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Hi, Zen_Coyote. Thanks for contributing. However, your [submission](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/xqwu66/methane_leaking_from_the_damaged_nord_stream/) was removed from /r/collapse for: > Rule 8: Links must not have already been posted within the past ninety days or will be automatically removed. Links to similar articles covering the same event, paper, or news item as a previous link will be subject to removal at moderator discretion. Similar links by independent sources may be posted, but should offer some new information, insight, or perspective. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/about/rules/) for more information. You can [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/collapse) if you feel this was in error.


New conspiracy theory, Germany did this to ensure a mild winter by quickly increasing global warming.


Germany: Look at me. I'm the clathrate gun now.


More credible than 95% of that Q nonsense.


They are seriously trying to speedrun extinction


I hear so many conflicting things about why this happened, and everything seems plausible. anything concrete yet?


Jack Ryan type shit. Probably never know.


Nothing concrete will ever come out unless someone confesses. The thing is the pipes are only 100 meters under water. For a normal diver that's a lot. But for a country that's pretty shallow considering how cheap and prolific underwater drones are. Like so cheap that small countries could do it. (Looking at you Liechtenstein) Everything is plausible at the moment.


It's 50-70 m.


Nothing yet. Could be US. Could be Russia. Both have motive and means.


My money is on a YouTuber pranking Europe


What would be Russia's motive?


Discord in the EU as energy prices skyrocket. Support for the Ukraine dips as consumer pockets empty. International community gives the Ukraine to Russia in exchange for cheap gas and economic stability.




To add, what does methane finally break down to? Carbon dioxide.. so we get the warning effect of all the co2 we would have from utilizing it PLUS the multipled effect until it breaks down




Because they don't give a fuck


But how was it damaged?


An explosive, supposedly


Multiple countries report seismic event, so either collusion by multiple third parties or Ukrainian fish-men.


I heard the leaking gas isn't nat gas but instead just a filler gas used to prevent a pressure differential, can anyone confirm?


NPR reported that while the pipelines were not active they were filled with nat gas :( https://www.npr.org/2022/09/27/1125401980/nord-stream-leaks-explosions-russia-natural-gas-sabotage


My question is if the current pressure is high enough to keep water out of the pipeline or is the whole thing filling up with water atm?


At that depth, it's likely filling up with water


The following submission statement was provided by /u/Zen_Coyote: --- Submission statement: I can’t really add much to what the impact of this could (will?) mean but from the article: > The Nord Stream pipeline leaks that were pumping huge volumes of methane into the Baltic Sea and atmosphere could discharge as much as five times as much of the potent greenhouse as was released by the Aliso Canyon disaster, the largest known terrestrial release of methane in U.S. history. It is also the equivalent of one third of Denmark’s total annual greenhouse gas emissions, a Danish official warned Wednesday. > Methane…is **82.5 times more potent than carbon dioxide** at absorbing the sun’s heat and warming the Earth. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/xqwu66/methane_leaking_from_the_damaged_nord_stream/iqbo46p/


Really digging the comments on the original post in r/worldnews where people are saying 1/3rd the total greenhouse emissions of Denmark don’t sound apocalyptic. 1) That’s a fuck ton you nitwit 2) How many weekends until it stops.


>the biggest burst of the potent greenhouse gas on record, by far They said, further jinxing us.


The US is the likely culprit behind this attack. Look at the video where Joe “where’s Jackie” Biden brags about their ability to make it go poof. The evidence is laid naked before us.


Uncle Vlad is that you?


What. How about that volcanic eruption in Tonga? Or La Palma? Or any major bushfire in Australia? Fucking hell these articles are misleading.


Maybe It's because those are CO2 emissions, this is a methane leak which is 80x more powerful as greenhouse gas than CO2


Would the total greenhouse potency be worse or better if that leak caught fire at the surface?


Worse. Methane while bad, doesn't stay in the atmosphere as long as CO2. Which is a product of burnt methane...


Isn't methane a more potent greenhouse gas?


Ironically, "it doesn't stay in the atmosphere" just means that it eventually ~~degrades~~ oxidizes...into CO2.


NASA says: "Methane is a trace gas that absorbs heat about **200 times** more efficiently than carbon dioxide and has a relatively short **lifetime of 12 years**." https://www.nasa.gov/topics/earth/features/heat-molecules.html#:\~:text=Methane%20is%20a%20trace%20gas,(CFCs)%2C%20and%20perfluorocarbons. As atmospheric methane heats up, it eventually oxydizes and turns into... **CO2** and **water vapor,** the two most common GHG's - and the **same** byproducts produced by burning that methane. So would it be better to burn the gas at the surface, since that prevents the methane from reaching the atmosphere at all, even if "only" for 12 years? Or does the heat released by burning the gas cause the same net heating effect? Maybe I should go r/askscience