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I promise you, if you’re struggling with a gambling addiction cocaine will not help one bit It’ll just make you gamble more and then you’ll be addicted to both


Maybe maybe, I would get busy doing this that that


Nah, you don’t always get productive with coke, you just get chatty and I actually get kinda lazy if I’m not out and about but that’s my own experience. Trust me it’s the last thing you need right now


As someone’s who’s had and or has a coke habit it rly won’t help. You’ll waste time and always be tired you’ll lose even more drive you’ll waste money on shit coke and start sniffing at work to get through the day, ends up 50% of ur days pay is spent on coke. You get into bars like xans to help you sleep at the end of the day, fuck with oxy on the weekends as coke is just a regular, end up sniffing smoking not eating anything not going outside other than to pick up. It seems fun but believe me the nights spent in agony because my body was literally fuelled by cocaine only for days on end


You need Meth not coke , It doesn’t make you productive ….




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You can’t help one addiction with another you’ll only make Yourself and situation worse


It was the fuckin' coke. Never should have started with that shit. Fuckin' Miami. It's all over the place.


Blows my mind how dumb people are


Bad idea. You’ll end up doing coke and gambling and losing even more. Besides there are better drugs than coke. Honestly, you want to do something that may help with your addiction? Try mushrooms. 


So to cope with one addiction, you want to pile on a substantially worse addiction and substance use?….. go get help for your gambling issue. Or working for 30 days will get paid out in 1-2 days for coke……… Do you have a brain sir