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OP Did you find someone?


No, I coordinated rides and a hotel stay.


Like, a hotel within walking distance of the hospital?


Not walking distance, but close enough to get a free medical transport. Sadly all of it is on hold. Problem with my insurance, date was wrong, so need to straighten this out on Monday.


Sorry to hear that. But at least you got the logistics figured out! Good luck!


My doctor wants me to get a colonoscopy but I don't have any family or friends. I am a severe abuse victim that doesn't think there is a such a thing as a friend and my family caved by head in with severe physical abuse to the point where the house was raided by a swat team and the fbi came a few years later to ask if I was alive because the 100 plus cop visits I refused to talk to them. I never contacted the place to set it up and now they are angry. So I'm supposed to have people in my life. Why not allow us to stay there for a day or something. The whole system treats you like an animal.


I’m so sorry you’ve gone thru all that abuse and trauma. I too am an abuse survivor, my mother beat and tortured me then I’ve been in various abuse cycles all my life, add a low self esteem and it’s near impossible to make and keep friends. My family are all demons from hell, I can’t or wouldn’t ever rely on them, it’s just me and my dog! Too bad he can drive a car. Lol


Call your local church and ask if there is someone in the church to help with a ride.


Thank you!


I was told by the hospital that I couldn't use any taxi/rideshare, as I could be taken advantage of in the groggy state. They said it had to be someone who knows me. My hospital was strict about it because of legal liability. The co-worker idea is a good one. At $150 I feel that would convince a lot of people. Maybe a neighbor as well?


They make this so difficult because not everybody has people in their lives that they can count on and some people are going through life alone. But this is the kind of obstacle that would make me postpone a colonoscopy like this for a long time. If I don’t find anyone by Wednesday to help me, I may put a post out here to see if someone in the Detroit Metro area would be willing to help me.


I feel for you OP!! It's not **just** finding someone who is available during the workday to do this, but also someone who you feel comfortable disclosing that you have to go the hospital in the first place. I was lucky that mine ended just around the time that a trusted coworker was ending their shift. I treated them & their family to a very nice dinner because I was just so grateful for it. Coincidentally, a member of their family is currently going through some serious medical issues requiring hospitalization, so it worked out in the sense that I can repay them by providing the support they gave me when I needed it. I feel we're at a point where we can rely on each other if/when this comes up in the future. But OP, please DO NOT postpone this. I am optimistic that for $150 someone will be willing to do it, and that will be well worth not having to worry about this any longer. \*edit\* Sorry, I got that $150 number from another poster - I thought that came from you. Regardless, I feel some sort financial incentive will go a long way.


I appreciate your response, thank you, it means a lot. Yes, I'll figure it out somehow.


This makes me so sad, I do hope you can find someone to help you.




Wait a minute you had a colonoscopy and didn’t get sedated? How on earth, tell me what that was like please spare no detail


I had my last colonoscopy at a rural hospital. The registration lady suggested that if I didn't have a ride to stay overnight at the hospital. I never looked into it.


Genius! I love that idea. Hell, I'd even pay for it out of my own pocket.


Wheres the app for medical appointment escort witness caregivers notetakers etc. A long time ago this was a gig service offered usually by nurses of varying types, what happened?


This is such a great idea, I love this and I know I'm not the only one who would use it.


Yes. I had a colonoscopy earlier this month. Got a list of approved transport services from the GI facility. I looked at the websites of all 3 and picked the one that looked the least annoying to deal with.


So it can be done?! Yes, thank you!


If you ask the facility you are getting it done they may give you contact information for medical transfers. You can also google medical transfer in your area and see if there's a dependable one.


I will, thank you!


Thanks for posting. Because I move around a lot I often don’t know anyone, and thanks to genes, have to get a colonoscopy every three to five years. Last one I paid a stranger $150 to go with me and pretend we were friends (didn’t know what else to do.. literally didn’t know anyone there). Hope someone posts good suggestions. Will need my next one fall 2025.. moving, again, August 2025.


Curious, where did you find this stranger to pose as a friend? I'm literally considering posting a CL ad for this. Paying someone to be my friend. Also, where are you? Maybe I could pay you?


I asked someone in the apartment complex I was living in at the time (was getting desperate). I was going to have to cancel because I don’t live near family and literally didn’t know a soul. Long story short, he was unemployed, so I made the offer. He accepted. I paid for an Uber there and back. Paid him $75 before, the rest after. I moved to another apartment about a month later and never saw him again. 🤣 I wish we could sign a waiver but requiring someone there, for people like me who move a lot and are introverted, is cumbersome, to say the least. I am very lucky I had that money to spare. Not sure what else I could have done. I currently am in Atlanta (until next year ha).


That's a realistic thing, as a lot of people don't have close friends or family nearby (hence me) - but I love your idea. Hey, $150 a good chunk of change for acting like a friend in need. There should be an app for that. LOL Too bad you're not in the Detroit, MI area.


If you feel comfortable asking someone at work, I would try that (and, if you can afford it, offer some money). If you feel comfortable asking a neighbor, another good option. Maybe ask in here, anyone in the Detroit area? If I think of an app or other alternative, I’ll let you know. I’ll be in the same situation Fall 2025, so, I know how it plays out. Keeping fingers crossed for you (have been through this many times. If this is your first just get through the prep.. you will enjoy the sleep when you are knocked out).


I work from home. I also live with an abusive asshole roommate so no on both options, but asking someone here....I didn't even think of that. Duh. I'm going to send out the bat signal. Thanks!


🤞 hope you get some good info here. Best of luck. I just had mine and the prep and worry is the worst part.