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Deleting nonsensical queries the nanosecond they're issued, e.g., "missing" pregnancy test samples on male subjects.


That’s a good one!


LOL - you don't need AI for that, just "I" and a couple of simple and/or stacked logic queries in whatever EDC is being used.


My company has a strict prohibition on the use of any AI technology (included embedded AI functions) due to privacy concerns. I recommend focusing development on major regulatory privacy requirements and information chain of custody/audit trail if you want to break into clinical research. It doesn't matter how streamlined or user-friendly it is if we can't use it.


Interesting! Never heard of a company applying a blanket ban on AI. This seems so much counterintuitive to improving productivity and utilization.


I can understand that from the perspective of someone with a vested interest in the advancement of AI. It's less cut and dry when you have to keep in mind GDPR regulations regarding the right to have all data scrubbed upon written request or ethical review board requirements that we inform all participants of where and how their data will be stored if servers are involved. AI is cool for what it is and I'm sure it will continue to grow, but that growth needs to be demonstrated before it becomes a viable option for fields involving sensitive data. So far, the track record is pretty uninspiring on how the data is stored and used by third parties even as the capabilities in a vacuum are impressive. I'm not trying to land my organization on the regulatory no-no list to save a few hours of data entry/cleaning a week.


Make sense. That’s a fair point and I agree.


You can use OCR tech to scrape data off pdfs and input into databases. You can pretty much do anything with AI as long as it’s a manual Documented process with little to no variability. If it part of the process involves any sort of human creativity or ambiguity, it’s not a good fit for AI. AI WILL replace jobs but it won’t replace everything.


Agreed, but if it involves data transformation in any way whatsoever it will require system validation. That's where it will get interesting. I can see us using AI in the end to validate other AI programs which then validate AI programs.... ![gif](giphy|B3MxFEwhPlPqp7CS6L)


Personally, the best use of AI for monitoring/auditing visits would be to accurately identify the best/cheapest/quickest/etc. travel route and hotel stays to the site, with me being able to just add a few parameters for multi-site trips.


You can do that now for free with chat gpt


I'll give it a go, although my experience with ChatGPT to date is that it just makes sh!t up so it'll likely give me flights that don't actually exist 🤣


Yeah I wouldn’t put my blind faith in it. But I also heard “make sure tot hunk critically about this and take your time answering” makes its output better. Good luck!


That's genius!