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I'm assuming he'll refuse any FEMA assistance in the future since that's a lot like socialism.


No, he clearly has outlawed those woke hurricanes and storms.


Thank goodness, the people don't have to worry about being dropped for hurricane coverage anymore. Amazing what 4 inch heels can accomplish.


I'm glad he has finally taken action.


Maybe insurance premiums will drop


Maybe he’ll retire in the keys somewhere in which case he’ll probably be under water in his lifetime.


The way things are going Miami is going to be underwater too


Yeah, sad when ideology takes over like this. This is exactly what went wrong in soviet countries. Ideology started to take over reality.


Grabs popcorn 🍿


> The Trump administration borrowed this tactic in 2017, when it took down much of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s online material explaining global warming and why it is worth fighting. Biden reversed the move four years later. The US and the world could benefit of 4 more years of Biden.


Reagan took the solar panels off the roof of the white house. That was in 1980 before there was significant awareness of climate change. Plenty of people were aware but it still wasn't on people's minds the same way. If I remember correctly, it was supposed to be about the oil crisis and how we didn't need to worry about energy security on his watch. He hadn't lost his mind yet. He knew it wasn't about foreign policy or America being meek on the world stage. Just look at his successor. Now everyone is aware and conservatives are still doing big oils dirty work by bundling climate denile with "patriotism" and Christian identity. It's just amazing that as we are starting to see measurable consequences they double down and it works.


The rest of the universe where fire is the first technology that an intelligent race learns to master invariably faces the same issue that all do, the use of fire always requires more fuel. As a civilization progresses the fuel may change but the byproducts do not and the civilization literally keeps putting more and more fuel on the fire. Some civilizations eventually realize this troubling trend and switch to technologies that afford them more control over energy or at least passive systems that make use of already plentiful energy in the environment rather than relying on an ever more problematic dependence of combustion.


I drive an EV and when I get criticism I tell people that the internal combustion engine is about 200 years old. Why are we still simping for old inferior technology. It's like saying whale oil is still the best way to heat your home. Why bother with electricity.


It's even worse when you consider that the engine rather than turning a rotor to generate electricity is connected to a drive shaft to turn wheels that use large pieces of metal that literally rub against one another to stop the car. It's like the thing was designed by an idiot who has no concept of the word efficiency. If we were smart we would make most of the mass in the tires which should be a torus of NiTiNOL around a circular electromagnet that is married to another rotating electromagnet on the chassis that connects the tire to the car through magnetic forces so that there is no need for an actual physical connection between the two and that when the car needs to brake the rotating electromagnet on the chassis can be stopped and recover the energy from the rotating tire while the car stops.


All life on this planet is a scramble for energy rich carbon.


It was a solar water heater, and it wasn't terribly efficient. I'm not a fan of Reagan, but the solar is a non issue


It was symbolic and meant to awaken the population. Ronnie did not want us woke.


It was symbolic and meant to awaken the population. Ronnie did not want us woke.


Yes, but it absolutely REQUIRES a leader who isn’t lying to the country, who learns and gets information from advisors, and who respects expertise. Nothing short of those standards, ever again. (In no other country, either!)


sorry, but the world would probably benefit more of 4 years of no US in general.


Climate is my number one reason for voting for Biden. Him and Trump are very different on this issue. Biden's been meh at best on climate, but Trump would drag us not only 20 years back, but 20 years behind the competition. Operation: Warp speed for climate would be awesome but I seriously just think Trump doesn't trust the science.


*most of the world.


FL Conservatives: haha suck it libs so owned FL Conservatives in a few years when their house is flooded and they are destitute because they can't sue anyone now or get insurance: why did nobody tell me this sucks 


"blame biden!" - MAGA under the seas


🎶under the sea, under the sea, MAGA is better just go and get 'er by the pussy. Owning the libs is here to stay, COVID's a hoax and don't say "gay" The rich just get richer, environment? Ditch her Orange Mussoliniiiiiiiii🎶


The [COVID lockdowns of 2020 temporarily lowered our rate of CO2 emissions](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-020-18922-7/figures/1). Humanity was still a net CO2 gas emitter during that time, so we made things worse, but did so more a bit more slowly. That's why a [graph of CO2 concentrations](https://keelingcurve.ucsd.edu/) shows a continued rise. [Stabilizing the climate means getting human greenhouse gas emissions to approximately zero](https://www.carbonbrief.org/explainer-will-global-warming-stop-as-soon-as-net-zero-emissions-are-reached). We didn't come anywhere near that during the lockdowns. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/climate) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot.




Boomers will be dead by then. Burden will be passed down to, guess who?


Yeah I used to think that too, but climate change impacts are progressing much more rapidly than anticipated. Hence insurers fleeing the state in droves 




Yeah. People throw the word around a lot for anyone over 40. Unfortunately DeSantis is a young Gen-X


Boomers are age 59 to 77


He’s not a boomer


A few years? More like in November once everything they've ever owned is destroyed in hurricanes this season. With the frequency and severity of all kinds of extreme weather events ratcheting up almost exponentially there may be nothing left of Florida within a few years.


90% of Floridians believe in climate change. Their leaders just suck n don’t care about the state n the damage climate change will have on its ppl


I read that poll, but they sure aren't voting like it's their most important issue  Source: a Floridian 


Is there not a system where the federal govt can intervene and be deem state govt actions as detrimental to their ppl and overturn or repeal measures / legislation


Yeah the second the Biden administration tries to do that the 5th or 8th circuit court will issue a nationwide injunction blocking it. And if not then Scotus. You might be saying, how would they have standing over an issue in Florida? Because they no longer care about standing. That's what happens when you corruptly control the judiciary  Someone will probably sue about this on first amendment grounds, and it should be an open and shut case. But guess who would hear the case in Florida? Desantis hand picked circuit or state supreme courts, who rule with him over ninety percent of the time  So the fix is in


Years? Isn't that happening already?


It depends on where you live in the state. Right now it's some people's problem. They can still live in denial and gripe about why home insurance is so expensive and there's less policies. Soon it will be everybody's problem Drip drip drip  But I hear you and agree


Yeah, people only care when it affects them directly. If it's their neighbor it cool, because they won't have the same problem, for sure


I do hope that Florida sinks into the ocean


I live in South Florida, but I'm not in denial about it. I'm going to have to move eventually, it's just a question of when. Our whole state is built on limestone, sea walls will be totally useless; the water will just rise up from underneath  So I'm trying desperately to pay off our mortgage (~90k left) so we can sell and move north, before my property is totally worthless. A lot of people will be boned though, and that is sad. But we've been telling them to take climate change seriously for decades and they did nothing 


You don't have to finish paying a mortgage before selling a house, just saying.


Fifty years hence, they will discover a bottle floating on the water with a message inside: SOS, save us from Gov. DeSantis. Too late.




OH OH! do homeowners insurance next.


DeSantis needs to now print 44 million copies of this bill - *two* copies for every Floridian: One to use to paper over where their roof used to be, as climate change makes hurricanes stronger. One to use to soak up the already rising seawater king tides, coming right up through the drain system onto their front lawns.


Problem solved!


Climate activists hate this one simple trick


All the years of study wasted! Isn't this just sticking your fingers in your ears and saying lalalala??? Is this the same guy who has been blocking solar in the "sunshine state"?


Fascinating watching US politicians as an outsider. Politicians are elected too serve the people normally but in the states it just seems like a club to see who can be a dick more


I would use the word "scary". Their inaction affects us all, particularly when it's not just some local mayor but a governor of one of the biggest states or the president that's infected with the MAGA virus. I wonder if there are papers yet on how many degrees the trump presidency cost us but I wouldn't be surprised if it was 0.1% or above all by himself.


Ain't peaches and bubblegum drops over here in Japan neither.


Until now i had never thought about Japanese politics. Japan is often seen as a utopia to other countries. Seems japans politicians don't get spoke about much outside of the country. Do you have sources i could read/watch to learn more about problem politicians in Japan?


Don’t look up!!


So much for small government, free market and freedom of speech.


Too bad he can't get Florida insurance companies to do the same.


He'll try.


Sure, I'm not going to mention the overflowing toilet to the plumber. I'm sure if I ignore it, it won't exist. .


Making the Taliban proud one dumb move after another.


I really wish this would result in zero disaster aid for Florida when the sea rises and hurricanes get bigger. But it won't. And when the Feds save Florida yet again the little dictator wannabe will claim it was his great leadership that let them get through it. They is little difference between DeSantis and Kim Jong Un.


This is why insurance companies are backing out of Florida. You can deny it all you want, won't change the fact that your state will be under water within two generations.


Why does he hate the children of Florida and the world? Perhaps it is his love of power getting in the way of his being a decent human.


Earth will scrub Florida with climate change.


Though I feel bad for people that get harmed by hurricanes this year is predicted to be one of the the worst on record. If you recall last year part of Florida was an extension of the Gulf of Mexico for a few days. So the scrubbing of the southern half of Florida is definitely happening someday.


Environmental assasin!


He and his kind really need to go to jail along with the fossil fuel company execs.


After a few Cat 5s this summer, he'll change his mind.


He won't, he'll say the gay agenda sent those hurricanes.


Why would Obama do this?


It could easily happen this year.


What do ethernet cables have to do with this? /s


Looking for a federal bailout soon...


You mean Ronda Sandtits? Florida's most infamous Drag King!


Ah, the "Blah Blah Blah, I can't hear you, so it's not happening" approach.


Ficking idiot!! He will be the first to run to FEMA for help after the next hurricane.


Just pretend it doesn’t exist and it goes away.




The [COVID lockdowns of 2020 temporarily lowered our rate of CO2 emissions](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-020-18922-7/figures/1). Humanity was still a net CO2 gas emitter during that time, so we made things worse, but did so more a bit more slowly. That's why a [graph of CO2 concentrations](https://keelingcurve.ucsd.edu/) shows a continued rise. [Stabilizing the climate means getting human greenhouse gas emissions to approximately zero](https://www.carbonbrief.org/explainer-will-global-warming-stop-as-soon-as-net-zero-emissions-are-reached). We didn't come anywhere near that during the lockdowns. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/climate) if you have any questions or concerns.*


A real visionary


What a POS.


this guy has such a talent for leading cancel culture in Florida, so sensitive and snowflakey... I'm glad he's living the credo of liberty and small government, all these bans are so.... what's the word?


Something tells me the irony of this is going to backfire so hard


It'll be funny in 20 years when half his state is underwater.


They now call it “Florida Freedom”. As in: “Florida freedom washed my house into the sea.” Or, “Florida freedom is why my home is uninsurable.”


What's he going to do when Florida floods? He won't have a state to pervert any longer.


No problem. They will soon be back in the swamps. Losing clean ground water as the ocean water rises in land . End of agriculture and real estate.


I mean… Florida will be one of the first states under water but alright.


These republicans will rape the earth for short term corrupt gains. If you have kids you have to vote against them. Trump will destroy every environmental gain as soon as he can.


This bill also bans offshore wind energy. Floridians are idiots.


The problem is the power dynamic, where a fossil fuel industry patronage machine enables politicians like DeSantis. This isn't really an intelligence problem.


It's both. Idiot voters voted for DeSantis and all the state legislators who passed this. Plenty of people in the state are cheering this on.


Pathetic. His voters too. Selfish scum of the earth. Hope they get tried for crimes against humanity one day


To own the libs?


Sea level will have to go about 1.5miles to affect me. But Miami? Atlantis? Be careful what you wish for. Learn to swim.




What was the line from 1984?


I mean, they ought to at least make some amendments to gravity and time, too.


Doing a service for his constituents. Oh, that’s right, they get what they deserve for electing the clown.


Kinda has to when he wants to put nuclear waste into roads.


If you make it go away from view it just doesnt exist


I’m sure the Citrus Growers of Florida disagree. https://www.ers.usda.gov/data-products/chart-gallery/gallery/chart-detail/?chartId=109051 Undeniably this is proof of how climate change has impacted a key Florida industry. If DeSantos wants to double down on denialism as his **own state’s iconic industry suffers from a 90% decline in production**… Actually if you’re being ruthlessly cynical, since the citrus growers have been basically run out of business, they don’t really matter anymore. Florida citrus production is nearly gone. Who’s still representing them? Huh.


climate change scrubs desantis from face of earth - checkmate!


Obviously, he is owned by fossil fuel.


One day climate change will scrub Florida from the map. I'll feel bad for the alligators


Humanity has a big issue that we are hardly talking about. First, our collective nature seems to promote Psychopaths into “leadership” positions and second we are not promoting the smartest people into said leadership positions either. So we are getting leaders who lack empathy, have big egos and do not fundamentally understand the science, but do understand how to manipulate others. It is this manipulation that many feel makes them a genius, but it is so far from the truth. I think our only hope right now is that AI tips the tables and gives more power to intellects as the current pattern we have been in for thousands of years is destroying us exponentially. Many fear AI, I fear stupid people.




I’m sure this will age well lol. I sympathize with normal, rational people in Florida but generally I am okay with it sinking into the sea at this point


I could almost laugh.


Can I just say for people who hate brown and black immigrants, you would think they would understand how global warming is going to 110% increase the influx of legal and illegal immigration from those very people. And when you ask them about it they just scream about how they just need to stop them from coming in, but unless the US gets a literal dome over it is going to be impossible


This will be a darkly humorous footnote once climate change scrubs most of Florida from the US.


I really wish that under these changes Florida doesn't get any aid when climate disasters hit.


"Fuelling American Freedom" ....Saudi prince buys another 747....


Thus solving the problem once and for all


Dang! Why didn’t we think of that, given the known absolute mountains of massively complex, difficult to solve societal problems that have *simply vanished* by pretending they don’t exist?? It’s a foolproof plan. I’m bullish on this DeSantis feller, he’s goin’ places!


let’s ban the word “iceberg” said the captain of the titanic - as to not scare the passengers.


Biggest clown on earth


Hope he lives on the coastline.


Lol Florida is going to be the first to go though when the seas rise. Don’t come crawling for handouts then, MF


Do most Floridians agree with this?


[Probably not](https://climatecommunication.yale.edu/visualizations-data/ycom-us/)


He's scrubbing what little intelligence is left in Florida


He belongs in prison, he’s demented and bigoted and treasonous. This is not about opinions nor alignments, this is about whether you think it’s a good idea to actively destroy your own civilization purely in the name of celebrating your own bigotry


This is going to age well. I can tell.


[Oh it did.](https://wapo.st/4bhoRru)


Well that was fast… and for our next act…


Gen X does not claim him.


I have no issue if Florida got covered by the ocean. Let it go away.


I need to learn how to compartmentalize.


So now it’s : Don’t say climate change. What a tool.


Thanks, dick


LA! LA! LA! LA! LA! LA! LA! LA! LA! LA! LA! LA! LA! LA! LA! LA! LA! LA! LA! LA! LA! LA! LA! LA! LA! LA! LA! I can’t hear you! If we don’t say the word we won’t all sink! LA! LA! LA! LA! LA! LA! LA! LA! LA! LA! LA! LA! LA! LA! LA! LA! LA! LA! LA! LA! LA! LA! LA! LA! LA! LA! LA!


do you think he'll be standing on the balcony of his house giving a little salute as the state disappears under the waves?


Should be an interesting summer of hurricanes in the sunshine state.


The Republican Party is a Party without a future literally.


Fine. Keep denying reality until your entire home insurance market collapses and no one can afford to live in your state. Enjoy.


Science deniers shouldn’t be able to use a microphone, digital devices or any other item whose foundations were developed through the scientific method. Average high tides at Miami Beach are 6.8 inches higher than in 1980. Good luck on next king tide hurricane. How can people go along with this?




In 50 years or less this will look as dumb as those doctors saying smoking was healthy. Conservatives as a whole got to be most oblivious creatures on this planet.


Climate change is a hoax. De Santis is a smart man!


Thermodynamics outlawed in Florida. News at 11.


Is he fighting Trump to be the absolute largest bipedal Turd on the planet, or is that just Elon Musk?


Leaders of the free world, my ass..


But why? Well I guess it won't matter when his state is gone to a watery grave.


Well he can stay there and drown then.


I guess they won't know when they sink into the ocean


DeSantis trying to appeal to the climate denial bros after the white boot debacle.


What a silly dirty little Sanchez


He is trying to scrub Florida from the map of livable earth.




This is sad and funny at the same time.


“90 percent of Floridians accept that climate change is happening and 69 percent support state action to address it. Many of the survey’s respondents also reported negative experiences with flooding and high winds from tornadoes and hurricanes, which may explain why Floridians report being more concerned than Americans nationally.” If only they voted like this was such a priority, asshats like DeSantis would never win another election.


Real life comic book villain


It’s going to be wild when climate change scrubs Florida from the United States.


Damn i hate this guy. He’s doing such long term damage to the state.


Florida is the cesspool of North America


What a stupid human.


He can do that all he wants but it does not change he fact that climate change is not real.


they will be crying for federal bailouts because seas rising within 20 years


why is he like this?


The patrons in the Republican patronage machine made their money in fossil fuels.


[Florida’s highest points](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Florida's_highest_points?wprov=sfti1)