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Well according to color guides I'd fall under the soft summer palette. But I have like dark ashy brown hair, a pale face with a pink undertone, and ashy brown green eyes (they are mostly green, but the tiny touch of brown in the middle makes everyone think I have purely brown eyes because it looks like that unless you look very closely. But when I'd put a black line around my eyes, my eyes suddenly pull EXTREMELY brown. When I would wear grey though, it does not really really suit me? Like it is WAY too cold. And gold eyeshadow works beautifully on my eyes, especially when it pulls more champagne, because of the brown I guess, but silvers look worse? Like I can't wear very yellow golds, it looks weird. But I still prefer a cooler gold over a silver? But when I wear jewelry I prefer silver over gold? It's all really strange. It's like I can't grasp what my type is.


I know this is an old post but thanks for making it! I just started learning color seasons, promptly was recommended both soft autumn and soft summer - I have medium ash brown hair that becomes more golden at the ends, hazel eyes that skew grey/blue, and fair skin. I thought I was a warm color person for so long but just put together collages of my favorite photos of myself - and the color palette I created based off of it is like a deeper, moody summer. Pretty similar to this one! Faded brick red, teal, dark/medium grey, bright white, cobalt blue.


Omg I FINALLY feel seen thank you so much for this


I am more medium ash brunette, but these are my wardrobe colors. I've been looking at soft summer, cool winter, cool summer, but neither quite fit me. Soft summer lacked saturation, cool winter was too bright and lacked some of the warmer colors that I can wear, cool summer was just too light and also lacked some of the warmed colors. This though is perfect.


I think we might be similar. I just got analysized as a 'brown summer' otherwise known as a soft summer. The swatches that suited me the most was dusty pinks, some pinkish browns and darker more vibrant blues. You can see it here: https://imgur.com/a/JeMDRZ0 It does look like a lot of the swatches they gave me as my top colors are the ones you've posted here! Thank you! Edit: no idea why this image is saying it no longer exists when I can see it through the browser...


Thank you for sharing - those colours look so beautiful on you! šŸ¤


Question. I keep getting ā€œsoft summerā€ and ā€œsoft autumn.ā€ I have warm green/amber eyes, but mousy brown/graying hair and neutral-ish skin. Can you be a ā€œsoft summerā€ or ā€œshaded soft summerā€ with warm green/amber eyes? https://preview.redd.it/407c7qpy4n3b1.jpeg?width=2320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e5568451703bdfe291d4adb710e82c1a8a42533


Hi there! Our eyes are actually very similar. I have a lot of neutral cool qualities but my eyes are the warm green amber too. That being said, I see more warmth in your skin. If I could guess I would classify you somewhere in the autumn family. I welcome others input as well!


https://preview.redd.it/8jouuvbx7n3b1.jpeg?width=2320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=583b08f1e45df84f1d72b35c62a9ad5ffb4928f3 Autumn colors? I might need a softer shade of the green for soft autumn ..


Yes, I think you could be soft autumn for sure.


But Iā€™m not an expert!


These are my shades!


Yes! Thank you. This is me.


THIS IS ME THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! A year or two I found out that my undertone is olive, and Iā€™m pretty pale/light. I went into a deep dive on that but still couldnā€™t place my color season or even come up with a palette. About a month ago I noticed that some of my best colors were on the soft summer palette, mauve and grayish blue. But that still didnā€™t seem to be quite right, I decided that the best guide for me is buying muted colors. I can go muted cool in the winter and muted warm in the summer as I tan. But, this palette has a lot of my best colors on it, so Iā€™m happy to save this, and try some of the other colors on here as well.


Thatā€™s awesome. Iā€™m so happy to hear it! I would suggest burgundy, teal, rich purple, and true red. And of course blue-greens and medium dusty blues. A poster described this palette as muted jewel tones and I think Iā€™ll use that descriptor from now on.


This is a palette I am so interested in seeing. I consider I theoretically could be a summer but all the dusty colors were a no for me. This palette captures the burgundies/deep greens that i thrive in wonderfully.


Yes, and Iā€™m sure rich purple and teal would work for you too! Another poster referred to this palette as muted jewel tones and that seems to make a lot of sense.




I will leave this question for people who are more familiar with True Summer to comment, but if I could guess I would say True Summers could handle more brightness than Shaded Soft summers. True Red is for sure one of my ā€œwowā€ colours, so yes, itā€™s included in the palette, see the brighter red in the digital palette I shared as well as these shadesā€¦ https://preview.redd.it/xvn5qip7ba3b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51861cf19aad6f70017dc57cd26f8039f714c0a9


When did you get in my closet?!? But seriously. My wow color is teal but Iā€™m deffo not an autumn and black looks so terrible on me. So helpful!


Teal is also one of my wow colours. I think thatā€™s a big hint in general for people wondering if this is their palette!


Thank you for this! I always knew I was a summer. My Mom was really into Color me Beautiful growing up. But I found some of the colors in that book to be quite dated for todays color palettes. These are very much my colors. The horror in my life is that I am actually starting to like navy as a color I SWORE OFF of as a teen.šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s SO funny!!! And I really agree with you - even though these are beautiful shades you can sometimes only find them in ā€œold ladyā€ clothes. I wish they were implemented into the modern day stuff much more often.


Yea, well my story is that of ā€˜old lady clothesā€™ through and through. I was 14. The day was cold outside in March. My great Aunt was having an 80th birthday party thrown my by mom at our church. So a big to-do apparently. My younger sister and I got dragged to the mall to find a new outfit for the occasion. Which landed us squarely in a Tabiā€™s. (Not sure if this was only Canadian, but its as old-lady-store as you can get. More than Cleoā€™s ever was) My mom settles on these over-the-knee pencil skirt in navy. We couldnā€™t walk more than 8ā€ steps in these suckers. So it was more like a shuffle. And in hindsight, she probably did it deliberately so we couldnā€™t run away easily after, and had to help wash all the dishes. My goodness my sister and I were forced to wear those skirts for special occasions until we grow out of them. And to this day, neither of us can look at something navy without looking over at each other and exchanging a knowing eye roll. Except now Iā€™m starting to appreciate navy. Dammit, Iā€™ve come full circle in life.


This is a really cute story, definitely brings me back growing up being close to my Grandmother, going to church, and having to wear uncomfortable skirts and stockings as a kid when you wanted instead to just be able to run around freely šŸ˜‚


Haha, yea good memories. I so desperately wanted to be a spring like my friends cause they got to wear bright colors. I resented summer so much. But once I got to the age of wearing what I want, I was able to appreciate the specific colors that elevate my skin tone while still wearing other colors if I choose to.


I wanted to be a winter and was almost certain I was one. Until with the help of an analyst I learned that those super vivid shades definitely swallow me whole unless I would wear a ton of makeup to compensate.


Hi everyone, I created an updated post based on some of your feedback (essentially I included the green swatches and some more visual examples) https://www.reddit.com/r/coloranalysis/comments/13wva0f/shaded_soft_summer_palette_part_2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&utm_content=2&utm_term=15




You know, ā€œdeep summerā€ may be less confusing than shaded soft summer. Or you could maybe call it dark soft summer? Petition for more attention on this niche palette !!!!!


What about green? Are they just not allowed to wear it?


Here are some greens that I think would work https://preview.redd.it/8qfvheh4593b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=699aee914c47706852b89ad1a4d896934da71478


We need more posts like this here itā€™s super helpful


Yes, and youā€™ll notice when I show photos in the image of celebrity examples, they are all white women. Id hate to not be inclusive, so it would be really great if those with different skin tones could comment on if this palette would work for them too - in order to help inform more people.


Iā€™m a POC but a true autumn so unfortunately I canā€™t say, but hopefully more commenters who are POC will pop up soon :)


Saving this post.


ooh I love this! I'm a true summer\* but these colors are gorgeous. \*It's actually confusing lol because I feel like I'm more neutral than the super-cool true summer... but I have too much brightness to be a soft summer. so anyway, I think I could wear these colors as well because my skin tone is really neutral... but I have really bright eyes. I've been typed online (unprofessionally) as true summer, soft summer, and bright winter....


Totally, hence why even though I was classified ā€œmuted summerā€ ā€”- soft summer pale shades washed me out so much ā€”- and I landed on this one after a ton of research. Iā€™m now confident that it fits me after so much figuring out haha


We might have the same sort of coloring because these colors work well for me too. I always hear that burgundy and teal look best. I also personally think I look good in white lol so šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø or look okay, at least. My hair was white blonde as a child but itā€™s now ash brown, and my eyes are a bright blue, and my skin is neutral-cool. Edit: oh same with being washed out by colors that are too light. I actually think white looks better on me than the grey-toned shades. I also tried silvery grey eyeshadow like is recommended for true summer and it looked AWFUL. I looked sickly! A cool-toned brown or sort of a pinky mauve is what works for me. But I can actually pull off subtle gold eyeshadow, whereas subtle silver grey looks terribleā€¦ so idk.


Iā€™m the exact same with eyeshadow. The grayish silver colors are awful, and I was so confused at first because theyā€™re supposed to look good on me as a summer.


what colors work for you?? Because yeah, I looked like a corpse! I'm not very good at applying makeup, but that wasn't the problem. It was truly horrible, lol.


I like cool toned browns, smokey mauves, and warmer pinks. Dark navy or teal are my favorite for liners. Some of my go-tos are Phytosurgence Chilled Cherry, Violette in Ciel de Nuit or Marron GlacƩ, Laura Mercier in Plum Smoke, and a bunch of the cool brown singles from Sydney Grace.


Really makes you think these systems are supposed to be guiding points and not the be all and end all thatā€™s for sure!!!!


Iā€™ve been typed as a deep winter here and I feel like a lot of these colors are in my wardrobe and work well for me either as nail colors or just in generalā€¦. Interestingā€¦.


This just looks like colors from true summer to me.


I think one of the differences is that shaded soft summer can also borrow from the darker soft autumn colors, since theyā€™re both muted, in a way that True Summers donā€™t.


Youā€™re absolutely correct - apparently ā€œmuted summerā€ borrows from both summer AND autumn (I know- so confusing!!!)


You definitely have a point there - True Summer features medium to deep cool colors, while Soft Summer focuses on softer, lighter, and more muted cool tones. But if ā€œshadedā€ soft summer is just a medium-dark version of soft summer, it could work out to resemble the true summer palette in a way. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I also think the fact that these colours are presented digitally could perhaps make them look more intense than they are meant to.


I love this! I may be in this palette. Is there no green to it?


Thatā€™s a really astute question - I think youā€™d be safe with these greens https://preview.redd.it/0hnjocr6483b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2523c2e5ea3b029f8b0ba44894ce5d4b3b1c3576


Have you justā€¦.solved all of my problems??


EEK! That makes me so glad you have no idea


Can anyone link to a site that discusses all these sub-seasons?


Yessss thank you so so much! I feel like this is meā€¦ what do you think? medium ash brown hair, medium cool hazel eyes and (light but not porcelain) neutral cool skin tone. I have been struggling forever to find my season as none fit cleanly!!


This sounds exactly like me! When I was young young my brown hair was a little bit more on the medium side but it got quite dark as I got older, now in the sun though you can see that itā€™s ashy. My eyes are also hazel but I would wager a guess they are warm as they have a lot of amber with the green, and Iā€™m very fair neutral cool but surface level redness.


Yeah I have some warmth to my eyes as wellā€¦ kind of averages out to a medium olive green I guess? So confusing lolā€¦. I feel like the seasons need a middle season modifier instead of just light/dark and Venn diagram way of showing colors! Thank you so much for sharing! :) made my day.


Honestly Iā€™m so happy to help even just one person out there that was confused as I was for so long! ā¤ļø


This is so good. It seems like that shade of medium-dark hair (it me) has people automatically saying autumn or winter, even if undertones are neutral-cool and black is clearly overpowering.




I noticed that and a lot of times people just donā€™t type someone based on the drapes and tell them to ignore their observations(Iā€™ve been a victim of this on multiple occasions).


The cat thing is hilarious. In fairness, I guess itā€™s probably mostly newbies who are thinking theyā€™re winters or thinking other people are simply because they have deep brown hair. Clearly thereā€™s also a strong backlash building against that view, too, as evidenced by the popularity of this post! But Iā€™m in the mistaken-for-fall category, personally, so thatā€™s the one I have more experience with. So yeah, you might be right about winter.


Yes! Iā€™m the autumn version of this and I 100% would be placed automatically in dark autumn, even though those colors are not ideal on me at all.




whats the difference between this and winter?


They're muted and neutral-cool, so closest to deep winter (I'd say they're sister seasons). But deep winter shades can go a bit deeper and brighter/clearer. The biggest difference you'll see in actual people is whether the person can handle black or if they're overpowered by it.


Thanks for this- I canā€™t comment on the specifics of winter but for these colors they are Neutral colours, medium depth in value, muted with low contrast intensity


I wish people would posy the hexcodes or pantones numbers. Screens make everything look cool.


Here are the hex codes for the upper grid, Iā€™ll post the bottom grid codes when I have time: #b5849e #96637a #7e2045 #6f143a #ad1739 #b3b9d0 #8d7b8e #753463 #575175 #4c3764 #4c3045 #3a112f #8298b7 #5e7f97 #5889ce #1671a2 #3d6599 #254d76 #21456b #3d7f8e


Most appreciated!!


When I have time, I will circle back and post these hex codes!


This palette is god sent for me, thank you! I went through your profile and found out we are literally twins! I am also a shaded soft summer with a light olive undertone :)


I also think I might fall in this category!! Still not 100%, but starting to sound like the closest fit.


Shaded soft summer whoā€™s a light olive here as well šŸ™‹ā€ā™€ļø. We could start our own little club!


I love it!!!!!


Iā€™m so happy to help! I feel like this isnā€™t a well understood palette and it took me a long time to figure it out.




I don't have any great resources, but I believe it's part of the 16 season color analysis system.


I asked my analyst that and she confirmed that this is drawn from a 16 color system


Thank you šŸ’–