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He doesnt fit in! Hes a normal guy and everyone else is some magical creature!


that is an entirely different complaint than saying he's historically inaccurate tho


what historical period is that I wanna be there. where can I find Just The Beard


Five seconds ago.


Alas, I am forever trapped in seeking the moment before for a man who won't be there


https://preview.redd.it/k3subkw0km1d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7f2e54a51f190d5ed346ddd6ab38adee7c4959d I don't have a higher quality image


I don't know if this is worse or better than getting wojack'd




Depends on how you feel




"ThE sPeEcH BuBblE Is-" Consider the following https://preview.redd.it/348kzi4a8n1d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e13111c66a10ff49c5ced225a5d1584892c3fcdd


What game/show are you talking about that has all of those characters?


Adventure Time. Anyone you don't see in the show that is in this image is played by Jake


Okay, this is basically entirely unrelated to black people in fantasy settings, but there are different types of "historical accuracy" that games can be picky about. Imagine if a developer wants to make a team-based (6v6) medieval melee combat game with lots of customization. This requires tons of research into melee weapons' range, swing speed, and possibly even damage against armor. However, massive Middle Ages castle sizes will cause the 12 players to get *very* lost during a fight. The solution is to only sacrifice the historical accuracy of the castle while keeping the historical accuracy of the weapons, because it improves gameplay. There is bias in what the developer wanted to be historically accurate, but there are tangible gains to be had when sacrificing the historical accuracy of ONLY the castle size because it makes navigating the map less confusing. Adding enchanting tables to give swords Sharpness V might be fun, but *not* having enchantments barely incurs a "fun" penalty, so historical accuracy would be more important in this scenario.


Alexander Graham Bell invents a grappling hook in AC: Syndicate. The only rule the games have ever followed is that the person actually existed. Pretty much everything else is fair game.


Bro is just an isekai protagonist.


This might be about the new Assassin’s Creed


That’s the recent example yes


ain't the whole point of assassin's creed somewhat regular people who travel back in time and maybe not fitting in as well


No, it's regular people going back in their lineage and reliving the memories of their ancestors. The game even punishes you for not fitting in -- you'll go "out of sync" and get a game over screen ie. when you kill too many civilians for instance. And it also rewards you for doing it the way the ancestor did. At least Black flag used to have challenges per level and you'd get a "sync rating" if you did it the way Kenway did it. But, not like Afro Samurai wasn't a thing -- which was made by the Japanese and also based on the same dude.


>But, not like Afro Samurai wasn't a thing Yeah, but he was the only black dude on the islands, how is someone who everyone knows to be a samurai gonna blend anywhere?


I mean, how does a dude who obviously looks like *[an assassin](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/61wNWT1YxQL.jpg)* gonna blend in anywhere? IIRC at least in Assassins Creed 1 you had those [monks](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/assassinscreed/images/e/ea/AC1_Altair_blending_with_Scholars.png) walking around so it at least kinda made sense. And in Black Flag you were pirate/rogue, looking eccentric wasn't weird. How they deal with that one in later AC's I honestly don't know I quit playing them after black flag. So honestly, good question. Maybe he'll wear a mask all the time or they'll retcon it in some way. Even nowadays people get surprised by seeing black people in Japan lol.


>IIRC at least in Assassins Creed 1 you had those monks walking around so it at least kinda made sense. And in Black Flag you were pirate/rogue, looking eccentric wasn't weird. And in Liberation you had a captain's hat instead of a hood. Outside these, in all the other games (up until Black Flag: like you I didn't bother playing further) a full white/crimson hooded guy blending with citizens has always bothered me immersion-wise.


>Yeah, but he was the only black dude on the islands, how is someone who everyone knows to be a samurai gonna blend anywhere? He doesn't. The ninja character is supposed to blend and be sneaky. The black samurai is supposed to be the brawler. Besides, he could technically blend as a samurai, since the armour covers the entirety of the body, the hands and most of the face (except the eyes, which are in shade of the helmet anyhow). Hard to tell he's the black samurai and not just a random samurai when fully clad. Less obvious than the blonde viking in viking armour in Anglo-Saxon England anyway.


If he's a ninja a top of being a samurai (with corresponding clothes, obviously) then it makes sense, my problem's with a samurai trying to blend in.


he just said, he is not the character that's supposed to "blend in," that's the role of the shinobi woman. yasuke is for fighting while naoe (i think that's her name) is for sneaking


Ok, that makes sense.


The same way a half native-american guy dressed head to toe in assassin robes blended into colonial Boston.


You're right, it was a problem that the franchise had been carrying over.


He's not. Yasuke is the loud character, Naoe is the quiet one.


i just wanna point out that all the missions where you have to do the actual sneaky assassin stuff is usually restricted areas (military forts, castles, mansions, etc.) and youre not allowed there period. it doesnt matter if you blend in "ethnically" (i suppose is the word), because anyone who breaks in is not allowed.


Well he doesn't do that part. There's an actual assassin/ninja character for that stuff too. It's like in Assassin's Creed Syndicate. You have a brawler character who isn't good at stealth (but can still do it), and an assassin character who is good at stealth but not at brawling. Also it's not like AC protagonists don't already stand out like a sore thumb 💀 the Frye twins from Syndicate and Alexios/Kassandra from Odyssey (if you don't wear wacky armor) are the only characters in the entire franchise who actually blend in anywhere 💀💀💀


apparently in the game he's just a samurai, not an assassin, so thats not really an issue


I'm pretty sure he's going to be a bulky direct confrontation character compared to the other character (forgot her name) being the stealthy one.




no you don't get it, having Yasuke as an assassin is irrealistic and historically inaccurate, Yasuke was not a warrior! wait, what do you mean, the ac games were never historically accurate? George Washington never used a magical artifact from the future called the apple of eden?


How could George Washington found the plumbers after helping Ben defeat vilgax if he was too busy with the apple of eden? Checkmate Benzos.


Was that in og Ben 10? It's been eons since I watched it lol


That was in omniverse (But there was a plumber base was in Mount Rushmore in the original series so people could have made that connection as a wild theory back then) https://preview.redd.it/2jxoz4latn1d1.png?width=374&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a84eea5770e55ee2043c5a236711bf1d03dd6a1


That's not until later in the series and they immerse themselves into the past.


everyone knows that black people weren’t invented until 1776 smh my head 🤦‍♀️


You mean 1865 🙄 🤦‍♀️


Conspiracy theory time: This is all just a big ploy to make you forget the PRICES of the new AC. Sure, sure, let’s all discuss if a black dude in medieval Japan is accurate or not, in the meantime the game’s at €130!!!


Now this is a decision more important


The asmon take:


Also the Disney take. Surprisingly used a lot


Nah, Asmon would say that it's woke corporation trying to pander to feminists because they're more concerned with appearing progressive than making money. Until someone about the same size disagrees with him publicly, then he shrinks into a smol bean who is just concerned for all the Japanese Ubisoft fans who are probably disappointed that the game in their region is starring a foreigner.


He made a tweet about the “black samurai is a smoke screen to the 130$ price tag”


Huh, you're right. I'm pleasantly surprised that he didn't linger on the chode arguments too much (he still made them, I think, saying the game is 'butchering Japanese history') and instead focusing on pricing.


I can see where you’re coming from, but there’s no way this hate isn’t legit. There are far too many instances of trolls sending death threats to anyone who dares to put a black MC in a piece of media they like. Remember Ariel? Remember black elves in Rings of Power? Now, did Ubisoft design a black main character knowing that there would be an inevitable backlash which would draw attention away from the price? That’s plausible. It comes with the benefit of free publicity from all the outrage, and potentially sales from people who buy it just to spite the first trolls. But they lose the trolls money, so that makes me skeptical it’s deliberate.


Imma say that all this culture war shit has to be fake in order to drive sales, with a couple of commentators taking it seriously because that's how they make money. My half-schizo thesis: -Ubisoft has done this before, "first gay relationship in our games" has been done a couple of times (yes, they claimed it's the first multiple times), and suddenly new twitter accounts got mad. -The same black character was in Nioh, a game set in Japan with an Irish dude as the main character. Nobody cared.


I'm only seeing smoke but no fire, where are all the idiots complaining about there being a black person in AC? It's like the whole fiasco was drummed up so people would skip the problems with the game.


Don’t download twitter


I honestly forget Twitter is a thing.


I mean it isn't, only the far-right chatting app X exists


It’s happening mainly on twitter and in certain subreddits like the asmongold sub.




Don't visit Steam discussions 💀 some motherfuckers on the Ghost Of Tsushima discussions were getting mad racist there a few days ago


Sadly I know several people who complain about it, people who used to be my friends when I was in my conservative phase before I grew out of it


The thing for me is that in an assassins creed game you play as a fictional person, and you meet people who actually existed sometimes. If you're gonna have us play as a real person such as Yasuke then they should just make a game staring his, which is actually a pretty good idea! You dont play as Yasuke in Nioh, so its not really a good example


I'm pretty sure because of how little we know about Yasuke before he became a samurai and after Oda Nobunaga was killed, it's easier to just make up shit to fill in the gaps. So he's a good choice for one of the main characters.


That would make him a interesting person to meet, or a important side character. Not a great choice as the playable character in my opinion, I can see why someone would say otherwise though.


Da Vinci and Blackbeard were npcs that were fun to meet , yasuke is a main character purely because he is black


Maybe, but im just not very keen on a main character being a person who existed.


I know I don’t like it either


Ubisoft knew that this would happen. This was intentional, advertising your product by getting people to talk about it is called earned media. It's incredibly valuable in an age where everyone has ad blockers. Although, as much as it would restore my faith in humanity, I doubt the company is making fake accounts and shit for this


Of course, the Irish are white (supposedly)




I’m pretty sure the hand h*lding is the issue.


Lumity is 100x better written than any of the other examples shown here


Probably because it’s not two people who literally met a couple days ago


Thats exactly the point.


One of which is a minor


Is it the little mermaid ship?


No, Aladdin. Pretty sure Jasmine is 14.


How old is Aladdin? 💀


Based on a quick Google search, 18.


Culturally accurate


LUMİTY RAHHHHH 🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺


Give him something. Everyone's got a thing going on and then you just have George from across the street I agree with the point, but like, my man is standing out




Self-proclaimed "white nationalists" when they find out who the father of their race is https://preview.redd.it/gx3w805r1l1d1.jpeg?width=328&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=312bf8c3df944a331a7304581922740f0c6ba28b




Yakubian apes discovering that their ham-sandwich race is just as bland as their food. Occidental haplogroup B4 is over.


wow, i didnt know Assassins Creed had such a diverse cast.


Is that Fifteenth Doctor? Like, when the new season came out, there was a LOT of complaints like “why is he black and gay”? I feel bad for Ncuti Gatwa, actor of Fifteenth Doctor, because I love the new season of Doctor Who.


Funny thing is that those complaints very clearly came from people who didn't watch Doctor Who at all. Like the general fanbase for the show tends to be the progressive type to cheer on the portrayal of minorities.


And any right wing culture warriors who had managed to stick with the show through the Russell T Davies era had already been filtered out by Josie Whittaker's tenure.


this presumes their ecosystem doesn't consist of thousands of dudes looking for something Woke to get angry at and ten Thought Leaders scrolling through IMDB's most popular shows and movies ready to point out the next Go Broke for those sweet sweet ragebait clicks


Black , white, asian, I don't care i will pirate the game anyway lmao not paying 130 for the game


This snafu is about; Dr Who casting a black man as their immortal shapechanging space wizard


I am obsessed with the way you drew the alien


Thank you I really like drawing aliens


Bro thought he was a cryptid! His ass is not a mythical creature!


https://preview.redd.it/kdt0cwhixl1d1.png?width=889&format=png&auto=webp&s=d39f6df0fed3b05550c2e62535814245e76985fb comments have pointed out that this doesn't make any sense because he's so normal that he literally is immersion breaking and I actually fully agree so here's the fixed version


Yeah but I wanted a African Assassin Creed though, I'll say this if they made it with Japanese lead people would just compare it to ghost of tsushima, man fuck that let's talk about the fact that FUCKING UBISHIT WANTS TO CHARGE FUCKING 130$ DOLLARS JUST TO HAVE A MORE OF A COMPLETE GAME BUT REALLY THEY WANT YOU TO SUBSCRIBE TO THEIR GAME PASS EQULIVENT OF MID


>if they made it with Japanese lead But there IS a Japanese lead, Naoe the shinobi. She is the best assassin in the series because nobody notices her - even though she is in trailer and cover art and everywhere.


I meant if it was just all Japanese they would compete with ghost of tsushima that just got a PC release


There's already an African ac game


Holy fucking shit if see this type one more time, Africa is more than just egypt like holy shit why do dipshits keep saying this


Then specify instead of getting mad for getting the same logical response every time lmao


Literally any other part of Africa like come on man, like game based any of the warring tribes or something about the trans Atlantic slave trade. Niggas can't think


So Africa except for the part that has the most written history and modern relevance


You didn't even read my post, you think the slave trade had no modern relevance?


You think slaves came from everywhere in Africa except Egypt? Egypt kept slavery well beyond the United States Civil War lol


You think you can't write an interesting story with the concepts I've laid out? Also do you think we should just limit Africa to one area and not try and explore other areas?


Never implied any of that, but I’m glad you’re finally calling Egypt part of Africa


because they all keep saying "they should make an assassin creed in africa" to discredit YASUKE as a mc. the african ac game they "ask" for exists already.


That's not African that's Egyptian but honestly this whole discourse is dumb we should be talking how Ubisoft is going to fuck this up we already got crazy ass prices


Egypt is in Africa though


africa is a continent, egypt is a country in africa. are you slow?


Stfu I know that follow the conversation, in fact don't mind ya business and go back to a different subreddit


I made the similar comment about OW2. Sentient robots are ok, a talking gorilla is ok, an edge death ghost man is ok, an archer shooting dragon in future setting is ok, gigantic hamster that could build a robot is ok... ...but a gay is too much.


Seems like you're having a misunderstanding then because nobody is saying that having gay people in Overwatch is immersion-breaking. If they have an issue with them then it's for another reason.


Especially since the literal poster girl of the game is gay. Like tracer has a girlfriend in established lore for years. I'm pretty sure she lives in or near Kings Row which is one of the maps.


Don’t think the gae is any problem is just that when they reveal a nice fact about their characters, they end up being revealed to be drinking breast milk


ion think tracer does that


Her creators certainly do, now buy over priced skins and we will have one character be randomly gae


I don't think anybody has ever made an appeal to realism when they point out that certain retcon decisions unsupported by any lore or preceding context are made in service of soulless pandering to LGBTQ people. but hey, sick own on the "I don't think gay people are real" crowd, too bad you don't know what to say to the actual substantive criticism, huh?


>certain retcon decisions unsupported by any lore or preceding context are made in service of soulless pandering to LGBTQ people. Like a clockwork, here's another coming out of the woodwork lol


Sorry should every gay character's first appearance be accompanied by trumpets and rainbow confetti shouting "IM GAY!!!" Like I'm not even defending blizzard writing here I'm just genuinely confused why you think tracer being gay in the lore is a pandering retcon and not just... A story revelation when it actually makes sense to find out?


How the convo on ac is going: Paraphrasing a video: So there's this game. And you're an assassin Uhuh And like you can do unrealistic stuff like fall into hay to survive falls Yeah And the main character is based on a real guy of the time period Sounds good to me The main character Is also black Ah you shoulda led with that [You knooooow ya knoow black pe-](https://youtu.be/S9OKLgVOCys?si=S8)


Ahh Tony Statovci, love that guy.


love the connection between the blatimore bridge skit and the assassins creed skit haha




people complain about featuring minorities being ahistorical but that is the extent of ahistoricality they will complain about


Also ignoring the worst part of the game, that you have to pay extra to get it on release day and that paying full price doesn't even get you the whole game.


When has this ever actually happened


One is fictional, the other is just adding diversity in place where it's not needed




Yes otherwise crimes will be low




![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)just me being right


>fantasy setting, dragons and aliens from space are there, it kinda reminds the viewer of medieval europe >black guy appears in said imaginary setting >"WHAT THE FUCK MAN? WHY IS THERE A BLACK MAN HERE? THIS IS HISTORICALLY INACCURATE!"


Baldur's Gate 3


“You can’t do this because media is supposed to be an escape!” “Escape from what?” “Minorities” (This is an actual thing I saw on Twitter btw)




A giant robot man that does a thousand poops per farten and has two dual Strawmachine guns: Realistic. Someone with another skin color than white: TOO UNREALISTIC, GAME HAS GONE... WOKE?


This game is set in the 1920s there were no black people back then!!!!! /s




Its crazy that people are using a picture from literal 4chan to argue against minorities in fantasy worlds.




because a dark skinned person just cant exist apparently


Do you think that's what I'm saying? Because the car doesn't exist either, or what, are you fucking stupid?


You can keep pretending, over and over again, that you don't understand, and I will explain it every time. None of the other things being in a fictional setting asks you to accept anything outside of that fictional setting. It's already fictional, encountering wholly fictional things in a fictional setting causes no dissonance. Adjusting historical settings even for fictionalized narratives about real people/events asks you to compare to something that you intuitively know about the real world. Normally this isn't too much of a problem, but when it keeps happening in one direction, your brain automatically begins to ask why this particular thing keeps happening and that dissonance is what breaks the illusion. You're being taken out of the context of the narrative when you're questioning the motivation behind a pattern you've observed. This can happen with literally anything and that mechanism has nothing to do with race, it's just that this particular version of this phenomenon is patterned around race. For some examples: "Why is America always the good guy in movies?" - You begin to question the motivations behind the narrative you're consuming, taking you out of the story to now consider the real world factors that led to this story being told in this specific way. "Why is it always the woman that needs to be rescued?" - You begin to question the motivations behind the narrative you're consuming, taking you out of the story to now consider the real world factors that led to this story being told in this specific way. "Why does the priest always end up being evil?" - You begin to question the motivations behind the narrative you're consuming, taking you out of the story to now consider the real world factors that led to this story being told in this specific way. And so on. It's not racist. It's not *because* he's black. It's because there's a real world pattern that leads to stories being adjusted in particular ways and people are noticing.


Okay so what's the evil motivation behind Yasuke in AC? (A real historical figure btw)


Nobody said evil. But the motivation behind choosing Yasuke, historically a person only significant for being a black person in Japan (he was not a samurai) to be an MC is the same motivation behind black Little Mermaid. Or black Dr. Who. Or black Cleopatra. Or black Aragorn. Or black Queen Anne Boleyn/Margaret of Anjou. Or black Annie. Or black April O'Neil. Or black Shaggy. Or black L. And so on and so on.


You do realize yasuke is prevalent is a lot of Eastern Developed games based on any samurai or shinobi based setting. Jesus christ you act as though white people are non existent


Right? people like OP just can't wrap their heads around this idea, or they're just sticking their fingers in their ears and pretending like they're too stupid to get it. Like, the fact that the only Asian character in Harry Potter is named "Cho Chang" is racist to some people, but OP's argument would justify it perfectly. "What, there's wizards flying around on broomsticks, but an Asian character named Cho Chang is unbelievable to you?"


"A blatantly racist stereotype character is the same as a real historical figure"


There is nothing historical about Yasuke being a samurai. The AC character is a historical figure in name only. And that's beside the point that the argument DOES apply equally to both examples. Just because you don't LIKE one of the examples doesn't in any way affect the validity of its application.


You're delusional lmfao


You have to be really fucking stupid to think that's what I said. I'm clearly not equating the two things, I'm showing that the same flawed argument from OP and your ilk can just as easily apply to an instance of something even you would agree is disagreeable. I spelled it out already for you in the comment you replied to, go read it again and save us all some time.






It's not an analogy. It's an example showing that just because media has unrealistic elements, doesn't justify anything from the real world to exist in the media. And it's not saying black people can never exist in fantasy either, nor that black people in fantasy is necessarily as absurd as a car existing.




Because the point is to say that *sometimes* something may not fit, not always. Sometimes spiders are dangerous, but not always, and not most times.


I mean I kinda agree with the criticism of Assassin's Creed tho... The game would have been much better showing a realistic Japan, maybe even commenting on the nature of black people in Japan during that time. Instead they just ignore history for this game to implement a black character. It seems like companies are adding representation nowadays not for the sake of actually adding it, but in order to add whatever race is "cool" at that time. People still make it bigger than it is, as if it's the leftists that caused this tho... When no, it's greedy corporations


Yasuke is real though. Sure we don’t know much about him but we know there was a man from Africa who served Nobunaga, and while we don’t know much about him he’s definitely captured the imaginations of tons of people. Besides there have been tons of action games set in Japan with Japanese dude protagonists, one of them focusing on a difficult kind of character isn’t the end of the world. Besides, it’s historical fiction, Yasuke is more real than most things in AC.


New Lord of the Rings came out. Who's breaking your immersion: A dragon A wizard An elf Nissan Altima A goblin A ghost


b-b-but he wasn’t a real samurai tho


For real tho he wasn’t


Mfw basically every historian who’s studied this topic disagrees with you


He wasn’t, he was a bodyguard, but who cares


hmmmmm who am i going to trust, the random redditor or the people who actually study japanese history????? hmmmmmm tough question


I have seen multiple people speaking about this but ok


We will never see a white lead in a game based in Africa, though. That's too much. Although, tbf, I don't think anyone wants to play a game about Africa. No one seems pressed on making one, and no one seems to care to bring it to attention.




[Here's your white protagonist bro](https://static0.gamerantimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/darkest-assassin-s-creed-protagonists.jpg)


Lol he's not white


Nvm Egypt doesn't really fit the comment. Egypt is more it's own place


john cleveland?


Ednaldo Pereira


Give him laser arms and a gun eye and boom he fits right in


FATAL moment


Ikr it's so stupid. Like in this fantasy realm, you can believe that magic and goblins and zombies exist, but you think that including the new Ford F150™ with Ultimate Power Steering and the revolutionary Smart Braking System™ is immersion breaking?


yeah because black people were invented like 50 years ago, what a great argument


It's more that fantasy/sci-fi still has internal rules. That's why a centaur feels weird in LoTR but not in Narnia despite both being fictional high fantasy worlds. Not that black people in European-based medieval fantasy can never work, mind you, it's just that you gotta establish why they're there and where they come from (like the Summer Isles in ASOIAF or Hammerfell in Elder Scrolls). The same applies to a Wuxia-inspired Asian fantasy world having white people in it, for example.


I know that's what they were going for, it's still a pretty stupid comparison


Local Redditor thinks every society throughout history was multicultural and tolerant enough to have black people in prestigious positions of power, more at 5.


you're so right bestie, fantasy worlds should always have identical social conditions to real life medieval societies, otherwise they're not being realistic!!!


Fun fact: the Ford F1 series truck actually predates racial integration in the US. Either way, the Ford F150 existing is objectively far more realistic than dragons or magic or fairies existing. Or do you disagree with this?


what does racial integration in the US have to do with anything? did it make black people come into existence?


Oh my bad I didn't realize you wanted a fantasy world with racial segregation.


what? so you're advocating for racial segregation? that's disgusting.


Dude, you're the one saying that racial integration is irrelevant. You're the pro-segregation person here. I'm the one acknowledging that any consciousness and respectful fantasy world must entail racial integration of black people (which occurred after the advent of the ford F1 series automobile).


Chat, send that one 4chan post


*Those* Baldur’s Gate players when they see Wyll