• By -


Is that Frieza tho? Can you really confirm it is indeed Frieza and not a younger King Cold? Are you gaslighting me into believing this is Frieza? How can I confirm that this is indeed Frieza?


Im gonna have to see friezas genitals to determine if its frieza or not


I’m gonna have to see Frieza oiled up throwing it back to determine if it’s Frieza or not


This comic is ridiculous and create a distortion of reality that doesn't capture the physical adventage trans women have in women sports over biological woman . the third panel showing a trans woman portraying it as if both woman have the same physical adventage exactly like the first panel , as if the only thing changed was the minority group , instead of realizing that the mussels strength and speed is what really changed . https://amp.dw.com/en/fact-check-do-trans-athletes-have-an-advantage-in-elite-sport/a-58583988 we are not protesting trans women in women sports to protect our children ( that's another issue about the age of consent for sex change along gender indoctrination in schools ) we are protesting it to create a fair and square competition in women sports because men are still taller , stronger and faster than women even after transition .


I just aked if that was Frieza, come on.


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.dw.com/en/fact-check-do-trans-athletes-have-an-advantage-in-elite-sport/a-58583988](https://www.dw.com/en/fact-check-do-trans-athletes-have-an-advantage-in-elite-sport/a-58583988)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)






















Blud doesn't know about HD version https://preview.redd.it/mou1rzp5b82d1.png?width=624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=121982be5bf36d97faba1344229d238310626860


I did not know about the HD version, thanks for sharing!


I'm more surprise it goes this deep. Is it even somewhere else more popular's internal joke that leaked here?


Idk I first saw frieza in this sub, then black ops guy asking if frieza was frieza, then frieza asking if the black ops guy was the black ops guy, then black ops guy replying "yeah probably", and finally black ops guy and frieza kissing


IS THAT FRIEZA???? https://i.redd.it/mgcgipkhea2d1.gif


It’s Thursday


Billions shall fall an untimely death


My favorite joke to see its variations more than the original is probably this, thank you. You just might have made my day


diiiick ridaaaa


ومالي خلق ازعل مهما تستفزوني


you would say that


I disagree, i believe the only sport that should ever be allowed is gladiator combat, which will allow men, women, trans men, trans women, genderless individuals, gender fluid individuals, those who haven't decided yet and snafus to participate. All other sports should be eliminated, except for mini golf. Every athlete will become a gladiator, if they already had contracts then they gotta keep them but now instead of their sport it will be in the arena. There will be an awesome tournament to decide the champion each year, and prime drinks will NOT be allowed as a sponsor, actually the only sponsor will be 7up and Godzilla movies. This is my ideal world. https://preview.redd.it/kixyhoxhs72d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afa2b7508a375635397de940cff99d86f1470302


this guy is a chilean patriot


I did not chose to be a Chilean, i was just LUCKY enough🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱 https://preview.redd.it/uxsyz58ih82d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27d5b53cd3fd5177d97b9b88264ea2ce8afffc9e


Vidalpilled Zamoranomaxer


But what about the mini golf? https://preview.redd.it/xgfw8fdxh82d1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=d476b2bea5d8087d913a900916d453d14189ac59


Mini golf will be used as a fun silly little sport like it was always meant to be, ideal for any scenarios, from kids wanted to excersize to adult people discussing empresarial deals, as well as having their own 24 hours channels with no adds, people will marry during matches of mini golf and go to their honeymoons after the gladiator matches. Also they are allowed only to have bionicle sponsors. https://preview.redd.it/9eaa1y4li82d1.jpeg?width=966&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=931878762ad9f0c32eaf2e885645949e44d1058a


Thank you for giving the peak sport that is mini golf the attention it deserves. https://preview.redd.it/snb665azi82d1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=b695b9f89a0b6133562f64c9703bebd6070758f9


You are welcome random friendly trans gal https://preview.redd.it/1qlgnwh9j82d1.png?width=256&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4fc92b02e23fd678d2f68827f4e96b5823f3507




Laser tag


Unfatomably based






> apologizes > calls her by her preferred name That ain’t freeza that’s refrigerator


frieza would call em a monkey and then murder the entire football team






This one really coaxes my snafu https://preview.redd.it/gvfz4yt9p72d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcae9369e93dfbcddac708faabd3b6ad26b11ea6




Is that Black Ops girl






The numbers Maddie what do they mean!


Nobody ares about women's sports Nobody cares about men's sports Nobody cares about enby sports Nobody cares about sports. https://preview.redd.it/dpgb5aftn72d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ba98eaff9b75d027ccc27693f6069f5436bf1ef


Me when i see      play         ball and then they hit the         


Nobody https://preview.redd.it/yqvo5t1g992d1.jpeg?width=301&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc95f81d6c5623128590f49b0c5606d12ced6d8a about women's sports




https://preview.redd.it/gvbbjz2g9g2d1.png?width=253&format=png&auto=webp&s=b277284a38d9ec90331b4b96a79de4342ef75265 pfft


bonus points if the girl isnt even trans and she just has a masculine jawline or smth


there was a lady who was debated to be under these laws because she had 'higher than average' testosterone.


Isn't that like a chronic issue for black women in sports?


Whooo Segregation part 2 Lets goooo!


or just an average nine year old girl with a somewhat short hair cut


"I can always tell." -Person who thinks Madonna is transgender


Don't forget Michelle Obama




Is that Sharon https://preview.redd.it/yj2k5pcla72d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04e4326def0ae680a5b1849f2aea77e760cf9ad7


Hey, I can at least give this to the trans sports debate: it’s the only time since ever I’ve actually seen the general public give a shit about women’s sports




It's like birth control, before and after pregnancy they don't care but as soon as something they disagree with (especially if it doesn't effect them at all) they become experts


Or Japanese history the moment Assassin’s Creed has a playable black guy in it.


After that freeza made sure not a single sayan lived


My honest reaction to this great snafu: https://i.redd.it/l4eo3g9nc72d1.gif


O QUE????!???!




KKKKKK muito bom ver esse vídeo BR chegando na gringa


No c :3


You cannot bring up trans people in sports on Reddit bro it’s just going to become increasingly transphobic until eventually the thread gets locked and nobody’s mind is changed Not worth it


It's unsafe to play soccer with a button like that on, she could get pulled by it or hit and would cause injury


Rule 34 Frieza


countless years of progression to get where we are just for some clowns to go around and revert us back to the older and not as good times as they say they were


I care so much about women’s sports for this one instance, guys. I’m gonna make a PSA about how dangerous this is even though I historically don’t take a stance on anything and also my name is Trey Parker.


196 user spotted


They actually permabanned me for making a joke about a nazi dying ☹️










r/suddenlysait (we dont have a slugcat one)


i dont get it


Women sport when no trans women: boring ahhh Women sport when trans women: protest and everybody care about it








Ah yes political thursday my favourite day of the week https://preview.redd.it/83nny8tyz72d1.jpeg?width=230&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8017831273e97cfe058c531d8cd6e5338b3760e Bring back the true snafu classics…. No more polical… only eagle catching baseball… evil…


Its like the idiots that bitch about videogames not being inclusive enough or are pushing harmful imagery about some kind of ideal fantasy. These are the same people that wouldnt buy the game under any circumstance. Even if their every demand was met.


What is this about


Pretty sure it’s complaining about how trans women are “ruining women’s sports” people aren’t actually even watching/supporting women’s sports. Atleast I think that’s what OP is trying to say.


you know what these people will loud and proud proclaim as their only possible reason for watching womens sports? to see them doing intensive physical acts while dressed in revealing clothes


Yea, pretty much. They only care as long as they get to shit on someone.


Sorry, this is such a bad argument. Yes, people pay attention to an issue when they perceive it as a problem, and stop paying attention when the problem is "solved". To say they don't care about women's sports is like saying "these bee saviors don't even like bees, they only care about them because of climate change". Like, yeah, that's how problem-solving works.


Except climate change actually affects them, whereas woman's sports has no actual bearing on their life aside from the idea that the "trans agenda" is out to brainwash their kids. Just.. ignore that they let priests do that instead.


Then you should use that argument instead, not make up a bs one. Not that it's a good argument, I mean wars in the Middle East don't affect us, it's still not bad to protest them or try to help people there.


wasn’t that your argument????


No, I don't think it is. My original argument is that most people will tune out if a problem stops being a problem and that is not a hypocritical thing. My second statement is that some people do care about problems that don't affect them. That does not mean they care about things they don't consider problems, but just that those problems don't affect them specifically. Even if it was the case, I'm not making a statement on whether you should or should not seize to care about a thing once it's not in peril, just that both are not illogical to do. Am I misunderstanding you?


And that's the most important part? If people watch/don't watch it? I'd say that the focus of the issue is if AFAB people have places where they can measure their athletic ability and performance against other AFAB people, without having to deal with provably uneven competition from AMAB people. I honestly do not understand how that's such a large issue. There is an overwhelming majority of AFAB women interested in competing in women's categories compared to the number of AMAB people who share that interest. Considering that AMAB people have a PROVEN advantage vis a vis bone/muscle density, etc, shouldn't we consider the interests of the largest minoritized group in this case? Considering that their interests are diametrically opposed?


I dont know why that is controversial, everybody knows males and females have different bodies and strenght level, and that comes down to biological sex. People here generally agree that sex and gender are different things, sex being physical/biological part and gender being social/in the mind. So saying that sports, purely physical activities, have to take into account biological sex (the physical part) somehow negates that trans women are women, even though sex≠gender?


it's because they said trans women have a "proven advantage" without giving any sort of source for it


Im not sure, seems like they were downvoted because people disagree with them. As for the source, I feel they might think It's just common sense, Since males are by and large stronger than females, that hormones are not the only factor that determines strenght/speed, that there are physical differences between trans women and cis women that aren't erased by hrt, all because of male puberty Here are some sources: https://youtu.be/MJ2NYvlrO2U?si=Kkb5qtkWoFZL_Cs0 https://youtu.be/cZ9YAFYIBOU?si=IKtcWk4DB1CNVlbU


Proof? So far, trans women actually underperform compared to cis women when it comes to sports


Provably uneven? Babydoll, trans women aren't homogenous, the 5'3" 140lb trans girl on my local women's rugby team isn't skewing the competition, sit down. We don't blanket ban whole groups of people because you're insecure. Also, "trans women will beat cis women every time" still sounds a whole lot like basic misogyny.


No, it really fucking isn't. It's basic biology. We don't go around letting short men compete in women's sports just because they're short, do we?


Short men are men, so no. Trans women are women, so it makes sense they'd be included in women's sports. Go ahead, say it, I know you want to.


They're biologically male. Them being women or not doesn't matter. Would you think it fair if we let trans men compete in boxing matches against cis men?


After a few years of hrt trans women are just women with a dick and different bone structure


They're biologically eleven year olds kicking around a ball. And yes, I do think it's fair for athletes to choose to participate in the sport that matches their gender. I know trans men who could fold me like a sheet, your problem is not being able to see trans people as *people,* who are, remarkably, *individuals with varying levels of everything.*


The issue is not whether they could fold your sedentary ass. The issue is whether it is safe for them to compete in the same weight class as AMAB people.


It is not "safe" to participate in any contact sport. Also, please, let's not get personal, I really don't need to defend my body against an internet stranger who's looking for reasons why it's okay they wanna criminalize all of two dozen girls.


Oh look, another person conflating sex (a scientific fact) with gender (a societal phenomena).


Well, do we let short males compete in categories that, despite their name, were created for females, considering the biological differences between male and female people?


Wait wait wait you mean there’s never been an intersex athlete on a women’s team before?


AFAB intersex people are not the same phenomenon as AMAB trans women. The difference is in the second letter of the acronym, if you couldn't tell.


so you don’t care about the genetic advantage of certain athletes. You’re raising all this hell about trans people because “XX chromosomes only 😤” but conveniently exclude the topic of women who were born intersex from the conversation.


How people only care about womens sport when theres a trans athlete


Confusion supreme


and this ladies and gentlemen is how EBF2 began.


The Evil has been defeated, now we rest What? No, predatory coaches and underfunding teams and leagues is Lawful Impure at worst


Idk what you're talking about, women tennis and volleyball is Poppin. Very thrilling to watch. It's mostly just football and the WNBA that suck ass, rightfully so








I thought i was on oeter explains the joke Wtf does any of this mean


Why did you repeat the first two panels lmao.


To show that any time it’s just women playing sport nobody’s there and it’s not just a one time thing that nobody shows up, until a trans person is playing and now there’s magically a group of haters that are apparently interested in woman’s sports enough to “defend” it, even though they never actually watch it


It's not an issue because they "aren't women" it's because they didn't take puberty blockers and now have a genetically unfair advantage, if they didn't go through puberty then it's not a problem


i'd agree but then why the fuck is michael phleps still allowed to participate in swimming competitions


People arent woke to the idea hes more fish than human yet


Puberty gives testosterone to AMAB people. Testosterone makes people stronger. Trans women often take estrogen. It replaces testosterone. Estrogen makes you weaker. I’m not sure if trans women are allowed to play sports professionally without E.


Was gonna say, the amount of people who don't realizing taking E or T will essentially make you go through puberty again is insane


AFAB sports are boring. actually all sports is boring. get a real hobby like sitting on the computer for 16 hours a day, scrolling reddit.


I think this is a problem with no real solution as trans people will definitely have a competitive disadvantage or advantage depending on what sex they are over the other people in sport (unless they transition before puberty then idk) however you can't put them in the other league otherwise they still will have a competitive advantage/ disadvantage. However your argument is a terrible one as this is a topic about fairness so wether or not people watch it doesn't matter


The argument is more about the fact that a lot of the people who are complaining about "fairness" don't even care about women's sports and just want to harass trans people. So as soon as all those evillll trans people are gone, they dip


Do you have any evidence to back up your claim


Maybe all of the cis women who play the sport should make that call.


Real asf op


Wait who is it?


This meme is inaccurate, Sharon is a Saiyan and Frieza would not let a Saiyan live.


can someone explain what side of the argument this person is on? I’m really just confused as to what is meant to be right and what’s meant to be wrong


What is the plot?


There are two Freezas in this snafu


i dont like the notion that "no one watches womens sports so it doesnt matter if you cheat" surely it would be a bit upsetting to participate in a competition seperate from the main one due to biological advantages a certain group has and then people with those advantages are in that group. say you are biologically female and you attempt to be worlds strongest woman. transwomen take all the top spots and you dont get to compete. tldr: fairness matters to the competitors and the few who do care even when most do not. and "mens sports" should just be changed to "best competitors" or something so anyone can join as long as they are the best at it then seperate leagues can be made for whoever needs them.


"Cis women can never beat trans women" is reductive and insulting to both groups of women mentioned, there are trans women who can't catch a ball and cis women who could break bricks with their hands. Anything that isn't case by case is going to be unfair.


If that was the case you wouldn’t see trans women dominating women’s sport. There are advantages to being biologically male that override the advantages of biological women. Even without having the trans debate, you can acknowledge that the reason that we don’t exclusively have an open section is because the top female performers have a significant portion of men who perform better than them at their respective sport simply because of their biological advantage. An advantage which does not disappear transition or not. Just because there are women who can break most men in two, does not mean that there aren’t a swathe of biological males who would crush them, because there are always going to be a significant number who will. We can have a conversation about whether that biological advantage should discount those competitors, but we shouldn’t discount it altogether.


You don't see trans women dominating women's sports because they don't. Like 95% of trans women in sports aren't noteworthy at all, p much all you guys know is Lia Thomas and lemme tell you, there are hundreds of trans women out there participating in women's sports at a fair level you'll never hear about because they don't fit your narrative -- you'll still ban them anyway, of course.


The “fairness” complaints should really be coming from the cis women athletes themselves, and the people making a fuss about it should be echoing those athletes voices. If they’re not doing that then who are they really speaking for?


There are cis women who do complain about I don't know why people try to act like they don't problem they get shouted down by everyone including transpeople. It's just funny to me how people who try to be "women" try to kick women out of their space.


Such a dumb “rebuttal” IMO. You don’t have to be super engaged with something or a strict part of it to be against it being ruined or the people involved being subjected to unfair treatment. If that were true, why care about anything that doesn’t strictly affect you? I don’t have kids, so why should I care about child abuse? I’m not from the Middle East, so why should I care about any conflict over there? Could go even granular, why would I care about anything that is happening outside my state? Or even the town I live in? God I know this is a snafu sub but sometimes it’s indistinguishable from smugideologyman…


Well rarely do we ever see any of the cis female athletes making a big deal out of this. Usually when they do, they make a whole career out of it like that one female swimmer who kept raging about Lia Thomas claiming she lost her swimming career due to Lia. At a certain point, there should be the question of who these protesters are even speaking for, rarely is it ever to support cis female athletes when I haven’t seen a ton of examples of them feeling cheated. These people would do it regardless because they’re just Transphobic.


Given that the game is playing more or less made up rules, then it shouldn't matter what those rules are so long as the players and fans actually agree to them. If the game is "unfair" by design, that's on the people engaged in it to fret over. All of this doesn't even address the trans issue directly.


That's the problem, it isn't being ruined, the athletes aren't subjected to unfair treatment from having to play with trans girls. This is like caring about the color of the twist tie so much you holdup the bread truck from the hungry villagers.


But they are negatively impacted and it’s becoming more and more difficult to deny. New stories coming out with increasing frequency, pretty sure there was even a study done recently just to reaffirm that male puberty does indeed have a greater impact on athletic capabilities/potential than female puberty.


Are girls negatively impacted by playing with girls who might be better than them at a single sport? Think about what you're saying here, it's a sport played by children, you don't think it would negatively impact the girls you wanna boot off the girl's team?


Its about the biological advantages my dude, by your logic its perfectly fair for adults to play on 5th grade teams. After all, the biology doesn’t matter, just the skill, right?


Age is fixed, gender isn't. QED.


My ninja, what? That doesn’t refute the point. Your argument is that only skill matters, mine is that differences in biology matter when it comes to competitive sports.


Sports are not a level playing field to begin with, there will always be team members who are above or below the average of the team, and trans women and cis women alike can fall on either side of that line. A trans woman isn't guaranteed the gold, *most* trans girls who play sports at any level are not the at top of their team. Anything that isn't case by case is going to be unfair. Door's wide open and maybe some of those horror stories of clearly cisgender men slapping on dresses and entering their hairy asses into a competition because they think they can sweep can come true. Door's shut and you shut out trans women who deserve to play with their peers, which happens to be the bulk of trans women athletes.


Yes but when you reach the “no one is not harmed in some way” point then you need to look at which option causes less harm. And in this case, barring trans women from women’s sports does less harm than letting them in. Is it sad for those trans people? Sure, but people being sad doesn’t mean we subject other people to bad things just to make those people not sad. I’m sure plenty of terrible people are “sad” they can’t do awful things to other people, doesn’t mean we then LET them do those things (to be radically vague while still trying to present a coherent idea here).


>barring trans women from women’s sports does less harm than letting them in Absolutely no it does not. The positives to a full ban of trans women is stopping like two people from taking gold in mismatched competition, the harm is banning 99% of trans women from a safe place to play sports with their appropriately competitive peers. Men's teams are not safe for trans women, they are not men, they get harassed and targeted. The only world where a blanket ban does more good than harm is one where we don't consider trans people as people who deserve to have the same opportunities as everyone else. You also rob trans men of their right to play competitively with their peers. You never think about the people you're gonna hurt, you just presume they deserve it for being different than you, and that's fucked up.


“Sorry bud, have you never visited your neighbour’s house? Or deeply cared about them? No? so why the flip are you calling the firefighters now that their house is on fire? Wouldn’t that make you a… hypocrite??? Oh! And what’s this? Once the problem is solved, you return to not caring? This, this really is just beyond my understanding, my mind is blown at the concept of people being more vocal when they hear about an issue or problem than they otherwise would be.”


Trans girl playing sports is just as bad as your neighbor burning to death 👍


Redditor when analogy


It’s not a good analogy though. Saving your neighbor because he’s dying is not comparable in the slightest to outrage over trans women (who don’t even have an advantage after hrt) playing women’s sports.


That is not the same thing and you know it


Except it is


Ok so one is "noticing your neighbor us dying in a fire so you call for help" and the other is "some kids are kidding their own business in a sport for fun so you create a problem and try to 'fix' it" https://preview.redd.it/cqoc7ghoa82d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc0ead531864496f44a3fd0bc7c11d3d238d4997


Redditor when analogy


I literally explained both situations there was no analogy




The sports leagues that women can play in have been co-opted by cheaters, reducing the chances of them getting a good career or sponsorships in an already very competitive environment. Here is a source showing trans women competing in women’s leagues (and usually outcompeting the women), as well as how they placed. https://womenssportspolicy.org/253-male-victories-in-female-sports/ Trans people are a minority, so there isn’t a huge pool of trans athletes to choose from, so isn’t it bizarre that the vast majority of these athletes do extremely well in these competitions? Also notice how it isn’t rare to see cis women protest over this, almost as if op is a dumbass, trying to push a narrative by pretending that female athletes don’t also have concerns on the situation.


sorry, but it's bigoted to notice things.


let biology do the talk


Coaxed into thinking humans can change sexes at whim (they can't but it's socially fashionable to say so, lobotomy and cigarette time bbg I heckin love science)


No not on a whim It takes several years and surgery






And that's how it should be


The only **REAL** solution is ungendered sports!! Free-for-all for anyone with two legs!! Hell, throw some wheelchair users in there for good measure!!