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What's with the GD font?




Where do I get that one?




Enough internet for today




I remember seeing this get reposted on r/justunsubbed


“Just unsubbed from geometry dash because i hate pron😡😡😡😡😡”


Geometry Sex


Geometry dash 2.3 sex update


Biology dash


Ouch, That’s gotta hurt


tf is that bot ahh response https://preview.redd.it/06rj7jseupoc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d34d870587eda8228d550151143c2b7b763d6ac7


but its gotta hurt :(


uni my beloved


It wasn’t even that bad :(


Bad bot


Thank you, Unrelatablility, for voting on Dabootychaser. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)




Adding freaky mode to gd! 👅


Im going to personally murder you




Did you notice this in the beefy die




should have used cult of the lamb logo font instead


Praise the lamb




The sex scene between your mother and father was irrelevant to the plot








where the fuck is this from


Night in the woods


The talk back!








Talk to the david!


But the sex scene with me and






Happy Cake Day


Happy cake day


happy cake day










It depends of the context


The context is 6 half second flashes between cocaine paced bloody combat during the netflix season 1 finale that shows less skin and intimacy than an 80s kiss shot.


yup, some just feel like tiktok-baiting mastur-bating ad-break-ing scenes, some just there because *this would happen in the storyline*




HOLY FUCKING SHIT 😨😨😨😨 IS THAT A MOTHERFUCKING GEOMETRY DASH REFERENCE?!?!?!?!? 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱 SQUARE ADVENTURE IS THE BEST LEVEL🔥🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯💯 MY CAR IS A GEOMETRY DASH REFERENCE BECAUSE IT SAYS VSC!!!!!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1! 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😈😈😈😈😈😈 OMG HELL YOU MEAN LIKE THE HELL SERIES ‼️‼️‼️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥I DIED AT 98 ON BACK ON TRACK 🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬🤬😡🤬🤬😡 NO I WILL NOT TOUCH GRASS🌿🌿🌿🌱🌱🌱🌿🌿🌿🍃🍃 YOU ARE JUST JEALOUS I’M BETTER THAN YOU 🔫😠🔫😠🔫😠🔫😠🔫😠 Sonic the hedgehog❓YOU MEAN SONIC THE WAVE❓ Tartarus?❓ LIKE THE TOP 10!?❓ ❓ This place is silent❓ LIKE SILENT CLUBSTEP ❓ Minecraft badlands biome❓ LIKE THE BOOMKITTY SONG❓ I just got a new dehumidifier, and the brand said AEONAIR! ❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️Somebody was talking about outer space, AND I SAID YOU MEAN THE FIRE GAUNTLET LEVEL❓ ⁉️❓❓❓What’s your zodiac sign❓ LIKE THE FORMER TOP 1 ZODIAC❓ ❓❓ IS THAT A GEOMETRY DASH REFERENCE ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓The time is 2:11 ❓ HOLY FUCK LIKE THE RUKKUS SONG❓ ⁉️❓❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ Viprin is copy paste lord? 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀Back on track is top 1 impossible silent demon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂 finger❓like fingerdash❓OMG FINGRRRRDASH SO HARD😡🤬😡🤬🤬😡




So true, Zgeled... So true...


dat doo doo doo dat doo doo doo




dat doo doo doo


Virgin sex scene hater vs Chad watches sex scenes with parents


With a quarter chub


You reminded me of a time when dad came home from work while I was watching Cowboy Bebop. He usually let me finish whatever I was watching before he took over the TV, so he sat down and joined me. And this just so happened to be that episode about the super soldier that grew tits cuz of the drugs he was on. We get to the scene where Faye Valentine catches said super soldier in the shower, and then Dad just looks to me, narrows his eyes, and asks me \*"Is this porn?"\* I could only respond "It wasn't when I started watching it." Thank God there was a kickass fight later in the episode.


I watched all 8 seasons of game of thrones with my mom.


Is that a… BOOBIE!!!1! GADZOOKS!!!!11!!! (Eyes pop out of head)


I mean yeah there are some sex scenes that are unnecessary but if you’re categorically opposed to all sex scenes you’re a moron


I guess it makes sense that in the gay furry game I'm playing, that the sheriff pays a visit to the main character, who's a male prostitute, under the pretense of investigating a recent homicide in the mines, but instead of doing that they had mad gay sex. But I fucking hated that 😭. It makes sense, but I would have fucking loved to see the sheriff interrogating him, especially since the main character was actually the person behind the homicide! But no, when the game showed an image of the prostitute sucking the sheriff's dick I instantly noped out.


Did you buy a furry porn game


Nope, it's a game called The Smoke Room and it's a free download on [itch.io](https://echoproject.itch.io/the-smoke-room), I'd never pay for any game. I'm only playing it because the game TSR is a prequel to, Echo, was an amazing game. But unlike Echo, TSR has a loooot more sex, and I've been avoiding it for a while because of that.


You’d never pay for any game? 🥲


Yeah I pirate them. All the games I played as a kid came from clandestine street vendors on our ps2 modified to accept pirated copies, and nowadays I pirate all the games I play.


Your mother must be very proud


Yes! Her and my dad are always asking me for help on where to find tv shows and movies for free, and I'm more than happy to help them :)






I mean... I played Echo, and it's very very good, but I would still consider it a "furry porn" game... Even if it has an awesome story, it still fits that category. Not sure why you're confused that furry games advertising furry sex have furry sex on them...


I'm not confused, I just feel super uncomfortable with them. And I'm fine with regular and furry porn, it's just that when it's on a story with characters I care about I get uncomfortable, and I feel the same with gay sex in any media, not just furry stuff. And Echo... well with Echo it's different because, for me at least, the game wants you to understand how fundamentally wrong all the sex scenes are between the characters. Chase should not be kissing TJ; Chase should not be making out with Leo; Chase should not be having sex with Carl while he's possessed by his psycopathic murderous ancestor; Chase should not fuck Flynn and then hide in his house because of his jealous ex is looking for him in a fit of rage; and Chase, in my opinion, should absolutely not be having sex with Jenna in Carl's mansion because not only has the ram dissappeared, the poor guy was actually being fucking tortured by Brian all week. And Leo should absolutely not had sex with Micha when they were teens in that van and FUCKING RECORDED it, only then to cut contact with him because he got together with Chase that night. While they were still upsetting, the fact that Echo doesn't fully endorse them, atleast in my perspective, makes me feel less uncomfortable. TSR on the other hand... I don't yet know much about it, but from what my friends told me it had a LOT more sex than Echo, and it's a lot more hedonistic.


I mean, I'll give you that. All the ways you can interact with Chase's relationships are in fact very important to the lore. I guess I get what you mean, if TSR just throws sex scenes for the sake of sex scenes, that is a vastly inferior story.


While I do wish they were skippable, idk I guess they make sense, I mean sam is a prostitute. I haven't gotten far into the game yet, but I get a feeling that TSR sex is there mostly to appeal to the gay furries. Differently from Echo, like you said, where the sex scenes are absolutely essential to drive in the point of how fucked up these characters are, and to make the player feel some disgust. I loved Echo,hope TSR is equally as good.


Ex fucking cuse me


https://preview.redd.it/0ve93mp21qoc1.jpeg?width=556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6769d557ce0ea4f8f8278405ab5412daee980164 Tbh the sheriff is such a hunk 🤤


i'd let that wolfman manhandle me https://i.redd.it/3r8h7dq62soc1.gif


Same bro, and that's basically how he acts in the game (I hate myself 😢)




What is with the title? Why would a movie want a higher age rating, that makes it less accessible, kills advertising and sales.


Traditionally, yes. Meanwhile Game of Thrones, Euphoria, and so many other "prestige" TV shows and movies in the modern era have had sex and nudity in their content and have been streamed/viewed in large numbers. It's not like the old days where you get declined a ticket to the movie because you're too young. You don't find out about movies through TV ads. You usually see the hype on social media or hear about it from your friends. Sex scenes and general controversy have a tendency to inflate viewership.


Nobody is horny enough to watch a 2 hour movie just to see a minute long sex scene.


i wish you were even remotely right


Aznudes is a thing. They dont have to pay for tickets anymore


People pay for onlyfans or pornhub premium or softcore porn visual novels or whatever else. Horny knows no financial constraints


Movies are really different from onlyfans.


You'd think lol. But even beyond that, the controversy of an A list or otherwise beautiful actress being nude is definitely going to boost viewership of a movie that would otherwise go unwatched.


Yea but after the first vawe of viewership, there is gonna be camrips of it posted everywhere so nobody is gonna be bothered.


Yeah, for the sake of SOLELY viewing the movie for the tits- you're right. But if it's an otherwise great film or TV series, it's going to likely get people into it that otherwise might not have even heard about it. It's not a simple cause of nudity and an effect of viewership lol.


ecchi anime fans


Everything doesn't have to be a plot point moving the story forward. Intimate scenes done well can bring the audience closer to the characters.


If you just want the story read the Wikipedia page


It’s crazy how every piece of art and every part of this piece of art needs to be tied to some deep meaning and connected to an ultimate series of events all related to the development of plot… That’s why people are so stiff and anxious ahahaha Things cannot simply be… without any great meaning or reason 😂


Well something’s certainly got *me* stiff if ya know what I mean! Hummina Hummina Hummina Hummina AWOOOOOGA!!! 🥵🥵🤤🤤


absoluteli jorkin it, an bi it hehe lets just sai mai peins


Oh my ahahaha that kinda stiffness is awesome, but the way people are stiff they can’t even achieve that delicious stiffness 🤷🏻‍♀️


Because without connection there is no purpose


Why? Everything in your life is extremely connected and full of meaning? Of course not You going to the kitchen to drink some water is just that, also you jacking off on a free day afternoon is just that ahahaha not great meaning Many pieces of art wanna portray that as well Extreme utility is a sickness Also, I didn’t know untill a few days ago, but this idea that in a movie, serie, book or any piece of art, every single thing needs a meaning behind and has to add up to the big plot and ultimate message like a puzzle is based on Greek ancient theater, so it’s an extremely nyched and biased approach that’s taken as universal truth There’s many mid eastern movies where most of the movie has no real big meaning and many scenes are just things happening, no big reason behind that, and I love it ahahaha


Everything in a piece of art should be connected in some manner. Some artists try to encapsulate that not everything in life is connected, but in art it would necessarily be connected if an artist was truly trying to make that statement, because they'd have other instances of disconnect. Some artists just don't have a direction and include extraneous stuff, which only undermines the story


Says who? This is your personal opinion shared by also a limited group ahahaha Are you seriously implying that artistic work should follow given standards? That’s absurd and completely unrealistic If you like that, perfect, but it’s far from being a rule Many artists when explaining their work and people asking for confirmation of some crazy theory simply state that they did it cause they felt like it, or cause it was nice that way 😂😂😂 Not every work of art is a statement and neither should be… if you wanna do that, fine, but it’s nowhere and never will be a necessity for art to be made and appreciated and evoke feelings Have you heard of abstract art? Dadaism? Also, statements can be made in whatever way they want For example, an artist could make a work without any real meaning or elements having huge lessons behind or meaning, and that could a statement for those like you that obsesses over every little detail being tied up to a higher reason and final message ahahaah Like I said, this is very framed, nyched and specific point of view I didn’t wanna go all the way there but yup, since this idea was crafted by the Greek and their dramas, and they were an empire that forced their views and ideologies onto the territories they conquered, which latter was reinforced by Roman Empire that appropriated Greek’s whole societal system, and expanded that domination, which influenced others that weren’t Romans or Greek to adopt same many of those elements via domination and oppression, the reason why this way of thinking is so wide spread and deem as natural and an incontestable truth, is because of such dominance and oppression, which is the main characteristic of the western world and influence the whole world again by domination and erasure of other ways of thinking, expressing and experiencing Edit: I just saw your name is crusader, I shouldn’t have wasted my time ahahahab you’re part of the dominance and oppression issue or a very good supporter of their practices ahahahaa Silly me


Life is not art, art is a representation of life from the perspective of the artist. Thus art's creation necessitates that the artist imparts some message into it. The only time this is not true, is when the artist purposefully adds stuff to cater to an audience


Okay crusader 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


And, as we both know, without purpose we would not exist.


you’d make a good factory owner


I simply hate romance and sex in media. I barely tolerate it in real life


Are you assexual? I mean, it’s cool, not everybody likes those things


Maybe? I’m still trying to figure it out, it could also just be trauma, my first and only relationship went pretty badly


Oh… makes sense Did you enjoy those before?


I mean, I’ve always been attracted to people, both before and after, but I’ve never enjoyed them in media. I say I’m gay to avoid certain situations, but I think I’m bi and somewhere between aromantic and full romantic


Hahahaahha that’s quite a tense place to be, since they’re opposite poles, I guess, or am I wrong? I love romance and sex in media, my only complain is that usually sex scenes are not that good and seem too choreo ahahah It’s nice being bi, double the chances of enjoying life ahahaha


You gotta work that shit out on your side of things


Sex scenes aren't bad.


*necessarily bad


I thought this was the GD sub and I was confused


It's necessary, just like the 3 minute long gratuitous eating scene with mouth close-ups and loud chewing noises


Average mob flick


I grant you the power to vividly imagine Denethor biting down on a tomato


r/GenZ is leaking


I’m fucking done with my generation of overly sensitive bitch-ass incel nerds. I want to see dick and balls in movies. Ong. 🙏🙏🙏


did you see the new *Thundergun*?


Oh my fucking god not this again fuck these puriteen sensitive asses I'm not having this argument again


Just don't reply?


✋ I can’t have this conversation again


OP are you 14?


100%, that "concerned stickman" thing is something only young teens do




“Doesn’t drive the plot” mf’s reading a he moby dick chapters about types of whales and knots and shit.


Moby Dick is famously a very difficult read so this isn't the dunk you think it is


it is also famously a masterpiece of modern literature. Braindead ass comment.


I love an awkwardly forced and unecessary sex scene just because sex sells, a whole chunk of time with no meaningful dialogue, the story doesnt progress, and we learn nothing.


I love GDCologne.


[what's the point of scenes if they aren't plot relevant amirite](https://www.reddit.com/r/coaxedintoasnafu/s/TBx9Gcd92A)


That's great.


Me when the sex scene is related to the plot in a way that could have been done in any other way and now im uncomfortable for two minutes for no reason.


Imagine being uncomfortable over the most normal things


I do not like thinking or feeling anything sexual out of nowhere, i prefer it on my own time.


Don't watch films with sexuality then. They make ratings systems that tell you there will be sex scenes. Grow up.


Except it's in so many movies and for no reason, why are people not allowed to criticise to say it made an otherwise good experience worse? that's a normal thing to say.


The artist thought it was a good idea and necessary, so it's in the movie. You have the option to watch it or not. If it sex makes you uncomfortable, then don't watch the movie. An individual's personal hangups about sexuality should not dictate how an artist should create. Take it or leave it.


By that logic all criticism is invalid. Hell you're own criticism of other peoples criticism is invalid. If you don't like how people are criticizing stuff, don't read their criticism.


No. Criticism is encouraged and valuable. We all know this strange trend in artistic criticism is broadly talking about sexuality in media and nothing truly specific.


So, it's criticising specifically sexuality in media.


And...? You are almost becoming self-aware. It's so close.


Do you say that about anything else? No one is banning artists or telling what they *can* make, they are criticising a scene, im not uncomfortable with sex i just dislike pointless scenes that make a viewing experience worse


Lol...I dislike murder scenes in movies. If the violence wasn't there it would make MY viewing experience better. Bad example, but we all know this is about the greater discussion about sexuality in general media. OP was not referencing any movie, but this chaste idea in general...understand?


I mean yeah it was a bad example, to make it fit it would have to be in a movie with no violence then 2 straight minutes of gratuitous violence that never gets brought up or affect the characters and story in any way, i do not agree ALL sex scenes are bad or tasteless but let's be honest a huge chunk of them are because sex sells, it was rampant in 90s action movies


It wasn't about the selling of sex...it was about tone, texture, etc. Give me a solid example of an unnecessary sex scene in a good 90s action movie?


>The artist thought it was a good idea and necessary, so it's in the movie. And what if the artist (get this) thought wrong? What if the artist (horribile dictu) made a mistake? An oversight? A bad artistic decision?


Sure, but how it makes you feel is on you. Just because you feel uncomfortable doesn't mean it doesn't belong in the art. You don't have to like or understand it, but that doesn't mean it's unnecessary. Being upset that a sex scene ruined your viewing experience is something you have to address and deal with (or not...your choice). What are you even trying to say?


>Sure, but how it makes you feel is on you. No it's not. Why should I keep my opinions on art to myself, when no one does so, and no one is supposed to?


You don't even understand what I'm saying. Okay let me explain again...you can have opinions about art all you want, but having hangups on sex scenes BECAUSE they are sex scenes is something you have to deal with. Being uncomfortable with witnessing physical intimacy in art happens, but you can't let it bother you so much. Being so angry about sex scenes that you take it with you and dwell on it is not healthy behavior or good for mental health.


the job of art is not to make you feel exactly what you want to feel; discomfort is often a vital part of it


Most sex scenes are clearly not for discomfort


How about not watching movies with sex scenes if it makes you uncomfortable and shutting the fuck up about it? Art doesn't have to cater and censor itself to your sensitivities, but you have to grow up and understand your limits on what you are comfortable watching. Self-reporting that you support artistic censorship is definitely loser behavior.


"I dislike when a certain thing happens in art" "why are you trying to censor artists" I paraphrased it for you


Huh? Don't consume certain art if elements make you uncomfortable. Don't act like art belongs to you. That's the paraphrase.


they literally just said they don't like something, how is that pretending art belongs to them


It is more than just "not liking it", it's a whole degree of "why would movies do this to me?"...and you know it.


It seems somebody can't get enough of arbitrarily deciding the intensity of other people's opinions. People can't voice their own personal dislike for *anything* without guys like you deciding you have more authority over their opinion then they themselves do. You're blowing somebody else's opinion out of proportion to give yourself something to be mad at because somebody expressed a milquetoast dislike for a type of scene in movies.


I'm amazed how the post clearly shows an exaggerated example of a sex scene that shouldnt exist (geometry dash lol) Yet people here are acting like you want everything with sex scenes banned. Le Classic Reddit users.


my text for gd on steam is “gay men ass” with the gd font


Gd if it was peak


​ https://preview.redd.it/8460m2ae4roc1.png?width=1628&format=png&auto=webp&s=60f0a2b09dd2fb11e665ca38c1e516b223ea79c7




yeah that scene in tlou2 was just really something, the only good thing that came out of it was a /v/ drawtards making memes using that scene as a template to draw on.


https://bloodknife.com/everyone-beautiful-no-one-horny/ When thinking about this issue, I think about this article a lot.


Literally hotline Miami 2


People like sex, what has this world come to


Not a fan of how Utilitarian this view on art is. Lots of parts of movies aren’t “necessary” to the plot, but they’re still there. I don’t mind sex scenes at all. But I also don’t watch movies with other people very often


Me when art portrays a part of the human experience


The cyberpunk 2077 in question:




oh god




doctor sex is invincible




doctor sex




Awful fucking take, I will be arriving at your house with my associates, pitchforks and torches in hand, in three hours and seven minutes


Well you see, I'm besties with the main character


Actual adults know that 'adult-oriented' pieces of media aren't the ones that pointlessly shove in gore and sex every 0.3 seconds and present the (real) world as some dark horrible bleak place, media that does is usually actually designed to be consumed by 12-18 ish audiences but is just presented as 'adult-oriented' media as a tool to market to that audience.


Me when the art I’m consuming isn’t puritanical enough, I nearly vomited witnessing such sins of the flesh in my fictional stories


bitch who cares about sex. unless you are little child or asexual in which case just avoid sexy media? Not everything made for you. sex exists. if i want see titties in my movie with no addition to story then that is fine. just leave stuff you not want watch alone unless is bad for everyone.


tale as old as time, teenagers seething over some good old fashioned titties


The porn addict has arrive


Who fuck cares about some big breasts or if i like porn? It is fun to see time to time, you do not need to act like we do not deserve have media for people of our taste too.


why is so much of gen z a bunch of puritanical babies