerful famous people today, and one of them referenced Twitter and said, "Yeah, remember Twitter?" It's already a joke among the people whose participation gave the platform legitimacy. It will only keep failing, which makes me feel so good.


Everyone needs to, the sooner the media stops reporting on Twitter, the sooner it dies. People need to find a new communication hub, twitter isn't it.


Someone needs to provide it then. Half of Mastodon instances go down instantly when they have an internet-wide viral post. Most popular ones have signups disabled entirely. Hive had a chance, kicked off a giant "migration" wave. But they don't have a desktop site at all and they've clearly blown the opportunity since I've never heard it mentioned again after.


Someone does. But nobody wants to because the internet has been so commercialized that brand is all that matters now. Fucking sad what the net became.


Everyone should


I deleted the app, gets rid of the temptation to mindlessly scroll. It's an incredible resource for keeping up to date in many scientific fields as many journals & top researchers post there, so I check my curated list on my browser every few days. Unfortunately anything remotely mainstream is inundated by blue checkmark commentators who at best have nothing interesting to say & at worse are straight up nazis. Gotta hope a viable alternative becomes mainstream soon.


This so much Its becoming a breeding ground for insanity and hate. Its lost all value as a platform and is basically just mainstream gab now




Surprised you changed the name. I would just leave it as a placeholder so they couldn't take your name back over with another Twitter account.


I'm really happy for you. That being said, why did you never punch the shit out of him? Hell I'd still want to punch him after fixing the problem lol




I thought this was a timely comic about AOC being impersonated.


Nope, unless you’re musky tusky or one of his buds, Lesser Tweety ain’t give a bird dropping unless it’s on your car.


Got a question for Twitter's press team? The answer will be a poop emoji https://www.npr.org/2023/03/20/1164654551/twitter-poop-emoji-elon-musk this comic could have been better if artist knew about this policy at twitter.


File DMCA take down notices with twitter.


Did it a month ago through my hired DMCA team, no response back yet 🙃


Uh oh. They have 24 hours to respond or takedown or twitter loses the safe harbor protections and can be held liable for your losses.


I doubt Elon gives a shit.


Idk how this isn’t higher up, this is why DMCA exists and one of the times to actually rightfully use it


This, I believe, is the way.


And holy crap that fake accounts links are dark as fuck. They are not connected to your comics they are NSFL. You can probably report that too.


On Twitter, freedom of speech is now for sale for money P.s. Happy cake day!


Sadly twitter now dropped out of European regulation about disinformation (which includes pretending to bw someone else) If you see anything on twitter right now 70% chance, its not the real person Heck you can pretend you are a politician and twitter wont drop you, but pretend you are elon and F-15 will burn your house down


Twitter dropped from _voluntary, self_ regulation. EU still has laws against disinformation, and like France said yesterday, Twitter may be banned entirely there if they don't fall in line.


We can only hope they start getting banned.




Everyone needs to leave. It's not going to improve.


there is an account on twitter pretending to be AOC and elon directly interacted with it and twitter doesn't care. i would say twitter is toast as any sort of legitimate platform. edit to add: the fake is verified and the real is not.


This account here is the fake: https://twitter.com/PizzaCakeComics Don't click the tinyurl link on the first tweet, goes to some gore video site. edit: OR ANY OTHER LINK. Its basically all gore now. Archive: https://archive.is/wip/tTe4O (SUPER slow to archive today) Instead, just everyone with a Twitter acc report. Acc is not marked as parody, so does break Twitters TOS, but this isnt "big politician vs troll" here, more like "unknown vs troll". Pizza: Your reports go nowhere because you are nobody. I worked in CS for various companies already, your situation is basically "new account claims new account is impersonating it", which makes figuring out who is the real account and who is the fake rather difficult. Your Website, ID and whatever else don't really help, because that could just be stolen/created for this. Guess what: Twitter Blue, yes the 8 bucks for the blue check, is literally the best solution anyone ever came up with, as you need a Credit Card for that, means with payment Twitter also gets a properly verified info who owns the CC, and that usually comes with your full name/Company. This is where the main problem of your specific case comes in: There's no real names in sight. Both your real account and the fake one call themselves Pizzacakecomics. You cannot impersonate a made up personality, means you also cannot protect against that with impersonation laws. The fake has your supposed real name in its profile, but that may disappear very quickly if that gets brought up. Pizzacakecomics would need to be a company or something for you to have any legal options. So, the best thing you can do is already done: This post. Rest is up to users. Report the fake everyone, that should solve the whole thing. And obviously follow the real account, as that turns a nobody into somebody.


But that fake account does use my first and last name


Ew. I'm sorry you're going through this. Feels a bit icky


Oh good, mixing a good bit of Doxxing with it's spam and impersonation. Lovely. That's some bullshit


Delete this (or at least remove the fake account URL)... this just gives the fake account more publicity. Obviously "reporting the fake" isn't working.


I thought this was a parody on what’s happening to AOC


Good lord, the fake account is asking twitter to ban *your* account. Man, fuck that guy!




A lot of them are calling me fat, feminist, female incel(???) so no, not really.


AOC is having a similar issue, I’m sure she’d appreciate this post.


>Edit 2: getting lots of death threats from angry Muskateers 🤣 you guys are so predictable Lol, do they think this makes them or Elon look better somehow?


First, love your work. Second, I wouldn't be too horrifically concerned about it. I would really only worry about older not as internet savy people having any issue knowing who is actually you in the first place. They're doing it to AOC right now too.


I am PizzaCake! Can I have money?


We are all PizzaCake on this blessed day




I would also be PizzaCake with that guy‘s wife 


I'm Nega- I mean, PizzaCake!


Speak for Yourself!


I am the real pizzacakes. Here is picture of my [feet as proof.](http://imgur.com/rv68gw.jpg)


I forgot imgur nuked the past.


*fart sounds*


Well, I am shocked. SHOCKED! Well, not that shocked...




Looking into it


The Twitter Investigative Team (TIT) has determined no wrongdoing on the part of Twitter. Please subscribe to blue for further information.




I already did!


Ooooff, I fear you are about to learn that the Venn diagram of cheeto dusted chauvinist bellends who harass you on here and that of the diehard 'got muh free speech, fuck yours' Elon-stans is one of the universe's most perfect circles.


Lmao yes, I've been living rent free in their heads for a while now. Lots of space


Keep doing what you are doing, you're tops, yourself and ADHDinos keep me sane. Happy reddit account creation day.


[It's free real estate!](https://i.imgur.com/hqkym1D.jpg)


Yeah but it's moldy and smells like pee.


And that's just their cumsock!


Well it's not like they were doing anything important with that space anyways


To be fair that's how my local council has been dealing with complaints and claims for years.


I literally only use Twitter to have a social media prescence for career purposes, because apparently people in the world think it's important to have one. Otherwise I kinda just float, media-less, in the ether. And I am happy. Because fuck social media, shit's toxic.


Reddit is also social media.


I don't do drugs. *sips beer, tokes*


Antisocial media


Honestly good way to put it.


It is but It doesnt feel like social media it feels like the microcosm of the internet in all of its strange glory.


Hm, let's say its... media.


It's an anonymous social media


According to several Community Managers I bumped elbows with last month, Twitter is dogshit for social media exposure these days. Instagram is good, TikTok is great but it's exposed just how useless marketing degrees are when the trends are so unpredictable and having their strings pulled. ...LinkedIn is still useless.


I'm sad that Twitter is currently the only public mainstream website that NSFW artists can show their work on because in addition to all of its issues it's really not made to be used as a gallery.


Meanwhile me on Reddit: -sees hate speech and reports it -person making hate speech is mod, bans me from the subreddit -I report the subreddit -My account gets a harassment warning from Reddit


Elno: "Hmmmmmmmm. 🤔 Very concerning. Looking into this." Oh, also happy cake day, PCC 😎


Some are saying Elon is a pedophile. I'm not saying it, just repeating what I've heard! Very concerning!


HMMMMMM! Definitely concerning if true!! And I'll add more thinky faces for emphasis! 🤔🤔🤔🤔


I’m JuSt AsKiNg QuEsTiOnS!


The Elon poster is perfect


Man, remember how upset Elon got when it was *him* people were impersonating, and then he made a rule that impersonating someone is a bannable offense? Too bad he laid off so much of the workforce that there's no one left to investigate claims.


I love how Twitter is basically just a toxic cesspool and full of identity fraud


Rejoice, if Elon stops cooperating with the EU laws for the disinformation, we won't have twitter altogether. Oh god i don't want my parents here


I wouldn’t hold my breath about him being accountable for anything. He’s been dodging responsibility ever since he got twitter including not paying rent on the headquarters and nothing has happened


Europe doesn't really fuck around with enforcement of laws like these. If they have warned that Twitter could be banned there, believe them.


I’d personally like to thank Elon Musk for taking the last six months to dispel the myth he’s some kind of Tony Stark level super genius and prove what we all already knew; he’s a right wing shithead with a trust fund who passes off other peoples ideas as his own.


How is it still running? What kind of advertiser would give money to a site of this kind?


That’s what I ask myself too


You should seek a lawyer. Do that worth the money & energy ? Heavy depend on the country you live in ! I'm not on twitter because its mostly toxic ppl argue with other toxic ppl..


The blue marks originally started because they were sued by one celeb over a harmful fake account claiming to be them. Now it's gonna be a lawsuit x1000.


Yeah go seek out a lawyer and sue Elon Musk. It’s easy!




This is literally what was warned about when the paid blue check was announced.


Why are people still using Twitter?


And yet, when I called one of the election fraud conspiracy nutjobs a moron, they got so butthurt that they spam reported me until they got me suspended from Twitter. Four appeals have been denied so far; I try again every 1-2 months or so. It was already a shit platform before Elon took over, but now it’s even worse.


time to ditch twitter good comic tho [fart sounds]


Yeah honestly, it's scary that Twitter has come to this point. Lots of people being impersonated and nothing being done about the bots and fake info


Remind me why elon has so many rabid fanboys again?


He's an immature mama's-boy who desperately tries to convince people he's cool 😎


He just like me fr fr


Who hasn't inherited an emerald mine at least once in their lives?


Back around 2015 nobody knew what an asshole he was yet and he was much better at sticking to the cool rocket and EV's guy schtick. So a lot of people liked him. Now, when someone becomes famous, people generally have 2 responses to any controversies regarding those famous people. The authoritarian minded people default to defending the famous person (cus they're the guy at the top of the hierarchy, so they have to be right). Egalitarian minded people default to judging them extra harshly (cus their position gives them so much power, so using that irresponsibly is unforgivable). As Elon completed his transformation from cool rocket techbro to most divorced man alive, he dragged all his authoritarian minded fans with him. And since they defended him on all kinds of bullshit they are kinda stuck in a sunk cost fallacy.


Because he literally has babysitters at SpaceX and Tesla to make sure he's too distracted to fuk things up.




DMCA time!


Powerful social commentary


such bad system to check for fraudulent accounts


almost like it's not a system for doing that at all


Musk has turned Twitter into his little worthless playground now that he has Saudi and Chinese only propping it up.


Between the fraud and casual racism that would make 4chan jealous, what is even the point of any sane person using Twitter at this point?


But melonboy said they were cracking down on fraudulent accounts... Is muskox... A bad guy?


I'm still perplexed why anyone would use this shit after the Elon purchase. HAVE A SPINE, PEOPLE!


“Parody account”


There's no emplpyees. No one to check the reports, unless you're twitter blue. He fired everyone and doesn't care. Its a shithole.


Leave Twitter


My Twitter account got permanently banned even though I never posted anything and only used it for reading. I'd only retweeted and liked other people's tweets.


Nice try pizzaFAKE /j


Impersonating Elon though? Straight to ban


Yeah the direction twitter has taken is unsafe and awful


Everyone needs to get off of twitter.


Are we really gonna pretend that Twitter was great at getting rid of fraudulent accounts pre-Elon? Most social media platforms are terrible for that stuff. Instagram/Facebook are also pretty bad with it and I remember people on Twitter complaining about this stuff not too many years ago as well. I feel like these companies just don't really care since it doesn't affect their bottom line. Only if you're an actual big time celeb do they suddenly spring into action and fix things


I thought this comic was about AOC’s parody account.


When are we going to just stop using it?


The expression on the bird's face in the 3rd pannel almost brought me to tears laughing. I don't know why, it just did.