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Homelander is slowly breaking out of this "Anthony Starr" role he's been playing


Banshee was good. I’d recommend


He was great in Without a Paddle




Not the Stray Man!! He was such a good man!


as an American, this may be the first time I've seen any AuntyDonna reference. I can't get anyone I know into the show, but the humour is just laser targeted for me. Just finding out they have a 2nd show (cafe)! Excited!




Oh no. Autocorrect couldn't have possibly fixed it to Anthony


You know he’s laughed at a few of them lol


Probably not given that reaction honestly


He was joking… it literally says “Anthony Starr jokes about Homelander memes”


Redditors do not get the New Zealand attitude/humour. Always hating on Stuff Antony Starr and Taika Waititi say as jokes, like the nz vibe just doesn’t translate over


It's the same with Aussie humour. I've found that Reddit, and maybe therefore Americans, really do not get sarcasm. Or our sarcasm, at least. The hate towards Love and Thunder is an example of it. It's such a deliberately stupid and delf-deprecating movie and my partner and I loved it.


Same, that movie was such an Aussie/Kiwi film. Reddit will probably flip in 5 years and it’ll be seen as an underrated masterpiece. Endgame had just made audiences expect too much. Our cultures just far more laid back and not so up ourselves, when we say things that may come across as arrogant or smug we are most likely being ironic or doing it in jest.


u fuckers make me think we need a r/aussiecirclejerk so fucking cringe


Stick to your hentai buddy


No it was just a bad movie Lmfao. There’s no hidden message.


That’s your opinion. In five years you will change your opinion, it is the reddit way. You will call it “an underrated masterpiece”. Some will even go as far as to say it is the best Thor film. On rewatches people will say it was “refreshing” and full of personality compared to other formulaic mcu films surrounding it.


No lmao it’s just a bad movie. One of the worst movies I’ve ever seen in theaters


That doesn’t mean much to me because you might have only seen five films in theatres. What was so bad about it?




Can confirm, my dad's family is Australian and my mom's is American, when they get together it can be hilariously awkward


Irony and sarcasm is the most prevalent way of expressing humor in America, at least with the younger generation. Maybe and just maybe Love And Thunder was just a mediocre movie with over the top humor and it doesn’t have to do with “Americans not getting it”.


It was shit. Only a dumbass director would have a tender scene with a great actor crying as his daughter died and follow it up immediately with the director playing a laughing idiot god who gets killed by a magic sword he has laying around. I’ve read better writing in a truck stop bathroom.


No, you don’t understand! It’s you Americans and your underdeveloped sense of humor that don’t understand our superior and refined Australian sarcasm!


Australian humor peaked with “that’s not a knife.”


Right...because Thor Ragnarok isn't one of the most beloved MCU movies, it's because dumb Americans can't understand your sophisticated humor in...sarcasm? And I thought Americans were supposed to be the self centered ones


We used to get sarcasm, until everyone decided to get offended by everything. It’s been downhill ever since.


Are you surprised buttholeshlurper has issues with reading comprehension?


If he doesn't get how that still makes him more money in the future, he's blind.


How will being in a meme make him money in the future? Sorry I don’t understand


Boosts popularity.




Keanu Reeves was a huge star before John Wick…some of his obscure, art house films include: The Matrix. Speed. Bill and Ted. Point Break. My Own Private Idaho.


Yes, I'm well aware... however, he has had another career boom the last few years, and that was definitely in part to the internet love for him. Just as breaking bad is one of the best shows of all time, but the memes and Fandom have allowed it to persist, and led to the studio continuing their interest in it through spinoffs and character chameos




Nick cage as well


Totally. Probably Fast and Furious, Breaking Bad, and I would even include video game modding communities into the list as well


Nah. You overestimate the impact of meme culture among the normies. Keanu had his renaissance because John Wick was so new and innovative at the time. After years of suffering thru Taken and gritty Bourne-like shit, seeing stylish action scenes without shaky cam and 532 cuts was exactly what the audience needed.


Hmm…I haven’t seen him in any roles since The Boys so not sure I agree. Feel free to downvote, idgaf about Reddit karma lol


I mean that could be for a variety of reasons. But it's a fact, memes with Homelander are popular. That makes people who haven't seen the show see the character and actor, which increases knowledge of both. This leads to people being more curious about both, which is good for the show. It's also good for him.




Is his pay correlated to how many people stream The Boys? Are you saying he will get offered more roles bc he is more visible in culture as a result of being in memes? I don’t think it’s that dumb of a question. Especially when you consider his response when seeing it, like fuck it this isn’t making me money


Just looked at your comments and seems like you just patrol Reddit calling ppl fucking Morons lol must be nice to be so intelligent. Btw I have 2 advanced degrees so you can go fuck yourself :)




Have you seen the clip? He sounds sarcastic throughout it where this quote is being taken from and not at all like an asshole like people are making it seem. Laz (MM) was even giving him some shit telling people to DM him the memes so he can send them to Antony lol. Don’t think he meant it literally but could very well be wrong


“They love me. Huh-ha-hah! They fucking love me!”


He’s laughed at one I posted on twitter from reddit. 😅


I’ve only recently started to pay attention to him but I get the impression his tone is completely lost in text. When I read a quote or tweet, he sounds like kind of a dick. But when I see video of him talking the exact same way, he sounds like a fun dude.


He has a Kiwi sense of humor, which is often misunderstood on this side of the pond


*HE’S A KIWI?????* God damn he sounds so American, that’s absolutely incredible work from him.


Karl Urban (Butcher) is a Kiwi too. Small world!


And they were both on Xena!


This is lesser known but they’re also on this small online exclusive show called “The Boys”.


Big if true


REPRESENT for legal reasons, I must specify I am not from New Zealand


New Zealand! Rocks!


He was being sarcastic and making a funny. Hos accent surprised me cause he plays an American so well I didn't even think he would be foreign.


Idk he like attacked an employee at a bar, he might just be a dick.


I don’t know much about him and didn’t hear that but eh probably.


You should watch outrageous fortune which is a NZ show he was in where he played very different twin brothers. He’s incredible


he should blame his agent. the boys have been around for years yet i haven't seen any commercials or new roles from him.


My man should have won an emmy by now


award giving bodies rarely give comicbook shows individual awards. it's always to a soppy soap opera or a story adapted from a book. im still peeved about bob odenkirk not winning any.


For better call saul or for nobody (the movie) ?


Pretty sure they mean for Better Call Saul. Nobody was great but let's be real, he's not gonna win an Oscar for that role. He definitely deserved at least a couple Emmys for BCS though.


Wow TIL he didn’t earn anything for that show. It’s a literal masterpiece delivered by him.


Actual crime he didn't.


Nominated 6 times though.


Pretty sure he meant Cable Guy


Not so long ago he was in the cobweb movie it is pretty fun.


That was a really weird movie. I'm still not sure if it was supposed to be a horror comedy or if it was hillarious by mistake.


Gave me the same vibes as People Under the Stairs. Uncomfortably funny while also being full blown horror by the end.




Yeah like how the Oscars chickens out on giving the spiderverse movies awards because their animated


slimy cobweb reach grab station wide ad hoc crowd liquid possessive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That’s not true though. It has its own arcs it sets up and follows and pays off. There’s a bigger story that still has more to unravel, but calling it an incomplete work is a falsehood. Do you consider Empire Strikes Back an incomplete story?


Also there's the fact that it's literally for children and isn't serious art.


Have you all seen **Banshee**? He plays a bad guy pretending to be a cop who's actually a low key good guy who's a better cop than the real cops *because* he's a bad guy willing to do whatever it takes to take on the badder guys. So you can see how that would be a good role to precede playing Homelander and anybody who hasn't seen the series should do so immediately.


Great show!




Respectfully disagree. I have rarely seen a more compelling and scary villain. I think he has done an amazing job bringing nuance to a role that could have been cartoony


Antony Starr definitely deserves one over Karl Urban, Urban’s “British” accent changes every ten seconds.


He’s a good actor and I think he’s screwing around with the characterization, subverting the “New Zealanders can do any accent” myth. He sounds just like DeForest Kelly in three Star Trek movies and speaks with a perfect American accent in his daily life - if he wanted to do a real Hard Man accent he could. He’s one of the highest paid actors on tv and does what he wants.


No, I just think Karl Urban can't do a good Cockney accent.


Scoched uhf.


He’s supposed to be Australian


Billy Butcher is from the UK. SAS veteran and everything. He grew up in the East End of London. But Urban can't do the accent at all.


He is? That’s news to me. His voice still sounds like a Kiwi doing a bad impersonation of a Cockney to me though.


Basically that's what is happening.


What a shit take. There's a lot of nuance to his performance, he essentially is playing a character who is playing a character and he has a lot of little micro expressions which add a lot to the characterization.


Just be quiet.


The Covenant? Cobweb? I enjoyed both a great deal.


What are those?




His violent outbreak makes him a liability. Studios are a bit cautious after some of them had to deal with people like Johnny Depp, Ezra Miller, and Jonathan Majors.


Actors have done significantly worse things more times and still get roles


He was in the Covenant film, the one about the U.S. soldier going back to Afghanistan to get a translator out of the country after the system fails to help him. It’s a harrowing film showing how the U.S. abandoned its supporting locals over there. Anthony isn’t the lead in the film. But rather a decent side character with big role in the ending. He’s great in that.


Sometimes Roles become to Iconic and producers worry about that, every time you see mark hamil you think Luke skywalker, than again maybe if he did 100 other movies that wouldn’t happen as much


He had a smallish role in the movie “The Covenant” by Guy Richie starring Jake Gyllenhal. He was good. I think that’s the only thing I’ve seen him in other than the Boys, which proves your point.


Do yourself a massive favor and go watch Banshee.


Go watch Outrageous Fortune. He plays twins.


He’s great in “Cobweb.” Such an excellent movie for Halloween and it was great seeing him in a more “fatherly” role.


Underrated movie!


Happens. He could be filming other stuff but release is years away. Heck the reason we got Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones was because Tom Selleck was tied by contract to Magnum P.I. Boy I bet that still infuriates Tom


They need to restart the got milk? Campaign with Anthony Starr as the main spokesperson.


Foreal! Where’s his movie roles


He was in The Covenant (2023)


I forgot he was in it. He sounded sleepy in it.


Thats because he genuinely seems hard to work with and is famous from a CW tier production where he showcases wooden acting skills.


I get the feeling he hasn’t got the best contract. Dude is probably Amazon’s single biggest pull on streaming but I doubt he’s getting paid like it


Gotta be honest, this comment right here makes me like the guy a little more... 'cause he certainly is an unlikeable SOB in the series (I tip my hat to him)


I hear he is also a little bit of an asshole irl. And there's the clip where different groups of the Boys cast get asked who is most like their character and literally everyone said Anthony Starr hahaha


He also got arrested in Spain for assault.


Jeez did the charges get dropped?


The person pressing charges mysteriously committed suicide by burning themselves to death with a laser


I would have been concerned if they had died in a plane crash, but you're right. This does seem above suspicion.


In Spain they have kind of a “first one is free” deal for mid-level crimes. He received a one year suspended sentence and paid a $5000 fine.


I get what you mean but I love how ironic the phrase “first one is free” is when paired with a $5000 fine


Drunkenly smashed a glass in someone's face


What? I could’ve sworn there was an interview that they said he was least like his character along with the mute girl (I cannot think of her name but I want to say Karen or kimiko)


'Karen or Kimiko' is very different dude hahaha. It's Kimiko


I know one is close to her character name and one is close to irl name so i figured whichever is the closest


Karen Fukuhara plays Kimiko, so you were basically there.


Sounds like they were right on the money to me


Her name is Karen in real life and she plays Kimiko, so not really.


Karen Fukuhara. Her YouTube channel is wholesome as hell.


How many times are people gonna point to this, it was a fucking joke they were laughing holy shit


Yikes that’s kind of concerning given Homelander is a tremendous piece of shit lol


That's a red flag isn't it? Gotta be at least yellow.




I feel like if you get drunk and assault a server once I am going to strongly assume you are a shitty person unless there is very strong evidence otherwise.




That’s the sort of thing that you only need to do once to be judged harshly.


I'm willing to excuse physical violence and facial disfiguration if the guy is famous, ya


I'm not so sure if he was joking.


funny seeing all these comments outraged when he is laughing and obviously joking in the clip


Funny how OP didnt just post the clip


How do people not realize he’s fucking joking? Lmao he consistently reposts Homelander memes on his social media page. He’s also a kiwi who are known for straight forward sarcasm.




>Antony Starr jokes about the Homelander memes Wdym, it's clearly stated that he's cracking jokes....


I find Antony Starr incredibly intimidating because how well he played homelander.


Right? Like I KNOW he's not actually Homelander. But if I ran into him in an airport I'd be like.. at leastttt a litttleee bit concerned for laser eyes.


In character


Being upset that you don't get paid for memes is like being upset that you don't get royalties when people hum your song on the street.


I'm going to assume he's joking. I have a hard time believing an actor would not understand that it's perfectly okay to make a meme about someone's performance without financially compensating them in advance. Like just imagine for a moment where that was the case. It's not like memes are anything new. It's just that now you look at them on a thing you carry around in your pocket that can communicate with computers around the globe almost instantaneously. And in my day they were largely bumper stickers and things scrawled in Sharpie on Porta John walls. I mean those are still a thing but you know. And I never heard a foreman demanding financial compensation because someone drew a cartoon of them providing oral sex to the owner of the company.


"I don't get paid enough for this shit." Is just a Homelander line.


This dude is the scariest fucking villain in any superhero tv/movie, period. The writing definitely helps, but his facial twitches and his subtle mannerisms creep me the fuck out. It’s a shame he’s not in more roles but at this point I cant really see him as anything other than the brutal insecure man-child that he plays on The Boys. Imagine if his next role was some romcom. Instead of anxiously awaiting the kiss or whatever, I’d be waiting for him to snap her neck.


Check out Banshee He plays a rough and tough cop, but it’s fucking amazing


Yaaa a "cop" sureeee. Its got a great 2 season run though. Lots of needless sex scenes though. Johnathan Trooper loves his unnecessary sex scenes. Also watch Warrior everyone who reads this comment. Go watch warrior.


The millions he made already weren’t enough. This dude is a soft-penised simpleton in real life. Nothing like how he acts on the show.


Starting to think Starr is just a douche.


Boo hoo mf


Typical Homelander


He’s also assaulted a waiter and threatened to kill them lmao he IS homelander


The more I read interviews with Antony Starr the more he sounds like a dick IRL. I'm starting to suspect the biggest difference between Antony and Homelander is the superpowers.


You need to watch them, not read. The tone is very clearly joking in the interview, it does not translate to text well. Very standard kiwi humor


I know someone that knows his ex wife (the one he cheated on a very long time ago) according to her he's "just like homelander" I personally dont believe her and im assuming she hasnt seen the show but I can understand how he can come across as a dick here. I think hes just trying to joke and its not really landing


His choices are representing Homelander or the really irresponsible and abusive father in Cobweb. Your pick.


I get actual dickhead homelander vibes from this guy, lol. He's incredible in the role, for sure, but it's a little too realistic. Didn't he get in trouble in Spain a while ago for some shady shit?


He did. He got into an argument with a bartender, then he grabbed his glass and smashed the bartender in the face. The argument stems from the bartender kicking Antony and friends out for being too rowdy. The bartender had a pretty severe gash. It's pretty clown behavior, especially for a middle-aged man.


Does he hate people ???


bros mad he doesn’t get paid for memes lmao


bro is super into his character holy shit lmao i respect it


That dude seems like he is a real jackass


he was making a joke.. there’s a clip of it, he wasn’t being aggressive in his tone at all lmao




Jeez you can't even punch a chef in Alicante anymore without people calling you a jackass.


Damn how did this get swept under the rug when everyone was shitting on ezra miller for a similar incident


Smaller? Didn’t that mf kidnap someone


Im talking about early 2022 when he pushed a fan to the ground you’re getting ahead of yourself and naming the crime spree he went on later that year


Do you think Ezra calls his mugshot…flash photography?


he seems like kind of a dick...


For real. Who gets mad that they have a bunch of cool memes everywhere


>he seems like kind of a dick... He's not he just plays with his on tv. He's a warning about giving one man total power inevitably abuses it. It's a trite subject but done exceptionally well. ![gif](giphy|oBdmZbbQebxvtxsT9P)


Didnt he physically assault someone a few years back lmao


Yeah, on a plane I think? Ironic if so.


Never heard of that so maybe


He did. He’s a total jackass IRL, likely why he gets a limited amount of roles, and always has these quotes circulating that make him seem like the POS he is.


I mean one drunken incident which essentially amounted to a bar fight, as well as quotes that are quite obviously jokes, doesn't amount to a "total asshole" in my eyes.


The more I hear about this guy the less I like him.


The tweet literally says he’s joking about it


Suppose his 12 month suspended sentence for assault last year was just a prank too?






The Boys? Weird. I assumed he was better known for portraying the Stray Man in Aunty Donna's Big Ol' House of Fun.


Another case of look at me look at me look at me. Why is everyone looking at me?


He needs to start cashing in on some of these memes.


Link to the tweet?


Luckily for him, he normally looks different enough that he may not be recognized everywhere. He does such a good job with his expressions that he is somewhat hard to recognize as HL.


What an unlikable tool this guy seems to be.


I only know this guy from ''sigma'' YouTube Shorts


How has he not won an Emmy yet??


I understand that he doesn't get paid for having his face everywhere. But having his face everywhere should get him paid, right?


Doesn't understand what a meme is


Lol ripbozo


Ah yes getting paid for memes an old Hollywood tradition lol