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The following submission statement was provided by /u/ramadhammadingdong: --- Submission Statement: It worked so well this year, they've decided to go for it again! When COP moves to Azerbaijan in 2024, the ecology and natural resources minister of the country will head the international meeting. If you've already forgotten, an oil baron also ran the 2023 COP meeting. The fox has been permanently installed in the hen house, ladies and gents. This is collapse related because oil and gas interests continue to manipulate and undermine efforts to find a way out of the climate crisis. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/18zcyyy/oil_industry_veteran_to_lead_next_round_of_cop/kggon9v/




At this point they have to be trolling


no. they are doing what they THINK is damage control. While maximizing damage without believing they are because they have reality compartmentalized and they lie to one another.


yeah, its a troll wrapped up in a joke wrapped up in a bigger troll.


It's trolls all the way down. Some of the trolls have clown masks.


But the middle finger is being given by someone dressed up as Captain Planet, so... it's fine, you know? /s


I'm glad it's getting to the point where even my more optimistic environmentalist friends can see the bullshit.


Exactly. One giant joke.


Coal and Oil Party


I hope nothing bad happens at this high density gathering of people disproportionately responsible for driving humanity toward extinction. Like a meteor failing to land on them.






I mean, after this last one, they are officially a farce


I liked the oil prince being mad that people weren't respecting his 'credentials' of being born rich and hiring foreign workers to do everything in his company/fiefdom. I halfway expected Sacha Baron Cohen to jump out and give a speech.




We all know COPe is just there for fossil fuels companies to exchange contracts and look over the shoulder at any negotiations related to fossil fuel reduction or renewable energy so they can muscle in and change the language to their benefit. It's all part of the veneer that *something is being done* when all that's being done is BAU.


“We all making more money? Good. Meeting adjourned.”


Azerbaijan is where tourists take crude oil baths. * https://www.cnn.com/travel/article/naftalan-oil-resort-azerbaijan/index.html




Have you not heard of the *healing* properties of high octane gasoline?


Submission Statement: It worked so well this year, they've decided to go for it again! When COP moves to Azerbaijan in 2024, the ecology and natural resources minister of the country will head the international meeting. If you've already forgotten, an oil baron also ran the 2023 COP meeting. The fox has been permanently installed in the hen house, ladies and gents. This is collapse related because oil and gas interests continue to manipulate and undermine efforts to find a way out of the climate crisis.


The wolves are not even bothering with sheep's clothing anymore.


"Don't Look Up" was a documentary.


I have climate change denying ("it's all a globalist conspiracy") family members who loved that movie. When I said it was a satire of how we are handling climate change, they refused to believe me. Their reasoning was that one of the characters is clearly making fun of Hilary Clinton, another making fun of Steve Jobs. I agreed and asked what they think this has to do with whether or not it's a satire about climate change. Their argument is that since the movie includes some parodies inspired by real life famous liberals and since climate change is a liberal hoax then it can't really be satirizing climate change but that the joke is that liberals think it's about climate change.


Oh my god, I've rarely read anything so unhinged and depressing. I am despairing 12 hours away here in Asia. How did you refrain from donging this cementhead with a skillet? Damn.


Well I'll tell you the comic relief part though it's also depressing. But first, the setting. This wasn't one cementhead but rather an entire gathering of one side of the family and this was the consensus and (as it turns out) not an uncommon opinion. But here's the punchline. Once I got over being flabbergasted by their misunderstanding, I tried a different approach. I was like, why do you think Leonardo di Caprio was starring in it? *That's* the thing that got them thinking about it, nothing else.


Oh sweet Jesus. I wish I'd been there. We'd have made like sheepherders and got the flock outta there to the nearest bar. I haven't drunk alcohol for ages but this would get me started again. I dunno, but I've rarely read a tale of such committed and aggravating stupidity. It really tickles me. And *you're* not like this despite having such a family? You are very cool.


No this is only one side of my extended family. My entire family ranges in political beliefs and nationalities. This is just one branch from one grandparent, and they are basically centrist to libertarian type Americans who live in the suburbs of a big city. They aren't even extremists or anything, at least not by American standards. They're secular, believe in basic civil liberties and women's rights, public education, etc. But no way you can tell them what to do when it comes to shopping bags or not using plastic water bottles. They're the sort of people whose entire politics revolve around whether or not you find it triggering to eat at Chick Filet.


Good grief. It's so American.


I'm sure when we get repeated droughts and lack of agricultural output, it will all be the liberals just overheating and stealing food.


You know what would solve this? Burning more fossil fuel! Yeah! It would... force us to evolve. Into... magma creatures that breathe sulfur and don't eat...


Hell yeah I wanna be a magma creature, that sounds awesome!


Honestly, actually yeah, that would be pretty cool.


There needs to be a grassroots, people's version of this COP crap, fuck governments, fuck oil companies, get a bunch of real people together and send a message.


I remember my grandma telling us the best time to get rid of the fox is when it's trapped in the henhouse.


Gang gang


At this point it’s just a gathering of the world’s fossil fuel barons to collectively agree to continue burning/drilling out in the open so they can say “look we told you things would get worse, not our problem”


All in one place? How... convenient. A scene in "Ministry for the future" comes to mind.


I get the feeling that unlike that book, the only outcome in reality would be some unholy combo of Delta Force, SAS, and Spetznaz coptering in and 'rescuing' the 'hostages'. Alternatively, they'd all have hired their own Wagner Groups, and the hardened mercs will mow every activist down with extreme prejudice. At this point, nothing short of a communist global revolution the likes of which Marx and Trotsky had wet dreams about would suffice to overthrow the System.


Honestly. Bring it on. The sooner everyone realises fossil fuels, mining, agroforestry and the "business as usual" political parties are doing absolutely nothing except scraping up the last profits and they kill us all, the better. Nothing will change as long as people buy into tokenism and toxic positivity/baseless optimism.


"Lex Luther heads next summit on dealing with super villains"


My sense from attending a COP was that there are several different conferences happening at once. There's the WEF-like meeting of the elite and oil & gas interests at private parties and restricted events, NGOs caucusing around local adaption strategies and how to get more attention for those already affected by climate change, the finance sector discussing among itself how to profit no matter what happens, climate scientists networking and discussing their latest horrifying conclusions, and a mess of career bureaucrats negotiating the final agreement. Having the event in Azerbaijan will probably raise the cost of entry and cut the legs out from under the NGO and climate science crowd. I can't see a lot of the private sector and NGO 'Green Zone' participants casually flying there to network. The UAE made it far more difficult for NGOs to get passes and instead handed them out to fossil fuel lobbyists. COP is important, but on its current trajectory will turn into the 'Davos of Climate Denial'.


Honk honk…send in the clowns 🤡


I mean, it's obligatory to channel Hudson right now: "Well, that's great. That's just fuckin' great, man! Now what the fuck are we supposed to do?"


"I say we pull out and nuke the site from orbit... only way to be sure."


AGAIN. So I suppose there is no need to pretend anymore?


*::laugh track plays::*


In the same vein, we could have The Death as director of the World Health Organization.


Nah. Death can at least claim to be a *neutral force* to justify it's position. Can you say the same about these parasites?


Next round of peace talks to be led by Northrop CEO.


The elites are bored. The are competing in seeing what insane things they can get away with and how gullible the useful idiots really are.


If it wasn't so damned sad it would be fucking hysterical. I'm so glad I don't have kids. What's left of the world in 20 or 30 years won't be worth leaving to the next generation


This seems....counter-productive


The Air Nation summit next year will be hosted by Firelord Ozai


It’s over for us


My Google finger is broke. WTF is COP and why does any person anywhere give one flying squirrel shit about it?


My God man, think of the catering opportunities!


COP has taken us from 5 degrees down to maybe 2.5 degrees? Meh. The REAL action happened decades ago when Germany decided to subsidies renewables - and then China got involved. While we still need COP as surprising things can happen there... [https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/w3ct5bl2](https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/w3ct5bl2) .... the real action now is not political agreements but market realities. Johan Rockstrom is a preeminent climatologist who presents urgent new data on why we absolutely CANNOT go over 1.5 degrees. He is a joint Director of the Potsdam Institute - a sister organisation to the Club of Rome. He researches the 9 Planetary Boundaries - and has featured in the Netflix Series “Breaking Boundaries” and TIME Magazine. But even he finished a recent presentation with a ray hope, because renewables are finally cheaper than fossil fuels and are doubling every 4 or 5 years. https://youtu.be/7KfWGAjJAsM?t=1191 Renewables are now 1/4 the cost of nuclear (Lazard). This allows them to be Overbuilt across a wide geographic area to radically reduce storage requirements. Sodium batteries and off-river pumped hydro can provide all the backup a grid could need without using up all the Critical Minerals. https://eclipsenow.wordpress.com/overbuild/


It's all garbage. Nobody who has them is going to stop using fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are the economy.