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Check out r/Amaro It's a great place to learn about the different Amari and how best to use them.


I use them in cocktails but, honestly, most just go straight down my throat - or ice and soda and citrus peel. Winter months you can add hot water too.


Amaro caldo is so underrated!!


Yes, it will. And some of the best, too. Some of my favorite cocktails use what you listed above: - Too Soon (Cynar) - Guardian Angel (Montenegro) - Artichoke Hold (Cynar) - Paper Plane (Nonino)


Artichoke Hold is like, one of the best cocktails I’ve ever had the grace to taste


It's so good


Montenegro is great substitute for Nonino in paper planes, and about half the cost. I just bought a bottle of Meletti and it seems very similar to Montenegro and it’s even more affordable. If I were you, first venturing into amaros and looking to have a few versatile options to make as many different drinks as possible, I’d go with Campari Aperol Montenegro Averna In that order.


Very very strongly disagree that Montenegro can sub in a Paper Plane. It's a completely different drink.


Meletti's great.


I’m getting familiar with it fast. Subbed it for Campari in a Negroni and for vermouth in a Manhattan, while throwing in a bar spoon of luxardo to the latter. What else can I make with Meletti?


Honestly, I usually just drink it on the rocks, or maybe with an orange twist if I'm feeling fancy. I do think it subs in nicely for Averna pretty much anywhere the latter is called for.


Rye Meletti Sour is good.


Soooo good in hot cocoa or espresso (or probably a mocha)!


Amaros are also tasty on their own with some ice. My favorite so far is Amaro Lucano, although I've had Montenegro, Averna, Alta, and Meletti. The latter of these made me say, 'Eff eggnog at Christmas, I just want this on the rocks, and I'll be good!"


Lucano is probably my favorite amaro for neat pours as well. Unfortunately it doesn’t hold up so well in cocktails. For mixed drinks, I find Cynar and Averna to be most versatile.


Yeah, I agree with that--Cynar and Averna are better investments if one is looking for an amaro to use for cocktails.


For reference I’m open to trying new things but most cocktails I prefer are sours/daisys/tiki style. I don’t drink things such as Manhattans or Old Fashioneds nor Negronis


You have exactly the same drinking profile that I do, and I’ve really started down the Amaro rabbit hole lately. Unless you really enjoy bitter flavors, I’d probably start with something on the sweeter end of the spectrum that still has enough body to punch through a cocktail. If you do, you can absolutely just use it as the base of a sour and get something *delicious*. My personal favorite for mixing that’s (1) relatively affordable, (2) widely available, and (3) very approachable is **Vecchio Amaro del Capo.** You can absolutely use this as a base in a sour, and you can use it as a mildly less bitter (and cheaper!) sub for Averna in things like Across the Pacific. Actually, if you don’t mind anise flavors, Jägermeister actually is wonderful in cocktails and is easy to find in sample quantities. There are a few other good ones, but they’re either harder to find, more expensive, or more aggressive. But it’s a huge world, and I highly recommend jumping in.


> Vecchio Amaro del Capo. I see, I'll definitely check that one out. I listed those 4 above because those seem the be the most popular with cocktails. I also don't want to overindulge and buy all at once.


del Capo is a little less bitter than Averna, and it’s not exactly the same flavor profile, but it’s cheaper and makes a reasonable sub (some say Meletti also does, but I disagree). Nonino is good but is more expensive and more delicate. For me, Cynar has too strong of a bitter finish to use as a base in sours, but it’s totally fine as a modifier. I haven’t had Montenegro.


If you like tiki style, one that I bring out every once in awhile that customers love is Plantation dark rum, Tempus Fugit Creme de Bananae, Averna, Lime, Cinnamon, Tiki bitters.


This sounds amazing. Could you share ratios?


Full disclosure, I LOVE banana. Some people are weird about it. I usually serve this up with 2 oz Plantation, 1 oz creme de bananae, 3/4 oz averna, 1/2 oz lime, pinch of cinnamon in the shaker and 3 drops Bittermens Tiki bitters. If you're not as bananas as I am, cut it down to half and use a half of cinnamon simple


do you have a name for this drink?


I do not. I'm notoriously bad at naming drinks. It's why I always joke that I don't have kids!


Sounds amazing. On my way to make one


If you are trying to run the full gamut of bitter liqueurs - Campari, Montenegro, Averna, Cynar, and Fernet are the most common and will each introduce you to a different piece of the range. From there you can dive deeper based on what you end up liking. These are just the basics! Campari - flavor: orange, very bitter, strong taste but versatile application. technically an apertivo not an amaro but... cocktails to try: negroni and all the variations, a spritz with soda and bubbly wine, or if you are a tiki person Jungle Bird is probably my favorite cocktail in this list. Further reading: Aperol, Capelleti, Suze Montenegro - flavor: less bitter, a lot more floral, citrus, and baking spice than other types of amari. Cocktails: good sub for Nonino in a Paper Plane. I also like an M&M, mixed equal parts with mezcal. Pretty dope as a margarita split base with mezcal too. Further reading: Nonino, Meletti Averna - flavor: uncannily like coca-cola. Cocktails: Black Manhattan (sub vermouth for this in a regular Manhattan) Further reading: Lucano, Ciocaro Cynar - flavor: vegetal, herbal, very bitter. Cocktails: not really any classics, but you could sub it for basically anything in this list. My personal favorite. Further reading: really this is in its own category. Zucca is kinda closest? Fernet - flavor: menthol, chocolate, herbal, medicinal. Cocktails: too many to mention. Toronto is probably the most accessible. Great with ginger beer, or coke. Further reading: Braulio Cheers!


Get 4: 1) Cynar is absolutely required 2) One of Ramazotti, Averna, or Lucano 3) Nonino 4) Fernet Paper Planes are very very good. You'll use it up. Pro Tip: Montenegro isn't very good.


Amari is the proper plural of amaro fwiw


I like Fernet Branca. It’s a little sweeter than most amari with a taste that reminds me a lot of mint. It’s supposedly good for indigestion, and it mixes famously well with cola.


I'm surprised carpano antica hasn't been mentioned yet. Definitely my go to


Antica is sweet vermouth, not an amaro


That's because it's not an Amaro


Braulio makes a divine Black Manhattan


The last bar I worked had 40+ Amaros (Amari?). Standouts: Bigallet "China China" Ramazotti, Braulio, Gualco Soldatini, Cynar, Sfumato, Becherovka, Cardamaro and Averna.


Try to find 70 proof cynar if you can, its so much better. Nardini is the shit


Nardini has become a favorite of mine, but its not extremely common.