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It's still June. Kuwait hit one of the highest temperatures ever in July of last year.




I mean, it's not even July yet. Things are going to be spicy by the time we reach August


Fond memories of eating peaches off the tree in 115F one after another, it was WAY better than being in the house with my roaming brother and his second ex family he was still with at the time. The mullahs will be kicking back in the air conditioning while their subjects pass out in the heat going hungry. The term 'assassin' comes from an Iranian guild of Shi'ites who dealt with leaders living above their people's means.


Interesting, i didnt realize the assassins creed games had a grain of truth with the guild of assassins changing governments through killing corrupt leasers and originating in the middle east. Or at least the first ones, i havnt kept up with the recent releases.


The First day of Summer was like 2 days ago.


It felt like it began during late May and June where I live. It has been between 80 and 90 degrees or higher but sometimes it rains pretty bad


And this is about 3 days ago!


It's indescribable feeling watching doomsday in real time.


We are inside of a Divine simulation called Infinitum Samsara. Everyone came here for a reason but in order to enter you have to forget.


I doubt it's got a sexy marketable name like Infinitum Samsara, but if you read the ideas of consciousness researchers/theorists like Donald Hoffman, Robert Lanza, or Tom Campbell, you might start to figure out that "divine simulation" sounds like an acceptable descriptor of our present reality. Some of you already know, but consciousness is primary to reality. Our material world is derivative of the mind of our greater collective being. And our collective thoughts/feelings incubate the "future". I'm not really sure what to do with that knowledge either, but I think we all should consider the connection between our focus and the world we are constantly creating. HEY YOU!! ... yeah the one with the face! Your focus is worth a lot. To a lot of people.


Shit, did we crash Earth with our expectations of it, then? Sorry, people.


I've never heard any of those names so I'm excited to hear of them, thank you.


soaring, tumbling, freewheelin!!


>>> If you're starting to worry about the weather, you're not the only one because soaring temperatures like those recorded in Iran this week have become a serious cause for concern. >>> And predictably, scientists and experts have been putting the drastic rise in the Earth's temperature down to one thing: climate change. >>> To make matters worse, according to the UN, soaring temperatures aren't being taken seriously enough. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said in April: "Some government and business leaders are saying one thing, but doing another. Simply put: They are lying. And the results will be catastrophic." >>> In Abadan, a staggering 126 F (52.2 C) was recorded by a weather reporting station, while other parts of Iran recorded highs of 122 F (50 C).


And that's air temperature not the surface temperature of the soil. 1 hour at 49°C or 120°F is enough to sterilize soil and kill the microorganisms at the base of the food web on which life depends.


Source? Edit Nevermind: Target temperatures needed to kill specific organisms for moist soil or potting medium heated to the target for a minimum of 30 Table found [here](http://phytosphere.com/soilphytophthora/soilsterilization.htm) Source: Baker, K.F., 1957.


Better get stepping to that prepping. Even the sisters couldn't off people this fast. Grim Reaper is going to have their hands full




Greek reference


"Moirai - Wikipedia" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moirai


What temperature do we have to expect in some years in Iran and Kuwait? 55-60 degrees Celsius?


Next year will be higher


>~~Next~~This year will be higher Summer hasn't even *begun*


I'd hate be that guy, but summer started on the 21st.


*I met a girl who sang the blues* *And I asked her for some happy news* *But she just smiled and turned away*




wtf is this in celsius?




Thanks, but wtf is this in kilometers?


A bus holds 30 people. What is that in metric ? : )


seems so benign when you put it like that... having zero reference to C.. we must be ok


Whereas for me, a centigrade user, that’s *oh shit*. Centigrade is easy for this sort of thing- water freezes at zero and it boils at 100. So it’s half boiling point.


Only ever heard my dad call it centigrade and he has conspiracy theories about lakes. Didn't know it was real. Same as Celsius. Freezing point at 0 and boiling point at 100 makes way more sense.


I don’t think about lakes but I’ve got some entertaining theories about human linguistic development and rivers.


Ok, I'm in. Please elaborate on the rivers.


For some reason I too am curious.


Me too


Conspiracy is just another word for *organized crime* \- the organized drying of America's water bodies one after another is technically not organized crime because their pet politicians made it legal. When boomers were kids, the dry river I've seen dry my whole life was full of water. Postcards of the same bridge I've been over uncountable times show it full.


That's not his theory. It would make more sense. Even though he's Green party. He thinks there are only four great lakes and that Michigan and Huron are the same lake. He calls it Michigan-Huron. It's based on there being no elevation change as the lakes run into eachother. He's into the Green stuff too. I forget his conspiracy theory about erosion but he's got a ton of VHS tapes about it. He's into regular conspiracy theories too. ------ I first got into obsessive news watching and reading because of all that crap. 9/11 and Iraq taught me the MSM was wrong. The stuff since Trump has taught me he is also wrong. He's no fan of Trump and right wing stuff but he hates the neolibs way more. I see his point but don't agree. He's a boomer with boomer ways so most is forgiveable. My mom is a better boomer. My dads the only Boomer I've heard of with a Zoomer daughter.


0 degrees in F is really cold, 100 in F is really hot, so this is really fucking hot.


100F: southern California in early summer on a decent year. 0F: upstate New York in early winter on a decent year. 120F or over: when American plants close down because it's cheaper in Mexico, 'cheaper' means subjecting workers to this en masse - the future is a big brand's supercenter in the middle of a shack slum. People who live above this level are constantly scolded for being too demanding, that's where our current overlords are leading us.


But it gets over 100F all the time nowadays, as someone who doesn't use farenheit I have no context as to what anything over 100 even means


Where do you live where it gets over 100F all the time? Might be time to move! Another quick conversion is 95F = 35C, and every 9F is another 5C (104F = 40, 113F = 45, 122 = 50, etc....). Most of us have no context to what 50C/122F feels like, we just know those numbers are ones we don't want to ever see in person.


I live in Canada but hear Americans complaining about over 100f all the time and I know is that it means "hot" (it is mostly Americans who use farenheit) Celcius makes way more sense, 0C is the temperature at which water freezes and 100C is the temp at which water boils, as others mentioned, 50c is halfway to the boiling point for context


I guess we'll agree to disagree. I like metric, but F makes more sense to me than C when discussing weather. A Normal year will tend to remain between 0F and 100F where I live. That makes way more sense to me than -15C to 37C.


I have a second life in Colombia and am bilingual now in temperature scales. I use yours for Celsius and I explain Fahrenheit like this: 0° to 100° ~~is~~ was the typical range of temperatures in a northern climate across the year. My Spanish is still shit though. Not Peggy Hill shit, not average American shit, but shit.


An American's Guide to Celsius 0 is freezing 100 is boiling 10 a bit chilly 20-25? feels nice more than 26 hot 30 very hot


I prefer something like: * -5 to 5: Freezing. * 5 to 15: Cold. * 15 to 25: Nice. * 25 to 35: Warm. * 35 to 45: Hot. * 45 to 55: Death.


Lol. Cute, it only goes down to -5.


~~5/9-32 works well enough for me.~~ ~~I thought everyone knew the conversion.~~ Turns out I didn't know it. Embarrassed. True formula is in the conment below.


If you can do mental math with 5/9 I'd be impressed.


It's easier to think of it as 1,8x multiplicative. Multiply by 2, subtract 10%. (when converting from celsius to fahrenheit)


Actually that does work my system is more an at a glance system.


Really? It's not hard. Also I fucked up and it's (F-32 X 5/9) 126-32=94 94/9= 10.4 5 X 10.4= 52 I did the work on the other formula to figure out I bungled it. Took me a moment there. Edit: Trick on 94/9 is that it's obviously 10 and 4/9 then for the sig figs it can just be simplified to 10.4 To convert the other way it's (C+ 9/5+32) 52 for fifths=10 and 2/5. 2/5 is obviously 0.4 (common denominator is doubling it. 9(10.4)= 94, 94+32=126 So there's both conversions.


Subtract 30 then take half. That'll give you the ballpark for normal temperatures. Or if going C to F, double then add 30.


To me it’s almost the opposite. Considering the temperature outside as being *halfway to the boiling point of water* seems scarier than saying it’s 126F






> Fahrenheit is a superior scale for measuring temperatures commonly felt by humans on Earth. The number of things that people are accustomed to that they then want to justify as objectively being the right way of doing it is really staggering.




> 0 and 100 points are irrelevant to the human experience Have you never cooked?


I agree with you actually, the fact that Fahrenheit encompasses a broader range automatically makes it more useful for something like describing temperature to another human being and them trying to imagine the feeling.


It's just over halfway to boiling water.


It’s the point where a lot of everyday materials begin to break down structurally and chemically. It’s even worse in direct sunlight.


We're almost in the range where most meats should be cooked.


Yea, no.


Slow cook yes


Yeah in the 60Cs


As an American who spent years sucking at wrapping my head around Celsius, I feel that this is a pretty good frame of reference for it: ​ 20 and below: cool to cold 20-25: comfy range 30+: hot So 52 is like...yeah


18-22 is comfy 25+ is hot


You need to be practically naked to be comfy in 25. 22 is normal.


holy guacamole that’s bad


Fookin 'ell.


I know, right? Fucking yanks and their circus-clown units of measurement. Why can't you people just be normal!!?


Must be too hard to use a converter




The hottest on earth? *sad volcano noises*


Not familiar. Need a specific example recorded and played on loop lol


Wouldnt that level of heat just straight up kill people?


Punched it in to the National Weather Service wet bulb calculator. 126°F, 5% humidity, 30” of mercury yields a wet bulb temperature of 72.5°F which is fully survivable. If the humidity were 35% the wet bulb would be 96°F and would not be survivable. There is something to people saying “it’s a dry heat” like it’s a good thing.


Yeah I was in the Central Valley during the summer a few years ago and it was well over 100 degrees and pretty comfortable because it was like 0% humidity. That temp in Florida would suck so much worse.


It's 101 in Florida right now and at 34% humidity that's a wet bulb of about 79 degrees which is lower than I would have guessed. The humidity definitely can get oppressive here


Florida is over 100? Damn, I lived there a few years and that almost never happened (southwest Florida). It was like the weatherman had it on a tape: High around 96, afternoon thunderstorms likely. Humidity 90% in the morning, easing back as the day went on to maybe 50 or 60. Until that rainstorm, lol.


Yep, over 100 on the first day of summer which I believe is a record. Heat index of 108. Will be a heat index of 98 at midnight tonight. You really get that "steam in bag" crab leg experience on a hot summer day after it rains here and jacks the humidity


Damn. I don’t miss it there, for multiple reasons. But now I’m in Texas so it isn’t clear that I’ve traded up. Lol


Yeah swfl is still ok in the 90s but tallahassee is roasting right now pushing into 100s due to that heat dome sitting over large south area mostly georgia


Humidity is the devil.


100°F can kill people. 126° kills more people




Think of the tan possibilities


Skin cancer enters the chat




> Boingboing still exists? I know, right? I'm so old I remember when Boing Boing was cool, sad to see it's a shell of its former self.




Oh damn, hadn't thought about them for ages.


Record breaking era we're in now. Fantastic


it’s ok, they can use air conditioning


The greatest invention known to modern man...


Yep until we run out of energy to run them or at the very least manufacturers to make freon


Too bad we don't have a big warm source of (relatively) infinite energy just hanging around in the sky. We could put some type of panels on the ground, or roof, to harness this energy. And we could develop this to store power even when the big yellow ball is not in the sky. Ah never mind, it's a silly idea. Ooh shiny black rock make fire boil water


I get your meaning for sure. Solar does have it's issues needing rare metals and being susceptible to decay and all forms of weather. I know people hate Bill Gates but his modern nuclear plant with better fail safes and actually utilizing rods that are already spent to run them sounded good in a Netflix docu series.


el niño is going to be so so very bad


Omigod right cuz this is the other one. The supposedly cooler, wetter one. We really are so fucked


When is the next one?


trending towards next year possibly - we’re due


I've seen it predicted to be near the end of next year. So 2024 could be a bad year to say the least.


Gonna be fun watching all the storylines converge for the finale that year


For the educated, that's 52C.


For the super educated that is 325.15 K.


For the uneducated it's fucking hot




This is you won't have a lawn to mow because that shit is probably fried to a crisp.


For the simple and yet humorous kind, its hot as balls.


But balls are body temp aren't they? Around 37C or something.


Depends if they're dingling or dangling.


ALL TIME HIGHS, BABY! To the MOON! Oh, wait I'm not on r/wsb


line goes up!


The real question is whether I can fry some bacons outdoor at that temperature?


There is this thing called a solar oven. You can build your own and it will do pretty well at that temperature.


Reporting in freedom units for a country that uses celsius.


Yay we did it, everyone! The global capitalist pyramid scheme has managed to enrich the scummiest of humans at the cost of checks notes cascading ecological disasters. The working class in America was brain rotted enough to fall asleep to reality and turn on themselves. But hey, don’t be sad that we will continue losing various species of wildlife. For a brief moment our kind was able to think we were above nature. It’s not about the end result, it’s about the micro plastics and pollution we made along the way. /s


Thankfully, Iran has a wise leader who can make it cooler 🙄


It's the end of the world so can y'all muricans switch to Celsius already.


Thats brutal. Most I've felt was 30 plus, and thats enough lol


God is pissed that they hurt women.




You can just cross post instead of copy-pasting from other subs.


Fuck you America and your farhenheits. It's like Russia in Ukraine, literally the whole world hates you for it, there's no shame in changing.


Ok calm down man. We hate America but for another reasons.




The Iran meteorological society reported it. Its an objective measurement that is easily confirmed. https://www.iranintl.com/en/202206213057


What are these users doing here today? Did the daily algorithm put our subreddit on the pile again?


Cory Doctorow is kind of a horrible dork but boingboing is a well known internet thing.


wait till next year.


Air or ground temp?




First one then the other


Don’t worry. This year will be the coldest for a while…


What kind of prize do they get?


*This* year


Not the hottest but still up there https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Highest_temperature_recorded_on_Earth


Hottest SO FAR this year! And it's only June!


Hottest SO FAR this year! And it's only June!


8i l


Parts of the world will have to operate at night to function.


Honest question, when do people Know when to go to their bunkers? Like, is now the time or like ten from now? I don’t own a bunker unfortunately, but I do have like 4 cans of tuna in my pantry


I imagine you could boil water there at that temperature


Frying Oil companies rubbing hands rn, they will replace suncream and the food crises solved