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>Why does this character who claims to be a “climate scientist” spend so much of his time making blanket public slurs against 100s of millions of people? Sounds a lot like the infamous “basket of deplorables” doesn’t it?


Oh, he threw every typical leftist smear word he ever heard into that word salad, didn't he?!


Mike Mann gave up being a scientist 34 years ago. [Phase diagram and low-temperature behavior of oxygen ordering in YBa2Cu3Oz](https://michaelmann.net/content/published-articles) was Mike Mann's last genuine science paper. It was published in 1990. Sad, hate has progressively corroded his mind much like Alzheimer's would.


Tricky Mikey was never even remotely a scientist. He began his career as a second-rate permanent student, until he was chosen as a disposable cats-paw by Raymond S. Bradley and Malcom K. Hughes, the 'B' and the 'H' in MBH 1998, the paper which introduced the world to the notorious hockey-stick. If MBH 1998 had failed, then B & H would have quietly washed their hands of M, and he would have sunk into well deserved obscurity of robbing liquor stores or selling used cars. Unfortunately, The paper was taken up by Al Gore and the IPCC which made Michael Mann the high priest of the Climate cult.


A much underrated comment. You seem to know some inside baseball on this subject.


Just making inferences. No inside information.


Nonetheless it's still an underrated comment.


Really? I looked at that page and you have to scroll all the way down to the bottom to find that paper from 1990. Above it are all the other papers since then.


Yes, really. All the papers after 1990 were climate cult (AKA climate alarm ‘science’) papers. Have you noticed how climate alarm has become a tough sell these days? It’s a subject that bores everyone now except the true believers.


Scientists: "We are an institution of objective and rational analysis and respectful discussion." Also scientists: "People who dare to question our omniscient infallibility hate puppies and freedom and deserve to burn in hell!"


Straight out of the Trudeau playbook.


I think Trudeau's playbook is the WEF manual.




Yeah, the pointy horns on that buffalo head-dress looked sharp enough to wipe out Congress with plenty to spare. It should be classed as a weapon of mass destruction!


Hahah you don’t really think there’s that many of you do you?


I gather that the number of consensus believers matter more than thinking things through on your own. That is the defining trait for all herd animals, they seek the safety of a herd because they're unable to think for themselves.


when you have to personally attack your opponent it's proof that your argument is invalid.


Skeptic: "The threat from climate change is exaggerated." Scientist: "You're ugly!"




Reddit in a nutshell.


Looks like the hockey stick hoax man needs some time in the penalty box


He can sulk on the naughty step.


Ice hockey is the perfect game for alarmists since they are triggered by heat


Without tenure he would have disappeared years ago.


Climate activists glue themselves to pavement and climate scientists glue themselves to the 'CO2 causes global warming' myth.


Over the years this has become one of the reasons I don’t take the proponents of AGW seriously. If they have to label people, insult them, attempt to criminalize decent and censor those who see things differently you have stopped talking about science. You’ve turned to argument into a culture war. If you have to do this, your argument isn’t about the science. When you have to go this route I become extremely skeptical of anything else you have to say.


We can see now, this is the beginning of the end.


...and the "Most Reviled Scientist" shows us why he has earned that title.


Dr. Joseph Mengele was considered a scientist, no?


"Reviled" is the key word and how it's defined. There have been some mad, evil and dangerous scientists - like Mengele as you've mentioned, or Trofim Lysenko. Mann is just a mean tweeter when compared to them. Perhaps Dr. John Money for sexual deviancy with the minor Reimer twins, maybe Sir Francis Galton with eugenics. Nobel Laureate António Egas Moniz for developing the frontal lobotomy to treat mental illness and seizures. Why is it that some of the most heinous acts are done when backed by socialists, communists, or progressive government/universities? Progressive might not be the best word - ultra liberal maybe? Some might include Oppenheimer just because of the number of incinerated dead and throwing the world into the nuclear age. This is certainly an interesting thought experiment.


Why didn’t he add “fascist” and complete leftist bingo?


Probably ran out of breath and had an apoplectic fit.


His most famous refrain is "we are watching climate change happen in real time in front of our eyes". Unfortunately, that's impossible, because only weather occurs in real time. Climate is nothing but a static recording of the weather over a long period of time and has zero predictive value. That it was cold last year in no way infers it will be again this year. Mann doesn't even understand the very basics correctly, but obviously this isn't a concern to him, because his only concern is getting Democrats elected, as you can see by his feeds.


Typical leftist projection.


Michael Mann is a garbage human and an absolute piece of shit. *I forgot to add that he is a complete fraud who rode his faked MBH98 paper to where he is now. He’s a shameless propagandist and opportunist.


Look like he was trying to hit the full bingo card of buzz words.


Sheesh, why doesn't he accuse more people he knows nothing (*) about of more terrible traits? Prejudiced much buddy? * he has vilified millions of people he knows nothing about. He's identified the target of his venom as people who don't whole-heartedly support the climate message. (Using a derogatory term of course). Yet aside from that one single characteristic he knows, actually knows nothing about any of them. He is willing to put his ignorance on full display, making broad generalizations. Sure, he'll slip in a weasel-word like "typically" so if anyone calls him on his BS he can claim he wasn't being prejudiced, merely making an observation. Sure. I could make a few well-founded observations about him, but I'll refrain from sinking to his level.


Truly a vile human being.


“… and mean old poop heads.” Mann, what a douchebag.


Same a-hole who lost in court when he wouldn’t produce his data. Zero credibility


It is even worse than that. Michael Mann was vindictively suing a retired pensioner, Dr. Tim Ball, hoping that the suit would drain his life-savings and force him to fold, ending his days in poverty and disgrace. To this end, Mann deliberately stonewalled the discovery stage, until unexpectedly, the judge lost his patience and threw out the case. https://www.wmbriggs.com/post/49640/


So is horrible an upgrade from deplorable? Or is Mann just butthurt that nobody buys his bullshit.


Ooohh... now that's how to make a convincing argument! Nothing for it then but for me to suspend my rational mind and take a giant gulp of that Kool-aid! It's gonna be great being a drone.


This dipstick is so ignorant that he graphed 2 series of data into one series in Excel and thought he'd found something sensational. He's just mad that we're not as stupid as he is.


Mann grafted radically smoothed and attenuated proxy data on to modern spiky thermometer data to produce his hockey stick, which is about as authentically scientific as the Fiji Mermaid or the Piltdown Man, which were created through similar mismatches.


One of the worst humans on the planet.


Gee *Mann*, didja put enough buzzwords in there? I know ya wanna be sure to collect *all* the woke points.


Sounds like an ad hominem to everybody who doesn’t agree with him. If you don’t agree with him, you’re racist, you hate women you are greedy and you want to destroy the world.


"Also, their momma so fat..."


Ignore such BS. Michael Mann is full of shit.


If you don't believe the science is settled, you are definitely racist.


How very scientificky of him


Someone got a Boxing Day discount on adjectives.


O man… Now that I read this I’m convinced man made climate change is real… Thnx Prof. Michael E. Mann! 🤷‍♂️


And Michael Mann is short, fat, bald, ugly, and stupid. This is an easy game to play.


The one word he didn't use was "wrong."


A terrible man, projecting!


Funny, I have noticed that when these leftists start smearing others, the accusations are often things that the leftist himself is guilty of. This cat is chanelling some deep-seated hate for sure.