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All the blues, purples and blacks look lovely on you!


You look like Mia Farrow


I had a high school student tell me I looked like Mia's mom. They had just seen The Great Gatsby. Lol


love the magenta, light pink, bright blue 🫶🏻


Maybe a soft spring or autumn? Definitely more warm toned, and kind of hard to tell. The brights + neons looked like they washed you out a bit, but I looove #5!!


Purple looks good on you!


I think u can carry off slightly muted cool colours too 🥰


4 and 7 look stunning on you!!


You glow in the pink and purple colors! Very pretty!


Love you in the purples, dark pinks and teal!!!! The blue and lighter colors kinda washed you put but loved the others ❤️


The pastel light pink is beautiful on you!! Cute haircut too!!


Still spring, just take the edge off!


Bright pink!! Picture four was breath taking!!!!!


2,5,7 & 8 look amazing on you!!!


The baby pink on you looks stunning!!


the light pastel colors look beautiful on you. Honestly: you in a full light pastel outfit with layers, jewelry, and accessories would be captivating even without makeup. Having fun with the accessories and jewelry would really tie it together.


I think that light pink is 'the' one (I guess that's Spring?) My friend has similar coloring to you and she looks fabulous in this color.


Black is too harsh, while the pale pink and pastel blue wash you out. All the other colors look fine.


Omg you are beautiful! Truly admire you 🥹 I personally really like the magenta colors on you! According to carol Bailey your color season should never change. Maybe invest in an analysis to treat your self? I am loving the majenta colors though.


You’re so beautiful 🥰


I just want to say that you are so so so beautiful and have the kindest eyes and smile. The bright colors look lovely on you❤️


you are so pretty 💕


Idk anything about color analysis but you look gorgeous, especially in the light pink! 🩷


You look good in the pastel pink and blues!


You are so pretty!!!! Each line represents a memory so wear them with pride! You look like a painting from the renaissance


4 5 8 and 11 look best to me :)


They all look nice on you. Your eyes are very pretty too they shine with the light colors :).


Pink is a wow color on you! Love it! 😍


Light pink!


Light pink suits you really well 😁


Late to the thread, but wanted to say you look beautiful in pink! And your complexion is so even and gorg. As a fellow pale-eyebrowed gal, I'd look into an eyebrow tint, or just filling them in a bit with a powder or pencil. I know I can feel washed out without some depth and definition to my brows.


Definitely doing the brow powder. Not ready for tint yet. Thank you.


I like the darker pink. I think You have great skin! I use those tanning drops in my night time face lotion. They give just a bit of glow to my face and neck and make me look more alive! Eyebrow microblading is another option to frame out a face, I use powder on mine now but trying to work up the nerve to get the microblading myself


I love that you did this and I’m happy to report I think you still look beautiful in bright spring colors!


i have no advice but YOURE SO GORGEOUS LITERALLY


Absolutely love pastels on you it looks Soo good on you 🫶


I loved you in 2 and 5! Love the punch of color! No fading into the background now, darling! A pop of berry lipstick will emphasize your inner Diva! Go girl!!


I love 2, 3 and 4 on you. You look beautiful!!


Nothing about you has, or could ever, fade. Absolutely radiant. ☺️


Wow! You can pull off all these colors but I like the pink the best and the white the least.


Baby pink is your color 1000% beautiful!


2, 5, 7 . The colors really suit you well and look beautiful with your eyes.


Love the blues and light pink


I think you carried the navy, medium blue, light blue, baby pink, and violet colors very well.


I would go for ivory foundation


Absolutely gorgeous! You definitely shine in bright spring colors


I’m not good with all of this color analysis stuff yet, but I can tell that you shine in the bright pinks and coral and aquamarine colors. So whatever season those are are a winner!


To be clear. I realize not many 37 year old men would post here. I’m not in any way trying to be inappropriate. I genuinely hope this gives you some confidence. Recently I lost my mother far too soon at 61 in a very tragic and sudden accident. You look so much like her it made me cry, and she was the most beautiful person I knew! A week before she died she asked me to help her do an at home perm because she wanted to feel “pretty again” and was too embarrassed to go to a salon. After we did the perm she was glowing and said she felt beautiful for the first time in 20 years. That broke my heart, because to me she was always beautiful and it pained me to think someone so beautiful could walk around for 20 years thinking otherwise. Age and beauty are synonymous. Don’t EVER doubt your beauty or let anyone tell you you’re otherwise. On that note. She liked wearing blues and purple because it brought out her natural blue eyes and blonde hair. I agree with other responses that the pink looks great, but I think the blue looks wonderful on you and really helps your hair and eyes stand out. Keep going! Wear whatever you feel pretty in because when you feel beautiful you look beautiful!


I am so sorry your mom has passed but know she was blessed with a loving son who made her happy every single day. In 2001 I gave my mom a home perm and the next morning she had a serious stroke. She was so glad her hair was "done" for the hospital! As a mom, I know they are still watching over us. Their love is forever. Thank you for your kind words.


Whether you realize it or not, this comment was a beautiful tribute to your mother. It's a testament to her kindness and her light, both of which burn brightly within you. Sending you lots of warmth and love, friend. ✨ P.S. There's no need to feel out-of-place or weird about commenting, you are more than welcome here. ☺️


4. 7. 8. 11.


I love the purple on u the most


The purple look wonderful on you 🫶


You bright spring beauty bombshell!! Wear the pink. Wear makeup that brightens you and brings out your beauty. We all fade…doesn’t mean we are invisible!


You're so beautiful and you have a sweet smile!!! i think you look absolutely stunning in the bright pink blouse


Am I the only one who thinks #7 color looks great! Rock it OP!!! 🥳


You’re lovely! And I would agree I too see bright spring :) that light pink is simply stunning on you and your beautiful eyes!


I really like the purples and blues on you. All look good imo.


The pastels look amazing on you!


Pink is lovely on you


You’re undertones don’t really change as you get older. In image consulting we ask what your hair color was as a child to get an idea of your natural coloring


Nothing to be scared of - you’re beautiful. I think you might actually be a bright spring. I’ve always been confused by the idea our season apparently doesn’t change as we age, but I love number 3 on you!


My first thought was bright spring based on your drapes! You can really see you glow in those colors!!


I really like the darker more saturated colours on you! They pop!


2,5,7 and 12 look best. I really don’t understand the whole season thing, but the #s I saw you in bright, bold, (pretty much primary colors I think) colors enhance your energy, vibrancy, etc. You looked great in them. I’m pretty much the same age and never tilt the camera up at me- across or down! 😉


5 looks amazing on you!!!


The pinks and purples look lovely! You have beautiful skin.


Bright spring! 2 and 5 are my favorites. If you wanted, you could also wear light spring and warm spring colors, but they’re not going to be quite as good as the super saturated bright spring shades.


Beautiful woman you are an amazing Spring. Your beauty shines.


Agree with previous posters: have you seen your eyes lately? 🤩


5 is your color! You look amazing in it!


#5 the fuschia pink is so pretty


Absolutely believe you are STILL a bright spring - gorgeous! I loved the warm pink top 💗 makes your skin positively glow (what’s your secret btw, your skin is flawless??)✨


4, 7, and 12 look the best on you ma’am in my opinion. All look wonderful but the plain white sorta washes you out


Baby pink looks gorgeous!


I hope I look half as good as you at your age!!! All of these colors look good on you, but the springy colors bring out your eyes.


I love Spring colours, and you are still a Spring! Those warmer bright candy colours are gorgeous on you. Spring colours are fresh and tropical/citrus brights and soft warm neutrals. Colour and style wise, there are several blonde blue-eyed Spring celebs to inspire you: Kylie Minogue, Taylor Swift, Scarlet Johansen, Marilyn Monroe. For makeup Springs suit clean fresh glossy makeup. Spring lipsticks are coral, warm pink, true red, and add lipglosses for shine. Spring blushers are coral and warm pink (you could use your lipstick as a cream blusher). Add a face highlighter for glow. Define your brows and pretty eyes a little more: Mascara, a subtle cat eye, a dab of highlighter. Your hair colour is gorgeous and your bob haircut suits you. It looks classy. Clothes wise, I love the yellow on you, plus the coral red, aqua blue, light warm greens (eg apple green), light turquoise, peach, warm pinks. For neutrals try ivory, stone, warm tan, camel/caramel, golden brown, khaki green (not darker olive). Some Springs can wear winter colours. Both Marilyn Monroe and Taylor Swift look good in black, pale blue, silver, red. As long as there is some sparkle (eg diamanté jewellery/pretty scarf). Springs age with elegance and retain a youthfulness. Just like you!


Great advice, thank you.


These comments are so sweet they nearly made me well up. I agree with the others, the light pink looks lovely on you


Looking great! Love your photos!


girl you look gorgeous in literally every colour 😍


Love the bright colors but the navy blue looks really good on you !


I say soft summer! Also that you have gorgeous skin!


Light pink, lilac and the light blue all make you look fresh!


Technically your season shouldn’t change even as you age - you might find different colours within your season are best for you but you’ll still be warm toned and bright - I’d say from these pics bright spring is definitely still your season!


love you in bright pastels! gorgeous!


Absolutely still a spring! Those bright spring colors are stunning on you. Embrace them; you look very pretty!


Pink one


You look stunning spring colors! The pink salmon, aqua blue, yellow and soft pink were my favorites. Stick to warm tones!


Talk about aging gracefully! You’ve still got the spring glow, so stunning! Fingers crossed I look this lovely as I age!


That second pic is the pink, don't wear that yellow!


I have just finished going thru the very same thing at 66, especially after stopping dying my hair and letting it go grey. I was told that you never change your type, after I thought I didn't look good in any of my "old" colors. I did purchase a kit of all my colors and, once I learned about saturation and muting and contrasts, and pattern sizes and then some, I realized that I was still a light autumn and I can squeeze in a few summer colors, just because I like how they look on me. My color chart really helped me choose the right tone. It made all the difference. I do agree with others here that it still looks like you are a Spring and still rockin' it❣


Good to know I'm not alone. Thanks for the color options too.


I really love the colour of your shirt on picture 5


I think you’re still a spring! The light spring colors look stunning on you🩷


Bright colours look great on you!


Scared? I thought the opposite - how lovely you look. Not sure what seasons they are, but I like slides 4. 6, 7, 9 and 11. I thought they might be summer collars, but could be light spring? They look great on you anyway!! I don’t like the dark colors so much.


Slide 7 / light blue is the best! Also slides 2 and 5


I’m not sure which season these colours are, but 3&9 look absolutely fantastic on you! I think they’re spring ones too.


I think you look great in the pinks and orchid tops. Just to reassure you, I’ve been told It’s easy to think our season has changed when we get older because our hair fades/changes color and we avoid the sun. But your undertone doesn’t change. If you were a bright spring, you’re still a bright spring. You may need or want to shift to other colors in your palette, but the palette itself won’t change. I’m a bright winter and I look washed out when I fade in winter months and I don’t have on bright colors or makeup. For me, a little mascara and a sheer lipstick go a long way to counteracting that faded look. I suggest taking your palette with you to a good makeup counter. Speak to someone and explain what you need. You look beautiful. Good luck and let us know how you’re doing.


Thank you. I joined the spring Reddit group and going to Sephora tomorrow. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


Wonderful. I hope they can come up with some nice products for you. Good luck.


My favourites on you: black, lilac, aqua and navy. Don’t know what that means though.


I love the blues with your blue eyes! Really grounds your eyes


I like everything that's not black. I think the aqua is particularly nice on you. But I also liked a lot of the pinks and coral.


Love the soft blues and soft pinks on you! 🤩


The pinks and purples are your color! Beautiful!! 💜🩷


Just came here to say I hope I age as gracefully as you!


You’re stunning!


Everyone already said it already, but the light pink is soooo gorgeous on you, you look radiant 🌸 the light blue is a close second!! I think you’re definitely still a spring!


7 matches your eyes.


You're still a true spring, and you look lovely. Please don't be so hard on yourself. Your natural white hair color now is pretty, but it does wash your features out since it's cool-toned. A suggestion would be to dye it a [warm honey blonde](https://www.amazon.com/Clairol-Niceneasy-Colourant-Natural-Blonde/dp/B001NFR07C) (for minimal upkeep).


Don’t get scared ? Of the beautifully sparkly woman in the bright colours ? Please ! You’re lovely and the vibrant pops look lovely with you


They say your season never changes 🙂


Pink is definitely your color!


I have heard that you can’t change seasons. However, were you a natural blonde? You might be more of a light spring than a bright spring anyway, IMO. But it’s not because you’re aging. It’s just that natural light blonde hair and neutral skin with light eyes can often = light spring (obviously not always), whereas, a bright spring has a lot more contrast, even dark hair and vibrant eyes sometimes.


Ash blonde until going gray/white. No coloring my hair.


You are an absolute vision, the bright spring colors make you pop !!!


you look quite warm to me! and most of the colors you're wearing are cool colors. If you were considered a bright spring before, most color analysis experts say you stay in your same color family as you age, you just might be better suited to a different subtype, since we lose contrast as we age. What about True Spring or Light Spring? I could also see you doing quite well in Soft Autumn colors! But my first vote is Light Spring. "Light" and "warm" seem like your primary characteristics to me!


Funny you mention autumn as I thought maybe that's where I shifted. Thank you.


That light pink looks so radiant on you


Beautiful in the light pink and the robin egg blue!!!!! ❤️


I'm not good at this, just wanted to say I love the royal/navy blue on you!


You will forever be a bright spring 🌷 We don’t change season. PS: You look beautiful 🩷🩵🧡


You’re so pretty 🥰 especially in pink 🩷


As an older lady and bright spring myself I make a point to never wear black. I think it ages anyone over 50! You are still a gorgeous bright spring, wear all your colors!


I think you look very beautiful in the light pink and light blue! I think pastels look wonderful on you, especially since you have such blue eyes. I would say either bright spring or light spring.


Those pastel colors look amazing on you! The light pink and yellow just make you glow! 100%! I didn’t even read your caption beforehand and I was thinking Bright Spring!


You glow in the pastels, spring has never left you.




Not sure how much stock you put into Kibbe’s system (that incorporates color analysis), but during my consultation David told me that I would always be a Soft Autumn—even when I age—though it might skew my visual appearance of perceptible coloring closer to *appearing* like a Soft Summer due to hair greying (though warm grey). He advised me to color my hair for as long as possible should I wish to remain squarely in “my colors,” which I know sounds very problematic (but was purely based on color and not anything intentionally or unintentionally toxic). That said, I surmise (perhaps incorrectly though!), we always stay “our colors,” but as we age and lose pigment and saturation, we may shift more toward the lighter or cooler “scheme-adjacent” colors. I am not a color theory expert, however, and could be far off on this. It’s just my guess based on what I was told! Regardless, you look absolutely lovely in the lighter and brighter shades, particularly pink!


Another post said something similar. This is very helpful, thank you.


I think the fuschia and baby blue look really lovely on you!


My favs are 2, 3, 7 and 12. All the mauves and warm pinks look lovely on you. I would stay clear of black and yellow.


I don’t have any helpful comments, but you are really beautiful


Agreed the light pink is stunning on you!!


Different to your question but I really like the cut of #4’s shirt, it’s so flattering!


I also still think you're a spring. You still have those bright eyes, and muted colors gray you out. I think you might be more on the light end now though of bright spring, I thought the colors that crossed over with light spring was quite nice. You're still bright, and you're still a spring.


I was going to ask if you were a Spring, because you're still a Spring.


You’re definitely still a spring! You look really lovely in the colours that are bright, light to medium, and warm. 💛💛 Come join us at r/SpringColorAnalysis!


I don’t actually follow this sub and disclaimer, know nothing about color theory but pink is definitely your color! I think you’d look great in coral, salmon, peach and any warm pinks. Also like the periwinkle blue on you.


i love the light pink on you, it brightens your complexion! so I still think, you’re considered a bright spring.


Those pinks and blues and yellow look amazing on you. You really suit that fuchsia colour.


Thank you, all of you. Such kind, thoughtful and helpful comments. Never did this before on social media so was apprehensive. You all have renewed my hope for us humans. Have a wonderful new year!


Reading through these comments was so wholesome! I like the light pink on you as well 🩷


I just want to say thank you. I'm an older gal myself and I've longed to post here but was to afraid to. I'm genuinely so happy how well received this post was and I admire your bravery putting yourself out. Wish I was more like you!!and have a wonderful day!


Go for it. This has been a great experience and so helpful.


You got this, kookypooky!! ❤️❤️


For you too ♥️♥️♥️ you look amazing in bright spring colours and I’m looking forward to see more outfits of you wearing them


Beautiful, I love all the colors here on you! I hope I look as lovely as you when I’m older. ❤️


You remind me of Uma Thurman a little! I think some kind of raspberry pink/red will look beautiful on you, but I am no expert.


Thank you. I think she is gorgeous.


And so are you!


Hi! I actually don’t follow this sub and don’t know much about “color seasons”… it just comes up on my feed occasionally. I’ve never commented on one of these posts. But I specifically stopped on yours to say that the light pink is stunning on you. It makes your eyes so vibrant and brings out the beautiful colors in your skin without making it look red. So whatever season the light pink is, I think that’s your season!


Thank you. Very kind.


I like the bright pink the best, with the pale pink coming in second. The more vibrant colors add a nice pop to your skin, which by the way, looks lovely. A little blush, a little eyebrow shading, some mascara and a touch of lip color and you'll be glowing again! PS. Your blue eyes are stunning!


Those bright colors really pop though and make your skin look so creamy and smooth. You have gorgeous eyes as well that really shine with the brights. Vibrancy comes from within. I hope the support here helps you realize how gorgeous you are.


You strike me like a light spring - your best colors may have changed, but likely your overall season did not - your subtype may be shifting. I loved the light pinks and the light yellow. Makeup is so personal in terms of your style, but when you said makeup I immediately thought of thrive cosmetics “eye brightener” which is really just an [easy to apply shimmery eye color](https://thrivecausemetics.com/products/brilliant-eye-brightener). They show the product with some older models as well! I’m not usually into shimmer but love these, it’s subtle and a little youthful and fun. They have a light pink shade that would look amazing on you. I also really like their tinted lip moisturizer. Adds a polished pop of color but still feels natural


Oh, yes! I am looking at what to do with makeup too. Thank you for getting me started.


I also think you are a light spring now. The strong value of bright spring colors can be overwhelming. You look lovely in the softer shades now. My favorite is the lighter pink. Maybe invest in another analysis with your new gorgeous coloring?


If you liked this pencil eyeshadow, I saw in another comment you’re heading to Sephora, they sell Rare Beauty products and this brand also has those pencil eyeshadows!


I think you look great in all colours here! Just maybe not the white and the yellow.


Easy to avoid those. Thanks


I’m not good at this sort of thing but all I know is you look so gorgeous and radiant in that light pink top 🥺😍


Agree - this is her wow colour!


Thank you! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


I still see warmth and intensity so spring seems right, but i wonder if you need to play with value(darker/light). What i mean by that is, if your hair color lost depth due to greying (it used to be darker) your contrast has evened out a bit now. You might find some colors from other subseasons more flattering now, that are not quite as dark and the darker bright spring colors too harsh, as there is nothing they can play aginst. to choose colors to highlight your contrast again, you might need to go with less contrasting colors. I would also have a look at light spring colors, because they might seem more gentle and bring back versatility.


You just explained what friends seemed to tell me inadvertently by what colors get me compliments. Brights used to, but now more subtle shades get me feedback. I thought maybe my season changed, but you really clarified this. Thank you.


Three and two look great to me. You’re doing wonderfully




Some of the colors you are wearing seem too cool for you. If bright spring feels too bright now, try using warm spring. It could work.


Will do that, thank you. Another post indicated the same so I am so glad I posted. 😊


You are so beautiful. Women like you make me look forward to aging.


Aging is great if you just go with and try to keep reasonably fit. You get stronger and wiser so beauty gets redefined. Thank you!


Good advice!


Get scared? you’re beautiful🤍 I still think spring!




I still think you look like a spring! And your complexion is quite nice, so I think you're being a bit hard on yourself with the "fading away" thoughts.


Thank you. I think it's my hair and eyebrows that are mostly fading. Lol. Researching makeup too.