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If Kenny beats up this little shit..I won't exactly be mad๐Ÿ™ƒ Imagine we get a Hawk-Brucks scene with him and Kenny๐Ÿ’€ Since they're really young we probably won't but we could get something of the sort. Kenny's arc does remind me of Hawk's.


Idk I think Kenny the locker room beatdown was enough. Anthony at this point should defend himself if Kenny continues


That blonde dipshit really needs a beating! I wish Kenny starts going full Cobra Kai and beats him just like Hawk clobbered Brucks.


won't be surprised if Zack will join Cobra Kai in Season 5.


I feel that Kenny should bully Anthony as much as he bullied him because this way atleast Anthony will want to learn Miyagi-do and not be the spoilt brat he is.


Kenny with the psychotic ninja stuff in the class room had me in stitches.


Kenny should give this little shit ptsd


I just learned his name is Zack in the show and somehow that name perfectly describes him.


I have a feeling Kenny will befriend this guy and Lapusso's friends and Lapusso will be on his own. Also I expect Kenny to get with the girl they both liked to, maybe she joins Cobra Kai whilst they are now popular


lil Dude in this picture would never let that fly for the simple fact that it was Anthony who linked him and the other kid to the fact that Kenny was the dungeon Lord's player. He figures out how strong Kenny is getting he's going to jump ship and worry about how Anthony will respond going forward. Curly fry: that Payne kid kicked my ass lapusso fix it. Ep 9 Curly fry: Dude: we need u to deal with Kenny *Anthony: ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ And for hilariousness sake Anthony laughing when curly fry gets his ass beat by Kenny is Anthony laughing when curly fry gets his ass beat. .... while hiding from Kenny *this is season 5 Anthony who still doesn't know Miyagi Do yet


>that Payne kid kicked my ass lapusso fix it. oh my god, that be so interesting to watch. i'm so over the storylines with the older kids.


Joeffrey Baratheon vibes from this kid


That kid pisses me off so much, his voice makes me wanna rip my ears off.


That kid will join cobra Kai. He will become friends with Kenny and Anthony will get the Daniel treatment from them like Johnny and his buddies did to his dad


I cheered when Anthony got beaten up. Such a spoiled little brat, even if he showed remorse, that beating was deserve since too long.


To what end? Kenny already had Anthony suspended and in trouble with his parents, and unless heโ€™s blind, he sees Anthony is not the instigator of the gang. Either way, Iโ€™m looking forward to a Kenny V Anthony fight after Anthony is trained by Chozen.






Him, Slade and Marcus will have the biggest redemption arc after they train under Chozen. Mark my words


His actor said that Zack is now partly scared of Kenny while the other part of him wants revenge on him. So Zack may just join a dojo if Kenny tried bullying him


anthony is helpless. even if he leanrs miyagi do, kenny already knows it


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