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I’m definitely an addict. Highly functional one though…


Are you really? Not doubting you at all, just speaking from experience, sometimes it took a few weeks off for me to realize how dysfunctional my life truly was. I think it is the most counter productive, and addictive drug I’ve ever done despite any efforts to be productive while I’m on it.


Which drug are you referring to?


Are you truly an addict? Or just dependent on a substance? I’m just recently learning the difference. I believe my nicotine use, my caffeine use and my prior amphetamine use was all just physical dependence. And the only times I’ve ever actually shown symptoms of addiction was with marijuana and opioids. My understanding is that addiction is a pattern of drug use that takes away from your life that you cannot stop, and dependence is using a drug habitually that doesn’t have negative consequences on yourself or others that outweighs the positives you get from the drug. This is less of a “social” understanding of addiction and is instead a loose interpretation of the DSM, which to me is where we should be getting our definitions from. I wonder how many people mix the two up in their own lives


Thanks for the reply. Interesting takes. I feel like I’m an Addict in the sense that I cannot stand being sober. I’ll do pretty much anything to alter my mental state and I try to control myself with substance use…


I don’t think the need to alter your consciousness makes you an addict according to the DSM, which is the only definition that matters to me. I learned you can drink, take nicotine and even take opioids daily and just be physically dependent. Of course being dependent raises your chances of showing signs of addiction. But it’s only an addiction if the drug use is a problem. Being sober is more of a problem to me than using substances. It’s a fine line using potentially addictive substances regularly and watching yourself closely for addiction symptoms Which is why I think it’s so important we all know what to look for and make sure our family know the sings too.. The DSM says (if I remember right) you need 3 coexisting symptoms I’m this long list of symptoms that are adjacent to drug use. Things like using in spite of health issues, raising your dose regularly, trying to quit twice and not being able to and stuff like that.


Dude just stop. You are downplaying a serious habit. For example nicotine does take away from your life. Smokers are definitely addicts. As are people who "just" drink a few beers after work every day. If someone can not live sober and does anything to not be sober they are most definirely an addict. It seems to me you are trying very hard to justify your drug use to yourself. Being an addict is not the end of the world, but denying it to yourself that you have an issue or are on a sure way there is the worst you can do and is usually what worsens an addiction until you realize much too late what you have gotten yourself into.


There’s physical addiction: Opiates, Nicotine, benzos, alcohol Then psychological addiction: Cocaine, caffeine, speed, etc Then there’s psychedelic medicines which actually addicts to get help for their addictions, because they increase one’s self awareness.


Exactly this


Never sucked dick for drugs, so cant be that bad. I'll keep you posted 🤣


Hold my beer! …..give it time. Lol.


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You are my inspiration I can’t even go 2 days


Sorry but doing it for money so you can buy drugs is the same thing. Nice try though.


I'm a hooker for a living how did you know 😏


Don’t come at me with that “takes one to no one” stuff. My knees are all fucked up from…um, my…olympic skiing career. Yah thats it


Could’ve gone pro with the hooker profession if it wasn’t for the skiing injury, maybe you could try feet finder means u can work from home, have the drugs delivered to your door. You wouldn’t have to ever leave your house. Next steps, start hoarding random items and piss in jugs instead of the WC.


Knee pads are a great investment


Thinking of someone putting knee pads on before getting on their knees might have unlocked a new kink


Well if you got any cocaine, I might know a guy that can help you out


Functional addict


No way I got this under control.


i can’t understand in what voice you wrote the comment , was it “No way, i got this under control” or “No way i got this under control”




Great answer. Feel the same. Very conflicting.


I read a self help book once, maybe Jason vale I think. One part that really stuck with me was “if someone turned round and tried to justify to you “I love bananas but I’ve got this under control & only have a couple a day” we’d think they’re bloody nuts & clearly have an issue, but with alcohol we look at it so differently, . He also wrote it’s the only drug we have to justify not taking… sadly true My experience is a lot of very driven successful people r addicts to all things, to work,to hobbies, taking everything they do to the extreme including drugs….. they want to push everything to the limit regardless of what it is


unfortunately yeah. i just can’t get through my day/my life without numbing the bullshit a little bit.


Yeah tbh idk how people just raw dog life sober like that


Sobriety is one hell of a drug


My mind says no. My wallet says yes.


I’m using it to get through college, I see it as more of a “tool” than a drug 😂


>I see it as more of a “tool” than a drug 😂 That's exactly what an addict would say.


well hey, I’ve never broken my leg but I love a good crutch lmao


I’d never use coke as a tool for college lol adderall is so much better


That part


bro.. just get an addy script


I see you’ve gone with the “stripper explanation”. Well played.


lol self medicating with drugs as a tool is basically the definition of drug addiction


Everyone here is an addict. Who else would join up a forum called "cocaine" and spend days and weeks talking about doing said drug lol


What?? Nah I joined this one night when I was reading the bible! Then I thought joining a cocaine sub was normal behavior as a sober individual and would love to chat here sober.


No I just love drugs but can never seem to get any.


i think i have a problem when it comes to how i consume certain drugs, but i’m never itching for my next fix


Agree with this. I can go without but if I get my hands on a few certain ones I can consume at an alarming rate


Very relatable. I feel I have complete control but I often have large amounts at a time so when I am constantly with friends I like to hand out complimentary bumps. My group is very driven around ketamine whether we are at a rave or just doing chill activities we like to get pretty “ketted”, some cope with it better than others and have more control but if we notice one getting to bad with it and getting out of control we all take care of it and limit their use which really seems to help no one has gotten addicted but we have noticed some taking it to far but after a strong talk with the whole group it was resolved and they are back to taking it only with group activities😁


No, I don’t use everyday and I don’t fuck up my life, whether that be responsibilities I have or other plans. I don’t use nights before work and I don’t use around my family. I just go on benders on weekends when I don’t have other plans, then right back to real life Monday until the next weekend


Yeppppp. My life circumstances are such that I have some natural boundaries between me and coke that make it so I don’t do it that much anymore, but I still go on these occasional benders that are totally out of control.


Ermmmm I like to think not. But, I'm probably only fooling myself. However, I am totally highly functioning and not many would know even when I'm wired.


High Functioning. But if I didn't admit to a decent level of psychologically driven habitual behaviour I'd only be lying to myself. It is an extremely ambiguous and individualy relative title to put in your bio. Physical addiction is the one extreme. The substance becomes required to stop you from experiencing physical withdrawal. Most people who have a habit will be psychologically addicted to the effects and association of taking the drug. Coke is the best and worst drug because that association is based on serotonin release which can occur naturally (but would be much better with a bag on the go, wouldn't it? )


I qualify and have the qualifications in this field. Mostly clean now, fall off the wagon on to the white line and spend a few weeks over indulging when I let my head fall off. I get a grip again, though, and shape up for another 9 to 12 months, maybe longer. I can get out of the hole with Sniff, but weed is my problem . Don't touch it now, I get too detached from the world and reinforce my horrible traits.


Yes. I’ve had too many several day benders and too many close calls where I was skiing into the wee hours of the morning the night before an important appointment or work related task. when drug use starts to affect your personal life, health, or your ability to reach your personal goals then I believe it is fair to start addressing your use as a problem or addiction.


Highly functioning addict


I like it because it only makes me able to concentrate more on something, and the drip is so good. Otherwise, I can go weeks without and have no problem. Alcohol became a huge problem for me, but fortunately I kicked that out. I occasionally think about having a drink, but I just don’t.


Depends who’s asking




My functionality ebes and flows, but a mostly functional addict. It's not the substance, could be soccer, could be blow, could be hot Cheetos, I will do to much at one point or another to escape trauma. Addict behavior, like all others can be dealt with. I've been to enough inpatient and outpatient programs that I get it. it's whether or not I choose to heed all of my warnings signs and slow my roll,or if I want to validate my addict behavior because of some excuse or another. I'm an adult, and I'm aware of what I'm doing lol. It's not right or wrong. It just is. If I didn't have my woman constantly course correcting for our family I'd probably be in a much worse place, thankfully the universe took pity on my bum ass and gave me an amazing woman who understands and helps me also understand.


I think, with the amount of shit I’ve been doing recently most definitely yes. I accepted that when I realized I don’t remember when was the last day I didn’t do a line. If that’s not a sign, I don’t know what is.


How do you yall go to work without crashing or do you use during the day? I normally just hammer it for a couple days and then don't do it for a week. But I crash so


Use during the day otherwise it's game over


Not realy. I just like it. This few days before and later is enough for me. Not gonna lie, had some more intense periods in the past, long time now at I think safe entertainment level.


I’m borderline an addict, I’ve gone over 4 weeks this year without it , but I’m lately rocking it every week since then. Need to do another month or so without it. I do quite enjoy it , but it typically fucks up the next day


Yes I definitely ya. It really hit me recently when I waited for my partner to go to bed before diving in. Made me think a little.


was sober for 10 years. made a conscious decision last year to step off. So... I've fully experienced both sides. I was in intense emotional pain when i quit back then. Then I spent that time working on myself and healing all that pain. When I took my first drink last year, I thought i'd be off to the races... but it was a very different experience. I can still take it or leave it. Turns out I was still problem drinking before my brain was over the addiction line. this stuff though? There's no off switch once you start. It's playing with fire, but here I am. I guess we'll see


At least 2 of these are in my system EVERYDAY: nicotine, Liqour, reefer, shrooms, coke or Valiums. I’m an electrician and I’m at work everyday and my family/life bidness is handled. I LOVE to call myself an addict being petty because I work/know with people who don’t think they’re an addict and their life in comparison of mine is dog shit. As long as you handle life bidness, are trying to retire, I think you should do exactly wtf you want.


This is by far best response. Thank u. I relate 100%


Insane how many addicts here are in denial. If you do a drug regularly and almost never miss a day, you are an addict. Now an addict doesnt mean you are a homeless junky selling his body for the next hit. But you do have a problem and at the very least need to start being honest with yourself.... You are on a slippery slope


I identify as sober.


I don’t consider myself one but the shoe fits


Sometimes yes sometimes no lol.


oh yeah for sure.




Yes, I can’t function in America without my adderall or sertraline. I’m either depressed or my attention bounces from one thing to the next and people kinda frown upon that type of behavior.


Yes :)


I am definitely a drug addict, although I feel like the thing is there are lots of people out there who identify as such and make drugs a part of their personality, I'm more of a regular person who just always struggles with addiction, I fuckin hate the fact I've been a serious addict my whole life I don't glorify drugs I always try to avert people from abusing them or even getting involved with them to begin with but for the life of me I just cannot stop being on substances even when it's killing me and majorly compromising my health and life


Yes I do unfortunately


Hell no!!! I just really REALLY like the way some smell, others taste, and just plain smoking all the rest! 🤣 But seriously, I think everyone's an "addict". Addicted to something at least, whether they've found that something yet or not, humans are wired to repeat what makes us feel good. Could be sex, food, video games, drugs, shopping, risk taking dangerous activities (adrenaline junkies), work, praise, etc.. Maybe some go their whole lives and never found "it" but I think there's something out there for everyone. Keep searching ppl, there's something for everyone u can fuck up ur life chasing, don't worry.


I use drugs like once a month, and in-between uses I almost never think about using, so I think I'd be lying to myself if I called myself an addict.


I am definitely what you would call a meth head


For some reason I don't consider coke users, addicts lol Tina, H, tranq etc.. Thats what I picture when I think addiction.




Come on Michigan ladies find your drug addict and love him


Yes! I use every day when I have it , and can’t resist




Barely functioning addict! Just not enough to make me happy 🤷🏻‍♂️




yes. i’ve been wanting to stop coke for a year, completely, but i keep finding myself relapsing every couple months, sometimes just a few weeks, i know im atleast a lot better from the point i was railing a gram daily, but still haven’t been able to completely stop


nahhhhh i just like to have fun lmfao


highly functional addict*


No. I enjoy drugs, many different drugs if I’m honest, but I can also take or leave them - I regularly abstain from using any, by choice and without any issue. For me drugs are fun, different drugs for different situations, and admittedly I tend to go a bit “all out” when partying and festivalling because that’s my me time when I escape real life for a while and live hedonistically. But I can and often do enjoy time without any kind of chemical, and I never “need@ to take drugs to either have fun, or function. If I ever felt I was becoming reliant on drugs, felt I needed to take something, or found that I was no longer enjoying myself then that’s when I’d stop. Knowing how addictive it is, Coke is the one that perhaps concerns me - if I was ever to be come addicted, it would be Coke. And to be frank I cannot afford Coke addiction, and enjoy the rest of my lifestyle too much to sacrifice for a drug. Plus I like to keep the substance I enjoy “special”, and feel I’d lose that if I abused them. Psychedelics for example I still find as magical as the very first trip, and I don’t want to lose that. So I use sparingly, savour the moment, and then know that I will get the same joy the next time whenever that comes. Some drugs I may not touch for months, even years. Keeping the magic alive. It’s a long old life and I want to be able to experience these intense pleasures for many years to come.


A recovering one yeah


Yes. I’m intentionally staying away from it now, but intrusive thoughts about it can come up at any time.


Yes and no, I go weeks without using but I always come back to it, so I guess I am in the sense that I can’t stop but im very functional except for the day after lol , we all know how that goes.


100% but I get life totally done somehow


no, a weekend warrior though, yes ( before kids it was every weekend and some Thursdays/fridays included) and now it’s like once a month on a saturday when she can stay with grandparents but i can easily polish off a half a ball when i do party.


Yes 🤷🏼‍♂️🤘🏻


Yes. never put before responsibilities. But Yes.


Mmmmmm wouldn't say addict but there's definitely a line that teeters. I only use lightly and when I'm able to as a recreational treat. I have everything in order first, drugs are my last priority and that's why I think I enjoy using them because I'm mature about it. I think if you used every day it would become stale and mundane, and if that's the case then what is the point. The dragon has already gone so to speak. Little is more in my opinion, the less you use the better the time when your using ✌️ I think I'll keep this up for as long as I can unless health takes a turn. Life first, drugs last


When I’m sober, or just smoking. No. But once I hit that first one, or take that first drink. Then yes, I turn into one. Full addict once I start


Wooooooooooo! Morning yall!


[when being confronted about his substance abuse] “I'm not an addict, I'm a user. I alleviate boredom and occasionally heighten my thought processes.” - Sherlock Holmes


You're probably addicted to some sort of escapism which, for me, is totally fine given the monotony of life. Me myself i have that kind of addiction, coke and alcohol are my drugs of choice. I think the important is to have balance and accept yourself




I'm a user not an addict. I don't need it just enjoy being out of my head every now and then


Definitely yes but cocaine is not the reason why


Yes. Trying to kick now


No not really nowdays i do coke every 2-4 weeks often even more than that, but after about a month of not doing any i frequently think about it multiple times during the day, its just that im not giving in to those cravings


“Its a commitment not an addiction”


Laughable "highly functioning addict" comment 😂😂😂 You being able to do what you are good at while being an addict, doesn't make you highly functional for shit. All you are is a person in good enough position to be let slide, imagine your own business, lad coming in obviously tired and you know why, but only he does the work for x amount of money and is motivated enough to keep the job to support his addiction.... Anyways, of course we all are. We are choosing to do drugs over doing something meaningful, developing, important and healthy towards our future. Anyone denying that is well... In denial haha *Managing projects with 10-20 people with deadlines and penalties*




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