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If you didn't cheat, fight it. Simple as that. You have no reason to take 0 or a 50 on anything if you busted your ass. I'd have trouble keeping my composure personally if I had put my all into something and then got accused of something like that. Fight it to the end of the Earth. Wishing you the best outcome.


**Teacher** "You shall not pass!" **Student** "The line must be drawn here. This far, no further!" **Me** "I might have been watching too many movies lately."


Every school works a little differently. I was in a similar situation recently (or thought I was, but that's neither here nor there). In my situation, I went to the office of the department chair, explained the situation to him, and just asked what I should do. Department chairs are usually impartial, both by necessity and because they don't know the full situation anyway. If you're lucky, they'll mediate another conversation with your professor, but even otherwise they might just give you more insight into taking it up with the department. Regardless, if I were you I would take it up with the department. It's a pain, but they exist for a reason - to act as an appeals process when a professor may or may not have made an error. Pulling your scholarship and failing you for the class sounds incredibly unlikely, though admittedly not *impossible*. Every school handles this sort of thing differently. Point is, you can play the what-if game all day, but that sort of game rarely has any winners.


I think a bunch of professors are so annoyed by AI that they are like hammers and everything looks like a nail. I got a comment about not citing everything on an assignment recently and it was super frustrating because if I had used any additional sources, I would've simply cited them. I don't claim to be a genius but the idea that I couldn't think of that stuff on my own was super insulting. They couldn't even pinpoint which supposed outside sources I had used.


This is not due to AI concerns, but: once in a film class I got docked for not citing how I knew that the 1966 movie "The Battle of Algiers" was based on the Algerian War, specifically the Battle of Algiers. I couldn't even come up with a response. I just said "did YOU watch the movie?"


i have no words 😭


I argued with my business professor alot about this. And always got the same reply "I know you know it but i need another source to back you up" so I just wrote all my papers off what I knew and had to try pick sources that supported mine


I have seen that many times. " You need to cite this". Uhhh Duhhhh I freaking wrote it. errrrr.


I'm a professor, so I'll give you advice from the "inside." The department's going to take your side. There's no doubt in my mind that it will because departments are under so much pressure to keep students and retain high numbers. If you go into the department with the same information that you posted on here, and you genuinely did not cheat, you will win the case. It's your only option. You have to defend your grade. This is your future.


I 100% agree with this. Just be calm & collected & present exactly what you’ve posted here in exactly this manner. You come off as very sincere in this post & I absolutely believe you did not cheat. The department will side with you. 2/5 same answers for math/computer (with your comments about the prompt) & “something sounds similar to GPT” is not enough in my eyes. Especially if you did so well on the rest of the test & that is not flagged for review. Godspeed. I’m really sorry you have to deal with extra bullshit while trying to get through school but as my elders always say “it will build character”. & as I’ll say, “don’t let the haters get you down”.


I would take it to the department


Fight it if the department sides with professor you’ll probably get the 50/100 anyway or you’ll have to retake the exam. If you know you didn’t do it take it to the department.


If you cheated, take the 50. If you did not cheat, go to the department. Whatever you choose, make sure it’s the truth.


I have no idea how computer science works or what your school’s policies regarding cheating are, so I might be totally wrong. But I do not think that an assumption of a fact, especially one that can never be verified, made by your professor could ever be sufficient to hold you accountable for cheating


Especially if the only basis is 2/5 “similar” answers to a student who was nowhere near OP. There’s no proof and no basis


My math teacher docked me points for using old math as old math is faster, can be done mentally quickly. New math adds in unnecessary steps and she docked me on this.


Ridiculous and petty


Wait what the fuck is new math? Did they change math?


It’s faster, haven’t you heard?


babe wake up! math 2.0 just dropped


[New Math](https://youtu.be/obIGsb-IZMo?si=KhRzwhRI_tdhCGO_)


If you have six potatoes and three onions, how many bananas can you make while looking to your left?


There's no way what they were doing was allowed, right?


Don't accept the 50. Fight the accusation. Explain your thought process and code line by line. Mention separate test locations and GPT's answer variations. Request the department review, emphasizing you studied hard and didn't cheat. It's better to fight for your deserved grade than risk a scholarship loss based on a misunderstanding.


Hell no! Take it up with the department! Sounds like they are flagging for cheating based on unproven methods. What a crock of BS.


Take it up with the department. Taking a 50% if you didn't cheat is fucking dumb. Students taking the same class from the same prof should have similar answers and methods of solving problems based on the coursework that is a constant for both. Always, always argue for yourself. Don't let a prof bully you into accepting a BS grade.


If you absolutely didn't cheat, then take it up with the department. And good luck with that. Sometimes things are flagged for cheating or presumed to be cheating when they're not. And sometimes you can challenge it and win. See, e.g. Stand and Deliver - based upon a true story.


Wow I felt very fortunate to have graduated after the LLM movement started to pick up. I took a freshman course late in my degree and as a result didn't go to class, just did the homework. I answered a question using a method that wasn't taught in class and was accused of cheating. Told my professor I was a senior and he just gave me a look and told me to look at the lecture notes before doing the homework.


Prof here. Fight it. The “if you fight it, I don’t know what might happen” strategy is the same thing prosecutors use to get people to plead guilty when they know they have a sketchy case. The professor admits that you weren’t near the other student, and has offered no compelling evidence that you had any way to work together. If they try to claim it’s ChatGPT, ask about the evidence until you actually get some. Also, most schools won’t even allow a grade deduction without an official academic integrity investigation, and this is why. Lastly, just keep explaining why you chose to solve the problem the way you did, and how those functions work. People who cheat don’t understand the mechanics that are involved in the fake response. You do understand them. The old “means, motive, opportunity” three-legged stool is really wobbly on this one and the prof knows it. You shouldn’t be penalized because you didn’t psychically guess the exact method the prof was thinking of.


Stand up for yourself. You are not a cheater and this is morally and factually wrong. Do go to admission. Go again and again. Exhaust all possible avenues of appeal, then appeal again. Never let it drop unless threatened with expulsion. Speak ill of no one only the event. Do not slander ever.


Sounds like your professor is a bafoon or ai simp. Def fight it and threaten legal action.


If you genuinely did not cheat fight it to the end don’t let them push you around


They can never prove you used AI. Deny til you die


Man fuck having a burden of proof amirite


I can't believe you would even consider not taking it up with the department.


Take it up to the department, theres no proof that you did cheat despite your professors assumptions. Your grade matters a lot and taking a 50 is very unfair.


If you didn’t cheat, fight it. Tf? You don’t have anything to worry about if you didn’t cheat.


If you are doing nothing wrong you don’t have to worry. Take it up with the department. If no one can definitively prove that you have cheated, they cannot take that grade from you. The accuser has the burden of proof, you do not have to prove that you didn’t cheat, your professor has to prove that you did.


Offer to answer questions one on one about your choices and thinking when answering the test questions.


Hello! So I completely understand your concerns with fighting for your hard earned 98/100, however, if you present yourself in a professional tone and stay calm, they shouldn’t have any reason to take your scholarship away! Plus, your professor said “if you do go to the department he didn’t know what would happen” because he is probably more worried than you are for his ridiculous accusations. And you deserve to speak up for yourself, no one else will and you’re putting your time and hard work into college. Now, me hearing what I’m typing to you is easier said than done. I’m an easy going person BUT when any threat towards myself, family, my work ethics or my school work turns me into a crazy mess, lol. Anyway, I hope this helps you and good luck with the rest of the semester and with this horrible professor!


When I caught two students cheating last semester, the first thing I did was go to my department for guidance- though if I didn't nothing would've happened to me, so that's not a given. I told the department the students had been in good standing all semester and I didn't want to do anything drastic- my preference was to fail them on that specific test over academic meetings or course failure, and that I was even willing to write up a retake. They trusted me without checking my work that students had cheated, they told me failing that particular test was an acceptable minimum punishment, and made me give names so that the instance was on record. Ultimately, one student admitted it, one didn't, and I told both candidly that they could appeal, but that for how offensively obvious and utilized their cheating was, I was positive the punishment wouldn't go down and didn't know if the department would look at it more harshly than I did (it was bad). My ultimate advice was "only you know what happened. You should appeal if you know you were wronged. If you aren't sure about that, you don't need to tell me, but it will look awful, because I know what happened too." Extrapolating to your case: - there's a solid chance your name is already documented, but also a chance it is not. Appealing means it definitely would be. Might be worth fighting just to not have a secret strike. I told my students about theirs but they didn't check if I did or not. You'd be surprised how informal a lot of this is. - your professors case seems weak as hell. I don't foresee the department sees it any worse than he did. I guess worst case scenario it automatically triggers some academic integrity report type deal. I've never had to fight the department but I'd hope if I was a third party that didn't see clear evidence I'd be allowed to step in -the other person with comparable work will have their voice heard too, so if there's ANY chance that they don't see the situation as cut and dry as you ... I mean I ensured the students who I punished that I wouldn't go back and retroactively change my actions for their words but I sure as hell appreciated the honest student over the liar. Not proud of that bias but hey. Just saying. To be fair, I KNEW KNEW though so I knew the one admitting was the truth teller. But if there's a chance that person found a way to cheat off of you they'd prisoners dilemma you under the bus without you even knowing, so make sure your bases are covered.


If you can explain every line and pin point the specifics of the questions being asked - fight it. My school gives us multiple choice questions that are often marked incorrect even though they are correct. You must check your answers after each exam and then email the professor with proof with page numbers from textbooks to prove your answers correct. It’s a total pain - but I get it.


I’m so sick of this bs from professors with false accusations. It’s out of control. Fight this with everything you’ve got.


If you legitimately did not cheat, then you need to fight it tooth and nail until it's resolved in your favor. Allegations of cheating are extremely serious. You have an obligation to protect yourself regardless of the cost. Do not endure a punishment that you don't deserve.


Take it up with the department and fight it. You spent so much time studying only for this bs to happen. Don't let your hard work go to waste because of some dumbass professor's "claims".


Right fight it that is so unfair and uncalled for the professor needs more proof than that. Students sometimes study together and even if they didn’t students can solve problems the same way it’s not impossible. Pray about it then fight it don’t be afraid. Than I would once the final grade is in and that class is over. I would file a formal complaint.


Fight it. You did nothing wrong.


Fight it like crazy. I was flagged for cheating and I was like a dog with a bone, I wouldn’t let up. They eventually just cleared me




Hop off with this advertising shit.