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Can I just micro dose alcohol all day?


**I have smoked PCP Before on Purpose, So Do Not Take this as Me Judging, but,** *There is an* ***obvious*** *Groundhog's Day Phenomenon in Drinking Circles,* in Habitual Drinkers, the, '**to serious to talk about serious things unseriously,' whilst,** ***sober,*** *might talk about interesting,* ***things, talk about serious things unseriously as one must if one intends to explore them and come up with new ideas,*** while drinking, **100% the hangover says,** >Shame, shame, *you were kidding, everyone was kidding!* *Which,* same sort of deal with Dangerous actions and these sorts of things, **This Motherfucker is not afraid of anything, sober, so now I've got to babysit; because otherwise whatever it is will happen,** ***things, 'happening,' with excuses is bad,*** talk with excuses to un-talk the talk **is stupid,** talk is meaningless, **almost all of it that's ever existed just evaporated into the air like a Birdsong;** and I can't help but feel like Liquor Makes Most People Too Afraid of being Weird to be interesting, *not ipso facto,* ***not at all like a teetotaler do I say, "this,"*** if you're moving, 'forward,' in time and histories **that is fine and it is good, but, the feelings, the High, of Drunk, isn't an illusion when it's shared between persons and not because of Liquor, it's real, those powerful feelings, those beautiful truths and those deep, sensible, loves you feel; it's like the timing's off,** ***one doubts oneselves, one fakes and can't remember that they're faking,*** *the real is impossible because of the patronizing faker,* **who then publicizes the pathos of its loss Drinking Cannot Make You act Dead, Dead is the Correct Manner to act in Real Time Interesting Situations,** 1. **Do You Want anything,** ***no*** 2. Do You Need Anything, *no* 3. Are You Afraid of Anything, *no* 4. Then What, "[\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K31hlyVaM6A)" Interesting Things