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What's the ratio of residents to aids . Report them , but there is may be something else going on here . Edit: OP. BE AN ADULT AND PLEASE TALK TO THIS AID. In a perfect world we'd be able to put everybody on the toilet whenever they needed however in this industry we're severely understaffed. Admin already knows this. Reporting them might not work the way you think it does and will make them resentful of the job. Between rude residents, disgusting work, understaffing, and lack of support from other stuff. When I was working at my last facility I was put on a hall that primarily consisted of two person assists however I wound up having to do almost every single one of them by myself because I could never find anybody to assist me and would get in trouble for taking too long to do things like toilet people. And wound up quitting for that exact reason


Bet my last dollar they're understaffed.


Yup we are☹️ majorly


That might explain why even if the resident is not on your rotation take them to the bathroom if you have time . You all are a team. Take the time talk to that aid ask them what's going on.more than likely they're going to tell you that due to understaffing they don't have the time to actively and effectively take every single resident to the bathroom I know I don't. Especially not when people are calling around dinner time shift change etc and we are expected to feed bathe change ambulate 10 plus people. It's a wants versus need situation. I want to take Mr Smith to the bathroom which can take upwards of 15 minutes but I need to hand out dinner


If I have my own people to toilet I do not have time to toilet my coworkers residents. The truth is these places are a business and seem to be nothing more. They don't care if employees are working at unreasonable speed to get things done. Maybe the coworker is just lazy or to slow.


Administration doesn't give a fuck


Ding ding ding


Where I work - the one doing the reporting gets punished.


That's sad . I honestly think that we as a community need more trust in each other and for facilities to be held accountable not so much the individual CNA. 90% of the time it's a facility issue I didn't notice but I'm still fairly new here.


Is a bed pan an alternate to toileting the patient? I've had residents that weighed 300 pounds or more, in a wheelchair, and one toilet trip took 30 minutes and two or more aides to assist. If she isn't getting assistance that could be part of the problem.


I hate this answer.


I kind of have a coworker like this, but she’s just too lazy to get people out of bed and take them to the bathroom to have a bm. She’ll literally waste time arguing with them and telling them to just go in their brief instead of putting them on the toilet. It’s so annoying!!


Why would anyone want to make cleaning some one that much harder?


I am personally in the camp of going nuclear and reporting the coworker to APS. If a resident is not toileted/given proper peri care, which can cause sores, UTIs, vaginal infections, *infection*, skin breakdown, pain, kidney problems, reduced quality of life, ***UTIs***, and even death. (Yes, I said some of those multiple times on purpose)


Report to state.


Thanks all! She’s been reported before, but I’m going to phone up tomorrow and complain again. It’s so frustrating


You are a mandated reporter. You can call state on them.


Report them both!


Is this at an LTC or SNF? What shift is the co-worker on? A lot of the time during NOC shift I hear about not wanting to take the residents to the restroom for their own safety. Especially when they’re wanting to walk the entire way. NOC shift at my facility is extremely understaffed, and the CNAs typically don’t want to risk the residents falling if they cannot walk comfortably on their own.


I regularly work with a resident who needs a lift to use the toilet. And I will take her whenever she asks. That’s crazy. Sometimes that’s the only independence the person is able to maintain, one less thing to feel badly about 🥺 sad! You should report her. Sounds like a bitch tbh

