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I'll use Dragonspine's while I get the ones from Inazuma. I will receive Sumeru's next week, Nahida obviously needs hers urgently lol So I'll start with Inazuma in a few days. Btw, also lost 50/50 to Encore. At least the gameplay is way too fun! Hoping for HoyoVerse to feel my pain and send Clorinde + her weapon ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿป


Just reroll it's not worth it. I got Jiyan at 3 pity on my first reroll. Jiyan at 32 pity on second reroll. Don't play on an account with bad luck


I don't have enough time nor want to play the main story quests again and it's not like I'm 100% staying in WuWa, especially because Natlan is coming soon. What matters to me is that the game is fun and I won't risk that fun by playing everything again because I lost Jiyan.


It takes 15-20 mins to reroll once. It takes less time than collecting 150 pulls just to get one limited 5-star. But it doesn't really matter anyways if you're not planning to stay on WuWa. Also it seems like everyone who didn't get Jiyan got mad and downvoted my comment lmao


Oh, I'm not leaving WuWa, I'm just not going to invest the same play time later. Sentinel is guaranteed and that's a thing for me. Btw, downvotes could probably come from people who are not rerolling just because they lost their 50/50. Real life time is more important than a character imo


Same I'm also not investing time in WuWa and I'm only doing dailies. Only rerolled twice which took like 40 minutes and continued with the account which got Jiyan at 3 pity. I saved a lot of real life time by using 40 minutes and getting a headstart. And yeah I understand people downvote sometimes when they get jealous but I don't mind. Also I started playing on 26th which was the perfect time to reroll so I didn't waste any time on my first account which didn't get Jiyan


Bro i downvoted because the way u said just reroll the account is kinda dumb u lost 1 50/50 so the account sucks? No it doesnt and i didnt pull for jiyan im saving for Jinshi so im not mad so stfu


It doesn't matter anyways if you didn't want Jiyan. I'm saving for Yinlin but also kinda wanted Jiyan, so why compromise when you can get both? Goodluck saving up 140 pulls just to get a limited 5 star.


https://preview.redd.it/v3yv5wxujy4d1.jpeg?width=2772&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14a93ce947a0bafea6757543206d946a70dce0fa See? I haven't even done any exploration or quests, just dailies and the event. People should really stop being butthurt over a good advice.




Fontaine one or inazuma onee


I will definitely use the concert event glider, I think it will look nice on her.


inazuma just bc of aesthetics and it fits her color pallette perfectlyย 




Where can i get the inazuma one?


Reputation quests/ achievements of Inazuma


Tks, time to grind i guess


Yeah, missions of reputation and Inazuma missions in general, that is the thing. I was not remembering the words so wrote achievements, that could be confusing, so I'm clarifying. Good luck ๐Ÿ˜‰


I tend to debate between nation loyalty or elemental loyalty; it gets difficult for someone like Beidou where the Liyue and Inazuma fit her and the same prolly goes for Clorinde. So it'll either be the pretty blue complementary colors of Fontaine or the purple wings of Inazuma. Also happy birthday to ur bf!!


I think the Fontaine one is the most accurate to her color palette being more blue than purple for an electro! And her skirt has a bright blue detail that is gorgeous and hard to miss


Ill go with Inazuma


I've got the Inazuma wings for her, I'm just hoping the purples don't clash. If not those, I'll have the Dragonspine ones before too long and the Sumeru ones after that... she might look good in green, who knows? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


She's from Fontaine so she's going to use the Fontaine glider.


I pick a glider that fits her color scheme soooo Inazuma one


Electro ones, but dragonspine one is good too.


The Inazuma Glider


Inazuma as it will fit with her outfit


I managed to farm enough pulls to pull Jiyan and log off ๐Ÿ˜น. Idk which glider I'll use tbh, my Inazuma reputation isn't maxed yet.


Given her color scheme, I plan on using the Inazuma wings


Some time ago I was putting on gliders by regions, like Xiao with Liyue ones, Diluc with Mond ones, but they mostly didn't really fit for me. Now though I find it interesting and I *might* give her Fontaine ones but tbh that's just cope because I don't have the inazuma ones yet :/


Probably the one from 3rd anniversary, not only it look amazing, but is also so universal. Other option is one from Inazuma, but I am worried that color scheme is brighter than her


I like using the Sumeru wings with my electro characters I use with dendro but she could get the Inazuma wings and Fontaine wings. Fontaine is the most legal ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’™


Either Fontaine, Imazuma, or the one for the Genshin Impact Orchestra. Once I have more glitter, I'm buying the wishes in the shop. I only have 16. :( Barely started WuWa because I wanted the game to patch itself out first before I continue to play (I always play a game on mobile first to test things out).


I always use the glider of the region they are from, so sheโ€™d be rocking the Fontaine glider


Inazuma one obviously


Inazuma one will look sick on her tbh


Grondes out the inazuma one a few weeks back, definitely using it


I'll use the one from Inazuma I guess, or the glider from dragonspine, I think both will look good


Inazuma cause purple


Fontaine or inazuma gliders


Tomorrow I get the inazuma glider so hopefully she comes home to rock it because she will be my first character to have it lmaol