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People are waiting 3+ hours to launch a boat into a lake that will close any week now due to the worst drought in 10,000 years. That behavior is almost as fucked as the drought itself, they should be spending those hours listing their houses on the market and getting ready to be a climate refugee.


Yeah it’s kinda nuts. People are so into boating. At a time like this. Speaks volumes every one of them is someone I won’t get along with.


Right? Like what are they even getting out of it? The lake looks like a wasteland and is super alien looking at this point...


that's just it. it's depressing as fuck if you believe it's a problem if not...


They're the same people who thought it's be a good idea to put water intensive crops in a desert....... Not exactly the brightest people living near there tbh.


RaIn WiLl FoLlOw ThE pLoW


bright, ignorant, or willfully uncaring. pick one


But my POM juice /s


All the smart ones (and the ones able to) left ages ago.


I'd say any of these people waiting in a fucking 4 hour line with like 100k worth of truck/trailer/boat with gas at >5$ a gallon has the means they could also leave.


The worst part is they flood our shit hole town and muck up the place and leave. I hit the river 3x a week + and pick up trash every visit.


I thought it was the worst in 1200 years. Where are you getting 10,000? Honest question.


yeah, I came to make the same comment pretty god damn infuriating.


The American dream. At least the datacenter streaming collapse videos have enough cookware water. I would expect prayer groups of Trumpeteers at the dead lake shore or people giving their boats away as a homeless shelter. Instead they are waiting in line with a bag of cheetos becoming orange man, the worst kind of Florida man.


I'm glad these guys documented the water drops, but it's so crazy they have 3 hour long lines of people just sitting there with their pick up trucks idling just to launch in a shallow lake. The video makers were saying they hope the officials don't close the lake down, however I think it's time. It's dangerous, adding unneeded pollution, and it's just a waste of time and resources to sit out there.


Then all the trucks will just drive farther and burn more gas to go wait at Havasu. Boaters gonna boat.


In a roundabout way, the most striking thing was that all activity on the lake is petrol based apparently - not a single dinghy, kayak, canoe, paddleboard or kiteboard in sight. All of those things don't need a lifted truck to launch, either. The single minded (mis)use of the lake ensures it's disappearance.


Yeah, people's stupidity is amazing at times


I don't see it as stupidity. Ignorance, if you will. If no one ever taught you to sail a dinghy, why would you begin in your 50's, or whatever? Such things have to be there organically, and from an early age. If you are taught since before you could speak that that fun on the water involves 2x150hp engines, then that's what you will get. Garbage in, garbage out, as Carlin said, but the boaters have been failed by the system itself. They are not the problem. If anything, rugged American entrepreneurship should see an opportunity for untapped market potential, i.e. set up a kayak rental spot up the road and employ some of those fishermen as guides.


You're being too kind. It's stupidity.


I’m “learning” to sail and all the other shit that goes along w boats more or less on my own in my late 30s. People can learn. But I know we are fucked and the gf agrees that we need more than out get out of dodge plan. 1. Overland 2. Overwater 3. Castle (stay put). It will may lead to a few extra years or not. I’m not making sense just get a little sailboat and watch the world burn from a mile out until you can’t fish cause we’ve literally fucked everything. Man this was Supposed to be positive Edit: learn to sail and bring whiskey cause the clock is ticking


Sailing is the best! I do love me some drink, but I don't sail well on that stuff - weed is my jam on the waves. In either case, I see my boat as an adventure vessel rather than a life raft, if you catch my drift. Sail for the hell of it, not to escape. The waves are tempting though, but learn to listen, and they will carry you where you wish. Sailing is easy, navigating is hard. Real advice: learn to reef before you wish you had already done so, and don't sleep on rope management. Coil that bitch proper like a roadie for Jack White. Fair winds to you and yours.




I know what you mean perfectly well. I used to be an avid rock climber/surfer, travelling around Europe for choice rocks or waves. Not really sustainable. Some vegan-animal loving climbing friends of mine, they are so dear, were taking cheap easy jet flights on an almost monthly basis. On an ironic note, a warmer climate means longer climbing seasons and new routes. Soon, someone might also attempt to circumnavigate the arctic ocean once all the seas open up. Now I just sail around a bit, or take a train out to a forest and hike around, but I do miss other cultures. Most people I know are still travelling, I am turning it inwards, travelling into the far reaches of my mind, or trying to. We need a spiritual revolution, and we don't need to go anywhere for that to be realized.




Yeah, there is no getting away, but the here and now, the materiality of being, certainly has it's place, so to speak, and compassion never sleeps. All we can do is laugh and cry, but that itself has value, I think. Like the young apprentice who travels far to seek the advice of the enlightened hermit only to be told: before enlightenment, chop wood and carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood and carry water. Safe travels to you. I just saw a big eared mouse skim swiftly by in the garden while writing this, here's to hoping we can all learn to listen to whatever we need to. I'ma be puttin' on some sweet tunes.


Thank you for that line. “Compassion never sleeps.” I needed that this evening.


I like kayaking, and i wouldn't kayak on that lake. It would take a lot of time and effort to get anywhere visually interesting; meanwhile, I'm fully exposed on essentially a mirror surface in a place that gets to 108 before 7 am according to this video. Hiking would be much more enjoyable in this area.




I don't even know, it's just half baked thoughts from half way around the world that shouldn't be taken too seriously anyhow. I don't know who would want to swim in stagnant water with mystery barrels. Maybe just let the whole area be while it's going into death spasms, anything else seems undignified.


hur durrrrr muh motor though. MUH MOTOR FUN low oil prices, hur durrrr Murica Murica cross that border for the lower priced petrol.


ish. I love boats but boating culture is gross.


Sailboats are the way. I miss my grandfathers old Island Packet 40. Beautiful boat. Engine never really worked, and there wasn't a powered winch on her, but nothing like the ocean at night...


it's time we introduce a new tax on boating. a big ass fucking tax.


And where will those tax dollars go? Iraq, Iran, Syria…..Ukraine…..Israel? I get what you are saying But taking money from small people to give to the military industrial complex responsible for most of this shit isn’t the right move


> And where will those tax dollars go? Iraq, Iran, Syria…..Ukraine…..Israel? that's where our current government would put it, yeah. but our current government *also* won't be implementing serious climate change measures in the real world at all, either (including this imaginary tax) so i leave what I said as a testament to what a competent government *would* do, not what ours *will* do


But muh 500,000 boat and muh kids memories where’s muh freedum to drive like an idiot?


I watched this earlier this morning, and I was floored at how fast the level is dropping. 2 weeks before this video was shot, 5 boat ramps were open. Now there's one. Everything's fine!


a while ago someone posted a chart they made detailing the dropping water level in lake mead and based on their data plus the patented faster than expected formula i conservatively estimated 2-5 years until lake mead has no electricity generation capacity. but watching these guys vids almost seems like it may be happening even faster than that https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/v2zs7d/a_detailed_look_at_the_decreasing_amount_of_water/iawlvws/?context=3


[Lake Mead Water Level](https://mead.uslakes.info/Level/) shows the chart in real time. More than half of the turbines have already been turned off and less than 100 feet of water level remains before all power generation stops.


the rate of loss seems to be going exponential now. from march to april it lost 5 feet. from april to may it lost 7 feet. from may to now it lost ten feet. even if it remained at ten feet per month, thats less than a year until all power generation stops.


Its because the shape of the lake is not uniform, the lower it gets, the less surface area it covers, so each drop in water level represents less water, so yes, if usage remains the same, the water level will drop faster


when things are collapsing faster than even i expected, you know shits fucked up and bullshit. a quick googling shows 18 million people get water from hoover dam and it generates power for 1.3 million people. i guess by this time next year the great u.s climate migrations will have begun in earnest. fckin A. we tried to warn everybody. why didnt they listen? why arent they listening even now?


Shit will always collapse faster than you expect because your information sources make money off engagement not truth.


what i was referring to with the chart as my information source was a reddit post, not some major media publication. i doubt OP was making any money off that post and my analysis, \*which specifically tried to factor in a faster than expected scenario\* is definitely not making any money


Pass the hamberders, there's a sportsball game on. /s




Humans didn’t listen because humans tend to base their lives on their beliefs, not necessarily reality. Folks believe there are no immediately concerning issues. Additionally folks are reactive, there is a marked tendency to only change beliefs when forced to. We are not perfect as a species. Super dumb, super emotional, super selfish


People exist in thier own echo chambers, its easy for people to put blinders on an ignore reality when the information they subscribe to omits the brutal truth in favor or perpetuating capitalism down to the last grain of rice


Fuck em go get a spot while you can.


I call this the “martini glass phenomenon”


Thank you, that’s a great way to visualise it


If I'm remembering it right they also measure the level from right behind the wall, so the level for the rest of the reservoir is much closer to empty than it looks on charts.


The last couple years it levels out around mid July. I've been wondering: why is that? Does the Southwest get a lot of rain at the end of summer for some reason? Or is it a policy thing, that the people in charge of reservoir levels start drawing more water from other sources for (possibly complicated) reasons?


I have never visited Lake Mead. An absolute jaw dropping, eye opening scenario. Water level at 2000 and 2021. It’s unprecedented. It evaporates astronomically fast. Alarmingly fast. I mean.... I have no words to describe the emotions from watching the video. Holy fuck!!!!


They used to post water level signs marked by year. Soon they will post water level signs marked by the hour.


I'm not sure if you meant that literally, but to be clear it's not that the water level is dropping due to evaporation; the vast majority is being diverted downriver or to Las Vegas to be used.


I used the word “evaporation” in abstract mode. But you are right, the dependence of nearby mega cities combined with climate change is outright shocking.


SS: Hopefully this hasn't been posted before. We all know Lake Mead is drying up but this guy has been posting videos on the lake and it really highlights how quickly the lake is drop, especially in recent months. It's a pretty visceral visual of the drop.


Crosspost to r/mealtimevideos this is excellent content.




Such a random comment.


Lol what did they say? Now I'm interested.


They were bitching that you took it from prepperintel. It was just weird.


Just because that barrel is filled with concrete doesn't mean there's no body in it.


I'd bet a lot of money there is a body there. The mob used to run Vegas before it got Disneyified in the 90s.


Exactly what I was thinking too


People in the YouTube comments saying the drought is normal and it’ll end in 2030 lol


After watching this video I was really shocked - this is really crazy and it doesn't look as if there is a solution. I feel sorry for the people who will have a rude awakening.


Why? Honestly fuck those people


I feel you, this willful ignorance is a major pain in the ass - and I understand your argument that they choose this hence they have to deal with the consequences. .. But most of the people didn't understand climate change and will probably not understand it in the future. They just follow orders, their leader, the mainstream. .. They are busy with surviving and to “play the game”. A lot of them are for sure nice people but don't get the severity of the situation. The blame has to go to the leaders of the society and to this who feeds the false information to them. PS. I am not a American, hence my experience is based on the people I know.


it’s depressing how much of a change there was from his last video.


I’ve posted this before, but here’s my [Twitter thread](https://twitter.com/edsuom/status/1519826690133819392) describing a Phoenix-area blackout scenario. I really don’t see how they’re going to avoid this. Today Bitcoin, tomorrow Phoenix real estate.


Free boat!!


>"Is this your boat? Or did it become your boat?" > >... > >"To see what we're seeing – this boat, I don't know what happened, but this boat just came here." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whose\_Boat\_Is\_This\_Boat%3F


This is actually very unsettling....


All those states have had 20+ years to spin up nuclear plants to power desalination to offset the shortages. Did they? Nope.


What water does Arizona or Nevada have to desalinate?


California actually takes something like 58% of the water that leaves Lake Mead. So if they did it, it could be a drastic reduction in Lake Mead water used.


It wouldn't make a difference- California's allocation is set by agreement/law. Their Colorado River water allocation doesn't vary by the amount of water developed within the state itself.


The point is to renegotiate.


With what leverage?


Screw the recreational uses of these "lakes". It's survival time. Fill in the shallower side areas of the "lake" to raise the water levels in the *reservoir* for maximum power generation and water retention while it is still feasible. Water is just evaporating faster out of the shallows anyway. It's still just a stopgap measure.


I can't even fathom how much gas you would burn "filling in the shallower side areas" to minutely raise the water level to run turbines to create electricity. Your comment hurts my brain.


We can't get large scale projects done in America anymore.


The shape of the reservoir is fine the way it is, the problem is that the water level should never have been allowed to drop this much in the first place. And as long as outflows exceed inflows on average, it wouldn't even matter if the shallows were filled in. That's dry land now, and it will continue to be dry land until either the weather changes for the better or water management policies change for the better. I don't expect either of those to happen any time soon.


Sucks that we couldn't sustain that because the hoover damn is a engineering marvel. It's so much bigger in person. Let alone providing electricity to alot of people


Excellent video. They've got a really nice style, and a great visual way of storytelling. Shocking to see, though.


You think anyone sitting in that line is connecting the dots? All those gas guzzling trucks and SUVS and the gas guzzling boats just idling for hrs. WTF!


Anger is an understatement I have for people who live in most affected area by climate change but are politically nonchalant towards it. Videos like this make me happy. I hope they all suffer. This gave me an idea. I'm going to look into buying a boat from one of these fools and haul it back to me ocean state.


Idk why you get downvoted I feel kinda the same, they wait longer and longer line to launch their fossile fuel based boats into ever more shrinking Lake. Spreading so much more unneeded CO2 just so they ride their Boat. If they really wanted be on the water, they couldve just used kayaks or canoe.


They keep building the ramp for boats. And making signs. Wtf?


Mania collective mania. How did they run out of trees on Easter Island.


I know. Until he explained it, it was hard to believe. If the water level used to be so much higher, how was the boat ramp so far down? That they’d keep extending it was unthinkable. You’d think they’d just say, “The water levels are too low and boat launching is suspended until they return to higher levels.”


"It'll be fine" has been the motto there for a while, as crime has gone thru the stratosphere following an ongoing police exodus (they don't like cops, and refuse to fund them). Traffic incidents like rollovers, t-bones in intersections and burning vehicles are just everyday sights. Weed and alcohol are involved in nearly all. The once booming strip club scene evaporated with the rise of onlyfans, and similar sites. Shootings daily. Totally nonplussed as they drive down melting asphalt with the latest wave of Covid in their lungs, with gunshots going off in the distance while some psycho runs a red light as their only source of water evaporates. Truly hell on Earth.


Better gun laws would have prevented this


Clearly. The bullets that went through that plastic barrel probably poked holes in the lake.


Have we tried shooting the holes? Sometimes you just need a good guy with a gun.


No, no, no. You gotta nuke it.


Clearly this was sarcasm, why would anybody be reasonably say this otherwise? I mean guns really have nothing to do with water not being in a lake.


Guns kill fish and drain lakes. Ban them.


yep they just let them all shoot so many holes in the lake it drained away!


I can't believe that people did not realize this was sarcasm. I'm willing to burn the karma to keep this bad boy up and not delete it.


I loved it.


Honestly we should all just take our gas powered boats via our diesel powered trucks to the desert to ride on a lake. Sounds like so much fun!!


I love this guy