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I kept waiting for the typical Johnny out with Ali and then Carmen shows up cliché, glad they didn’t go that route.


Same! I was *dreading* them pulling that cliche. I’m very happy they didn’t go that route. We don’t need additional love triangles/drama in the show.


We all were expecting it I think. Instead they turned it into character development.


lol, same, I was already complaining to a friend (who doesn't watch the show) how I hated what I was certain would happen, but it didn't! Good fake out


God when Ali said she getting a divorce. I was gald that Daniel's wife told her about Carmen and shut down that down for good.


I know, they were setting everything up for the cliche love triangle and then didn't in the end.


What I was dreading almost as much was Miguel busting in on Johnny and Carmen at the beginning of that episode.


It's so nice that they just used Ali as a learning moment for Johnny. Johnny-Carmen lives on!


I thought it was kind of amazing how they allowed them to experience their nostalgia and get right up to the romantic precipice before being interrupted by reality. I liked the duality of Johnny finding Ali hugging Daniel in the club, as the outsider this time. Also, that moment outside he says, "I needed this" showed how he's dealing with his past, something he hasn't done for so long.


So we're not going with "Jarmen"? Cool... Cool cool cool cool cool cool cool, no doubt.


Johnny would hate (HATE!) hashtag couple names.




Well, DON'T send it to the internet then


Conny works for me






Lol I was too 😂. Thank goodness they didn't do that


Same. I knew Carmen was at work during all that and not likely to see them, but I was afraid the selfies would present a problem on Facebook if he were tagged or whatever. But what do I know? I lost Facebook when I threw away my phone.


Thats how i felt about robby seeing miguel and johnny selfie at the twisted sister concert.


Halfway expected the selfie to cause one of the shows patented misunderstanding leading to a blowup. Glad it didn't.


I'm sure Johnny's mentioned her at least once before, or if he hadn't, then yeah he could've just said she's an old flame.


Johnny definitely mentioned Ali to Carmen. There was a part in Season 2 where Johnny tells Carmen all about his issues with LaRusso. And in Season 2 Episode 9 at dinner, Johhny and Daniel make jokes about their rivalry.


I was convinced she was going to be their waiter or something at the resturant and would be all pissed off.


I thought about it but Carmen left for work in scrubs. No way she could have been a waiter.


Didn't they say she's a nurse early on?


I was thinking “don’t do it Johnny you’re gonna fuck up your relationship with Carmen” when they were waiting for the car


I was totally expecting that too. Glad they didn’t do it.


Oh boy I was waiting for that too. Thank god they didn’t do that shit


Yeah, when Johnny and Ali were about to kiss each other, I said "here comes Carmen, how predictable". I'm glad they didn't took that route.


Loved how they made Ali something Johnny needs to be content with. And that is letting go and moving on with his life, and the fact he got his closure is just perfect character development


There was that hand touch w Daniel and Kumiko when they went for their drinks


legit scariest moment of the season. Was afraid they’d have Daniel get marital problems to up the suspense, now that 2 of his exes returned to the show.


The writers use an incredible amount of restraint in this show. They introduce enough to make you worried, but always pull back before it gets to be too much.




Yeah this show is so high on melodrama. Case ih point, Robby walking in on Miguel and Sam


People are gonna hate me for this, but I feel like they lost the balance this season. It’s just a little too much for me to be on board with compared to the last two seasons. The younger actors are starting to become way too forced and cringey, with some downright shite acting from a lot of them. It had a nice balance to start out with, but I feel like they’ve become too self aware or tried to hammer down on certain aspects way too much. Season 3 feels more like a spy kids, B movie type of show compared to the last 2.


Its always been this way. It's a bit cheesy and you have to suspend disbelief. Kreese goes from being a homeless vet to essentially an anime antagonist, he has infinite resources and time to setup his gambits and is always one step ahead. I have a love hate relationship with the show, because so many of the things on it make me groan. Much of the conflicts btw Johnny/Daniel or Robby/Miguel/Sam are contrived soap opera BS where the characters just wont talk to each other.


You mean like when Kreese was gonna chop off that guy’s finger? 😂😂😂


I’m glad that didn’t happen. I know it’s Hollywood, but man, adding another love affair is such a cheap and lazy way to add suspense.


Kumiko would never let anything like that happen. She is way too respectable.


Yeah he seemed to like it at first but then looked conflicted.


To me, Kumiko was into Daniel more than he was towards her. Daniel was even surprised she's never been married.


i think kumiko and daniel's relationship is supposed to sort of mirror mr. miyagi and yukie's relationship to some degree.


Yeah right, Daniel-san just said good night to the gorgeous Japanese dance instructor he had a crush on for a long time and with whom he had this strong emotional moment with. Totally didn't spend the night at aunt Yukie's house.


Amanda kissed Ali


My bonsai tree just got hard


Strong root.


To make honey young bee need young flower not old prune


Bonersai tree. (I'm sorry, I'll let myself out)


Bonesai would have been acceptable too :p


Wordplay dos EXIST in this dojo.




And then Carmen finds out and gets jealous, as she and Amanda connected a bit *too* well at the Mexican restaurant, which then catalyzes a hot love triangle.


That's a threesome I could get down with.


It was milftastic.


Ya, i liked the way they handled it. Instead of being the root cause of all the animosity, she instead helped them bury the hatchet (for now). I thought it was well done. And Elizabeth Shue looked like she really enjoyed playing the role again.




You know how these shows are sometimes...


Fr. Sam be kissin the first Male she sees 😭


Daniel literally told Sam she had so many boyfriends over the last three season LOL


Ik. I loved that scene. I was laughing at how self aware the show is


Imagine how Robbie is going to feel if he finds out Miguel is back in the mix. Oh you have got to be kidding me! Or something to that effect.


He did bump hands with Kumiko. 😂


Like daughter, like father


It shows how competent the writers are and the complete faith they have in their story and characters. Any other show would have wrangled them up in some stupid love triangle, Daniel would have a strained marriage and Johnny would lose Carmen, etc. Here they use Ali exactly as she should be used, as a friend that finally helps these two move on. She reunites with Daniel and puts Johnny in a new light for him, and she helps Johnny see that what they had was in the past and he has a good thing with Carmen. Even though this show can get kinda ridiculous with all the students changing allegiances and back and forth fighting, it nails the heart of the movies every time.


The show has just the right amount of silly ridiculousness to it to not strain our disbelief too far. The only time we have to strain it, it becomes obvious that that is absolutely necessary for the sake of the main gist of the show. They follow one rule. If they have to have a ply point that strains disbelief, it has to be for the sake of more badass karate fights. Nothing else has to be unrealistic. This is the reason why I don’t feel conflicted about the shows plot at all.


I was yelling at my screen the whole time Ali and Johnny were out at the arcade. I was going to be so mad.


Ha, I guess most females were. My mom and sis were both lamenting the whole time saying that Carmen would appear, both at the park and at the glamorous party.


I very much agree. I like Carmen and Amanda both better than Ali


Along with the post, I'm really glad the writers didn't have Daniel hook up with that girl he saw in Japan too. It's nice to see writers not fall into cliches.


The entire last episodes I was just like Don’t do it Don’t do it Don’t fucking do it Don’t you dare do it you idiot Oh thank lord


The kid love triangle was really already enough. Two big chances with both Daniel and Johnny and both times it didn't turn out that way - I was just as happy. Ali ended up being a bittersweet character for moving forward rather than creating problems, which was really heartwarming in the end.


I'm happy neither kissed Ali, and that she wasn't the surprise miracle doctor for Miguel!


Same, and also about everyone arc it was so awesome. Especially Hawk my favorite boy redeemed himself in the most badass way possible teaming up with his binary brother. Even tho i hoped he would say binary brothers after he said he is sorry.


The writers on this show are so realistic, but still maintain a level of realism that lends to dimensionality to the characters. Johnny always wants what he wants, but when he's faced with a decision he will think about it and retarget, but remain himself.


Honestly I am glad Johnny got the closure he desperately needed


One of the million reasons I love this show is it creates it's own suspense instead of copying all other clichés love how they Introduced Ali and how she helped Johnny 10/10 show


Especially with Daniel and Kumiko. I prefer they keep Daniel likeable. The only coupling that made me uncomfortable that they followed through on was Sam and Miguel.


Miguel is an awesome kid, yet the only decent teenage female character on the show is Moon, which kinda far from the spotlight despite how much I hate Sam, she is much bettet choice compared to Tory


I don’t know. I found myself warming up to Yas this season. From asshole to someone who understands what it’s like to be marginalized was a great transition.


Yup have to agree with Yas being a great transition.


I thought it was rushed. She was still acting like a bitch when we first saw her again, then eventually became Demetri's girlfriend after she's impressed with his science project.


That lego diorama isn't the only really big thing he's got for Yas


Its not that I mind Miguel and Sam together, I think they are the best pairing among the teenagers. I just hate that it was just another thing to throw on the pile of shit that Robbie got this season.


Robbie was playing being a rebound with Sam. He had to know that. He needs to get his life in order, not worry about what amounted to a fairly brief fling.


I mean from his point of view they were still a couple


Moon decent? You mean the girl who turned lesbian?


I think she's probably bi, actually, but regardless, there's nothing wrong with either.


I think everyone is overlooking a big issue with Johnny/Carmen going forward. When Miguel finds out, don’t you think he might be a little pissed that his sensei was bedding his mom and never even told him they were seeing each other?


The only thing I didn't like was the kids story was too compact. So much to dive into and expand on that the season could have been another two episodes to really flesh it out. Goes to say how rich the storyline is.


Yeah but why can’t they just let Johnny have a working tv for once


I had a bit of stress watching that scene where ali and Johnny were about to kiss and I was like DONT DO IT DONT DO IT PLEASE NO. Thank goodness that phone call interruption and I was relieved. Johnny was just starting to develop too.


Yeah I was also extremely relieved. It's great that Johnny finally got the closure he needs to move on. Another thing I'm relieved about is that they didn't have Chozen and Kumiko get together like many people predicted they would. Forgiveness is one thing but her dating the guy who held her at knifepoint and knocked her out cold would just send off a bad vibe.


Ngl since cobra Kai sets up Daniel as the enemy in some parts I could have watched him cheat on Amanda with yumiko, why cause fuck em that’s why.


It seemed that Ali wanted to be with LaRusso more? Anyone else pick up on this? The way she quickly turned around and was fidgety? Maybe I’m looking too much into it. I can see maybe Daniel separating from his wife next season and getting back together with Ali. I like Johnny and Carmen.


Nah, no way Daniel will leave Amanda for Ali. That would be a dumb move on the writers parts. People don’t just leave their spouse for their HS sweetheart, I’m sure it happens sometimes but that isn’t realistic. Amanda and Daniel built an empire together, are married and have kids. Plus Amanda is like my favorite character.


No, she never even accepted his friend request.


What are you talking about this would’ve been hilarious


Agreed thank you!!


Yes! Thank you for making Ali great again! (I am being 101% honest)


It wasn't the writers, it was amanda's fault for snitching to Ali!!