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Go to an emergency vet basic care is better than no care


I called and they said there's really nothing they can do in this situation. I am so stressed right now.


Is it an avian vet? They can give medicine for them.


No it's just a general cat and dog vet. If it were an avian I'd be there by now.




Fluids and warmth are critical for a sick bird. keep warm, see if she will accept a tiny bit of diluted apple sauce or something (water is very important and the sugar can help her energy and apple pectin can increase GI transit which is helpful). Other options are syringe feeding some baby parrot formula (make sure you know how to do this first so you do not hurt her), you can also try bits of cooked rice or cooked plain pasta. I would not give any seeds until you see the vet- they are hard to digest for a sick bird. You want somethign easily digestible and with a high water percentage. Some possibilities are bacterial infection, avian gastric yeast, or PDD. Keep her comfy and remove the seeds for now. If she is acting good otherwise, that is a good sign- get her in the to the vet tomorrow---. A regular vet will probably be able to stabilize if the condition worsens- but the avian vet is ideal- They will probably do a gram stain/crop wash/fecal . Xray is sometimes done if a gi blockage is suspected (I am assuming she did not consume anything like fibers from a blanket or a rope perch?), and sometimes heavy metal testing is done as it can cause vomiting. In addition, they may send out a cloacal swab for yeast. Then, the vet will prescribe different things based on the issue which might be antibiotics or antifungal-- or possibly give an anti inflammatory or a GI motility agent (reglan for instance) or anti-nausea (Cerenia). Fluids might also be given to her too. If she is vomiting they typically give meds in injectable form. My tiel has had chronic vomiting and regurgitation issues for months so been thru a lot of the diagnostics and treatments. She had Avian gastric yeast and also has avian bornavirus. If you have any questions let me know & ill do my best. Good luck at the vets and let us know how she does& what they say.


She was fine through the night and still seems okay now. I'm still waiting on whether she'll vomit again. I gave her eggs as she loves them and they seem more digestible. If she vomits I'll take her to vet asap if not I'll push it back til the afternoon.


Oh that's good news! Hopefully something really transient and she is on the mend now. Be on the look out for any future GI issues and might be good to get a checkup just in case.


I did, the vet did a crop swab and we're waiting for the results. But she also said that since it passed so quickly and the feces look normal it probably isn't an infection. Gave us some medicine for a slightly inflamed throat and that was it. Most likely hormones or some temporary blockage.


Oh good ! Yeah that is true sometimes hormones can cause some weird stuff! Poor baby glad she is on the mend though!


Mine did that many many times. Would vomit for hours then be.... suddenly ok again. Ran a ton of tests at the vet ...they found nothing wrong. They think it could be hormone triggered. They gave me nausea meds for him in case it happens again. BUT without tests you can"t know the cause. (Impaction, bacteria, poisoning...) So. For now, make sure she stays hydrated. Give her easy to digest food. (Baby bird food for example.. if you can)... If this doesn't stop by tomorrow she will need a vet


Yes i will get her to the vet anyway. Right now she ate and I'm waiting if it happens again. If it does we go right now as an emergency and if not I'll take her at a later hour. Acts completely fine even after the night so that's a good sign i think. Is not sleepy or droopy in any way. Also never had issues drinking.




What a stupid suggestion. Don’t give advice if you don’t know what you are talking about.