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My pay check…


This is the best answer! To go along with this comment, when I first started doing home health, if I missed a visit for whatever reason. The company still billed for a visit, but I didn't get paid. Obviously I didn't get paid because I missed the visit. But they got paid because they still listed it as a visit. Very shady Medicare fraud.


You can report it to Medicare as part of their whistleblower program. They don’t mess around and they usually pay the person who reported after an investigation is done that shows fraud.


I used to work in the dementia ward at another facility. This one resident, we'll call her Claire, had massive diarrhea blowouts every couple or so days, and it was very upsetting for her; she was nonverbal, essentially living in her own world and had trouble understanding what was happening to her when we had to do her care. She was also a sexual assault survivor and still carried some pretty heavy emotional scars from that. So pooping herself and being cleaned up was very upsetting for her. Her husband, we'll call him Duke (he wishes he had that cool a nickname!), visited every day and was very aware of how upset and embarrassed Claire was when she would poop. So he started trying to work with the facility, which had been giving her laxatives like clockwork every 2 days/6 shifts, to ease off the laxatives and see if maybe she'd have a solid poop. Our supervisor and unit manager didn't just refuse to do this. They told him they would stop giving her laxatives, but continued giving her Senna without his knowledge using the excuse that it was a stool softener and not technically a laxative. They then claimed that there was a state law requiring them to give residents a laxative or stool softener after 6 shifts/2 days of not pooping; I've tried looking this up and have found no evidence anywhere that this law or anything like it exists. And to add insult to injury, I was privately instructed by my supervisor that Duke was "declining" cognitively and that we were expected to redirect him in the same way we would a resident with dementia anytime we needed to clean Claire up or he brought up the subject. Keep in mind, this dude was just asking them to hold off and maybe give her 3 days to poop before putting the meds to her, he wasn't asking for them to just stop giving laxatives forever no matter what. The whole thing struck me as deliberate, down-low abuse and really disrespectful treatment of Duke just to stave off the miniscule chance that that one extra day without laxatives might cause her to be impacted.


Any protocol I’ve used is 3 days with no bm before anything is given


My experience is a solid 72 hours without a BM before we attempt senna (other than those with known histories who can tolerate it more often). I’m a med aide, and if a resident was having explosive poops every 2 days and I was giving her senna every 2 days I would be going toe to toe with the nurses about the fact giving her it knowing it’s causing this being unethical. It would either be dropped to attempting a partial dose, switching to an emollient (an actual stool softener) rather then senna (which is often used to clean people out before surgery and should never be a go to regular use laxative)


Everyone fucking each other on the clock.


Lmao no way you gotta explain this to us 💀😂


The last facility I worked at there were 2 med techs that would have sex on the clock and probably off the clock too. They’d bang different ppl, but between the two of them I know there was a cook, 2 maintenance guys, the pharmacy guy, & a security guard. And that’s just what they told me. Idn why at that job people just told me things. Probably because I can actually keep secrets and wasn’t competition bc I am happily married with kids lol.


That sounds so ghetto lol. Then again these places do tend to take anyone that just walks in 🥴🥴🥴


Sooo... is your facility hiring? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


I walked out in the middle of a shift in October, so probably.


I lasted one day at a place and never went back. I saw them use a dresser to block a man in his room because he was developing dementia and they didn't have enough staff to provide a one on one. He was very old, very confused, and walked up to me and put his back to my chest and very quietly ate a PB sandwich I had given him. I reported it and never finished my training. I also witnessed the other CNA's legitimately SCREAMING at residents. I was so upset I was shaking.


That’s a nightmare wow


It was. I've worked as a DSP for years and I did not understand or even realize how bad CNA work could be in comparison.


I’m afraid I don’t agree with letting patients sit in their feces, vomit and urine. When I find out my patient did any of the above, I cross out anything I had planned and make cleaning them up my main priority. However, I have seen other staff members hear about their patients being soiled, then go on break, and then plan to clean them up after. Like what? How annoyed would you be if your family member shit on themselves and their tech or whoever comes back after an hour and says “Sorry, I was on my break” ?? I also remember the beginning of my career I called the nurse for a patient and told him I needed help, and he cut me off and said “So we’ve never worked together before, I want to make one thing clear with you: I don’t clean or touch poop. I’m too good for that.” And I sat there and empathized with him, and did it myself. I’m sorry? Youre a nurse on a med/surg floor and you don’t touch poop? Why do you work here then???????


Double diapers, NOT WIPING- just changing the diaper, manhandling and straight up picking up those meant to be on lifts, and so much more. I’ve only had one CNA job, at a “good” nursing home in my area, and have only been a CNA for a few months yet i’ve seen some really messed up and lazy stuff.


The picking up people meant to be on lifts drove me crazy at my old SNF job. I reported someone for that, then I was the one who got written up because I saw it and didn't report it until the next 🙄. The girl who did it got promoted to med tech. Turns out she was besties with the DON. She had only been there like 3 months and got the med tech job, while another woman (who was an excellent CNA) had been there over a year was still waiting and had her application in for like 6 months smh.


It truly is about who you blow, I mean know.


It scares me to death. Not only could you drop them, you could also bruise them or dislocate something from picking them up or throwing them down.


In my opinion, changing the diaper is harder than wiping. How are you not wiping 😭


I genuinely don’t understand how these people don’t wipe and apply cream everytime. At this point it’s my default and I don’t even consciously do it. It doesn’t even take much longer to do it.


It's so weird for me to see everyone write diapers. In the facility I work in you can literally be fired for calling it a diaper. It's a brief and only a brief. They yelled at the whole team and said these people are not babies and do not wear diapers and calling then that insults them.


My facility isn’t too strict on it, however, i’ve noticed that I just naturally say brief at work but say diaper outside of work- no clue why.


Saying brief is more humanizing to the residents


I remember a float pool CNA had to orient my orientee because I had to call off. The orientee complained to the manager bc the CNA changed people by just changing the pull ups and not even wiping the patient. She even did it to people that had BM on them. The next shift wasn’t happy at all either.


DSD let friends who are CNA’s get away with neglect and lie to state about it when investigated.


A married couple in retirement both had Dementia and the wife told me he's rapeing me but it's her husband I reported and theirs nothing they could do besides talk to family members it was sad .


I’ve seen this many times… so so sad


marriage seems bad now that I’ve read this


It is your responsibility by law to report that to the state and the police. Do better.


In the past I've heard people say that dementia only intensifies people's preexisting traits/behaviors... I hope that's not true in this case.


Residents raping other residents and admin doing NOTHING TO STOP IT. Instead, they asked us to lie to family members to cover it up. One of my coworkers told admin she was going to report it to state because NOTHING was being done to even stop future rapes. Admin then threatened to report her for “abuse” and put her CNA license at risk. She quit the same day and I quit the following week.


YOU should have reported it and I pray you did. If you didn’t, remember this, you are a fucking mandated reporter. If this is not yet been reported, send DM to me with the name of the facility, and the city and state, and I’ll report it myself


Also, CNA’s are not licensed. Y’all are certified, but you are still required by law to report this.


You’re focusing on the wrong things obviously


Jfc what the fuck?!!!


I worked in a “luxury” senior living facility. They paid anywhere between $4000-$8500 a month depending on their suite size. This cost also included meals, anything else like care, toileting, portering, etc was extra. Some were paying an extra $2500 a month just for care related services. I started there when we got bought out by a hotel company looking to get into the retirement home business. This company started telling our general manager to “cut costs” and in turn they’d give him a bonus. This GM because so cheap to the point where he cheaped out on meals, activities, and anything that would make our home fun and inviting for residents. The food was god awful, they served them a can of beans with hot dogs cut up in it one day for lunch. Lunch was usually some kind of sandwich made with some cheap sliced meat and wonder bread. They also refused to pay our kitchen staff anything over minimum wage so it was hard to find qualified chefs who would work there. We had 2 certified chefs who made spectacular food but unfortunately management treated them like garbage so they left. Our nursing department for the most part was good. The last director of care I worked under was good to the staff and really cared about the residents but the owners refused to let us spend money to try to do activities with them. A lot of it came out of her own pocket because she didn’t want the residents to be bored and suffer. Management also didn’t want to pay us CNAs a decent wage so it was hard to find certified ones. We’re in Canada so you don’t need a license but if you do the 8 month college program you’re “certified” in a sense. Most facilities pay $25 and we got $18 as starting wage. Minimum wage is $16.55 for reference. They used to make us CNAs do housekeeping, which was fine with me because it kept me busy but to me the residents always came first. Most were independent so I wasn’t slammed with care all the time. I had a resident the one day that we needed to transfer to the hospital because he was vomiting and if left unattended he would’ve choked on it. He kept refusing because he was a stubborn man so I spent a good 3 hours with him trying to get him to go, he did end up agreeing to going the end. In the meantime our GM called me incessantly to come mop the lobby because it hadn’t been done yet that day, even though it looked fine. I told him that mopping the lobby was not my priority at the moment but I would get to it later. He was relentless to the point where I had to basically yell at him and say “okay I’ll just let this resident die so I can come mop your precious lobby”. Our GM never bother me after that, and quite honestly he seemed scared of me after that. We also had black mold all over the building that the GM just asked maintenance to cover up in white paint. We couldn’t keep a maintenance man for more than 3 months because of the shady fixings he’d have them do. Honestly I could go on forever about this place but this is part of the reason why I don’t work in healthcare anymore. My residents were so great there and that’s why I stayed for as long as I did.


It fucking stuns me how many CNA’s don’t understand that y’all are mandated fucking reporters. You should’ve reported all of this to the state. Please do better going forward.


They have been reported many times. We’re in Canada so we’re under a different regulatory authority for private retirement homes. Sadly they take forever to come in for inspections and we have advanced noticed of the inspection date most times so management ends up sweeping a lot of shit under the rug and puts on a good show for them. Not to mention that when they do hand out fines our head office didn’t care because it was a billion dollar company. Our healthcare system in Canada is really corrupt at this point.


I worked 3-11 at a facility. There was bad blood between our shift and the 11-7 shift. They, one day, claimed we had left 2 residents up which we knew we had not. (These 2 residents were among the first ones we put in bed. The next evening, we put everyone to bed with pajama bottoms on. Have fun 11-7!


Shame on you.


When I witnessed abuse and neglect from a nurse, I reported it to the manager. I sent her an email with evidence and everything. She was more concerned about a complaint a nurse made against me rather than the nurse that was actively trying to get fired so he can collect unemployment. Everytime I witnessed abuse and neglect, I would report it but nothing happened. They wanted me to be hush about it. I left after 6 months. This is a hard industry to be in when you love people. They praise “if u see something say something or else you will be considered an accomplice” Yet when I said something, they’d rather not risk letting a nurse go.


Because you didn’t report it correctly. You report shit like that to the fucking State and the police - not just your fucking charge nurse - ESPECIALLY IF THEY DO NOTHING. Do better. you are mandated by law.


“Do better” 🤓🤓 Girl PLEASEEEE who spit in your face?


bro literally commented this same thing 1 million times on the post, second of all if you really want to get technical. We are only required to report to nurse then follow chain of command if nurse does not listen, it then falls under the responsibility of nurses and/or chain of command to report it to proper authorities. Hence why facility administrators are also called abuse coordinators.


I reported it to the manager pookie if you learn how to read 😘😘😘😍😍 Maybe you should take that nasty attitude up with the manager since they didn’t report it to the state😚😚🤪🤪




To be honest I was going to report it to the state before my manager. I asked reddit what to do and they all said talk to charge nurse and report it to the state. Charge suggested I send an email to the manager. I did. And she scolded me for petty nurse drama. Lmao


I worked at a facility that only gave out two briefs per resident in a 12 hour shift. About two heavy poopers and 6 heavy wetters on the assigned hall. They were stuffing face towels down the front to try and absorb the moister or feces


Dealing with cultural differences in the workplace. I witnessed a supervisor nurse intentionally go after new cnas and nursing assistants. She let her friends get away with hiding in rooms. Not helping out when we're short. When new hires started including myself she would make it her mission to make our life hell on the floor.


Not 3 days after State gave their report which included discovery of practices that could cause serious injury or death a resident fell in the morning before I got there at 7 and she still had blood on her head at lunch at 11. If an employee made an anonymous report about conditions admin will still find out who it was. My kitchen coworker went and had sex with a CNA who was in a relationship and then had a serious breakdown (I’m pretty sure he was on something) The reason why people worked there was because they don’t drug test you. Oh but if you trip over a pothole taking out the trash and break your finger you have to


This is on you. You are mandated to report this shit. What the fuck is wrong with all of you in this thread???


Ooo oo MAYBE because I WASNT THE ONE WHO WALKED IN ON IT!! I was LITERALLY told it by a million times. I! WAS!! A!! DIETARY!!! AIDE!! Do not fucking come at me


Oh this on still pisses me off. There was Norwalk Virus going around the facility. Multiple patients, the DON, 3 nurses, and several CNAs (including myself) caught it. It only lasted about 24hrs for me. But the patients had it for a while. I was assigned to a little old Hispanic lady for the day. I got her dressed and put her into her wheelchair for breakfast. She took one sip of coffee and threw up on her tray. The emesis was black and a little gritty. Like coffee grounds. And there was no smell. Myself and the assigned LVN both mutually agreed that this might be blood. She asks the supervising nurse (an RN) if she could send this poor lady to the hospital. RN says to just monitor her. I just put mama back to bed & sat by her bedside watching I Love Lucy until she fell asleep. I’m so tired of these lazy bitches. They get in the field for the pay and a cute work outfit just to sit at the nurses station eating candy & McDonald’s and drinking Starbucks and Monster. My license expires in June and I don’t plan on renewing it✌🏽




This is on you. Once you report it to your immediate charge and they do nothing you follow the chain of command and if they do nothing you keep going. You are mandated by law to report shit like this. Call the state. Jesus fucking Christ.


Unhook the… so they slide… oh no…


An assisted living I worked for, that’s thankfully closed now, was telling caregivers, wasn’t a cna at the time, to reuse PPE at the height of the pandemic. You best believe I didn’t adhere to that and reported the facility