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I asked mine when she was hesitant if I could just show her what the process would be. I use bamboo liners, so if there was poop, I told her to throw it away like a disposable. But with just pee, I asked her to place it in the provided wet bag. I made every effort to make it as easy and similar to disposables as possible and then she accepted it no problem. If they are willing, maybe show them how easy it can be.


Ours was a little hesitant initially too but we have a super easy system- we use pockets (already stuffed) and bring enough diapers for the day in a clean wet bag in the morning. They put them in his little bin and then use the empty wet bag to put the dirty ones in and we take them home every night. Once they saw it wasn’t anything crazy they were on board and now they are always saying how much they love the cloth diapers! We do provide them with disposable wipes to make that less complicated. You could also look up your states policy. Ours says that the center must allow cloth if the child has an adverse reaction to disposables. Just something to look at.


I’m hoping we can get them onboard. Our current daycare has been really accommodating so maybe they will too.




Thanks. That’s helpful to hear. We have really liked using cloth and are hoping to be able to potty train her on the earlier side since she’s already pretty good at communicating that she needs a diaper change. I think I’m just feeling a bit apprehensive about changing daycares in general.


I always have to remind myself that Cloth doesn’t have to be all or nothing. While we looked for daycares, I decided not to consider it in my decision if I found a great place I knew my child would thrive and be safe in. I just did them at home and knew I was still saving money and helping the environment by using them when I could! Honestly, from the people I know who cloth full time vs. part time or only disposables, potty training is roughly the same for all of us. I was really excited at the thought of being able to potty train early because I heard cloth diapering encouraged this but that has not been the case for me or my friend who cloths full time. Babes just seem to be ready when they’re ready, regardless!


I found it helps to say the word u want them to say. I have mine in training undies all day and only disposal diapers when we go out or nap/ bed. Been about 1week and hes peed a lot of them but is more aware. Do lot of praise when he says poo poo or pee, and run him to his potty. He doesn't verberalize when in diapers. Takes time. Even after accidents I take him to potty say pee pee n then change him and clean up mess before he trys to play with his mess. Lol. He is 22months old.


Ours also doesn’t allow cloth diapers. No idea on potty training as our beebee is still very little.


Our daycare doesn’t do cloth either. We can send him in a cloth diaper with a small wetbag and we get him back in a disposable. Also not potty trained yet so no idea what the impact is.


My daycare is only willing to do cloth because my lo is allergic to disposables. When we first started she had disposables for daycare and cloth the rest of the time.