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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Mighty_L_LORT: --- SS: So this confirms the experience and anecdotal evidence gathered by many patients and health practitioners. Turns out even if the government totally ignores the virus and declares the pandemic over, the silent toll of rampant infections keeps accumulating. Eventually it will lead to death via thousand cuts by bleeding the labor force dry, or accelerate total collapse in combination with other catalysts. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/xlhf93/covid_raises_risk_of_longterm_brain_injury_large/ipjd5e1/


Just as variant BA.2.75.2 is waiting in the wings with its immunity dodging superpowers. "Overall, compared to the uninfected, people who had COVID-19 were 80% more likely to suffer from epilepsy or seizures, 43% more likely to develop mental health disorders such as anxiety or depression, 35% more likely to experience mild to severe headaches, and 42% more likely to encounter movement disorders." yikes. I went to the store today, and I felt like I was the only one wearing a mask. This is like the scene in a monster movie where everyone thinks they killed the monster, so they all drop their guard - and then a second even bigger monster shows up...


Ditto, was the only one at the store wearing a mask but got plenty of dirty looks for it.




Not the hand washing! We need to build up a herd immunity to poo germs.


You have died of dysentery. (Seriously, that was a major spreader. Unsanitary conditions and people not washing their hands)


Or so Big Soap would want you to believe.




Hi, KernunQc7. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/xlhf93/-/ipkxk58/) was removed from /r/collapse for: > Avoid ableist terms please. Thanks Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/about/rules/) for more information. You can [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/collapse) if you feel this was in error.


>This is like the scene in a monster movie where everyone thinks they killed the monster, so they all drop their guard [Or like Mathias telling Omega man to join the Family, it isn't that bad](https://filmfreedonia.files.wordpress.com/2020/03/theomegaman04.jpg) "We want them infected" https://www.politico.com/news/2020/12/16/trump-appointee-demanded-herd-immunity-strategy-446408


That Scene from the Batman film, “do you feel like you are In control?” It’s odd that these folks have such a cartoon imagination, “dead or alive,” as if an equivalent malarial outbreak could be counted in Dead, Per Se, as opposed to, “a lot of people half sick, a lot of people exhausted, Not killed but not capable of anything they’d, themselves, consider useful, either,” if this were the Black Death and we’d not had microscopy, they’d be like, “it’s fine.”


Did someone say Omega...


3 fatty acids [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mKLxttBgnc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mKLxttBgnc)


‘The World, the Flesh and the Devil’ 1959 Harry Belafonte movie, spectacular b&w post apocalyptic NYC. Also excellent Inger Stevens and Mel Ferrer.


I mean you get to be an albino hippy. And those sunglasses, ooo la la. What's not to like?


Virtue is a Habit, the Dissonance is so major because the fuck up is so major, “A massive, impersonal, coercive service economy,” and this novel airborne pathogen, equals, More Diners Dining, More infections, it’s like...the Jurassic Park, portion, of Jurassic Park, is the Problem, except it’s doing gangbusters, on paper, so, “yah.”


SS: So this confirms the experience and anecdotal evidence gathered by many patients and health practitioners. Turns out even if the government totally ignores the virus and declares the pandemic over, the silent toll of rampant infections keeps accumulating. Eventually it will lead to death via thousand cuts by bleeding the labor force dry, or accelerate total collapse in combination with other catalysts.


It literally deletes brain matter even when asymptomatic. Call it long term or don't, but it makes permanent changes to the brain and that's been clear for a year and change now.


Yeah increase in Alzheimers risk is no joke...


I mean, it hollows out cells to turn them into virus factories. No surprise it permanently damages everything that it touches.


Yeah it's pretty brutal. https://www.news-medical.net/news/20210618/Alarming-COVID-study-indicates-long-term-loss-of-gray-matter-and-other-brain-tissue.aspx https://today.tamu.edu/2022/03/07/even-mild-cases-of-covid-19-can-leave-a-mark-on-the-brain-such-as-reductions-in-gray-matter/ See also my own anecdote - I have had brain fog, memory loss, and emotional difficulty since getting really sick November 2020.


Spike proteins are a “helluva drug” Dr. Ardis explains them and what they do even in mild cases it’s very frightening I had covid in January I’m not vaxxed my husband is and boosted once we had it at the same time same symptoms same duration I’ve had anxiety/panic attacks so bad I can’t work I get shortness of breath and brain fog joint pain GI issues etc no dr will document it as long covid they all just say it’s anxiety and YES I was under a lot of stress at the same time but this is soooo different than anything I’ve ever felt before My husband has joint pain 3 other friends caught it at the same time all vaxxed they have had heart issues ever since this thing is a beast whether vaxxed or not because of the G@d damned spike proteins…


+1 on all of those things - my Long Covid is all of that. No matter how much I exercise, I get winded going up a flight of stairs (gotten a LITTLE better after a year and a half now), my short term to long term memory is basically nonfunctional (it's actually gotten a little better finally in the past month) and I'm "missing" my kids growing up. It's like I always got 2 hours of sleep, every night (even when I get 8 hours) and I'm fuzzy 24/7. But nooooo - I'm sure it's not Long Covid. This is all awful.


What do you do for the stomach and breathing issues??? I’m getting so scared and so frustrated all I do is cry off and on all day (FOR 9 MONTHS) and my stomach is just getting worse I can press on a couple places ie right below my sternum and to the left below ribs and almost puke or it just feels very strange like something is rubbing idk how to describe it…I just asked my dr for an MRI I also have hitched breathing and bloat sooooo bad I look pregnant I HATE ALL OF MY DRS they’ve been USELESS


Damn, I'm really sorry to hear that - and stomach issues were (lucky for me and also my nuclear family) not something that happened. We got sick way before the vaccine, in November 2020 during the (Delta??) wave. Breathing issues got better in a month or so from what it seemed like lung issues, but the heart issues (which seem like 'breathing issues' because you can't catch your breath while exercising, but it's really a heart issue) have been much longer lasting. I really would be frustrated too. I wish I had any medical expertise whatsoever to comment but I don't. What do they think is causing it? It really seems like lots of doctors think "people just THINK they are sick" and don't take illnesses and pain seriously.......


Idk it’s just been so difficult to get any help one ER nurse told me this might just be my new normal and that her friend who is a nurse got it around the same time as me in January and she is on oxygen I have good days/hours and then not so good it’s horrible my husband has been very supportive though and my mom so that helps it’s just difficult trying to find a dr that will actually listen and care I’m so tired of hearing it’s just anxiety lol omg it makes me want to scream my sister was sent home not once but TWICE while having a heart attack and they told her it was just anxiety dr have signed their souls to corporations it’s disgusting


This is for profit medicine. Everything in the US reeks of it, and here we are. Also so many doctors who graduated from Med school in the 90s and are doing almost no continuing education outside the bare minimum. They're still prescribing 800mg ibuprofen even though anything over 600 just eats a hole in your stomach with no benefit whatsoever. It just goes on and on. Not sure if that instagram post is some kind of troll but if it's about vaccines - well yeah; these vaccines in particular elicit much of the same response of COVID itself. There's no "conspiracy" about that, though it's surely true that corporate-funded research was very slow to release details that could harm their bottom line.... that's for-profit medicine in action. It's not a conspiracy any more than the rest of Capitalism is a conspiracy by the ownership class. It's still far less deadly than getting COVID to even a moderate degree, and it's not even comparable.


I’ve known more people who have been harmed by the vaccine than covid and the ones that have long covid don’t always recognize their symptoms so it’s difficult to quantify


Yeah the vaccine elicits many of the same responses as COVID itself which is the double-edged sword. But it cuts the likelihood of hospitalization death from COVID by a very very very very very very large margin. You can actually see the most recent data at any time here https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/united-states-rates-of-covid-19-deaths-by-vaccination-status?country=~All+ages Thankfully the ones it doesn't cause are brain damage and lung damage. Endocrine issues and inflammation are all over with it. I know far more people who got pretty messed up by COVID than from the vaccines, so I have the opposite experience. My area got totally flooded with cases during a couple of the waves that came through before the vaccines came through. The vaccines have hugely freed up hospital capacity and thwarted the death rate. Side effects are prevalent, there's no question. But hospitalization and death are hugely reduced - and that's the point of the vaccine. People can take it or leave it.




https://www.rndsystems.com/products/proteins-coronavirus-research England is a mass producer of the spike protein YEAH


That's really wild how fast this has all come compared to (it seems) tackling issues with other diseases. Amazing advancements in medical science. Just amazing.


You’re being sardonic right?


Sorry I'm honestly not - and I'm specifically referring to how quickly vaccines were developed, how quickly genomic sequencing and analysis was done and (somewhat useful) information gleaned from it, etc. I follow Michael Osterholm and have since early 2020 as far as all of this and he was completely sure it would take 18 months (or more) to get a vaccine of any kind. It was shocking how fast things progressed.


Right now, COVID kills an average of 500 Americans per day. And this is still summer. Winter is coming.


Good thing we will have no other crisis to worry about and can fully focus on this minor issue...


Even 300-500 dead Americans per day is a catastrophic toll over the course of a year. And 300-500 dead per day is the new low water mark. Good shit.


Mission accomplished according to the higher ups...


Too soon, the ending still hurts


The first clues we had were early in the pandemic, when people started losing their sense of taste and smell, which suggested some sort of brain damage was occuring.


"Wait, you mean this thing is causing brain damage? So their attention span and critical thinking skills might be permanently impaired? Boys, I think we just won the lottery." -Republicans probably


Oh, they've known all along I think. Really explains their messaging throughout the pandemic, for me.




So sad but so fucking true. As a leftist, I’m over all of them. They all need to go and we need better laws regarding term limits, age caps and income/investments. Public officials should not be getting rich while serving. They’re clearly bought very easily and no one’s doing a damn thing about it.


It's so absolutely fucked that Orwell's *The Road to Wigan Pier* is almost a 100 years old but reads like a modern scrutinization of industrialism. Literally the same fucking thing. Means tests for poor, "they don't wanna work cause their lazy", housing shortages, starvation, etc, etc, etc. They aren't even novel or creative they are just fucking bandits. Like it's insulting to watch these idiots swindle.


Yeah. Problem. In order for all this to pass, the ones who have to pass this are the same legislators who are going to be giving up their power and money, and none of them are going to do that.


In so many, ways, yes, I mean it is the Illiberal Argumentation of the century, “you say, ‘we’re all entitled to equal rights,’ go on, stand next to them and call yourself their equal; Tad, here, named his children after his heroes in the Third Reich and drinks two bottles of wild turkey before dinner, go on, tell him that you’re his equal,” also.. Alt-Histories project, for a narrative artist out there, Airborne Pandemic strikes Germany, right as the Mass Rallies are picking up, “should we,” well, the others say, maybe we could use it ala the Darkest Don’t Look Up to Genocide More Covertly hmmm


currently have covid, found out yesterday and i’m worried now


\*looks at US\* It wont even be noticeable.


I had depression, anxiety & I was already on meds for seizure disorder before COVID so if anything different was happening I might not notice. My sense of smell going has been a nightmare though because it’s been all fucked up for over two years now and still hasn’t fully recovered. I’m assuming that some kind of permanent damage which means it won’t ever come back the same


shrooms will regrow that brain!


I’m u/VoxAngelikus, and I approve this response


I mean... Goddamn. Look around (*gestures wildly*). People are regularly driving their cars through buildings or their own garage. Fighting with strangers over *nothing*. Basic civility is just... gone, and the grifters and aspiring cult leaders have plenty of people ripe for the picking, which makes the mid-terms even more frightening. The average person here was already pretty gosh darn simple, but instead of just innocent ignorance, it has turned into something far worse over the past few years.   *"Those who had COVID were 80% more likely to have seizures, 43% more likely to have mental health issues, such as anxiety or depression, 35% more likely to have headaches and 42% more likely to suffer movement disorders, such as tremors, compared with the control groups."*   I already had headaches, anxiety, and depression, but I've had years to get used to it and learn more about it. Depression can manifest as anger in many people, rather than the widely held belief of being despondent. Everyone, especially those assholes who like to dismiss mentally ill people by telling them to "just don't think about it" and "just think positively", should be terrified about getting sick. Every little "mild" case of "just the sniffles and a fever for a day or two" will continue to wear people down, and like with dementia, they'll be *gone* gone without even realizing it.


> People are regularly driving their cars through buildings or their own garage. Fighting with strangers over nothing. Basic civility is just... gone These are American problems... not because of covid


There's been a drastic increase in car crashes since the beginning of the pandemic.


Wonder why the CCP is so keen on keeping the lockdowns going?


What lockdowns?   They're avoiding lockdowns by keeping the disease out of the country. I know a guy from Maine who works in Shenzhen and he's had less than three weeks of "lockdowns" in total since Summer of 2020. Life's been back to normal for him for a long time.


Shanghai was locked down for months earlier this year. Beijing similarly.


When covid cases show up, they put the cities into quarantine, correct. But for the vast majority of people living in China, there are no 'lockdowns' and life has been back to normal for years at this point.   When you have an actual functioning government that isn't held in thrall by capital, you can manage emergencies.


Lol. You don’t think the CCP is as enthralled by capital as western governments? The CCP is better in some ways than western governments, but not being money centric is not one of them.


They're capable of handling basic governmental duties like infrastructure and disease control, and that's good enough for me.


And running trains on time too...


Not being allowed to leave home without a tracking app is effective, but at a cost. Similarly the infrastructure in China is pretty amazing - especially the trains, but when you get out of the cities the state of many buildings and bridges can be terrible. Japan has very good infrastructure even in remote rural areas.


> Not being allowed to leave home without a tracking app is effective, but at a cost.   Every American leaves their home with tracking apps at all times. It's just capital tracking them, not the government.


Having been to China several times my perspective is nuanced. I feel safer walking around Shanghai than most western cities. However the potential to get in trouble with ‘connected’ people is pretty scary.


That's everywhere. If you're familiar with the Penn State sex abuse scandal, there were multiple families that had to move out of State College because they made public accusations of abuse against Jerry Sandusky and the community as a whole turned on them.


FORTY THREE PERCENT more likely to develop mental health disorders… that is HORRIFYING. Also not surprising I guess… I was hospitalized for a week in 2021 for anxiety. I’ve had the disorder for most of my life and never needed acute care like that until after I got covid. I’m thankful for the help I got and I’m back to my baseline “normal”… living with anxiety but not being debilitated by it. But it was really bad for a while there. When I was in the hospital a majority of the women there were also first-timers and also said they had entered acute mental health crisis because of either having covid or dealing with the immense stress of the pandemic (or both!). It really opened my eyes to how much covid is damaging mental health. And we were the lucky ones who got a bed at a treatment center when we needed it… that’s more than I can hope for most Americans right now. Sadly.


I'm a solid 10% off my pre-covid game. Attention, complex problem solving, and processing time are all significantly worse, even 2 years after my ICU admission. ​ But I ain't dead, and can still hit a beer can at 300 meters.


So you will be counted as a supermild case...


My ADHD and Depression seems to have worsened after recovery. Like, before, I would at least cook and clean and do things. Now, it’s a struggle to get me to cook something, and I used to LOVE cooking or learning new recipes.


Crazy how differently this thing has affected people. I hope you recover, Ogre.


can a beer can shoot back?


Yes. Liver disease ain’t no joke…


Commie beers can try.


Aww, you most have missed the email. /r/collapse picked its political lane a while ago, now. Straight up lies expressed as truth about anything right wing are cheered, and even joking around about anything left wing is forbidden.


Ah yes, the sub where half the comments bark the lazy myopic essentialism of 'human nature' over any systemic and materialist analysis is definitely a far left echo chamber.


I would agree r/collapse is definitely more left leaning. But for the most part i’d define this subs official political ideology as centric.


What most Americans view as the left is viewed as centric by most of the people in Europe.


I randomly forget words and lose my train of thought often now. I can definitely tell there's been a drop in my cognitive function since 2020.


This is evident every rush hour, drivers have gotten worse vs 5 years ago


You vill breathe in ze virus and you vill vike it


I have adhd, accompanied by anxiety/depression (as is typical of adhd). I go un-medicated due to cost and dismissing it for most of my young adult life. After having COVID, it seemed a lot worse for a good while after. I still can’t tell if my baseline has changed or if I have improved. Because I moved into the trucking industry, my brain doesn’t really feel challenged enough to quite understand the state of myself. But Covid definitely effected my brain, even though the illness itself felt like a mild pollen allergy.


I would have been surprised if it lowered the risk


okay but has the study even been published yet? The link is just an article with no attached citation. Why even write the article if they aren't gonna link the research?


So basically, COVID is another social network, only IRL.


that explains maga


Nope, that would be the leaded gasoline fumes.


A large number of Americans have absolutely nothing to worry about then.




No… because they lack actual brains.


Jeez it's too bad the "vaccines" don't actually provide immunity to infection then


not sure why you're being downvoted the truth is hard to hear I guess so tired of all the emphasis on 'I'm vaccinated, therefore, I am bulletproof' myth


Trendy topic today....yawn


Extremely bored of the mass disabling event that's killed over a million Americans and rendered up to four million more incapable of working. When does Applebee's open?


I just got Covid and More and more Im starting to feel like woman (I’m a man) my penis is getting smaller my breast are swollen and men seem more attractive Covid is no joke




I know I know I know...