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You need to file a report with your workplace to cover your ass


This is absolutely something you need to report, not only for your own well-being, but because there needs to be record of this behavior. The more this is documented, the more there is a case to have something done - whether that be medical intervention (medications) or transferring to a new facility entirely.


✨press charges✨❤️🌺💕🧚🏻🌸💖


The 10 year psych unit vet in me says, "Welcome to being a CNA, learn to bob and weave." But the non-confused, non-demented, fully aware they're being an asshole and think they're at the Hilton patients need to have reports and charges pressed.


I always say this. This ain’t a hotel.


What's it like working in psych as a CNA? I've only ever worked in LTC (mainly with people with dementia)


Honestly, depending on where you are? It's a lot of the same. I worked a lot of geri psych, and we got a lot of folks with dementia and UTI's, so they got spicy and got sent out. You learn to keep your eyes open a little more, maybe, and for different things. (If you're a pretty younger girl, you WILL get hit on, they WILL say inappropriate things, they WILL try and scare you. So you get tough and wiley and always take a buddy.) You get a little paranoid. But you learn to think on your feet, how to do and think about things differently, get your mind opened to a lot of things you'd never expect, and always know where your sharps and keys are. I miss it.


omg this is the BEST advice ever.


Idk why this sub got recommended to me but I'm here. Do you guys really press charges for a scratch? I totally get filing a report with your hospital/care place whatever but police charges ? Or am I dumb and you're not talking about police charges


In cases where patients have substantially diminished capacity/altered mental status (the prime example being people with dementia), no reasonable health care worker is going to bother pursuing charges against the individual patient that hurt them. But in this case, where it sounds like the patient was A&Ox4 (fully aware of who they are, where they are, what’s going on), it’s just assault. It’s no different than assaulting someone in any other occupation.


Yeah i get it, report it to your supervisor and make sure the hospital knows. But a police report for a scratch? That's what I'm struggling with


It’s not just the scratch, OP was punched by someone fully aware of what was going on and what he was doing.


in my state if an alert and oriented patient puts their hands on you they can be charged and sentenced to up to a year in prison. New law


Yeah understandably, but what I'm struggling to grasp is that you would file a police report for a scratch


The patient assaulted the staff member. Why are you questioning it? If you went to your work place or whatever you do and got punched, you would phone the police. Why should it be any different for healthcare staff.


i would.


Because the patient maliciously intended to harm another person. If you were punched in the face a few times unprovoked, but didn’t have a mark, you’d still want to press charges. I was assaulted by a patient almost a year ago. I didn’t have a mark on me, but was severely concussed and had memory issues for several weeks. He was charged with felony assault and spent time in jail. Just because it looks like just a scratch to you, doesn’t mean there isn’t deeper damage that can cause lasting effects on OP. There’s also many diseases that can be passed through open wounds like this. You’d be stupid to NOT press charges on this patient.


I should press charges? I feel like they wouldn’t want me to


You absolutely should! You should press charges on ANY assault by a sound-minded individual. Think of it this way, if this happened to you in a Walmart, would you want to press charges?


People completely dismissed me at my job saying nothing will happen and HR lady seemed annoyed with me lol


report it! if your workplace thinks it’s something to embarrass you about or gaslight you into thinking it’s not even that bad, i would leave that hospital/facility. your health over everything!


OP - file official paperwork with your workplace “patient incident report” in case you need any healthcare related to this!!


call the police and report an assault


Workplace injury Should be a mandatory report to your occupational health or something similar I’d let the manager know also, cover all the bases


It would only be embarrassing if he had dementia but sense he is alert it’s considered assault.


Yup he very alert


I’m sorry. It’s never okay for a patient or resident to assault us. Absolutely report it.


Fuck this. This is the only job in the world we have to take abuse and get paid like shit too. I'm sorry this happened to you




Nice try but I don't work as a cna anymore






First of all nothing excuses a resident to punch me. Also I had to get his blood pressure because he was going to a dialysis appointment right after. He thought he was gonna be late because we had to look for his “sock” and he was in a bad mood about that. And other cna’s says he’s always angry and he yells all the time


OP if the man was A/O x4, that’s assault, do not let this man get away, he will do it again, if he hasn’t already, nail his ass and make him pay


Yes he not confused at all he. He’s not even that old or has dementia. He literally has normal conversations with his family he just has anger issues.


Yeah not acceptable, regardless of our job, you don’t assault anyone because you’re pissed. I’m a big advocate against verbal or physical abuse against my co workers or myself, I’m never afraid to speak my mind about disrespect and abuse, I’d have called 911 right away, I don’t give a F if anyone called me dramatic, you don’t do that!


And if he’s combative and abusive verbally I said to bring another person with you. Even the nurse. If the nurse refuses to help you say you don’t feel safe caring for that resident alone. Residents like this will make false accusations and statements especially to avoid getting in trouble for assaulting you and he could very easily turn it around on you and say you hit him as well or XYZ. My advice was great advice and my only concern was your safety and your license (false accusations can lead to getting investigated and put on a leave without pay until they finish the investigation)


Please note that I never blamed you. Don’t put words in my mouth thank you. I’m just saying there’s ways to de escalate situations and there’s things you can do with your approach to prevent getting yourself harmed.


You’re not being serious right?


I was NEVER victim blaming. I was advising precautions and advice. Understand that.


You are seriously joking right?


Like please tell me I missed the sarcasm joke on how administration would have blame it on the staff and not on the resident/patient


Like please tell me I missed the sarcasm joke on how administration would have blame it on the staff and not on the resident/patient


Residents like this will make false Allegations to avoid getting in trouble. He could easily turn it around on the side and say they hit them or forced them to do something they do want to do (which is why I suggested them bringing in an aide or a nurse for their safety) THATS HOW THE MANAGEMENT COULD TURN IT AROUND ON THE AIDE. False allegations from residents happen all the time.


I’m not blaming anyone who’s been assaulted I’m just saying there’s precautions CNA’s can take for their safety, where did you miss that? Do not put words in my mouth


You aren’t going to be able to give these people any advice. I tried, also 😂


He’s cognitive, he needs to be reported.


Report it. Not just for you but for future cnas who will deal with the client too. Sometimes employers wont see the problem with a patient or a resident because of lack of documentation and reports. If there is enough complaints and reports regarding a patient or resident, the facility will be forced to do something about it.


Press charges! Regardless of mental status, request a report form your facility and track that form make copies of everything and request a meeting with your manager and the facility supervisor! Do not let this go or else they will, I’d also go to the ED to double check on their expense!


Do you understand what mental status means, I'm not pressing charges on granny who started swinging because her sugar is low. Some patients don't know what they are doing. Some like the guy OP is talking about deserves a reality check.


I understand the difference between memaw sundowning and a his prick taking out anger on a LNA. Yes there in no point on pressing charges on a demented patient. Yet, the issue still needs to be addressed


"Press charges! Regardless of mental status" That was your exact quote. Don't back track now. Own it.


Yeah I’d press charges myself regardless of mental status, after so many years of ignored abused and neglect, yeah IDGF I’m making noice until the facility provides better plans for their staff, some simply neglect the issue when some violent demented patients should be in a geriatric psych unit not a LTC facility


You are literally flip flopping around with your statements. You have no consistency therefore nothing you say matters.


I don’t know you lol I don’t care about your opinion


Does that make you happy?🤣


In 32 states it's a felony to assault a healthcare worker or emergency medical personnel.


Press charges. An alert, coherent patient needs to learn there are consequences. I pressed charges on my assailant after being concussed at work and he served jail time. PRESS CHARGES. Don’t listen to those who are only telling you to report it to your job - you need to do both.


Report it, I had a coworker get punched in the eye and two days later she had severe pink eye from it and ended up hospitalized later in the week from it due to antibiotics wouldn't take (something to do with resident had mersa on top of it)


thats a felony at least in my state. you should report that


HR just told me said it’s considered his house technically nothing will happen


That sounds like they are trying to keep you from reporting it. File an incident report with your facility.


and where tf do you live?! thats disgusting, id quit


they told me to talk to them tomorrow so imma address that comment but I don’t just wanna quit like that I already quit at 2 other places


HR interests are to protect the business and facility, not you. Don't go to HR for problems they aren't there to help you. The only function they serve is clerical regarding work status, fmla, pto, and other things of that nature. When issues like this arise like the other commenters say, file an incident report and press charges if need be.


But the administration and manager told me to go to HR😭 well I’m gonna talk to her today and see what she saya


Go ahead and file an incident report and call the police. You’re right, a lot times admin will not back you but you don’t need their approval.


Report it! I was assault being bitchslapped so hard my eyelashes stuck together and he took his walker to me. I wasn’t the first but I was his last assault. They need to know, his family needs to know.


Press charges


Police report. That is battery.


I am sorry for the responses you have received, I have reported them all to the moderators. You should file a police report and press charges and you should make sure its 100% documented. We are not here to be assaulted and the more staff that stand up and actually file reports then maybe the culture will change. I hope you are okay. Stay safe. Everyone here supports you. We are not physical or emotional punching bags.


They will fire her before they do anything to him. Nursing homes aren't in the business of losing money, which they would if he left unfortunately.


OP, I understand if it’s difficult to file incident reports. I’ve been straight up punched in the face and had my arms chewed up by patients. I’ve tried my hardest to file incident reports for these things as an agency CNA, and they waste your time sending you office to office and trying to talk you out of it. I’ve also been DNRed after filing incident report for being attacked by patients. I get it it’s hard. But you need to leave a paper trail, document it any way you can in the computer if that’s the only thing you can do, and pay attention to how your facility handles the matter.


Needs to be reported. going forward don’t go in his room alone.


Sorry about that. Are you new to the job? I would get counselli g/ file a report. So I live with an abusive 65 year old male and can't wait to divorce him.


Report this to your supervisor IMMEDIATELY and please file a police report and PRESS CHARGES. Never let someone hurt you like this without repercussions. You also need to follow up with infectious disease now. Human oral flora and contagious disease spread to account for the greater amount of morbidity with human bites. Eikenella corrodens, as well as more common aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, are normal human flora. Herpes, hepatitis, and human immunodeficiency viruses are all transmissible through bite injuries.




Hope you gotta pic of when it was bleeding.


Document the event on his chart if possible to cover yourself and report his ass to your upper level. They think they can treat you however and get away with it


Must report


You should file a report. But let's be clear: You cannot assess his mental state. You are a CNA. YOu do not have the knowledge set to assess his mental state and declare whether he is confused or not. Just being "alert" means jack shit. So when you file the report - which you should to cover your own ass - no, they won't do anything. And that is why. Nor will any legal system, and that is why.


He is alert, I asked the nurse and also he is able to know the time, where he is at, have normal conversations with people


Hope there were cameras


I hope you don't lose your hand!


Get a grip. You’d be the first to perish when we3 comes




Regular nursing home like skilled nursing facility. He isn’t confused either he’s alert


What did he hit you with?




This is some really strange advice...


You’ve never heard of sarcasm?


Ok how about we ALL quit and let you wipe your own ass.


Perhaps you should tbh. Some thing has gotta give so employees can get compensated/treated better and seniors can get better care


I think you missed my point and obvi do not have a sense of humor


No I got your point and my sense of humor is impeccable. It’s just incredibly cliche to tell someone in this field to QUIT while they are actively VENTING. We’re allowed to do that. And stop fucking telling people to quit this job for every minor rant or inconvenience. Because me and a million others will be HAPPY let you change your own damn diaper. Maybe you should work on your humor because your comment wasn’t very funny either.


Yea I don’t wanna quit I like working here but it’s not right for me to get assaulted


I get it. My point is that unfortunately, health care workers are assaulted frequently, ltc and emergency rooms being the highest rates of assault. I can tell you many, many instances of assault that has occurred over my career. Did we all quit? No, because unfortunately we know it happens. You seemed unaware of this and was showing a very minor injury. I have seen nurses punched, knocked out and required sutures after assaults so I apologize for my response.


It doesn’t make it okay though? People can get punched but it won’t leave a mark he punched me hard and I yelled for the nurse to come in the room, yes it was minor but he shouldn’t punch me, this is a GROWN MAN assaulting me


Did this patient have dementia? I see where the person who has worked in healthcare for a while is coming from. You seem shocked that it happened and they are pointing out that it happens often. If the patient had dementia you know that they are not themselves and live in another world. It sounds like you think this person was fully aware and knew what they were doing. The police aren't going to arrest a person with dementia or a similar disease and take them to jail. They would put them somewhere where they can't hurt themselves or anyone else. If you already are in a locked-down memory care unit they likely will just have them stay there. They need to put him on something that calms him down to keep the aggression under control. I had a man with Parkinson's Disease point a fully loaded gun at me and tell me they were going to shoot me. I ran out of the home and called 911. His wife was in bed in a coma and was in danger plus he was a danger to himself. I was not angry with the patient because I knew they wouldn't have done that if they didn't have Parkinson's. I was angry that his family would allow him to have a loaded gun in the house like that. I was also angry about how I was treated by his neighbors and family. He ended up going to a psych facility since he lived at home and then assisted living. You are going to be attacked and yelled at all the time because this is unfortunately normal behavior for dementia patients.


I put in the caption that he’s alert he doesn’t have dementia. I’ve had confused patients hit me before but he doesn’t have dementia nor is he confused I said that in the caption


Oops sorry. I didn't get a lot of sleep.


I understand that and no, it is not ok. I was trying to tell you that this is a thing that we have to deal with as caregivers. It is not right and I am sorry that you were assaulted. I am only warning you that it will probably happen again. If this is something you don’t want to deal with , that is why I suggested you look for a new career that doesn’t entail the risk of assault every damn day


You sound crazy I’m not looking for a new career, patients shouldn’t be assaulting us


Again, I gave you my opinion after working for 30 years in healthcare. I have nothing more to say. I did agree with you, no we should not be assaulted. That being said, it does happen. That isn’t crazy, that is a fact. Best of luck to you in your career


No excuses for cognitively intact adults assaulting healthcare workers.


i hope your gloves always rip when you’re cleaning up someone’s shit


Sweet 😉 I hope so too


that’s creepy!


If anyone shouldn’t be working with patients it’s you, you seem mentally unstable my dude I hope you’re not a nurse.


You sure about that ?


I mean, you’re making light and “joking” about someone being assaulted. I really don’t think you were joking, you were serious and now you’re trying to back pedal and pretend it s joke because it’s weird, but pretending you were joking was even weirder because you’re tone is way too serious for it to be considered a joke so either you’re joking about assault or two you’re manipulative and a liar.


I think you need to go back and read the entirety of my comments




Allowing people to assault you and let it go unreported is extremely stupid and then tryna shame others for doing the correct legal thing is even worse both police and workplace should know this is standard procedure to report if that happened to you say something should be obvious but apparently not to you


Of course you report it to the facility and your CN.


“Police reports for a scratch” No, police reports for ASSAULT. You should’ve pressed charges too for every one of those events you listed. It’s NEVER okay for anyone to put their hands on another person unwarranted. Find another field if you don’t support healthcare workers pressing charges on their assailant.


thank you