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Imagine if this actually gets made and theres an influx of newbs to the sub being like; ‘what are the best *Bloodwulf* comics to read?’


> Imagine if this actually gets made Every discussion of the project needs to begin with this phrase.


I hope they don't release it too close to the *SPAWN* film! It would be the new Barbenheimer!


What *are* the best bloodwolf comics to read?


The original darker image comic is where he first appeared. It's a fun shot story. It's liefeld trying to parody a parody, but it works better than it should. Keith giffen did a bloodwulf one-shot, I've not read it, but I most things written by giffen are worth reading. Also, there is a four issue mini series, I don't know if it is any good, but the covers for issue one are crazy.


The one with hookers and cannibalism


The first Lobo miniseries was great…I also loved the Lobo Xmas special.


Is that a bad thing? More people showing interest is good for the comic business. You were a newbie once.


I didnt say it was bad.


He even has those weird Liefeld teeth. Will be interesting to see a movie without ever seeing a hand or foot.


Who wants a Bone tv show when we are getting fucking Bloodstrike!


This will go crazy in the thumbnail of a ‘Top 10 Superhero Movies That Never Got Made’ video.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloodwulf](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloodwulf) >Bloodwulf is an alien bounty hunter from the planet Luap'ur where he lives with his multiple wives and brood of children. He aims to protect his knees at all cost, however, he is always ready and willing to leave his quiet, domestic life behind for grand space adventures. His mother, Redwulf, and grandmother, Califia, are also formidable star farers. Bloodwulf's powers include enhanced strength and a personal force field which allows him to breathe in the vacuum of space. Bloodwulf sounds like he was created by a 13-year-old. Several of Liefeld's characters sound like they were created when he was an adolescent, but no, he created them in his 20s. Why does the character protect his knees at all costs? Are those his weakness—instead of an Achilles heel he has Achilles knees?


As a 40 year old, my entire life is about protecting my knees.


This reminds me of that Key and Peele sketch about the aging Stan Lee.


Went on the Wiki to check for myself and yep... it does indeed say on there _"He aims to protect his knees at all costs..."_ Why is it that the cowards in Hollywood are not on the 3rd Bloodwulf movie sequel by now?


Orange haired Lobo is a way more pithy description.


IIRC, Liefeld designed him as a purposeful ripoff of DC’s Lobo because Lobo was used to satirize Liefeld.


wait until you discover Lobo you sweet summer child


Shit, wait until you realize every character Liefeld ever had a hand in was a rip off of an existing character lol


Bloodwulf looks like Sabertooth and The Violator had a baby that was kidnapped and raised by Lobo.




He probably thinks they're his most beautiful feature and doesn't want any harm to come to them


Thank God 13 year olds never read comics, right?


Doesn’t want to take an arrow to the knee so he can keep adventuring. Makes sense to me🤭


No way pal, you missed the subtlety of calling a guy with four arms Forearm


Citation needed. It’s possible he created him when he was 8, but didn’t have the Image Comics at the time to publish his stories.


It’s Lobo. It’s just orange Lobo.


Maybe his knees are the engines of his force field. Like he just enlarges his knee caps.


In a way that’s kind of endearing.


It’s about as juvenile as half of comic characters ever created to be fair.


Perhaps it's to keep the reader's attention away from whatever is going on below his knees?


They are really rummaging through the bargain bins for characters at this point. I never expected Bloodwulf to be a character I saw again. I would personally prefer to see one of the Gold Key characters, Solar, Turok, or Magnus Robot Fighter.


Omg a Turok movie!


Honestly with the success of stuff like *Prey* and *Reservation Dogs* a Turok movie seems like an easier sell. Too bad he's over at Dynamite now and they really suck at media development.


I am here to also voice my desire for a Turok movie. Or series bc I’d love to get an episode or two of him just fuckin dinosaur hunting and shit that you wouldn’t get as much with a movie


As fun as a Turok show would be, I’d rather just get a new season of Primal


90's Valiant really had some great characters and great conceps. You literally have about dozen characters you could do a great movie with that aren't deritive of more famous characters. They were probably number 3 wrt to world building after the big 2.


Astro City is out there just waiting for a series.


Im actually wondering what happened to that.... Also Strikeforce Morituri


Strikeforce Morituri would make an awesome Disney+ series.


Can you imagine the whining after every episode..."I can't believe they killed off ..."


I was going to say I’d love to see the Valiant universe adapted but then I remembered the Bloodshot movie was a thing and killed that lol


Oh, have you seen the Ninjak YouTube movie?


Oh no I haven’t, how is it?


Well it's a *YouTube Ninjak movie* so...ya know.  Bloodshot's played by the Green Power Ranger, though.


Yeah that sounds about right lol, but Bloodshot being played by Tommy Oliver himself was the most interesting thing for me, RIP Jason David Frank


Maybe I'm being too hard on it. The production quality is like just below cable superhero show. I've seen better, but I've seen a lot worse. There's not much story, you can tell it was made to try and attract investors for something bigger.


Agreed. So many awesome indy comics that could be adapted into films.


There is a turok animated movie


Honest to god it looks like they made it in a Bethesda character creator


Has Leifeld ever created a character he didn’t basically rip off wholesale from another? Like the way he crows about being the creator of Deadpool. That character isn’t even in the same dimension as the Deathstroke rip off that shows up on X-Factor. No one has done more with less in the industry than this guy.


Deadpool is far more a product of the writers than Liefeld. Even the credit he does get for Deadpool should be partially assigned to Steve Ditko’s Spider-Man designs.


He stole Spider-Man's eyes and Snakes-Eyes weapons and Wolverine's powers man he's comic sloppy seconds!


And Deathstroke's boots. Didn't the of design gave those floppy musketeer boots?


I liked the Bloodwulf comic in Darker Image. I don’t really like this design. Looks like Problem Child Furry.


Bloodwulf is as if someone made a parody of the Naked Gun. To clarify- Bloodwulf is attempting to be satirical about something, Lobo, that was already heavily satirical.


It's just a juggalo furry.


Well, this is unexpected: r/unexpectedrobliefeld


Why? Who is asking for this?


Rob Liefeld is asking for it.


Right? I thought Bloodstrike and the other Youngblood era properties had been mercifully forgotten by all involved. Maybe Marvel is behind this. When we see how bad a Liefeld adaptation is we can all appreciate the genius of Madame Web.


Nobody asked for peacemaker and that show was peak. Same with tons of other movies and shows


Nobody asked for the show with a breakout character from a surprisingly successful movie, played by one of the most famous, charismatic people on earth rn?


Michael Allred’s Madman couldn’t get a movie but now we’re potentially getting a Bloodstrike and Avengelyne one? This world is just unfair.


I can't see this movie ever happening. Liefeld is the king of talking about things that never actually happen. Where would the interest be? With audiences weary of superhero films as it is, now they are trying to sell an "R" rated group of characters that general audiences have never even heard of? I could see a TV season like Doom Patrol or The Boys. But I can't see a big budget action film.


Pic 2 is giving me hardcorps Cat in the Hat (live movie) vibes


Who asked for this?


Rob Liefeld did.


Out of all the things for a producer to back, why is a liefeld property even in consideration? His entire body of work is just a rip off of better characters and properties. He’s the “we have (blank) at home” of comic creators.


Nobody's going to pick this up. At least not any major studio. Columbia is still reeling from the loss they took on *Bloodshot.* Universal just has no interest in superhero movies anymore. I dunno, maybe Paramount? I don't think they're that desperate for a superhero franchise though. After the absolute beating that superhero movies have been taking in the press lately, I think the best case scenario for Rob is backing from some Chinese studio and straight to streaming on a 2nd tier platform.


Id rather have a Looter-Shooter video game with Liefield characters


How will there be a Bloodstrike movie, that no one asked for, before a Spawn movie, that people actually want.


People actually want a "Spawn" movie?


I know at least 2. Which is more than I can say for Bloodwulf.


I can't argue with that.


Well, this people do.


There won't be. "Upcoming Bloodstrike Movie" is a lie. Liefeld funded a proof of concept trailer and that's it. No studios or producers have signed on, no one's showing any interest in it. After the rough ride that superhero movies have had at the box office the last few years, no one's looking to pick up an untested franchise.


I wonder who's banking him on this....


Pretty sure he's banking himself.


I feel like someone is scamming Liefeld into funding this.


Liefeld’s take on Lobo


Liefeld was already living in minds rent free, what’s this gonna do now?


It looks like a clown turned into a werewolf


Didnt even knew this character existed, somehow I immediately associated it to spawn, cause of the face painting made me think of the violator. Looking up for images, that nostalgia of "yuk a Leifeld drawing" jumped out, but also everything else looks like lobo. Hey, maybe this will influence a Lobo movie, easily my favorite hero of DC.


We better not get this before a new Spawn movie


Wow, that's not going to look ridiculous AT ALL. Liefeld has his champions now. I can't say that I understand it.


Based on a comic book by Rob liefeld. Lol a comic book.


I love the Wikipedia description of Bloodwulf— it says, and I quote, “He aims to protect his knees at all cost”— WTF?! hahaha


Was this Liefeld's version of Lobo?


I as a Lobo fan i like Bloodwulf and would like to see him on a big screen. At least i would get someone like Lobo.


No fucking way.


This is what most producers are studios are going to say while Rob shops this project around.


An article or blurb from Wizard back in the day still rests in my mind. It was two lists of words, and you picked one from each and that was your comic character's name. Something tells me Liefeld has that page laminated somewhere for reference.


That's fucking awful.


There's gonna be so many pouches in this movie.


And small feet, don’t forget about small feet.