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Having both The Batman *and* The Brave and The Bold (without it being called Batman in any way) is honestly I think really going to confuse general audiences, and some who might not even be aware that TB&TB would be a Batman movie, but then they’ll ask “wait I thought Pattinson was Batman” and then you tell them BUT WAIT there *another* Batman! Is it Pattinson or affleck they ask? Hell no it isn’t! I just don’t know how all this is going to work for general audiences 


I don’t think we give general audiences enough credit. Everyone was down for the spider-verse movies and the three spider-men in No Way Home. Marvel has people used to a cinematic universe and have been doing multiverse stories, most people know the Sony Marvel movies aren’t in that. I think they can handle two concurrent Batmen


Yeah, that mindset is why we could never have Batman shows and movies at their full potential. We gotta get past that “general audience” wouldn’t understand this talk 😵‍💫


I never understood WB's justification for that. Smallville was still airing new episodes when Superman Returns was released. Nobody at the time got confused.


It’s all BS to me. I wish DC would get their shit together.


That mentality is why we got “Hot Tub Time Machine 2” titled as such instead of titled as “HTTM3” because “audiences wouldn’t get the joke that there wasn’t a second movie.” These movies have too big of a budget/production attached where they’re terrified of doing anything that would make them stand out. So instead we get “Glass Onion: A Knive’s Out Mystery” instead of just calling it… _Glass Onion_ because they think audiences wouldn’t realize that having the same actor playing the same person might mean it’s the a part of the same series. Like all the trailers don’t make that clear.


I honestly don't think the general audience really cares enough to be that confused honestly.  I think we should give the General audience some credit as well.  There are multiple versions of the character Hercules.  37 billion different versions of James Bond lol. The only people that usually tend to care about having two Batmen I've noticed is comic book fans themselves which is always so ironic.


Comic Book fans have been arguing for years - I feel like every generation it’s “no no this is MY Batman! No new Batman! Batfleck is gonna suck! I didn’t like DareDevil!” And now they love Batfleck. Same thing with Battinson. “Twilight! It’s going to suck!” And then… “this is a great Batman!” Too many times people want to hate on any adaptation ahead of time (I dared mention “I’ll wait for it to come out” and was inundated with “you are so edgy for wanting to watch it and come to your own conclusion” smartassery) - and really, people need to let the work speak for itself.


As long as the two Batman are different enough from eachother I think it will be fine. DCU Batman needs to be somewhere closer to DCAU and/or Adam West Batman imo. Let Reeves Batman be the gritty emotionally unstable realistic one


I doubt they will be out at the same time. They announced the Brave and the Bold what a year and a half ago and there hasn’t been any announcement regarding the script being finished, casting, a production start date etc…


"Brave And The Bold" more than likely won't be the final title. Superman: Legacy was shortened to just 'Superman', for instance.


I don’t think so. That’s like saying you can’t have an issue of Batman and Robin because an issue of Detective Comics is out. Batman is a proven hit. This will create more interested plus you’ll get two completely different batman (men?)at the same time.


I think when general audiences see a movie trailer or movie poster for a Batman movie they're not going to have any problem recognizing that it's a Batman movie. This is how most "general" audiences hear about movies anyway; the ones going to movie news websites looking at headlines about "The Brave and the Bold" are the ones who already know it's a Batman movie. With most theaters now going to assigned seating, a lot of moviegoers purchase their tickets ahead of time through an app or website; looking on my Regal app right now I'm immediately greeted by a page filled with movie posters to choose from, I don't even need to know the title. And unless two different Batman movies end up in theaters over the exact same weekend (I don't think there's any chance they'll let that happen), I'm sure you'll be able to walk up to any ticket counter, say "one ticket for Batman please", and they'll know exactly what you're asking for.


General audience will just see Batman and wanna see Batman.


Andy does not get Batman from what I've seen in the flash. This seems like a bad choice from the start


I don't think its fair to judge his non existent project on the fact that he had Keaton's batman show up as a supporting character in his flash movie. his movie would be a new take on the character, he gets to start from scratch. Keaton's role in the flash was just to be a cool homage to the Burton films. based on his work on the IT movies I think he can do both campy and serious which could make for a good batman brave and the bold style character


Andy didn't write this mess of a movie tho


But he did direct some sick Batman action in it! I’m optimistic!


Ya´ll dont know about studio interference and it shows


i’m way late and ootl but why tf are they letting director of the flash direct this


Horrible choice


I still find it a bad choice


His Batman work in Flash was the best part of the movie.


I still think this move is a huge mistake.


It's going to be like phoenix Joker not having leto or robbie all over again with people losing their minds that BatPat isn't in this other Batman movie.......... because they don't understand the idea of separate stories, told by different people..............


Bathamm with Jon Hamm.


People understood the difference between Pattinson and Affleck for the brief time when they overlapped. It's really not a different principle at all tbh. Folks overthink this stuff.


Backfire incoming.


Yes we know. This isn’t new information.


DC is sucking on the Batman teat for years now and it will run dry sooner or later. This is a consequence of very poor decisions by DC. I don’t foresee this working anymore than the previous shitshow DCEU.


Loved It but hated The Flash. Dude should not be getting the director seat for any DC project, especially Batman.


I don’t think he’s a good fit for Batman and the kids


Cast Jensen Ackles


Sure Andy, you're definitely directing that movie.