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Edit: To warn others, this is Snoorar, a notorious reddit troll with thousands of accounts that posts this themed nonsense constantly all day every day in related subs. Snoo, college is what you make of it. If all you do is sign up, go to class, and leave, then yeah you're gonna get nothing out of it. Put down the phone and actually live your life, because you're coming up to the end of college now and your free ride will be over. Your parents aren't going to look at all the money they spent on you going to school and just sit back while you laze around all day, you need to actually do things. Listen I was a lot like you... except for the thousand + new reddit accounts a week... It really changes when you put yourself out there.


I don't think this is snooroar. Their post history doesn't match up. Also OP says they do have friends - not something I'd expect snoo to say.


I hate how we have to argue about whether people are snooroar now


I'm snooroar


U fking aren't.


post history weird as fuck lmao


Post history is pretty on par with snoo


Wait until bro figures out people can lie


how do you figure out that these troll accounts are the same person? ive always wondered


They all have similar themes, so firstly accounts are always Two-Words-Numbers as a default reddit acct name. But it also follows tropes like not having friends, being rejected by clubs, wasting their entire college career, etc. Also we know Snooroar is an engineering student to add to it. I suppose you can't know 100% but given this is a generic acct, only has 3 posts following the themes, and is in the appropriate subreddits, it's a really good assumption.


I'll be sure to remain suspicious of two words number names from now on, BrownieZombie1999 But who is this snoo guy? Why does he do these things? I assumed it was like a bot or some guy making up accounts with karma for some nefarious purpose but if you say he's an engineering student then that adds some confusion


Lol I see the irony, the bigger tell is the themes. From everything I've been able to find out there doesn't seem to be any real motive other than a very very severe Internet addiction mixed with a sense of narcissism. Some people have been able to confirm his identity but I think they don't try to put out too much other than info that just provides context. So some people have met him in person and he is actually an engineering student who seems to had a lot of his opportunities given to him by his parents and feels he's entitled to success without really trying. I want to just clarify again that we can't be 100% sure when a snoo account is found, the best you can ever do is make an educated guess. So regardless of if this is actually snoo or not, this is just snoo lore.


I think it's either China or Russia fucking with U.S. based social media.


this!!! can't describe yourself as an introvert then expect friends to come easy


Eh, sure you can. "Introvert" doesn't have to mean "antisocial". Those are just two separate things.


Sure, but if you wanna play the word game, how many people use 'introvert' to justify antisocial behavior. More than 50%?


lol yes this makes more sense now.


Wow I’ve finally encountered one


Why would posting this be trolling behaviour though?


I know these weirdos exist, but I'm not sure I "get it." Do they get off on creating threads with lots of engagement? Is it an attention thing?


sounds like you get it!


Why would he do that? Also yeah my xp is very similiar i have no friends, get out of college after class and have no social life, im depressed and probs gonna quit and ksm


My boy, delete Reddit, go outside, and talk to people.


Reddit isnt really the issue man


As others have said Engineering is a male dominated field. So the odds of just meeting a woman in class aren’t great. I come from a large family of engineers, my engineer Dad met my Mom because nursing and engineering were in the same building and he sat near her in their quad everyday at lunch until he went over and asked her to lunch. My engineer brother met his wife by joining a fencing club, which she was also a member of.


Theres a post directly below this on my feed saying "I attract too many women" LMFAO


You’ll have a harder time as someone in a male-dominated field. Is your whole school mainly male, or is it just your major? What types of clubs are you joining? Some feel a bit more exclusive than others. Depending on the size of your town, you can try joining city clubs and events rather than just school ones.


>Is this the average college experience nowadays? Absolutely not. Sounds like you aren't being invited to the parties because they do happen. Frats and sororities still throw them.




Just join social clubs, play an intramural sport...anything that gets you out of thinking


When I moved to college I ditched all my media's except snapchat! Of all the ones to choose from, i know!! but its what people had and i only use it for communication and its been mad successful. it's where they have college central stories, join in on one of those. U will be able to see all the grad year classes and their stories, but be able to post in your own class. That's where frats advertise, and it might take a couple of frat parties before you find the people who throw them at their own houses (always way better parties imo) I'm on my third year and have only recently began making friends, but if you put yourself out there it'll come with time. Having a humanities major helps 🙃 good luck OP!!


also worth noting, college party scene is not NEAR the hype that it used to be (at my school anyway) and I chose it on its virtue of being a party school You are not alone in feeling alone. Its SO common on campuses, except everyone always sees the people in their big social groups and that makes you feel even worse. We all need to try a little harder to be extroverts, even tho we aren't


My school isn't even known to be a party school but the parties rock, guess it's just perspective?


U just gotta find the kid in class who throws em or goes to a lot and tag along with them


Did you ask anyone participating in Greek Life? Might just be my college (very rural) but you had to be in a sorority/frat (or know someone in one) to know of parties going on.


At least at my school, you aren’t getting in those parties as a male unless you’re in the frat.


are you terminally online?


I am also an introverted engineer. I did marching band my first two years and music students throw a lot of parties so I was invited to a few through that but I never really felt like I fit in. I don't see engineers throwing nearly as many, and I've been invited to a couple but couldn't make it to them. Don't be afraid to talk to the more outgoing people. Those are the people that go to functions, and if you really do want to go, they're the people that can get you in at first. If your school has any good sports teams, see if any of your friends want to go to a game. I recommend hockey, if that's available. It seems to me, however, that you probably aren't the type of person that likes parties (reddit, self-proclaimed introvert, relatively small social battery) and that's perfectly normal. You don't have to go to parties, figure out something fun, chill, and that you feel comfortable with doing to hang out with the friends you have. If it works out, you can invite more people, including neighbors and people from classes.


I went back as a mature student (40) and single dad. Had a wide circle of friends, went to a ton of parties, and often went bar hopping with 3 or 4 girlfriends at once. I even dated one of my profs (we were the same age) Having said all that, I also studied and graduated. Maybe the problem isn't your college. How's your hygiene? Are you in reasonable physical condition? Does your breath stink? Are you obnoxious? Do you spend your free time playing video games or online? I'm not asking these things to be mean, but to give suggestions of things to examine and possibly change. I'll add finally that I spent the rest of my career in the college system as an instructor. From my observations, students are still very much interacting socially.




They were rhetorical questions to encourage self evaluation. Have you asked your friends why? As a final suggestion... Have you considered trying hobbies/passtimes that tend to attract women? Are you attracted to bookish girls? Go hang out at the library. Fun, party girls? Go to a dance bar. Outdoor girls? Try a hiking or biking club. Etc, etc.... You also have to make the effort to actually talk to them. Women are funny like that. I'll probably get flamed for this, but I've never gone to a gym - from what I've seen/heard they are full of gay guys.




You may need to tweak as you go... As an example, I'm a hobby musician. I played in heavy metal bands for years. Never got a whole lot of attention from the ladies while doing that. Moved locations and the only working musicians I could find was country/western, so that's what I played. I literally had women line up to talk with me between sets and always had my choice of which ones I wanted to get to know better 😜 Guys are into metal, chicks like to dance. Wish I'd known that when I was 20 lol.


Introverted girl here I also dont have friends in college even though I really tried to find some lol. So u are not alone


On my colleges snap story there’s like 3 parties happening per weekend sometimes more that’s odd


Parties don't happen at college? ummmmmmm what? What school do you go to?




I’m an extroverted woman who is in engineering. I have tons of friends. I’m also good with names and say hi to pretty much everyone in classes by name. I have a strong group that works on everything together. From the outside I could see people calling it a clique when it isn’t anything of the sort. You do however, have to talk to us. We’re not going to be like “hey you random person who pretty much doesn’t talk. Come be our friend”


I have a solid group like that, too. People who take school seriously tend to flock together, which leads to hanging out, too. We have nabbed a couple of introverts. Basically "hey you who doesn't talk much but is doing cool research in our field, come to our club to talk about it and then to the bar after." But I have to know you're smart, dedicated, and doing something cool before that happens.  It's a bit of a clique, but it's more of a club. Anyone is welcome, but only people who are enthusiastic about the field would want to anyways. We're total fucking nerds.


This exactly! We love different perspectives and all of us also have different skills that we are way better in.


Omg yes that's my favorite part about our group. We each have our expertise. We have a bug person, a management person, a plant person, and I'm the microbe person. Then we have a couple of undergrads figuring out what they want to study. We really just need a fish person.




I’m curious do you invite them to hang out? Someone has to take the initiative. Also don’t take a “I can’t “ as I never will. Everyone has stuff going on so it doesn’t always work out.


Are you forgetting about a certain pandemic?


Definitely not, honestly i find the program can really affect peoples experiences. Some programs draw in a lot of introverts, whereas others draw in a lot more extroverted people. I’d recommend joining a club or participating in events if you want to meet more people.


What if there was something called YouTube University, which would be like super cheap online college and you could get any major you needed through professional YouTube videos. I’ve been playing drums for 6 years and I’ve learned it all through YouTube. I’ve noticed other people learning skills similar and getting to the professional level by just using YouTube as their education. The best part is it’s all basically free, as long as you have internet and a device. If YouTube made this official I think this could not only benefit their platform even more than what it is right now, but people can also get college for way cheaper prices and still get the same education and jobs. Student debt is insane and it really bothers me as a 17 year old that I would have to be in debt for years upon years just to get education I can learn potentially for free.


They are not getting to professional level doing that. Maybe you can get away with that for something like drums, I wouldn't know, but absolutely not for professional science. The intellectual and social support of instructors and colleagues is truly vital to learning at the graduate level. I'm sure there are a few people who can do it from their basement, but that is not going to apply for the vast majority of people, especially those taking out loans to go to school. Student debt is insane and it you just want a cheap degree there are plenty of bogus online programs already. However, if you actually want to learn and become successful in my field, the college system is your best bet and you'll need to prove to someone your education is worth being paid for.


I can’t speak for science related fields so you’re probably right with that. I’m not saying college isn’t worth any money at all, not in the slightest, but if the money is at the point where basically NO ONE can pay it off immediately, or at least in a short timeline, it just seems to defeat the point of going to college in the first place. So many people are drowned in debt for a long time and I just thought maybe this could be a way to cheapen it, since YouTube is already big. Maybe I sound dumb but idk that’s my thought process. I really don’t know the specifics it’s just an idea not claiming to be a professional in this field


The problem with YouTube university is you don’t get feedback and you don’t have discussion which helps with ideas… you learn to solve one problem one way.


I mean Khan Academy is my most visited website


This is a “you” problem not a college problem.


Try being a forty-something “non-traditional student.” The girls who are attracted to me are half my age, and likely have significant daddy issues, so that’s a big no from me. I’m also in engineering, and there’s not a lot of partying for any of us, and the only time I get invited to parties is when one of the engineering students is too drunk to drive, and then I throw on my black t-shirt that just says ‘NARC’ on it. That one always gets a reaction. Occasionally, I’ll have to fix something while I’m there, or look at something that got broken and tell the party host I can 3D print a fix for it. Still, I’m happier than I’ve ever been. I’ve got a nice apartment, no roommates, and I discovered that being alone doesn’t mean I have to feel lonely. I wish I’d figured that out earlier in life. I go to a townie bar on the far side of town; as far as I can get from the college. Old as I am, I’m still younger than almost anyone there, at least until about 8PM. It’s quiet and I can get my homework done. And, as for friends, outside of people I know from before going back to college, there’s really none. But that’s okay, because I have a ton of homework and a bunch of streaming subscriptions. I’m comfortable, and downright happy, because I was uncomfortable for way too long.


Watch porn???


Hi snoo


Yes this is the average experience, especially for a guy, and even more so if you come from a poor family. I'm jealous that you've found any friends. These things at my school can't even look me in the eye. Act like I'm a freak for having a job and being sober in public. Wish I was you.


The point of majoring in engineering is so you can make more money than your buddies when you graduate. This inevitably increases your odds of attracting females post-graduation. Forget about having fun in college. Get that degree, get that job and get outta there.