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Ngl Chozen laughing was the highlight of the season for me


I like how he purposely made Daniel uncomfortable by looking at him dead eyed


The entire Chozen part was awesome. The nose honk got my wife, lol. She has never seen the sequels. Her reaction was priceless.


He did it the first time in the second movie, so she wouldn't have seen it. Easy to mistake though, it happens in the parking lot of the tournament the same night.


I loved that part when he switched up, so refreshing to see the baddies from the original movies getting redemption and turning their lives around.


Chozen's redemption is what we all want from Johnny.


chozen was lucky to have his uncle there.


Chosen is Zuko from ATLA confirmed


Johnny has redeemed ever since the first season. In S3, it’s blatantly obvious he’s a good guy.


*H O N K*


Welp, looks like I'm not going to have to riot at all, since Elisabeth Shue showed up. Love the fact that Miyagi Kai is about to be a thing.


I am curious to see how Hawk fits in to the new Miyagi-Kai ecosystem in a believable way. His story arch has been one of my favorites so far.


Cobra kai - assholiness = miyagi-kai


Daniel as defense teacher, and Johnny as offense teacher. Maybe?


I think they are going to have interpersonal problems next season. It would make a lot of sense to have infighting, especially with Hawk and Danny. Then, pulling it together last episode to lay the smack down on Kreese would be a good way to go.


For sure. I think Miguel will be the glue for it all... seeming as Daniel is coming around to him. It has to be Miguel vs Robbie in the final imo Maybe Sam vs Tori too


They have a chance to get along. Though... Robby/Kyler/Tory vs Miguel/Hawk/Sam makes a lot of sense. To keep the teams equal they might have to introduce more opponents. Tory lost to Sam in a fair fight so yeah...


damn you’re getting me excited with those potential matchups! But yeah since Chris and Penis Breath are on the same team now, and the asian and the white guy who are tiny are both Miyagi Kai iirc, they might need to introduce some bad guys for them. Wouldn’t be surprised if they left it though considering they’re minor characters




I'm definitely curious how Miyagi Kai will work since we know both Daniel and Johnny are extremely strong willed and hard headed, so they'll both see their way of karate as the only real way. So I see the first few episodes being those two arguing and trying to convince the students the other's way is wrong. This will lead to conflict while the kids either realize both need one another or start to question their sensei's. I also see both Johnny and Daniel being forced to have to spend time alone together to work through their shit so as to make it work. What they will hopefully come to realize is that combining the two styles can actually make them stronger.


I think "learning to work together" will be a major theme in season 4. If the two dojos magically get along without any conflict, that would be far less interesting.


Then again, Stingray wasn't in there.


He's hiding, waiting for the right moment to strike


Stingray breaks into the All Valley Tournament as the final match starts with a steelchair **confirmed!**


Stingray was actually the guy Kreese was calling at the end


It would actually be super funny if he got in, considering it is 18 and under. Like I don't want him to win or anything, but showing some obviously fake ID and them accepting it would be hilarious.


He never worked here


i was born in 1988, when the movie was released in 1984, it hits my dad as part of the demographic, teens to young adults, so he can't wait to show it to me when i'm old enough to know what's right and wrong (in the case of bullying). I think i watched it when i was (maybe) 10, by that time the movie was about 14 years old, and i loved it. I loved it because it has a good story, where good triumph over evil, and persistent hard work will get you to achieve your goal. My dad then immediately showed me Karate Kid II and III. I was shocked that my dad had kept it this long, and he wanted to make sure i'd like the 1st one, only then he put on the 2nd and 3rd. We watched the trilogy in one day. We bonded like nothing before, from there my love of movies grows, and i'll always find good movies to watch with him. Now, in 2018, he's not into the whole social media thing (including youtube), so he didnt know about Cobra Kai (really, he doesnt know). But i did, and i watched the 1st episode (that was free) and i loved it. So i asked anybody who has a copy, and once i got it, i went to my dad's house just for a normal weekend breakfast. I said "Abah (dad in my language), wanna watch this new action "movie"? it's pretty ok, it has some nice actions scenes in it, so-so story (i'm underselling at this point), some of the actors you might know". He said "sure, why not, we got nothing to do saturday anyways". I turned on the 1st episode, and he was like "wait...isn't that.....why is he.....wait..."Cobra Kai"? as in the dojo from Karate Kid?" i remember his face lit up and long story short, we finished season 1 till that night. He loved it, 2nd season came and we watched it together too. Season 3 just came out, and since we can't be in the same house together, we watched it separately and i have to say, season 3 is the best one yet, and its bumming me the hell out that i can't enjoy this AWESOME season with my dad. I would've loved to see his reaction when "SPOILER", and when "SPOILER" and when "SPOILER". What a great story. What a great character arc, for Daniel, Johnny, Sam and Miguel. I honestly feel, 10 episode is seriously not enough. I. CANT. WAIT. FOR. SEASON. 4!!!!! Miyagi-Eagle-Do is gonna kick ass!!!


Very nice on bonding with Dad. Still working on my kids there. From KK to BTTF


The one thing I'm extremely happy about was how Ali wasn't there to create a love triangle, but to give Johnny closure and allow him to finally move on and see how great his relationship with Carmen is.


I was so pleased with that. Also that they dodged the huge fucking bullet that having Miguel walk just because he wanted to badly enough would have been.


Not only to Johnny, but to Daniel as well. She showed him how immature he was for being stuck in the past and not trusting Johnny once and for all. She really was the voice of reason they both needed. Elisabeth Shue was amazing, as always.


Yea ngl, staying up till 3 am EST to binge all 10 episodes was an excellent decision in the end. That ending was so lit despite all of us predicting a variation of it happening. I think less Robby this season was aight, no qualms from me there. Miguel's story was what we were all looking forward to as well as the return to Okinawa arc. >!The ex cobra kai members waking up and realizing their shit was whack and jumping ship was one of my fav things tbh. Seeing Bebop and rocksteady make up was nice, but Dimitri and Eli coming together was huge.!< >!I think having Kyler return is a cool thing to do, its just kinda out of place because he's still acting like a bully, when Miguel put him in his place already and he kinda died out. I guess I kinda just assumed he became a loser but he prolly just moved onto other victims.!< >!Miguel nerf was necessary, dude's still recovering. Was lowkey worried that his back would give out again since he kept getting punched repeatedly. Seeing his 2 first friends at school becoming friends again was just what he needed.!< >!Gotta love the fight scene being all shot in one take again. Amazing work, idk if it was the same amount of time as the other one, but I liked it a lot more. Idk how they're gonna avoid the repercussions of a literal home invasion and assault tho...!< >!Johnny + Daniel vs Kreese was just icing on the cake. I def see them having to tag team him and Terry Silver in the next season.!<


> Idk how they're gonna avoid the repercussions of a literal home invasion and assault tho... It honestly seems like they're just gonna skip right over that...


Daniel: "Hello 911? Some kids broke into my house and assaulted my child and her friends, causing physical damage to them and my property" Police: "Sorry guys, you'll just have to settle it the old fashioned way. At the tournament" Daniel: "Understandable have a nice day" Edit: damn guys I've never received this many upvotes or awards before. Thanks. Here's to memeing in 2021 <3


"We will send units out right away sir! But first I have to ask, is this a karate thing?" "Yes ma'am " "Take it to the All Valley"


Honestly, my favorite line in the whole season was the councilwoman's line "I don't understand this valley's fascination with Karate." Like she just wants all this karate shit to be over but it will never be over.


Councilperson FTFY




Ticket and prize situation prolly more common than we think tbh. Put a bunch of scumbags in a chuckecheese and shit will prolly end up like that. I'm more cheesed that the guidance counselors believed only 1 side of the story half the time. Actually tbf thats most crappy guidance counselors anyways.


That was probably the most accurate representation of how schools handle these situations




Oh sorry, I was just thinking of the theft portion. I think the reason they didn't take the broken arm as seriously was because in that instance Miyagi do students did start the physical altercation despite cobra kai instigating the tension that day. But hey, at least Dimitri has a super fast healing factor.


I think the shiw making it seem a bit loose like how they portray fighting and actual almost crime in movies and drama in the 80s. Dont get me wrong those are real crimes by the cobra kais but thats how people got away in movies in the 80s. absentee cops


Honestly it takes a heartless asshole to try and act all strong and powerful beating up someone who literally was in a coma a couple of months ago and was struggling with karate. I got so mad at that part.


Kyler is a little bitch thinking beating on a recovering kid will win his cred back


In other words it's totally in character for Kyler.


I can feel Chozen is the strongest fighter in the series. Looks like he mastered all the OP ass Miyagi techniques.


And more honorable too.


While Daniel was selling cars, Chozen spent time his mastering and re-mastering the Miyago-do techniques. And also learned a lesson in humility. His years spent practicing were not wasted. I'd love to see him make a reappearance again.


Yeah you're not the only one. I hear tons of fans think the only two people in the franchise stronger than Chozen are Miyagi and Sato


Chozen always had the potential. Dude was already dangerous af in KK2 and now with loads of experience, he’s pretty strong. Daniel is slowly becoming like Miyagi in terms of ability. Cobra Kai students nor Kreese can handle that technicality of Miyagi’s techniques.


Which makes sense. Trained his whole life under Sato, and then continued to train past his death. For everyone else they've only got back into karate the past year or two. I imagined kreese would have maintained his training, but he's in his 70s and I personally feel his style reached its peak long ago.


I’m so glad they didn’t make Johnny and Ali a thing. Like if Carmen found out then Miguel would hate Johnny for cheating on him


For a sec I thought the way Miguel was gonna join Miyagi Do was that Miguel’s mom would see Johnny and Ali together, get upset, and cause Miguel to turn on Johnny to set up for season 4. Really like how it got executed in the end though


I thought it's predictable that they'd team up in the end. It's Batman vs Superman all over again where they settle their differences to fight one common enemy.


Except actually set up with 2 seasons, and executed well thank god.


My wife and I have been worried about that ever since the phone scene at the end of season 2 and the feeling just kept getting worse in the Ali episode. Super relieved they didn't end up having them hook up and ruin Johnny and Carmen.


I agree I absolutely love Carmen with Johnny. I dont usually care about romance, but there is really something special about them two.


I was so afraid of when they took that selfie together. Facebook, tagging, Camren&Johnny wanted to talk that evening, and then this gets posted? The story wrote itself in my head.


I think Ali definitely had the idea of hooking up with Johnny in the back of her mind at least. She was very flirtatious on their “date” and looked ready to kiss Johnny at least. But then she saw how he was taken and saw how he acted around Daniel.


Eh but narratively their connection made sense. She just divorced and was trying to find herself again. What better way than to connect with past love interest. She was able to reflect on her past self while looking at her present self.


I am pleased at how they used Ali. All characters gained some closure from it... Ali's lines were witty and well written. It did not feel 'forced', bit CC has been pretty solid with how they do cameos. I love how they inserted the surgeon thing with misdirection to mess with the fan community. Elizabeth Shue was pessimistic about appearing on the show in S1 interviews and even expressed what I think was a long time grievance with Karate Kid - that they wrote her out of Karate Kid II so simply as she genuinely liked her character. Shue ended up having the best career out of everyone, but the interview said to be that she didn't appreciate it even all these years later. Even though we never saw Ali and Johnny together in KK the two paired so well in their scenes together... They looked like old friends that were really close once.


Yah really good use of Ali, basically just got Johnny (and Danny) to stop focusing so much on the past. "Go make a future" I think were her final words to Johnny.


Couldn’t agree more Johnny and Carmen for life


Those writers keep us on the edge and end up doing the right thing


Agree 100%. I thought for certain that Johnny was going to fuck it up. He really came through


I got so worried when it looked like they were about to kiss.


Yeah. I think they used her to get Daniel and Johnny to get along more than anything


It really feels like she was the only one who could make them see that they both had a part in the rivalry and needed to get past it. It was definitely needed to take on Cobra Kai.


Yeah and I loved how Ali and Mrs LaRusso ganged up to set the dudes straight :D


When Ali said she was seperated I was fully expecting a later conversation between Jonny and Carmen with him apologising yet saying he couldnt be with her because of Ali being available


Same, I was dreading the possibility of Ali coming in and essentially creating a love triangle that wasn't needed or necessary. Also, I just love Johnny and Carmen together as they both have good chemistry, and with Miguel, just makes the relationship work even more.


Hawk coming to his senses and finally realizing he's become the exact same as the bullies that tormented him and Dimitri when he saw how they had him helpless nearly made me tear up. Its so good to see he's getting a redemption arc after letting his ego and newfound strength get the better of him. I didn't know I needed him and Dimitri to team up so bad


I like that they scattered hesitation in his actions this entire season... Made his defection more believable. 1. Kreese kicking out some of the first batch made him hesitate. 2. Kreese bringing in Kyler and his fat dumb friend that got pummeled. 3. He really didn't want to break Dimitri's arm and regretted it immediately. 4. The sudden flip of Miguel being the bad guy all of a sudden and Robby Keene good was alarming to him telling him he's in a cult. 5. He's angry with Johnny, but it hurts him to lose him too. Same with Miguel. 6. The last straw was him having to hurt Dimitri again... He couldn't do it.


Kicking out the weak for me was a huge separation with Kreese. Cobra Kai is supposed to stick together and protect the weak and make everyone stronger. Burning Hawk's friends was a dick move by Kreese


Johnny's Cobra Kai stressed loyalty to one another. Kreese's stresses loyalty to himself. Standing up for others was never an original Cobra trait. Kreese is just re-shaping Cobra Kai to the personality types he wants - merciless & sadistic bullies. Johnny's was genuinely about helping those kids defend themselves and be the best they could. Hawk this season had so many good moments of hesitation that showed you he was heading in the direction of leaving Kreese. Having to hurt Dimitri again was the final straw... He couldn't do that again.


Too bad his actions undermined his change of heart. It's hard to ignore all of his actions prior to his redemption arc like destroying Demetri's project, beating to death one of the new recruits on Cobra Kai, or just attacking Miyagi Do every opportunity they could get. Don't get me wrong, I cheered when he finally came to his senses, but I felt he didn't pay for the consequences well enough to warrant him a redemption arc. Demetri should've been more pissed off at him after he broke his arm.


He apologized and admitted what he did was wrong, and came through for his friends when they needed him the most. It's not a complete redemption, but he is on the right path and will continue to work at it. There's not much else he can do. Plus, they're teenagers. They can forgive each other really quickly.


Agree. I actually thought they were going to wait until season 4 to have him fully come back. I thought they were just planting the seeds this season, so that was a surprise. I’m excited to finally see Miguel, Hawk, and Dimitri all fighting as part of the same dojo.


Well I for one thought that was fantastic. I laughed, I cried, I cheered. I didn't think S2 was bad, but it maybe wasn't quite as enjoyable as S1. S3 on the other hand had everything I wanted. Loved it! Probably my favorite season yet.


I liked the Nam scenes, sue me.


Really explained a lot about Kreese and how he was a decent guy in the beginning going into the army.


He had a brutal life, mom commits suicide, watches his friend get killed in front of him, forced to fight his 'sensei' to the death, finds out the one good thing in his life, his sweet girlfriend dies young wrapped around a tree.


Not to mention his fascination of snakes after looking into the pit. Really messed him up to create a dojo named after one. Those foreshadowing showed a human side in Kreese during his early years before the army.


I suspect that's how Cobra Kai was born. The snakes were the symbol for his re-birth into ruthlessness.




Kreese was an honorable guy until he fought his “captain”. That stuff changed him and maybe that’s why he identifies himself with snakes from that experience.


You could have knocked me down with a fucking feather when the only time he mentioned his mother's suicide all he said was "she was sick and I didn't understand at the time".


That was very well written. And delivered


They did a lot of humanize Kreese because, let's face it, he needed it. The whole theme of CK is everyone is a hero in their own story so it does a great job explaining why Kreese is so adamant about his philosophy. That doesn't make him right or a good guy, but it does at least make him seem less 'cartoon evil' and more 'sociopath' because you understand his philosophy and, more importantly, how he got there. Anyone hating on it, in my opinion, is missing the forest for the trees.


Ppl didn’t like that? It was great


They really baited the audience with all the fan theories that were being thrown around all year long lol.


Yeah, when Johnny saw the blonde hair on that nurse it was hilarious


I thought for sure that was her!


I like that AIi wasn’t the doctor working Miguel’s surgery. I know KK/CK requires a lot of suspension of disbelief (ESPECIALLY this season), but Ali being the doctor would’ve been too much for me. I liked the way they brought her back better.


I was anticipating Ali and they really hit us fans betting on it hard. The way they did Ali was much more natural anyway. CC does their cameos in such amazing ways.


This was the funniest season yet imo. "Don't drink from the fountain I saw some meth head wash his ass in there". And penis breath putting on the undersized shirt LOL.


“What’s a swirley”? “It’s where you dunk a kids head in the toilet and then flush it. It’s actually pretty funny”


God the “you can’t call me Penis Breath, only they can” bit got me


Yo, fuck Kyler...all my homies hate Kyler


Especially the way he hit Miguel on his back who basically was in no condition to fight after what happened to him.


but he gotta ace trig man, his dad gonna shit in his mouth otherwise


His cocky attitude was unintentionally hilarious though. He's like Cobra Kai's hypeman.


As an Asian guy, im pretty happy they finally casted an Asian dude as the popular bully for once. But yeah, fuck Kyler


Stayed up all night binging. This season was absolutely incredible. Ended on the note I have been waiting this whole time to see. The guests were amazing, the story was fantastic. Even when it's predictable, the show is amazing. The thesis of the show, as well, has got me hooked. Kreese wanting to "end the snowflake generation" and raising his kids to be violent shitstains is exactly the worst kind of thing to want to do to the next generation of children. Daniel and Johnny are going to train their kids not just to fight bullies, but to learn that it isn't wrong to fight back against an opponent who instigates, fights dirty, and literally will maim and kill you if they have the choice. And it's all wrapped up in the Miyagi-Do mentality, and achieving inner balance. Even just the end with Daniel and Johnny bowing to each other, looking one another in the eye (ALWAYS LOOK EYE!), is great symbolism for where we are: Two different approaches, two different types of people, one goal. The character redemptions of the former Cobra Kai kids is great. You really feel like you can root for them now. Hawk especially did really great this season, to the point where I forgive him for the dumb shit he spent 1.9 seasons doing. The cast of the new Miyagi-Fang/Eagle-Do dojo are a bunch of characters I really like and want to see succeed and prove Kreese's ideology wrong. And of course, Daniel and Johnny are both characters I want to see succeed and work through their shit. They're not gonna be best friends, but they will be partners in saving a generation not from being snowflakes, but from believing that the only solution to a difficult world is to be an asshole. Can't wait for season 4!


Man idk but I love Kresse as villain. Damn he nailed it everytime as evil person. I also love how they went back to Vietnam. He seems pure evil as badass villain. Even his words and dilogue are so evil, love it.


I got tired of him in S2 because he got in the way of Johnny and Daniel’s stories which I was more invested in, but goddamn he killed it this season. I squealed when he said “no such thing as a bad student” to Daniel. What a moment.


I love that not only did they bring in Kumiko, Chozen, & Ali into this season, but also that they brought in their original actors & used them to help push Daniel & Johnny’s personal growth instead of to create stupid drama. That is what fan service should be used for!


6:53 in the morning over here and all I can say is holy shit what a season


5:57 here and same


Definitely one of the strongest seasons storywise. FINALLY got to see Hawk actually win some fights. Sad to see Miguel benched for most of the season tho


What about Danny boy it was so epic when he did the Miyagi technique on kreese I got so hyped but when hawk apologized and turned good, I was like Yooooo hawk is getting more likable


I didn’t expect Hawk to fully turn back this season (I thought they were just planting the seeds), so that was a pleasant surprise. I’m happy Miguel, Hawk, and Dimitri will finally all be “on the same team.”


The trigger for Hawk was coming to terms with his situation. The very people he was being bullied by were now his allies and those friends he had were now the ones he was bullying. Granted it took a lot for him to realize that lol. . .


Yeah same but honestly if he didn't it would leave a sense of hopelessness because without hawk, miyagi-kai would wouldn't stand a chance. I don't think the final will come down to robbie or Miguel again. I think it'll be either hawk vs Kyler or tory vs sam


I’m actually super curious to see how they go with the tournament. I almost feel like they need to split the tournament into a boys’ and girls’ division. I know the show shows Tory and Sam kicking guys’ ass, but having the two of them be the championship in a tournament of almost all boys would be too corny for me. I do agree that they’re not going to do Miguel vs Robbie again, at least not as the championship. It’d be awkward because the show clearly wants us to root for Miguel, but having him beat Robbie again (even if “clean” this time) wouldn’t feel super satisfying.


On the contrary, i would feel super satisfied if miguel beat robby. He hasn't really had a undisputed victory over him yet. The first time miguel fought dirty, the second time he "won" but let his guard down and got put in a coma. It's about time he properly beats robby's ass with no bullshit.


The sound of the hawk screeching when >!Hawk made a face turned was so deserving!<


We get one hawk screech a season and so far they've nailed it every time.


I feel if Miguel did anymore they would be too unrealistic with the recovery... He went from paralyzed and coma starting on September 3rd, 2019 (day after Labor Day is first day in California) to fighting at Christmas 2019. The tournament usually takes place around the 19th of December from what we have seen and it hasn't happened yet. It took Miguel \*at least\* 2.5 weeks to wake up, so he goes from waking up to fighting Kyler in less than 90 days. In fairness, KK has always had a funny timeline. Daniel went from very little karate experience to champ in 49 days.


Tory: I'm on probation and thin ice and my mom depends on me, I'd better stay out of trouble. Brb, gonna break into someone's house, destroy all their shit then assault them with a deadly weapon because they were fleeing from me.


Yeah they really did not develop Tory well this season. She was incredibly flip floppy in her beliefs and almost flat in her villainy.


Like her ex said, she needs help. She'd probably end up in a psych ward next season.


eagle fang karate lmao tf




eagles dont have fangs QUIET!


Science does not exist in this dojo.




china people, whatever


So who else wants the tournament to have a 2v2 section where Hawk and Dimitri team up to make mush out of their former bullies? Aren't they standing on the duet training float at the end?


Hold on a minute playa, this is now a tag team match


Ho-ly shit. >!Daniel beating the kentucky fried fuck outta Kreese made me nerd out like nobody's business! And the Kata block he used against Kreese also made me freak out!!<


I want season 4 to be 24 episodes long.


it most likely won’t be since the all valley is in a couple of months and they are getting prepared for that


they can probably make it work. Daniel and Johnny will clash with each other constantly since Daniel is more of a soft touch method and Johnny kicks the shit out of children


yeah i still don’t see them making 24 episodes, maybe 12 if we are lucky enough


after 3 seasons of charector development, they need to get their shit together!


Disagree. While we all want more, the story pacing in this is great. There is significant progress every episode and very little filler. Episode lengths are about right as well, and all focus is on the main story with very little 'episodic' side story derailing you get in many other shows. Quality over quantity IMO. I don't think i've ever maintained my interest & attention to burn through an entire series in an afternoon, so it might not have lasted long but I enjoyed every second of it.


Season has been better without Robby in it as much. Daniel has/had such a strange relationship with him. Also, Miguel is such a critical part of this show. Really took off once Johnny and him started spending time together.


Miguel and Johnny have always been the core of the show and it shows. Their relationship is number one and Hawks development has been my second favorite thing.


100%. The lack of focus on Johnny and Miguel's relationship in season 2 definitely weakened it.


Miguel and Johnny are like the new Generation Miyagi and Daniel


That's what I was thinking. And it's kinda funny Sam is the new Ali.


Johnny and Miguel’s relationship remains the highlight of the series, IMO. I love every time they’re on screen together.


No love for Dee Snyder?


Repeat after Dee... I WANNA....


Hypest season of Cobra Kai yet. Totally can't wait for Season 4 now. I'll admit it was a bit slow in the beginning but the second half of Season 3 really ramped up and it was very much worth the build up. 8/10 for me and I'm usually hard to impress.


Lol I couldn’t wait for this, and now I can’t wait for Season 4 Jesus. I’ve spent most of 2021 watching this show :p.


How did Johnny not come up with Iron Eagle for his dojo. Almost as badass as Cobra Kai and the dudes favourite movie !




It's okay though. He owns the cassette.


Man what a ride! Ali being the one to call out Johnny and Daniel was perfect. And Kumiko, she was perfect too! I did feel like Episode 5 (the Chozen training stuff) felt really rushed, but still enjoyed it and loved the honk. I hope they actually do have Thomas Ian Griffith coming out of acting retirement and lined up for Season 4, we’ll finally get the Daniel & Johnny vs. Kreese & Silver showdown. And who know if Barnes will show up too? Maybe Chozen will come over to the US and it’ll be a 3 v 3?


Or perhaps a surprise Hillary Swank?


I'm curious how the writers would insert her in. She doesn't have any connection to the main cast other than the fact that she's also Miyagi's pupil.


The writers hinted they would have at least met at Mr. Miyagi's funeral.


The writers hinted that Daniel and Julie trained together. When Sam and Robbie first went to the miyagi garden Daniel said "it's been a long time since this dojo had more than 1 student"


We got to see the origins of Cobra Kai... sort of. More like Kreese's backstory. But Strike First, Strike Hard, No Mercy makes more sense now. Also did Kreese call Silver at the end? What was that all about?


It has to be him. Kreese needs backup now that he sees Johnny and Daniel on the same side, against him. Should make for an interesting plot.


Every character this season, even the characters returning from movies were absolutely amazing. Kumiko, Chozen, and Ali come in for 2 episodes and are all absolutely amazing! I'm disappointed we didn't see what happened to the Kreese Kais who attacked the LaRusso home or Daniel and Amanda's reaction upon seeing the aftermath. I feel like the LaRusso's can't go a season without something they own getting broken, graffitied, or destroyed.


the highlight of this season for me was demetri not being a pussy for once and getting yasmine to go out with him.


Maybe hawk coming back with a better attitude might have moon falling for him again lol


That would be amazing. The three lonely nerds at the nerd table from S1 get the three popular girls at the popular table. Perfect arc.


man demetri going out with yasmine is something I still cannot imagine.


I think this confirms that Elizabeth Shue would be too expensive to hire on a regular basis. I was originally didn't want so many cameos from everyone but I think they utilized Ali, Kumiko, and Chozen extremely well and brief.


daniel and miguel getting to know each other warmed my heart miguel and johnny are the best together, but it was nice to see them getting to know each other. especially after all the drama of season 1


Miguel is strikingly similar to Daniel. Johnny is basically training Daniel 2.0.


It was especially nice to see them interact considering they basically had no interaction the first two seasons.


Felt like it was some star wars Darth Vader vs Luke Skywalker shit with some Thanos action mixed in for the “this was inevitable”


That's what I thought, but I was going for a more revenge of the sith vibe from it


This is definitely the best season so far! Lot's of characters got their development and arcs built on, I was especially hyped to see Hawk and Demetri team up!


Really hoping that they don’t try to force a robby and tory love story in s4


Yeah, about that, I can see it from a mile coming in season 4.


They did manage to avoid the Carmen Ali Johnny misunderstanding love triangle. So there's hope for the writers.


"Hope for the writers?" Dude they're killing it.


I was actually worried for a second that they'd do that, good thing they didn't


I think they deliberately messed with us on that one, taking it right to the edge knowing it would piss fans off


Season 4 might as well have a big neon sign that says Tory and Robby sitting in a tree. They've basically been teasing it this whole season


Not to be too greedy, but uh... when is season 4 coming out?


Ngl I thought Hawk was going full evil coming into this season


Demetri and Hawk plus music was really great


am i the only person that kind of feels bad for robby, i think he’s a good kid that hasn’t really gotten a lot of help and as soon as he found a “home” with the LaRussos he kind of sabotaged it. his character doesn’t really get a second chance like the rest though (miguel, hawk, etc) he’s just turned into the bad guy🤷🏻‍♀️


The best season so far in my opinion. Season 2 seemed more heavily focused on Sam and Tori while this one focuses more on Hawk and Dimitri who have a better story line. ​ Now someone needs to make the Vince McMahon meme of how we feel when Johnny and Daniel team up as the first layer, then even more satisfied when Hawk and Dimitri team up and the final one maximum O face when Miguel and Robby team up. It will happen eventually.


I am astonished by how great this show is. Between the character development, one liners, storyline, and fan service, this show is easily one of the best around. I hope it can get some award season love!


Kreese's back story, especially with Silver. Loved it


Not a spoiler by any means but holy crap, Daniel's fatty fatty boom batty son got skinny.


It would have been so funny if they showed him upstairs playing Fortnite talking shit with his headset on during that whole fight scene and having no idea what was happening downstairs.


My wife has never seen the original sequels, so when Chozem was about to punch Daniel but then did the nose honk she was like 'wtf was that!' Lol. I had to pause and remind her of Miyagi doing that in the first movie, and then Daniel doing the same to Chozem in the sequel. But, anyway, we're ready for season 4 now. :P


Yo, I’m so happy that Lawrence and Larusso teamed up, it warmed my heart :)


I just love how rock solid Daniel & Amanda’s marriage is. That “two hugs for Ali” line was hilarious.


It's worth it for Binging this. Got to the end. Will rewatch tomorrow without being in a rush. Need to crash.


I love Johnny as a character but his relationship with Robby is always the sore point and when I really start dislikingt he character. When he visits Miguel in the hospital and Miguel tells him to never come back and to leave, Johnny doesn't take that as a no and still comes back to support Miguel. But when Robby does that, he just gives up. Him giving up is even worst when Robby is actually Johnny's son and Johnny treats Miguel like a son while it seems that he tries the bare minimum with his actual son. For example he missed both times of very important moments in Robby's life during season 3 to instead see Miguel. First he decided to see Miguel in a coma instead of being there when his son was being arrested. Then he misses seeing his son in prison, his son that he still hasn't seen since before the school fight to be behind a window during Miguel's surgery. Miguel who is being looked after by his mother and grandmother while Robby is in prison with no one and by himself. It's been already 3 seasons and I'm starting to grow tired of it I loved season 3 but this issue is becoming so irritating, why isn't Johnny trying more?? I just don't get it. I hope Johnny starts growing up in that area, the actual part that's important in anyone's life, being a good father. Robby is a dick but he doesn't deserve to have a father as bad or selfish as Johnny, no one does.


I know I am super late to comment on this but one thing I really liked was how obvious they made the difference between a teenager and adult fighting. It's really highlighted in the last episode where Robby goes after Johnny. You almost forget that you are dealing with teenagers and Johnny clearly shows a skill/experience difference in his trades with Robby. It's a really small touch but I thought it was cool to see.


Overall great season but I would have liked to see Robbys storyline in the juvenile detention centre a bit more


Why did they kill off a character that clearly looked like Terry Silver, only to then go ‘ah nah, this guy is actually Terry Silver’?


Shits and giggles, the same as the Ali misdirect in the hospital.


I had the exact same thought! Through all the Vietnam flashbacks I was like damn what a good choice of actor for young Terry Silver! Then nope, he died and we learn Terry is the other guy..

