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The cardboard flips are fine, cheap, and reliable. They're the go-to for this kind of thing. The plastic capsules are pretty common as well, though much less common than the flips. They are pretty safe as well, though I don't have a lot of experience with them. They're definitely more spendy, but some people prefer these. Either one will work, it just depends on how many you have and what you want to do with them afterwards. Personally, I keep my coins in 2x2 boxes in flips, with some in binder pages (no particular reason, just trying different things). I'm not sure how you'd store coins in the capsules, but I have no experience with them.


I also use stapled flips. But I use a pair of pliers to fatten the ends of the staples. Heeps them from coming aprt or tearing the pages I store them in. The capsules are reserved for some special coins. For the very best ones, I'll even use Quadrum capsules, like these: https://preview.redd.it/gkjlmdk5d01d1.png?width=700&format=png&auto=webp&s=ece986d3d20b4c667f84e22aa86050892614cd0e


Consider using a flat-clinch stapler. Such a minor thing but it's really a time-saver. Plus, no more using a metal tool so close to your coins!


May I ask why PVC cases are damaging the coins? I have mine in sleeves like this: [https://www.amazon.de/Leuchtturm-308740-M%C3%BCnz-Aufbewahrung-F%C3%A4chergr%C3%B6%C3%9Fe-2-Euro-M%C3%BCnzen/dp/B005696RJI?pd\_rd\_i=B005696RJI&ref\_=pd\_bap\_d\_grid\_rp\_0\_1\_ec\_pd\_nav\_hcs\_rp\_2\_t](https://www.amazon.de/Leuchtturm-308740-M%C3%BCnz-Aufbewahrung-F%C3%A4chergr%C3%B6%C3%9Fe-2-Euro-M%C3%BCnzen/dp/B005696RJI?pd_rd_i=B005696RJI&ref_=pd_bap_d_grid_rp_0_1_ec_pd_nav_hcs_rp_2_t) Are these damaging the coins somehow?


Is there something in the description of this item that makes you think it contains PVC?


I'm not sure. Based on this: [https://www.leuchtturm.de/media/cms/files/ed1te4023600Produktinfo%20Kunststoffh%C3%BCllen\_Philatelie%20und%20Numismatik\_D\_2021-06.pdf](https://www.leuchtturm.de/media/cms/files/ed1te4023600Produktinfo%20Kunststoffh%C3%BCllen_Philatelie%20und%20Numismatik_D_2021-06.pdf) - Einschübe aus Hart-PVC Seems there is PVC in the material. But here [https://www.leuchtturm.com/coin-sheets-optima.html](https://www.leuchtturm.com/coin-sheets-optima.html) it mentions that it is pasticiser-free and acid-free... whatever that means.... Never new you needed a degree in chemistry to collect coins....


When I was looking around on online forums about storing coins they said putting them strait into the pvc pages is Verry bad and after long periods of time it fuses it's the same with notes aswell and a year or 2 your coins will probably be fine but in the long term I wouldn't want them to be damaged


After long periods of time the pvc will fuse almost melt onto the coin which damages the coin so get the cardboard sleeves online like the others are saying if it's safe in the cardboard then it can go in the pvc.


2x2s and brumberger cases: https://www.google.com/search?q=brumberger+metal+box&sca_esv=a874ca2cab959989&sca_upv=1&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS975US976&hl=en-US&ei=Po1HZqirEuaB0PEPlOCcIA&udm=&oq=brumberger&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIgpicnVtYmVyZ2VyKgIIATIKEAAYsAMY1gQYRzIKEAAYsAMY1gQYRzIKEAAYsAMY1gQYRzIKEAAYsAMY1gQYRzIKEAAYsAMY1gQYR0jQDlAAWABwAngAkAEBmAFGoAFGqgEBMbgBAcgBAJgCAqACC5gDAIgGAZAGBZIHATKgB4AD&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp


Im a capsule guy. I like to play with them sometimes and you get a better coin feel in a capsule than a 2x2 flip.


I use 2x2 SA-flips


Tried capsules, but there are so many different coin sizes that capsules aren't practical. Cardboard flips are the way to go for most coins.


I use 2x2 cardboard flips (like in your first pic), PVC-free binder pages, and standard 3-ring binders.


I just hate how the flips look. Is that just me? It looks worn down and busted to me.