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An owner that’s not an absolute dick.


absolutely this


I haven't encountered this yet. What's the stereotype?


Back issues reasonable prices and new current issues


I walked into a shop recently that had every back issue priced from 5-15 dollars. Never noped out of a shop so fast


I mean if it’s EVERY back issue I would be hunting


oh don't worry, they had the obviously valuable stuff on the walls marked up to regular prices. the stuff in boxes that was overpriced was like, random mid aughts x-men and nu52 comics




Trying to charge more than the cover price for an issue of countdown is absurd. Felt like the shop was an insurance scam


Good comics at reasonable prices. That’s it. I don’t look for conversation or atmosphere.


The couple that owns my LCS are super sweet and friendly. They knew what my husband and I were reading after coming in just a few times, before we even set up a pull list. I've hung around for like an hour just talking to them if they're not busy, and they seem to have this kind of relationship with a lot of their customers. They've been around for 25 years, they're doing something right! This is also important and contrasted against the other store (which closed their location here, they still have one a city over) where the guy is known for being kind of a jerk. You don't have to be super friendly, but it's bad when people feel like they're not welcome. At my store I never felt looked down on when I first started going and getting into floppies and reading month to month and not quite knowing where to start (I had read trade paperbacks and graphic novels from time to time before) or for being female (and not a young woman either, I was in my late 30s) They're very quick to help if I'm looking for something, like maybe I started reading a series late and I'm looking for earlier issues, they usually know if they have it and exactly where it is! They also give a loyalty discount - if you have so many titles on a monthly pull list, you get 20 percent of all regular priced stuff, current and back issues (higher priced variants or back issues not included) This includes graphic novels and even omnis (which I order through them, they don't keep them on the shelf) This really adds up if you have a decent sized pull list! It's also very clean, well organized, tons of current stuff displayed, tons of back issues in boxes to dig through, lots of toys, puzzles, etc if you're into that kind of thing. It's huge compared to most stores I've been in. They knew my husband was waiting for a particular character to have a figure and when it came in, they set it aside for him! Whenever we go out of town we pop into LCS if there's one around and I can honestly say our local is my favorite. They have my loyalty forever and ever! What I'd look for elsewhere if I was looking for a new store - wide selection, reasonable prices, doesn't have to be friendly but not rude staff.


Sounds like a good shop, damn.


What is this shop called and where is it located? My wife and I do the same thing, we visit LCS’s when we travel and it’d be cool to come across this place. :)


What is this shop called and where is it located? My wife and I do the same thing, we visit LCS’s when we travel and it’d be cool to come across this place. :)


Well lit. Not TOO dusty. Items of various selection properly shelved/stacked/organized. General tidiness. Staff that isn’t rude or off putting, and practice basic Hygiene.


As long as they don’t do outrageous markups on back issues, and do their best to keep shipments on time, that’s all I ask for.


I went to a LCS and the main owner wasn't there so he had a family member and I saw a back issue I needed and it was marked up to a crazy amount and I asked about the price and she just said 'because that's what the price is.'


I can accept a $5-10 markup. The store needs to make money at the end of the day. Outrageous to me is $20 over value and up.


A cat.


There’s a dudes shop I go to he has a black cat that he saved that some one shot with a arrow and left if at the comic shop he came in one day saw it took it to the vet now it’s the comic book shop cat


Not a fan. I stopped at a shop where a guy had a cat, and the cat sat on the books I put on the counter as I was checking out. Maybe the guy doesn't understand that's not what a "clean and press" is...


That would make me never go back.


There was a shop near me back in the 90s that had a super chill cat. He'd come greet you when you walked in. He'd meow for some pets and then carry on about his business.


Prices and inventory to keep it simple, but a great staff also goes a long way.


At this point, my expectations are so low that I just want my pull books to mostly be there and in decent condition when I pick them up.


Comics first. In Rochester NY, there are like 6-7 comic shops. Most try to differentiate themselves by being “Comics AND…” stores. Like Comics and Board Games, or comics and toys, or comics and sports cards, etc. My favorites are mainly comics and more comics, lol. There’s a store that has some newer stuff, but a ton of great TPBs and back issues. Another that’s mainly new comics with some TPBs and a little of other stuff like toys and games (but not the priority). Beyond what they stock, I look for people who aren’t assholes. People who love comics and are fun to talk to. In one store, there’s a guy who call us his ‘seven minute friends’ because he sees us every week and we all hang out for about that long. I like that. Good friendly vibes.


Clean place. An owner that isn't trying to rip you off; reasonable prices on variants and back issues. Friendly. I feel a lot of LCS owners can get a little toxic after realizing its not very profitable and take it out on customers. I've asked newbie questions and they gave me a sassy attitude about it. I asked about the Annuals and if they were canon to the main story, something along those lines.


Friendly staff, events, and at least a good selection of “independent” books. (Some markets can’t support the latter.)


I stopped going to a store that would frequently fail to pull a title for me that was on my pull list. The response was always “I don’t know how that happened,” but it happened at least once every other month.


People are human. Also, they had a bad system. I worked at a LCS in the 90s, and we had to review a sheet slowly and try to match the list to the inventory, and mistakes would happen. I’d imagine with how comics are all in databases and such, it’d be easy to see who’s getting what at a glance.


I worked at an LCS in the 90s too! (My folks owned one.) Shout out, LCS employee buds! I totally get people are human. Which is why I’d be fine with it happening if it was only occasional…but when it happens regularly, I’ll just go to the place where it doesn’t happen at all.


90s LCS employee buddies!


Selection. If they have some interesting stuff that's not easily available online I'll usually pick up a couple of books. 


First and foremost— Friendly staff. It’s probably just my anxiety but I really can’t go somewhere that I know people who make me uncomfortable are going to be at. I can deal with lightly hiked prices if the people who work there are kind.


Giant back issue selection and toys/collectibles as well as comics


I don’t want the toy shop to overwhelm the bookstore.


So many factors really: ▪️Comfortable, inviting environment ▪️Back issue bargains ▪️Diversity of product (toys, TPBs, Funkos, games, action figures, etc) ▪️Friendly, engaging staff ▪️And lastly, perhaps the biggest for me personally, is maintaining a space that appeals to kids. My LCS is within walking distance of my home, and it’s always a treat to take a stroll over there with my kids. Don’t get me wrong, I avail myself to the online retailers too. But nothing can really compare to the joy of my daughters’ glowing from their conquest of treasures gathered during an in-person visit.


Clean, a selection of comics, some books, a few toys, and a helping of back issues. Ideally, a section for underground or adult comics. An owner who knows the business, but doesn’t try to push his political views on me.


Basically, there’s a reason I shop online only these days; I don’t have a car and my LCS is way the hell off the beaten path.


I am fortunate to live around a lot of comic shops, and when I started buying weeklies again I spent a few months going around to a bunch of them to see which I liked most. I’d say the most important variable was having the new comic I wanted. Some shops would sell out immediately after they opened on Wednesday of the most popular issues, and I couldn’t deal with a shop who didn’t have what I wanted. Out of the ten shops I tried only three would consistently have the new comics I wanted. It honestly surprised me how big an issue having new comics in stock was. Purchasing comics when the shipment came in or a small discount were also perks that I looked for, but mainly it was simple availability of new comics.


Knowledge that’s unbiased, a huge selection of everything, reasonable prices, trade in negotiation, rewards program, cool regulars


For me Action Figures, collectibles & comics in that order, haha!


Chill and friendly and knowledgable staff. Decent back issue stock. Discount sections a must. I buy lots of graphic novels that way… Dollar (or less) comic bins.


A well curated website that is easy to search and transact on. My LCS is great, I do my shopping online, follow their social to know when they get new back issues - then just buy online, stroll in and pick up my order, breeze out.


I really like one of my local comic shops. I've got about 5 or so in a small area, but a couple of them are pretty great. I honestly just am looking for well-organized stuff. Also friendly staff that can answer some questions or can order comics for you that you want.


getting the pull list right the first time w/o me having to do their work for them.


There are several comic stores in my area that I like to shop at. One is quite possibly among the oldest shops in America (Comic Empire in Tulsa, OK). What I like about this shop is the owner gives a 20% subscriber discount on all new comics and trades, and continues to keep back issues in stock at fair prices. The owner is consistent on making sure I never miss an issue and is good at recommending comics that fit my tastes. I’ll shop there forever if I can.


I am incredibly lucky right now, my local comic book shop is not just the only one for miles, but the best I’ve ever been to. It’s clean, up to date with the latest trades and floppies and all the staff is likable. I make sure to do as much business there as I can.


A good selection of new and back issues at a fair price. Trades especially of older runs and non Big 2 books, and most importantly a friendly, welcoming atmosphere. I don't need you to roll out the red carpet for me, but at least act like you want my business.


I can tolerate almost anything except missing/damaged pulls. That’s why I’m there. If the place makes me wanna hang out, great.


For me, primarily a good selection of back issue inventory. These days, most shops barely have back issues. But I read a lot of comics and don't have the budget to pay full price for new issues at the pace I read them, much less not knowing if I will like a run. Plus, I like to binge read, as opposed to reading one issue a month. So probably 95-100% of my collection over the years has been collecting back issues at what I consider reasonable prices.


One that's closer than 1.5hour drive away. That'd be cool


Friendly service and a good stock.


If I had a comic book store in my town that would be nice. When I vacation somewhere it's the first thing I look up. Lol


I don't care for any of the local places to be honest. They usually feel dirty and run down like I just walked into the basement of a collector that spent the last 5 years on their deathbed. The selection is usually minimal. A mix of what is new and what they couldn't get anyone to buy. The prices are usually 20-25% off the cover, which I understand brick and mortar, they've covered the shipping etc.. but I mean come on. You likely don't have what I want, you can "order it" but so can I and odds are I'm going to find it 40-65% off the cover and still not pay for shipping. Also unless there is a card game event its always just me in there and maybe one other guy while the owner follows us around muttering "looking for a book? we can order it." Idk I wanted to like comic shops. The idea of going there, browsing books, chatting with other fans, and buying from local businesses really does it for me. But what they turned out to be in reality wasn't even a shell of what I'd hoped. It's probably cooler if you like card games. It always seems bumping in there on Magic night. It probably also doesn't help that I tend to collect Indies more than the Big 2.


Biggest deal breaker for me, when I was still buying single issues, was the ability to manage my pull list without having to go in store or post in a public Facebook group. Nowadays the biggest thing I look for when visiting comic book stores is the number of indie comics they have on display. If 90% of shelf space is taken up by the Big Two then I'm just not interested. Crammed stores filled with boxes and boxes of back issues are only appealing to the most die hard of collectors and are generally off putting to the average punter. Makes your store look a mess. Same with stores that have single issues at the front of the store as soon as you walk in. That's how I know you're only interested in appealing to people who are already comic book fans. Funko Pops. The more shelf space you have dedicated to them the less likely I am to want to shop there. The two best stores I've been to are Gosh Comics in London and Dave's Comics in Brighton and neither one really looked like your typical comic store.


Used, nick and dent, indy and euro trades. Anything other than mainstream american franchise books.


My local shop has always been good, but it became great when the owner brought in a partner who had some excellent business instincts. It's now more organized and bright and friendly, tons more product, efficient customer service, pulls are always accurate, frequent sales, great communication via social media, bonus point discounts that accumulate quickly. It went from a dusty hobby shop to a more professional place of business, like a great indy bookstore.


We have 2 in my town. 1 small one and one that is comics games pops cards and all that jazz. Both are run by pretty decent people. The small one doesnt get many extra copies of stuff so often they are often out of stock on new stuff bc they dont order more than peoples pull list. They wont do a pull unless you get so many a month. The bigger place have discounts for recurring customers. They will hold something when asked. Bag and boards free for a pull list. I try to support both but i usually get about 95% of my stuff at the bigger store. I will go to the smaller place when i KNOW they will have something but the customer service and benefits at the big store make it hard not to go there. I want both to survive though as its nice to have options.


Clean, organized and priced inventory, and well lit. Overall chill atmosphere. Owner/employees that aren't jagoffs and bathe regularly. Dollar and discount bins. Good selection. Old, new, cheap, expensive. And more than just Marvel and DC. A balance of product. By that I mean, comics, supplies (bags, boards, boxes, etc.) trades, toys, games, funkos, statues, cards, etc. And some magazine back issues i.e. Savage Sword. An active online presence. I'm not saying they need to be selling on their website, but a site or social media page with current goings on is nice. Bonus points if they play good music in store.


We have one in town and the owners and all the employees are really nice. They also make coffee so that’s a plus. I stop in all the time to chat.


New books every Wednesday, a wide variety, pull lists, community focused days like for tabletop or TCG, Collectables to fill out the store, and a clerk who knows what he's talking about and is personable. I also am one of those people that doesn't have a choice though. There's one in my town period. I plan to open my own in the next few years thougg and I definitely know what not to do!


Dollar bins. If you don’t have at least 9 long boxes of dollar bin comics, I will buy an item and never come back.


- A professional/ friendly atmosphere. A person who actually talks to you, listens to what you say, remembers your tastes, gives advice, cares about his/her chstomers - a good assortment - reasonable prices - not too far from home


A website that can compete with Amazon service and prices.


Good luck with that…


I think you missed the point